Last updated:-Friday, 29. January 2016 12:15 AM     

TELEWAVE >>>  MAR'13   APR'13   MAY'13   JUN'13   AUG'13  SEPT'13   OCT'13



EDITOR: Com. PRAHLAD RAI, General Secretary;  Designed by Com. M.K. Morodia, CS RAJ Circle & Maintained by Com. Bhagwan Singh, Auditor,

ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED EXECUTIVEs' ASSOCIATION >>>>>>> Committed to safeguard the interest of entire BSNL's executives community>>>>>>>>AIBSNLEA was formally launched on 1st May, 2004 by merging 10 DoT recognized Group-'B' officers Associations & thus represents in true sense all disciplines of Executives of BSNL i.e. Telecom Engineering, Telecom Finance & Accounts , Civil / Electrical / Arch./ TFs Engineering Wings, Personnel Staffs  (PA/PS/PSS), CSS Staffs, AD(O/L) & General Disciplines of BSNL.   <<<Click here for letter of SR Cell of BSNL Corporate Office>>>

AIBSNLEA is bringing out "BSNL EXECUTIVE DIARY-2016" which shall contain updated information on service matters mostly concerning the BSNL employees and also important information on Telecom Engineering, Financial matters and BSNL Tariff etc with improved quality and get-up. The important features of the Diary which was brought out last year by the Association would find place in this diary. All the Circle / Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure immediate placing of the orders for the BSNL Executive Diary-2016 to CHQ. The diaries will be ready for supply by the mid of December 2015.  <<<<Click here for details>>>>


BSNL Latest Tariffs =>>


Broadband=> BB- PostPaid BB- Prepaid

Mobile (PrePaid)

Mobile (Postpaid)


Sr. Officer Directory

<<<HR Manual of BSNL>>>  OR  <<<HR Manual>>>


HR Details
IDA Arrear Calc.
Minutes of Meetings
Glimpses, GS Japan Trip
  • Comm. TESA(I)/AFSOA
  • Achievements
  • CHQ Quota-Paid
  • Literature: JAO Part II
  • BSNL
  • Online Directory[BSNL]
  • BSNL Civil Wing
  • CBSE Result
  • Deptt. of Official Language
  • Deptt. of Telecom
  • Rozgar Samachar
  • Govt. of India Directory
  • Indian Railway
  • Railway Reservation
  • MTNL
  • Telecom News
  • TRAI
  • Staff Selection Commission
  • VSNL
  • BBC
  • NDTV


27.11.2015:  AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting approved from Management Committee of BSNL Board regarding our proposal to extend data facility to the all Executives of BSNL below DGM rank. Earlier this facility was extended to DGM and above only. The free data of 500 MB available to 525 plan is extended to all Executives below DGM. Payment has to be made for the excess usage. Necessary orders will be issued shortly.

27.11.2015: BSNL Corporate Office issued instructions regarding integration of HR issues  <<<Click here for letter>>>>

: Congratulations to All:  

CMD informed that the refund of Rs. 1250 Crores on account of USO Subsidy due for 2012-13 is released by DoT. 

Joint Forum was in the forefront to fight for the refund and it was one of our major demand in the last strike.

27.11.2015: DoT writes to CMD BSNL regarding extending the benefit of payment of Family pension at the enhanced rates (60%) & Ex-gratia lumpsunn compensation to the family in case of death occurred while on duty. <<<Click here for letter>>>>

27.11.2015: BSNL NEWS IN MEDIA

(i)  After 9 years, BSNL to make first net profit by 2018: RS Prasad   <<<<Click here for detail news>>>>>

(ii) Telecom Ministry puts BSNL on notice over service quality  <<<<Click here for detail news>>>>>

27.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding appointment of 'Junior Accounts Officer on probation' under DR quota consequent on completion of 11 weeks of pre-appointment training  <<<<Click here for order>>>>
27.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding printing of Calendars and Diaries for the year 2016-<<<Click here for letter>>>>

23.11.2015:  Forum core committee meeting with CMD BSNL: GS along with the other members of the core committee of Forum of BSNL Unions/ Associations met CMD BSNL to discuss regarding viability of BSNL. CMD appraised about the present financial health of BSNL wherein he explained that recently in the press conference after the annual GB meeting of BSNL he clarified that this FY 2014-15 BSNL losses is about 8600 Crores in comparison of last year 2013-14 loss of Rs.6900 crores. This about 1800 crores losses increased due to new changed rules of depreciation method otherwise BSNL's loss could have been only Rs. 5900 crores on old rules of depreciation method. In the old method the depreciation was fixed but in the FY 2014-15 it has changed on the basis of life of equipment, hence the rate of depreciation has increased. In fact during the FY 2014-15 the positive developments have taken places as under.

  • 4.16 TOP line services has increased during the highest level in the last five years and its biggest achievement

  • In the FY 2013-14 there was operational loss but in the year 2014-15 there is operational profit.

  • At present BSNL have only Rs. 6000 crores bank loan against CAPEX wherein other telecos have huge bank loan liability

  • Trend  to increase the operational profit should continue this year also

  • Rs 15000 Crores are being spent on salary expenditure

  • The maintenance and operational expenditure is being incurred from the current financial flow of Rs. 28000 Crores

  • GSM Phase seven expansion is taking place in North South and East zone, hence 50% to 100% expansion is taking place. In west zone also some equipment is being diverted

On today press statement "Shape up or ship out" this was  categorically denied by CMD and he mentioned that it's a false media news which he has never occurred.

Forum core committee members gave many suggestions to improve the quality of service and to increase subscriber the revenue of BSNL also assured fullest cooperation for betterment of BSNL. The next Forum of BSNL Unions/ Associations meeting is fixed up on 10th December 2015.

GS, FS met Sr. GM (SR) and discussed regarding the status of court case on membership verification of executive association. Sr. GM(SR) mentioned that still case is pending in the Hon'ble High Court Karnataka and next date of hearing is not announced.

GS, FS met GM (Admn) BSNL and discussed regarding DATA service GPRS to BSNL executives. GM (Admn) informed that BSNL board has approved the proposal and shortly the necessary order will be issued.

