BSNL's Penta IS701R tablet
<<Click Here for detail news>>
(ii) BSNL tablet gets over one
lakh pre-order requests
<<Click Here for detail news>>
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding retirement
on superannuation on 29.02.2012 in respect of
SDEs (Telecom)/PS
AFS Executives
Executives of DGM/AGM/DE equivalent
grade (iv)
HAG officers
SAG Officers  |
BSNL Corporate Office
constituted a committee on the issues raised by
United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations in the meeting held on
13-14.02.2012 with Director (HR)
<<Click Here for letter>> |
<<Click Here for
Motivational Song Titled "BHARAT
GS writes to

The Sr. GM(Pers), BSNL CO regarding
request for transfer in the cadre of SDE(T) -
here for letter>>
The Sr. GM(Pers), BSNL CO regarding request
for transfer in the cadre of DE-
here for letter>>
The PGM(FP), BSNL CO regarding request for
transfer in the cadre of Accounts Personnel -
here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for
restoration of promotion in the cadre of DE(Adhoc)-
here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request
for adding name in list of promotion in the cadre of DE(Adhoc)-
here for letter>>
The ED(NB), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in
the cadre of Civil Personnel -
here for letter>>
The GM(Estt.), BSNL CO regarding request for
appearing in the LDCE for promotion to the grade of SDE(T) to be held on
here for letter>>
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding
Promotion and
posting of the Executives (AGM/DE Grade of Telecom Operations) working in
the grade of 29100-54500 to the Executives (DGM Grade of Telecom Operations)
in the scale of pay 32900-58000 (IDA revised) on purely adhoc basis -
<<Click Here for letter>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued
Modification order
regarding Promotion and posting of the Executives (DE/AGM of Telecom
Operation Stream) to DGM (Telecom Operation Stream) on purely on temporary
and adhoc basis - <<Click Here for letter>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding
Inter Circle
Transfer of SDEs (Telecom) -
<<Click Here for letter1>>
Here for letter2>>
<<Click Here for letter3>> |
BSNL Corporate
Office issued order regarding missing ACRs of AOs/Sr. AOs
(circle-wise) for CAOs promotion for the period (given in Annexure 'A')
shown against them, which are not found available in their ACR dossier
maintained in CO BSNL. The last date to each ACRs to BSNL CO is 15th
March, 2012
<<Click Here for letter>>
Here for list-Annexure-'A'>>
All the Circle/Branch
Secretaries are requested to make necessary arrange to send the ACRs of
above mentioned AOs/Sr. AOs to BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest i.e.
before 15.03.2012. |
We extend our moral support and solidarity to the struggle organized by
Central Trade Unions on 28th Feb.'2012 in support of the working class,
including CPSUs. |
BSNL Corporate
Office issued transfer and posting of Executive s [AGM/DE] in the
Telecom Operation Stream -
<<Click Here for letter>> |
Comrades! Our Hats off to our Com. S.Ganesh, JAO/STR/Chennai, (the Branch
Secretary of AIBSNLEA/STR/Chennai) who filed a case on his own in Hon.CAT/Chennai
for removing the condition of reaching the minimum of the pay in the next
higher IDA for time bound promotion after 4 years. (other wise 6 years). He
has won the case.
The Hon'ble CAT, Chennai has quashed the condition (given in para 3.1 of
Executive Promotion Policy ) "of reaching/crossing the minimum of the
higher IDA Scale" as one of the eligibility criteria. The effect of the
judgment is that every executive will get his/her first time bound
promotion in four 4 years irrespective of the fact whether he/she has
crossed / touched the minimum of the next scale. This will be applicable for
those who got first financial upgradation from 01.04.2004 to 31.12.2006.
Those who have got the first TBP even after 01.01.2007 may be benefited by
giving option of Pay Fixation. The full details will be published on getting
official copy of the judgment.
We appreciate Com.Ganesh for his confidence and tireless effort. Though he
fought alone, we assure him that we will fight by impleading into the case
if, as usual, management prefers appeal. The final victory will give career
and financial benefits to hundred and hundreds of our Executives of all
streams gradually. |
N.V.Chandrasekar, Sr. AO
Madurai and an activist of our Association, AIBSNLEA has participated in the
to 05/02/2012 and won Gold Medal in Veteran Singles Event. Prizes were given
by our CMD on 05/02/2012.
<<Click here for glimpses>>
GS writes to
The Sr. GM(Pers), BSNL CO regarding request
for transfer in the cadre of DE/AGM-<<Click
here for letter>
The Sr. GM(Pers), BSNL CO regarding request
for transfer in the cadre of SDE-<<Click
here for letter>
The GM(Estt.), BSNL CO regarding request
for transfer in the cadre of JTO-<<Click
here for letter>
name in DGM promotion order dated 08.02.2012-
here for letter>
regarding request for transfer in the cadre JAO/AO/CAO/DGM(F)
here for letter>
The Sr.
GM(Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in
the cadre of AGM(ERP) Gaziabad-<<Click
here for letter> |
Corporate office issued order regarding clarification
under para 13.4 of BSNL SLDRR-2011 -
seniority of ITS Officers to be recruited in BSNL vis-a-vis the absorbed ITS
<<Click Here for letter>> |
GS writes to
The Sr.
GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding
request for transfer in the cadre of DE<<Click
here for letter>
The Sr.
GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding
request for transfer in the cadre of SDE<<Click
here for letter>
The Sr.
GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request
for restoration of promotion in the cadre of DE(Adhoc)<<Click
here for letter>
request for transfer in the cadre AO/CAO/DGM(F)
here for letter>
for inclusion of name in the list of eligible candidates
whose ACR have been called for DPC of AOs
<<Click here for letter>
Corporate office issued order regarding retention of computer or laptop and
Printer for DGM and above level officers in BSNL, allotted to them & used by
them at their residence, on retirement after payment of its retention amount
to BSNL <<Click Here
for letter>> |
Corporate office issued order regarding tenure
transfer of SDEs (Telecom) -
Here for letter>> |
AIBSNLEA's consisting efforts yielded result in
getting released the order to initiate DPC
for the Promotion from AGM / DE (Regular) to DGM (Adhoc)
[1376 Nos.]-
<<Click Here for letter & List>>
Here for remaining list- Total
1376 Nos.>>
Last date for sending ACRs / APARs to Corporate Office is 16.03.2012.
All the Circle/Branch Secretaries are
requested to make necessary arrange to send the ACRs of above mentioned DEs
/ AGMs to BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest i.e. before 16.03.2012 . |
22.02.2012: BSNL
Corporate office released Seniority List
in various grades of Electrical Wing for absorbed Executives in BSNL
Click Here for
22/02/2012: MEETING
AIBSNLEA delegation met briefly Shri R.K. Upadhyay, CMD BSNL during his
visit to HUBLI on 18-02-2