20.11.2015:  Happenings on Pension for BSNL Pensioners --- Known and Unknown Facts. A documented Write Up

<<< Click here to read the Write Up >>>

20.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding

(i) Incorporation of corrections of ST No./Sen No. Tentative Seniority Lists I to XVII of SDEs (T)  <<<Click here for letter>>>

(ii) Incorporation of corrections of Name/DoB/RY No in final Seniority List 6 and and dated 08.06.2015 <<<Click here for letter>>>

(iii) DPC under seniority quota - Furnishing current status of left out JTOs w.r.t. AIEL Circulated on 20.02.2015 - <<<Click here for letter>>>

20.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding

(i) Inter Circle transfer of SDEs (Telecom)- <<<Letter-1>>>   <<<Letter-2>>>>   <<<Letter-3>>>>   <<<Letter-4>>>>    <<<Letter-5>>>>  <<<Letter-6>>>> <<<Letter-7>>>>>   <<<<Letter-8>>>>   <<<Letter-9>>>  <<<Letter-10>>>>  <<<Letter-11>>>>   <<<Letter-12>>>>

(ii) Transfer and postings of AGM/DE in the Telecom Operation Stream-  <<<Letter-1>>>   <<<Letter-2>>>


20.11.2015: BSNL NEWS IN MEDIA

(i) Internet will reach every house in Northeast soon: Anupam Shrivastava   <<<Click here for detail news>>>

(ii) Editorial: Re-building BSNL  <<<Click here for detail news>>>

(iii) BSNL rings in profit with cuts in administrative cost - <<<Click here for detail news>>>

(iv) BSNL launches WhatsApp service for registering complaints in Indore  <<<Click here for detail news>>>

(v) BSNL returns to black, posts FY15 operating profit of Rs. 672 crore <<<Click here for detail news>>>

17.11.2015:  GS writes to

(i) The GM(Pers), BSNL Corporate Office (Four letters)  regarding requested for transfer/ Posting/ Cancellation/ retention in the Cadre of AGM/DE-<<<Click here for letter>>>

(ii) The GM(FP), BSNL Corporate Office (Five letters) regarding requested for transfer/Posting/ Cancellation/ retention in the Cadre of Accounts Personnel  <<<Click here for letter>>>

17.11.2015:  The AGM(Estt.-IV), BSNL Corporate Office writes to GS, AIBSNLEA regarding implementation of Hon'ble CAT Principal Bench, New Delhi judgment in OA no. 3883/2014 and MA No. 3364/2014, MA No. 2265/2014 - Fixation of pay under FR-22(1) (a) (i) to the members of AIBSNLEA <<<Click here for letter>>>>

17.11.2015:  GS, FS, AGS(F) along with some of the JTOs from NE-I, NE-II, Assam Circles met Director(HR), BSNL Board & discussed regarding

(a) Consideration of request transfer of JTOs under Para-8 & Para-9: We expressed our serious concern against non consideration of Para-8 & Para-9 transfer cases of JTOs working in NE-I, NE-II, Assam and Hard tenure Circles for more than 6-7 years. Director(HR) appreciated our concern & discussed the measures to be taken for providing substitutes to hard tenure circles as status drive of recruitment of JTOs/TTAs in these circles and assured an early relief in this regard.

(b) Filling up of DGM vacant posts : We requested to expedite CPC to fill up all vacant DGM posts. Director(HR) assured an early action in this regard.

17.11.2015:  GS, FS, AGS(F) met GM (Pers) and discussed regarding:

 1. Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Gr. "B" Executives: GM (Pers.) informed that issue was there in agenda of BSNL Board Meeting today but none of the HR issues were discussed due to shortage of time. The issue will be discussed in next BSNL Board meeting.


2. Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis: GM(Pers.) informed that the matter is still pending in Estt. Cell for comments. However, he assured to personally discuss the matter with GM(Estt.) for early comments.


3. CPC from JTO to SDE (T) CPC against seniority cum fitness quota: Conduction of DPC for Seniority and fitness quota as per DoPT guidelines for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 to fill up about 6600 SDEs posts:  GM (Pers.) informed that the rejoinder has been filed in the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala through the Kerala Telecom Circle and hearing date is still awaited. GM(Pers.) informed that in the case of Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh on SC/ST roaster implementation, the legal opinion from ASG has been received and on that basis immediate action is being taken.


4. CPC from SDE (T)/DE(Adhoc) to DE Regular: Immediate CPC to fill up the left out about 11 DEs Posts and  about 750 DEs posts on regular basis up to the vacancies of  year 2013-14: GM (Pers) informed that CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to expedite the CPC in this month itself and to issue the promotion orders.


5. CPC from DE to DGM (Engg.) on Adhoc/Regular basis to fill up about 800 DGM vacant posts: We requested to expedite the CPC to fill up all vacant DGM posts approximate 800. GM (Pers.) mentioned that the CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to issue promotion orders to fill up about 300 DGM posts in this month only and remaining DGM posts being vacant by March-2016 will be filled up simultaneously for which the ACRs / VCRs are being called shortly.


6. CPCs from JTO (TF) to SDE (TF), SDE (TF) to DE/AGM (TF) and LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF):

GM (Pers.) mentioned that LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) will be notified shortly and LDCE will be conducted before March'2016..


7. Post based promotions for PA/PS, common recruitment rules and nomenclature and introduction of promotion policy for stenos (dying cadre): GM (Pers) informed that the committee headed by ED (CN) will submit its report shortly wherein all 35 CGMs may have PPS posts. Hence, PS will get promotion to PPS posts.


8. Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre:GM (Pers) informed that the comments of Estt Cell has been received and he assured for early order in this regard.


9. Promotions through LDCE in SDE cadre: GM (Pers) informed that the committee has submitted the master answer key and on that basis the LDCE result is being revaluated and by the end of this month result will be ready which may be declared in Dec,2015.


10. Settlement of pay anomaly cases wherein senior Executives are drawing less pay than their juniors and antedating of pay:GM (Pers) informed that information on financial implication have been received from some circles and on that basis the draft proposal is sent to the Estt./EF Cell for further comments.


11. Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations: GM (Pers.) informed that issue was there in agenda of BSNL Board Meeting today but none of the HR issues were discussed due to shortage of time. The issue will be discussed in next BSNL Board meeting.


12. Withdrawal of the system/practice of Local Officiating Arrangement or Local Officiating Promotion in BSNL and Introduction of Look After arrangement by Executives: GM (Pers.) mentioned that the looking after arrangement was made due to some court cases and financial implications with the approval of the BSNL Board and now as per the Association request the designation on retirement, financial powers and stand-alone charge has been considered.


13. One time placement of SDE to Sr. SDE: GM (Pers) advised to have separate detailed discussions on this issue with supporting documents.


14. Introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying cadre): GM (Pers) assured to look into the matter.


15. Implementation of policy guidelines issued by BSNL Corporate Office in respect of PA/PS of BSNL field units - stoppage of recovery: We extended thanks for stopping the recoveries in this regard.

16.11.2015:  CEC Meeting of Karnataka Circle:

A well arranged, decorated,  and mammoth gathered CEC meeting was held at Beautiful holy place Kudala Sangam (Hungund tq.) (Bagalkot Dist.), Bijapur TD on 6 & 7/11/2015. This is place of the holy pilgrim centre and the renowned temple of Sangameshwara, on the river bank, at the confluence of the Krishna and the Malaprabha rivers.  Vishwguru Basavanna is great prophet , earliest social reformer and great follower of Sangamanath.

Basavannavar vachana (sayings) :-. "Let the words be like the pearls on a string;
Let the deeds be in tune with words How else can Kudala Sangama be pleased?"

Meeting started at 1000 AM  with invocation song sung by Students of the School. Com S B Balaraddiyavar CWC member anchored the programme. Com M B Kulkarni, DS, BJP TD welcomed gathering with Red Roses.  Com M R Nagaraj Circle President ,Com K Manohar VP-I, Com J Sai Baba, AGS(Engg) CHQ, Com B Ravindranath Advisor(Legal), CHQ, Com H Y Andeli,CS, Com , Com Y S Hegde DP, BJP TD. Com M B Kulkarni DS, BJP Dist. were on dais.

Com M R Nagaraj Circle President presided over the meeting and conducted the proceedings.  All the (except Bidar, Chickmagalur, Dakshin Kannada, STR Bangalore and Mobile Bangalore) District/Division submitted reports along with field problems, HR issues etc placed before the house. Area Secretaries ,CWC Members, Circle office bearers have gave their report. CS placed Report for period from 23/02/2015 to till date) and FS placed finance report before house.

Com J Sai Baba AGS(Engg) CHQ spoke on the achievements of our association 1) stopping MT recruitment  2) Regularisation of JTOs(Offtg) 3) Fixation of JTOs (Offtg) pay under FR22(1)a(i) which were pending for last 10 years. 4) AAOs ,Sr.AOs are considered as functional promotion etc. He told that CHQ is making every effort to hold the CPCs of Civil/Electrical/Accounts and SDEs/DETs/DGMs in engg, one time regularisation of Stenographers, creation of PPS posts ,Revision of ADOL pay scale , enhancement of free calls , Free BB service etc.  He appealed to all the members to contribute to liberally for holding 5th AIC at Mysuru    He replied the queries on CHQ Issues raised by the members to their satisfaction. 

Com B Ravindranath Advisor (legal),CHQ spoken on delay in conducting CPCs due to large scale litagations. He advised to comrades not to go to court and not to decline promotion  and transfer. He appealed to all the comrades to work towards conducting 5th AIC at Mysuru in a grand manner.

CS spoke on Circle level problems in details. He appealed to CHQ that In every DPCs of DETs around 100 to 120  SDEs are declining promotion of DETs due to posting in northern part of India even though more than 50 vacancies of DETs  are available in KTK. Why ill treatment to Karnataka Circle ?. Avoid transfer and posting of SDEs/DETs on long standing basis or on their promotion to Northern India due to their health and age factor as it was forcing them to take VRS or declining the  promotion. He told that  GS is working day and night at CHQ to resolve long pending issues. Transfer cases and pending issues will be pursued at CHQ level. He spoke on strengthening of organisation, holding of frequent meetings with members and Admn, sparing some time for union activities etc.   viability of BSNL etc. 

Com M R Nagaraj CP  told to DSs should hold Biannual meetings regularly without fail.  He clarifies the  issues of Accounts personnel raised by Dist Secretaries/ Members. He appealed to all members to increase membership so that we can be in No. 1 position.

Com Krishne Gowda ACS-II spoke on organisational matter, membership drive, holding of 5th AIC & 6th KCC at Mysuru etc.

Com S K Hiremath ACS-I spoke on irregularity in promotion and posting of DETs . BSNL CO was  issuing inter Circle transfer order of SDEs without forwarding letter from the Circle (Proper Channel).

Members discussed on Field problems i,e Replacement of life expired batteries of BTSs, Xges etc, AMC for Engine Generators, A/Cs,EPBTs etc. shortage of BB Modems, EPBTS, Drop wire, MLLN QMH, CTUs V-35 Modems ,maintenance of WIMAX SVC, Fund for maintenance etc. CEC endorsed the MOU between AIGETOA & AIBSNLEA. CEC directed all the members to work together with AIGETOA. CEC decided to hold 6th Karnataka Circle Conference along with 5th AIC at Mysuru.

Com S K Hiremath ACS-I  placed the resolution and passed ?thanking Bijapur TD  Branch comrades for making  excellent arrangement for conducting CEC meeting in very grand manner in the short notice.

Com R H Kai EM BJP TD gave a vote of thanks. Meeting  ended with concluding remarks by President. 

Click Here for the Glimpses of CEC meeting: PART-I PART-II

16.11.2015:  Status of 147 SDEs of LDCE quota seniority case is Hon?ble Supreme Court: The case was came for hearing today in Court No-7. After some arguments the case is posted for final hearing on 16.02.2016.

16.11.2015:  GS, FS  met GM (Pers) and discussed regarding:

A Filing up of the vacant DGM posts in Telecom Operations Wing:. WE requested to expedite the CPC to fill up all vacant DGM posts approximate 800. GM (Pers.) mentioned that the CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to issue promotion orders to fill up about 300 DGM posts in this month only and remaining DGM posts being vacant by March-2016 will be filled up simultaneously for which the ACRs / VCRs are being called shortly.

B Consideration of pending request / tenure transfer cases of SDEs/DEs: We requested for consideration of request / tenure transfer cases of SDEs / DEs. GM (Pers.) assured an early action in this regard.

Rest of the pending HR issues will be discussed in tomorrow after noon at 15.000 hrs in the schedule meeting with GM (Pers.)

15.11.2015:  BSNL NEWS IN MEDIA

(i)  After PM Modi's Praise, BSNL to Offer Free Internet to Alwar's Imran Khan   <<<Click here for detail news>>>>

(ii) How 74 BSNL towers are changing lives in Bastar  <<<Click here for detail news>>>>

12.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding transfer and posting in the grade of STS (CAO) of Telecom. Finance-<<<Click here for order>>>>  





06.11.2015:  BSNL NEWS IN MEDIA:

(i) Diwali 2015: BSNL launches special tariff vouchers for the festival   <<<<Click here for detail news>>>>

(ii) DoT plans new holding company for BSNL, MTNL   <<<<Click here for detail news>>>>

06.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding

(i) Inter Circle transfer of SDEs (Telecom)- <<<Letter-1>>>   <<<Letter-2>>>>   <<<Letter-3>>>>   <<<Letter-4>>>>   

(ii) Transfer and postings of AGM/DE in the Telecom Operation Stream-  <<<Letter-1>>>   <<<Letter-2>>>    <<<Letter-3>>>>

(iii)  Incorporation of corrections of Name/DOB/RY in Tentative Seniority Lists I to XVII of SDEs(T)   <<<Click here for letter>>>>

(iv) Verification/ updating of data in seniority list 6 and 7 <<<Click here for letter>>>>


BSNL Pensioners are still deprived of 78.2% fitment benefit

All the BSNL Employees retiring after 10th June 2013 have been granted benefit  of 50% IDA merger amounting to 78.2% IDA (as on 1/1/2007) vide Presidential Order issued under DOT Memo No.61-01/2012-SU dated 10th June 2013, but even after lapse of two and a half years the same benefit of 50% IDA merger has not been extended to BSNL Pensioners retiring between 1/10/2000 and 9/6/2013 in spite of repeated efforts and assurances given by DoT in various SCOVA meetings and other Union/Association forums.

The Cabinet Note to extend the benefit of 50% IDA merger to BSNL pensioners amounting to 78.2% as on 1/1/2007 was moved by DoT in February 2014 for inter-Ministerial circulation to DOP & W, DPE and DOE. After the clearance from DOP&W and DPE, the DOE in October 2014 suggested DOT with a caveat that DOT should take Cabinet approval for granting benefit of 50% IDA merger to BSNL pensioners also as granted to the serving employees of BSNL on 10th June 2013.

In proposed Cabinet Note, DOT Finance included the issue of annulment of the Cabinet decision dated 27/1/2005, circulated vide DOT OM NO.1-45/2003-B dated 15/6/2006 regarding pensionary liability of BSNL because DOT Finance observed that over a period of last two years or so the expenses incurred towards payment of pension to DOT/BSNL pensioners exceeded the 60% limit of TAX receipts by the Government from BSNL/MTNL and BSNL was liable/supposed to pay the excess expenditure as per DOT OM No. 1-45/2003-B dated 15/6/2006.

The proposed annulment of Cabinet Decision dated 27/1/2005 is not readily acceptable to Dept. of Expenditure and it has raised many queries on 5/8/2015 in response to DoT?s proposal and seeks detailed justification for annulment of Cabinet Decision dated 27/1/2005.

The case is held up in DoT for want of proper justification on this issue even though two previous Secretaries (T) have supported the case that liability of BSNL was limited to payment of Pension Contribution only as can be seen from DO letter issued by Shri. Nripendra Misra, the then Secretary DOT vide letter No.1-45/2003-B DATED 15/03/2005 addressed to CMD BSNL. This was again reiterated vide OM No.40-12/2007-Pen (T) dated 5th January 2009 issued by the then Secretary (T) Sri. Siddhartha Behura after holding meeting with all the nodal Ministries as disclosed under RTI queries. It was also learnt under RTI query that the then Member (F) while agreeing to proposed clarification dated 5/1/2009 also advised vide noting dated 24/12/2008 that the case for annulment of cabinet decision dated 27/01/2005 should also be proposed simultaneously because the said cabinet decision should not be left unattended. Present Member (F) has also proposed annulment of cabinet decision dated 27/01/2007 for BSNL pensioners. But DoE is seriously questioning and seeking justification for review of the cabinet decision dated 27/01/2005 regarding pensionary liability of BSNL. Now, the process is held up and delayed in various sections of DoT, which are finding it difficult to offer proper reply/justification in this matter.

It is understood that some of the queries of DoE has been clarified by the Internal Finance of DoT and remaining are to be clarified by the Pension Cell of DoT. But, Pension Cell has further sent the Cabinet Note to Internal Finance of DoT to clarify the remaining queries also. Since, the information pertains to Finance Wing only and the proposal is still pending in Internal Finance of DoT. The DoE queries are mainly regarding the BSNL pensioners retired prior to 01.10.2000 (about 96,000 Pensioners, Pension liability is estimated about Rs. 1,415 Crores) from DoT and the BSNL Pensioners retired after 01.10.2000 (about 1,66,000 Pensioners, Pension liability is about Rs. 3,132 Crores). The benefit of 78.2% fitment has already been extended in FCI and some other PSUs). As per DoE, the 60% pension liability of BSNL Pensioners as per the existing provisions of January 2005 order should continue since all the assets and liabilities of the then DoT/DTS/DTO were transferred to BSNL. However, in true sense, the liabilities have been transferred to BSNL but the assets have not been transferred to BSNL. Moreover, no loan has been given to BSNL from DoT except the Notional loan of Rs. 7500/- Crores (Paper Loan only) against which BSNL has paid interest amount @ 13.5 % to DoT about Rs. 12,000/- Crores. The depreciation amount during last 15 years is increasing year by year. BSNL is continuously making losses for the last five - six years in the tune of more than Rs. 40,000 Crores. Hence, all these points are to be considered by DoT/DoE and withdraw the arbitrary decision of 60:40 from Rule 37A for BSNL Pensioners and sole responsibility of pension to BSNL Pensioners should be borne by Govt. of India as per the Rule 37A.   

Forum of BSNL Unions / Associations serious and concerted efforts are needed in this regard to resolve the issue. Let, the Forum to decide serious agitation on this issue immediately.

05.11.2015:  BSNL NEWS IN MEDIA:

(i) BSNL will be back in profits by 2018-19, says MD Anupam Shrivastava  <<<Click here for detail news>>>

05.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office declared results w.r.t. Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of PA to the grade of PS in BSNL Corporate Office held on 12.10.2015 <<<<Click here for result>>>>
05.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding requirement of APARs of all working AGM/DE(T)s on Regualar basis for considering them for promotion to DGM(T) as per eligibility - <<<Click here for letter>>>   <<<Click here for list of eligible AGM/DE(T)>>>>
05.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for Persons With Disabilities (PWD) in the post of MTin BSNL from external candidates <<<Click here for letter>>>

05.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for SC, ST & OBC candidates in the post of TTA in BSNL from external candidates <<<Click here for letter>>>

05.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding

(i) Inter Circle transfer of SDEs (Telecom)- <<<Letter-1>>>   <<<Letter-2>>>>

04.11.2015:  GS, FS AGS (HQ) met Shri Rakesh Kumar Mittal, Director (Consumer Mobility), BSNL and felicitated him with offerings of a bouquet. We assured him fullest support from our side for the betterment of BSNL. Director (CM) at this occasion told that he is not a new person for BSNL. Before going to MTNL he has worked in BSNL Corporate Office for more than two years. <<<<Click here for the photo 1>>>>  <<<<Click here for the photo 2>>>>

04.11.2015:  GS writes to:

1. GM (Estt), BSNL CO regarding Implementation of Hon'ble CAT, PB, New Delhi judgment in OA No. 3883/2014, MA No. 3364/2014 and MS No. 2265/2014 in reference to BSNL CO letter number 3-8/2010/Estt.IV/Pt dated 04.09.2015 for correction of some typographical mistakes. <<<<Click here for letter>>>>

04.11.2015:  GS, FS AGS (HQ) met GM (Admn) and discussed regarding improvement in the revised policy for service GSM, RSTC & Broadband to Executives and retired Executives i.e.

(a)  Enhancement of 200 free calls limit per month on RSTC, & enhancement of free call limit on GSM Telephone connection to STS level officer from 500 calls to 800 calls.

(b)  Rent free Broadband service connection to all Executives with BSNL 750 plan. Sr. GM (Admn.).

(c)  All the BSNL executives should be provided GSM Handsets of the cost of Rs.3000/-, Rs. 4000/- & Rs. 5000/- to the JTO/SDE/DE level executives instead of Rs. 1500/- , Rs. 2500/- Rs. 3500/- respectively.

(d)  All Executives' should be allowed CUG facility on RSTC at circle level.

(e)  3G Mobile service with Data facility to all Executives.


GM (Admn) informed that the proposal is being sent to BSNL MC for approving data facility to BSNL executives. Necessary orders in this regard will be issued after getting the approval from MC. He further informed that a proposal has also been sent to MC to allow BSNL Pensioners to opt for CGHS facility. The one time yearly contribution in this regard shall be paid by BSNL.   For other points, GM (Admn) mentioned that these are under pipeline.

04.11.2015:  GS, FS met GM (Pers) and discussed regarding:

 1. Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Gr. "B" Executives:

GM (Pers.) mentioned that the issue is being put up in the next BSNL Board meeting scheduled to be held on 06.11.2015 for approval.


2. Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis:

We expressed our resentment on delay in settling the issue. GM (Pers.) appreciated our concern and assured to discuss the matter with GM (Estt) for early comments on the case since the case is pending in the Estt Cell since last June 2015.


3. CPC from JTO to SDE (T) CPC against seniority cum fitness quota: Conduction of DPC for Seniority and fitness quota as per DoPT guidelines for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 to fill up about 6600 SDEs posts: 

GM (Pers.) informed that the rejoinder has been filed in the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala through the Kerala Telecom Circle and in the case of Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh on SC/ST roaster implementation, yesterday a meeting was scheduled with ASG to the Govt. of India but could not take place due to his ill health. Next meeting will be decided shortly.


4. CPC from SDE (T)/DE(Adhoc) to DE Regular: Immediate CPC to fill up the left out about 11 DEs Posts and  about 750 DEs posts on regular basis up to the vacancies of  year 2013-14:

GM (Pers) informed that CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to expedite the CPC in this month itself and to issue the promotion orders.


5. CPC from DE to DGM (Engg.) on Adhoc/Regular basis to fill up about 700 DGM vacant posts:

GM (Pers) mentioned that CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to issue the promotion orders to fill-up 480 vacant DGM posts in this month itself.


6. CPCs from JTO (TF) to SDE (TF), SDE (TF) to DE/AGM (TF) and LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF):

GM (Pers.) mentioned that LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) will be notified shortly.


7. Post based promotions for PA/PS, common recruitment rules and nomenclature and introduction of promotion policy for stenos (dying cadre):

GM (Pers) informed that the committee headed by ED (CN) will be meeting on Monday to discuss the matter and it may be a concluding meeting to resolve the issue.


8. Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre:

GM (Pers) informed that the comments of Estt Cell has been received and the approval of the competent authority is awaited to restructure the cadre and revision of the pay scale of the AD (O/L) and Sr. HO.


9. Promotions through LDCE in SDE cadre:

GM (Pers) informed that the committee has submitted the master answer key and on that basis the LDCE result is being revaluated and expected that within one month the result will be ready but it will be declared only after the clearance from Hon'ble courts.


10. Settlement of pay anomaly cases wherein senior Executives are drawing less pay than their juniors and antedating of pay:

GM (Pers) advised to re-submit the copy of the Judgement/directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court in favor of AIBSNLEA. So that the same can be put-up to the committee and further decision may be taken.


11. Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations:

GM (Pers) informed that it will be put up in the next BSNL Board meeting on 06.11.2015 for approval subject to it is cleared by BSNL MC today.


12. Withdrawal of the system/practice of Local Officiating Arrangement or Local Officiating Promotion in BSNL and Introduction of Look After arrangement by Executives:

GM (Pers.) mentioned that the looking after arrangement was made due to some court cases and financial implications with the approval of the BSNL Board and now as per the Association request the designation on retirement, financial powers and stand-alone charge may be considered.


13. One time placement of SDE to Sr. SDE:

GM (Pers) assured to examine the case as per the feedback given by this Association and the assurances given by the DoT and earlier BSNL management. He needed one months' time in this regard.


14. Introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying cadre):

GM (Pers) assured to look into the matter.


15. Implementation of policy guidelines issued by BSNL Corporate Office in respect of PA/PS of BSNL field units - stoppage of recovery:

GM (Pers) informed that the case was processed to the CMD, BSNL but he wants to discuss the matter and shortly he will discuss the same for an early solution.

04.11.2015:  BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding

(i) Inter Circle transfer of SDEs (Telecom)- <<<Letter-1>>>  <<<<Letter-2>>>>    <<<Letter-3>>>> <<<Letter-4>>>   <<<Letter-5>>>  <<<Letter-6>>>   <<<Letter-7>>>  <<<Letter-8>>>

04.11.2015:  Congratulations! BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar Mittal, GM, MTNL to the post of Director (Consumer Mobility), BSNL for a period of five years from the date of his assumption of the charge of the post or till the date of his superannuation, or until further orders, whichever is the earliest.   <<<Click here for order>>>>
04.11.2015:  Congratulations! BSNL Corporate office issued order regarding Promotion and posting of Regular DEs/AGMs of Telecom Operations Stream to the grade of DGM (Adhoc) in Telecom Operations Stream.   <<<Click here for order>>>>

03.11.2015:  GS, FS and AGS (HQ) met GM (Pers.) and discussed regarding:

A Consideration of request/tenure transfer cases of SDEs/DEs: We requested to consider all the pending request/tenure transfer cases of SDEs/DEs. GM (Pers.) informed that today after coming from leave he has approved some cases of SDEs/DEs for which orders will be issued shortly and remaining cases will be considered simultaneously.


On some other HR issues, GM (Pers) advised to meet tomorrow as he has to attend today a meeting with ASG, Govt. of India regarding SC/ST roaster issue in the Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh.

03.11.2015:  Meeting with Director (HR), BSNL Board:

GS FS met Director (HR), BSNL Board and discussed regarding Indifferent attitude of GM (HR & Admn), MH Circle towards the members of this Association against which this association strongly has already protested in writing, citing some of the harassment examples. We requested Director (HR) to take immediate action to ensure impartial behavior by BSNL Management of Maharashtra Circle towards the members of this Association and to avoid organizational action programs. Director (HR) assured an early action in this regard.

03.11.2015:  GS, FS and AGS (HQ) met CMD, BSNL and discussed regarding:

 A. Indifferent attitude of GM (HR & Admn), MH Circle towards the members of this Association: We expressed our serious concern against the indifferent attitude of GM (HR & Admn), MH Circle towards the members of this Association. Against the partisan attitude of the GM (HR & Admn) this association strongly has already protested in writing, citing some of the harassment examples. We requested CMD to kindly intervene in the matter CMD appreciated our concern and assured to look into the matter.  


B. CPC for promotion from DE to DGM (Engg): We expressed our serious concern against the inordinate delay in conducting the CPC for promotion from DE to DGM (Engg). As on date more than 800 DGM (Engg) posts are lying vacant. CMD appreciated our concern and assured to fill-up the DGM vacancies at the earliest.  


C. Agreement with 'facebook' for Wi-Fi connectivity: CMD, BSNL informed that BSNL has made an agreement with face book for providing Wi-Fi connectivity at 100 Rural Wi-Fi hot-spots wherein facebook will take lease lines from BSNL and will provide internet facility at affordable rates to peoples. BSNL will get an approximate revenue of Rs. 5 Crore per year from this project. 25 of such Rural Wi-Fi hot-spots have already been commissioned.


D. Action against the culprits who misbehaved with lady comrade of AIBSNLEA in Kerala Circle: We expressed our serious concern against the inaction of BSNL Corporate Office against the culprits who misbehaved with lady comrade of AIBSNLEA in Kerala Circle in a meeting during duty hours. CMD BSNL assured to look into matter and to direct CGMT Kerala Circle to take necessary action in this regard.       

03.11.2015:  GS writes to:

1. Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD, BSNL regarding cancellation of transfer orders of Shri Praveen  Malhotra, GM (HR), Maharashtra Telecom Circle expressing our concern  <<<<Click here for letter>>>>

02.11.2015:   Circle Executive Committee meeting of Rajasthan Circle on 31.10.2015 at Sri Ganganagar:

Circle Executive Committee meeting of Rajasthan Circle was organised on 31.10.2015 at Conference Hall, Maheshwari Bhawan, Sri Ganganagar. The Open Session of the CEC was attended by Shri Prahlad Rai GS, Shri Devesh Sharma Org. Secy.(North), Shri Karan Singh Advisor (N) & Shri Bhagwan Singh, Auditor CHQ from AIBSNLEA CHQ side and Shri R.K. Misra, CGMT, Rajasthan was the Chief Guest & Shri Dinesh Garg, GMTD, Sri Ganganagar attended the Open Session as Guest of Honour. Shri Rajeev Khanna, CHQ president SNATTA and Shri R.K.Verma, District Secretary BSNLEU Sri Ganganagar attended the open session as special guests.


Chief Guest of the Open Session Shri R.K. Misra, CGMT Rajasthan Circle Inaugurated the function by lightning of lamp. All the distinguished guests were welcomed by the garlanding and welcomed by presenting Rajasthani Turbans & mementos.


Com. Achal Bayana, Branch Secretary, AIBSNLEA Sriganganagar branch delivered the welcome address and welcomed all the guests. He raised the matter of need of immediate hospital empanelment for Sri Ganganagar SSA.


Com. H.L. Awasthi, Circle President AIBSNLEA Rajasthan, in his address welcomed all the dignitaries and participants for spare time to attend the Circle Executive Committee meeting of AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle.


Com. M.K. Morodia, Circle Secretary AIBSNLEA Rajasthan, in his key note address welcomed all in CEC Sri Ganganagar. He specially thanked to CGMT Rajasthan Shri R.K. Misra to spare time to attend the CEC in the remote Sri Ganganagar SSA. He emphasized that executives are not at all responsible for the losses of the BSNL but the policies are responsible. He appealed the executives that they should make their extreme efforts to delight the customers who approaches to them because the customers have still faith on BSNL. Com. CS informed that Rajasthan Circle has achieved the no. 1 position in ERP in the dynamic leadership of CGMT Rajasthan Circle. Com CS also raised the need of resolvement of HR issues like look after promotions on same stations, filling the soft tenure station as per policy and need to enhance the mobile data limits for the Executives of Rajasthan Circle.


Com. Bhagwan Singh, Auditor CHQ, in his address thanked AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle for inviting him in the session. He appealed all the members strengthening the association by adding more and more members and paying the subscription and legal fee. He also appealed to post trained manpower in MSCs to enhance the mobile revenue. He appealed for an aggressive marketing and work on the single window concept.


Com. Karan Singh, Advisor(North) AIBSNLEA CHQ, in his address thanked CGMT for his tremendous effort for making active the top and middle level management and the ensuring the better availability of the store materials for Rajasthan Circle. He appealed all to work hard for taking all the benefits of 3rd PRC. At last he thanked to Sri Ganganagar branch for inviting him in the grand CEC.


Com. Devesh Sharma, Organizing Secretary (North) CHQ in his address explained the efforts of CHQ in continuously resolving the issues of BSNL Executives. He submitted that it was only AIBSNLEA, which introduced the concept of ''Customer Delight'' He appealed the Circle Management to provide the dedicated vehicles in EB cells of SSA, enhanced data limits to Executives. He thanked CGMT Rajasthan for his tremendous initiative for making centralised DPCs and faster disposals of TA/Medical bills to Employees.


Shri Rajeev Khanna, President CHQ SNATTA, in his address conveyed thanks to GS AIBSNLEA Shri Prahlad Rai for his tremendous efforts for the notification of the LICE for TTA to JTO. He told that the BSNL is the only PSU which involves the name of the nation in itself. He conveyed his thanks to CGMT Rajasthan Circle for his positive efforts towards the growth of the Circle and demanded more such efforts for enhancing the EB revenue in the Circle. At last he thanked to AIBSNLEA for inviting him in the grand CEC and appreciated the AIBSNLEA CHQ in settling the issues of all the cadres.


Shri R.K. Verma, District Secretary BSNLEU Sri Ganganagar in his address thanked CGMT for resolving all the pending problems of the Non Executives and he thanked AIBSNLEA for inviting him in the grand CEC.


Guest of Honour, Shri Dinesh Garg, GMTD, Sri Ganganagar welcomed all the participants. He elaborately informed that the mobile revenue has been increased by 5% as compare to the last year. He appreciated the role of AIBSNLEA in the growth and viability of BSNL. He expressed his full faith that under the dynamic leadership of CGMT Rajasthan and the Circle will soon become the No. 1 Circle in the whole country. At last he thanked the association for choosing the Sri Ganganagar for such an important meeting.


GS AIBSNLEA, Shri Prahlad Rai, congratulated the comrades of Rajasthan Circle for the organizing successful CEC and thanked the comrades for their great affection. Com GS informed the dedicated efforts of AIBSNLEA for the BSNL Executives' viz. Implementation of EPP, Grant of Perks to Executives, Transparent Transfer Policy, 2nd PRC implementation with 30% IDA fixation benefit, Mobile Connections to BSNL Executives', BSNL MSRRs formation after 23 marathon meetings. Com. GS praised the CGMT Rajasthan Shri R.K. Misra for his tremendous marketing efforts inline as he done in KTK Circle. He appreciated that the agitation is neither the culture of Executives' of Rajasthan, nor the customers.


Com GS further mentioned that the continues trend of the losses in BSNL is a serious concern for all of us and there is a great need to think over it. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges Rs. 1250 crores, BWA refund etc should be cleared immediately by the Government. Com. GS assured that the support of CHQ is always available. In his detailed address Com. GS also highlighted the issues showing the indifferent attitude of Government, Encroachment of Rule 37 A pension by introducing 60:40 issue, 78.2% pay fixation case of BSNL pensioners,  exhausting BSNL reserve funds of 30,000 Crores has adversely affected the viability of BSNL. He informed that BSNL is spending huge amount on rural exchanges in rural areas telecom services. GS also informed that the letter has been issued to training centres to start the NGN based courses for the future requirement of the skilled manpower to BSNL. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges, BSNL refund etc should be cleared immediately by the government.


He explained that how the AIBSNLEA is continuously pursuing these viability related issues with the BSNL Management and DoT. Com. GS mentioned about forthcoming "G-Fast" BB services in which VDSLs will be installed at customer premises. Com. GS gave the example of the training centre of MTNL Mumbai, RTTC Nagpur and RTTC Pune about the proper utilization of their infrastructure for earning the revenue by giving the PSUs/Govt. Departments for departing trainings. He also advised that we should use our infrastructure also in same pattern and steps for ensure the revenue earning for BSNL.


Com GS. Further explained the burning issues of the Headquarters level. He explained the situation on the issues like VRS, 30% disinvestment and unbundling of last mile copper. Com. GS mentioned that the Broadband is the lifeline of BSNL and this is the only role of Trade Unions by which the disinvestment and unbundling of Copper conductor has not taken place in BSNL. Com GS. further explained  the status of HR issues related to mainly CPCs from DE to DGM, CPC of SDE to DE(Regular ), JTO to SDE, JTO to SDE by LDCE,  JAO to AO, AO to CAO, CAO (Adhoc) to CAO (regular), DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular)  & CAO to DGM(F), DPC in Civil/Electrical wing, AD(OL) case of pay equivalent to SDE/AO, DPCs of Telecom Factory and the issues of PA/PS, JTO (Officiating) regularization, PPS posts creation in field units, E2-E3 pay scale , CPSU cadre hierarchy , 30% superannuation benefits issue etc.


Com GS explained the role of AIBSNLEA in the viability of BSNL. GS mentioned the firm Commitment of AIBSNLEA towards the Viability of BSNL. He appealed all to follow the footsteps of Kerla and Orissa Circle for ensuring the viability of BSNL. At last he appealed the all Executives' for make every effort with a team spirit and customer care for making BSNL a vibrant organization. At last he congratulated AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle for the success of the open session.


Chief Guest of the Open Session Shri R.K. Misra, CGMT Rajasthan Circle thanked GS AIBSNLEA to touch all the points in his speech. He provided the example of elephant to prove that the tiny thoughts may effect at big level. He informed that the Trade Unions are the friends and well wishers of Management and he has full regard to these.


He advised that the role of the Association should be uniform and in the interest of the whole society, not for an individual. He told that the AIBSNLEA BIG SPECTRUM MEANS WIDER RESPONSIBILITIES. The CGMT assured to settle all the demands of the Association at priority. He assured that he does not want that any Executive diverse his mind while working, due to his non-settled grievance. He suggested that the DSA bills should be decided in 20 days time frame. He appealed that all Employees should develop the universal acceptability in their working like Shri Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA. He stressed that one out of policy transfer/modification harms another genuine Executives.


He informed that due to our professional competence, the mobile revenue of the Circle has been increased from -18% to +3% in last three months and Rajasthan Circle is in top 3 in all over country. He also informed that the allotment of the drop wire has been increased 5 times. He announced with pride that due to the hard work by all of us, nobody can stop the Rajasthan becoming the no. 1 Circle. He expressed by giving the example of mother and child and house maker that we should introduce the professional competence in ourselves. He appealed that at least >80% telephone faults should be cleared on the same day. He told about the pioneer works initiated by him e.g. justification of GMs, specifications of battery/PP/Invertors/SIM etc and drafting the norms of NOFN project.


The CGMT Rajasthan Circle advised that the power should be transferred to Circle Heads for the purchasing the materials for grabbing the EB Business quickly. He informed that Rajasthan has achieved 21 Crores IDC targets which is highest in the country. He also informed that Rajasthan has achieved 15 Crores from external works and it will surely go up-to 60-70 Crores. He proudly informed that there is no scarcity of materials for field units. He appreciated the promising leadership of AIBSNLEA.


He appealed to do efforts from today itself for making BSNL a vibrant organization. At last he thanked to all for inviting him in the open session and congratulated for the grand success of the session.


Com. J.K. Chabbra, President AIBSNLEA, Sri Ganganagar Branch extended the vote of thanks. In the interactive session, Com.GS replied all the queries raised by the members. The entire Conference Hall was Jam Packed. After the National Anthem the OPEN Session ended.

<<<Click here for glimpses>>>>

02.11.2015:   5th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA ALTTC Circle, Ghaziabad on 30.10.2015

The Circle Conference of ALTTC, Ghaziabad Circle was organized on 30.10.2015 in a grand manner in the auditorium of ALTTC Ghaziabad. CGM ALTTC Shri M.K. Seth was the Chief Guest in the Conference with Shri R.K. Gupta GM (Admn.) as Guest of Honour. Shri Prahlad Rai, General Secretary and Shri Devesh Sharma, OS (North) attended the Conference. At the starting of the Conference, the Circle President Shri Janardan and Circle Secretary Shri Rajkumar Bharti delivered the welcome speech and all the dignitaries on the dais were welcomed by presenting the bouquets.


Com. Devesh Sharma, OS (North) in his speech elaborated the importance of ALTTC, not only in AIBSNLEA but also in BSNL. He mentioned that the faculty of ALTTC plays an important role in the mind making of BSNL Executives in their day to day issues. He congratulated Executives' of ALTTC for arranging the historic Circle Conference. He appealed all the members of AIBSNLEA ALTTC Circle for making successful all the calls of AIBSNLEA CHQ.


Chief Guest of the Circle Conference, Shri M. K. Seth, CGM ALTTC in his address praised the role of AIBSNLEA towards the growth of BSNL. He appealed that due to our efforts, BSNL should become number one telecom operator in the whole world. He mentioned that only due to full determination, we can achieve the success in 3 months only. He mentioned about the initiative taken by him to introduce the training programs as per the changing demand of the company. He informed that on 31.10.2015, a grand BSNL Mela is going to be organize in the ALTTC Campus in which approximately more than 10000 people are expected to come. He further informed that the labs in the ALTTC are of world class standard and the benefit should be grab for the BSNL by using this infrastructure for BSNL benefits.


CGM ALTTC further mentioned that the brand image is necessary and without the brand image, it is very difficult to make the business and to sell our services. He further mentioned that our role at ALTTC should not only to impart the training but it should also be to make the BSNL viable. He informed that ALTTC is going to start a discussion portal in collaboration with ITPC. MoU is in Pipeline with UP Technical University and NITGTR. This is only possible with the help of the faculty members. For achieving these goals, we should remain in contact with the society and industries. He advised that minimum one week training in every six month's span is very necessary for every Executive in BSNL and for achieving this, we all should work with positive attitude with team work. At last he conveyed his assurance to make BSNL viable and enhance the glory of ALTTC. He also mentioned that he is also trying to provide the training in Naturopathy and Yoga in due course of time. At last he thanked to all for making the conference a grand success.


General Secretary, AIBSNLEA, Shri Prahlad Rai, in his address thanked all for inviting him in the historic 5th Circle Conference of prestigious ALTTC. He mentioned that the ALTTC Ghaziabad is an important Circle, not only for BSNL but also for the AIBSNLEA because trainees from all over India are coming to the ALTTC for training purpose. He mentioned that the contribution of the ALTTC is very good towards betterment of BSNL. Com. GS remembered the DoT set up scenario of 1980 of his own 10 months training which he has completed in the ALTTC. Com. GS provided the example of the training center of MTNL Mumbai, RTTC Nagpur and RTTC Pune about the proper utilization of their infrastructure for earning the revenue by giving the PSUs/Govt. departments for departing trainings. He also advised that we should use our infrastructure also in same pattern and steps for ensure the revenue earning for BSNL.


GS AIBSNLEA also informed that the AIBSNLEA is also perusing for the progress of National Telecom University. Com. GS provided the example of RTTC Hyderabad and NATFM Hyderabad's collaboration with Hyderabad University and how much quality training and Diploma courses they are providing to our valued customers. He informed that AIBSNLEA CHQ is fully concern about the progress of the issues of ALTTC. He also advised that the marketing efforts of the ALTTC wings by organizing BSNL Mela etc. should be reflected to higher authorities. GS AIBSNLEA also informed that a letter has been issued to training centers to start the NGN based courses for the future requirement of the skilled manpower to BSNL. Com GS further mentioned that the present trend of the declining profit is a serious concern for all of us and there is a great need to think over it. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges, BSNL refund etc should be cleared immediately by the Government.


Com. GS also highlighted the issues showing the indifferent attitude of Government, Encroachment of Rule 37-A pension by introducing 60:40 issue, 78.2% pay fixation case of BSNL pensioners, pending rural deficit charges, exhausting BSNL reserve funds of 30000 Crores. Com. GS appealed to earn more and more revenue for BSNL to overcome our present loss. Our present loss is due to the depreciation. Com. GS praises the efforts of KRL, ORISSA, AP, Raj and KTK Circles that how they are making positive efforts for enhancing the revenue.


Com GS. further explained  the status of HR issues related to mainly CPCs from DE to DGM, CPC of SDE to DE(Regular ), JTO to SDE, JTO to SDE by LDCE,  JAO to AO, AO to CAO, CAO (Adhoc) to CAO (regular), DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular)  & CAO to DGM(F), DPC in Civil/Electrical wing, AD(OL) case of pay equivalent to SDE/AO, DPCs of Telecom Factory and the issues of PA/PS, JTO (Officiating) regularization, PPS posts creation in field units, E2-E3 pay scale, CPSU cadre hierarchy, 30% superannuation benefits issue etc. At last he thanked all for inviting him in the conference.


At the last stage of the Circle Conference, the elections for the new regular body were taken place.  CGM ALTTC Shri M.K. Seth were unanimously nominated as Chief patron and Com Janardhan, Com. Anil Kumar and Com. K. P. Singh were elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Finance Secretary respectively. The Auditorium was Jam packed. Com. Janardhan, Circle President delivered the vote of thanks. <<<Click here for glimpses>>>>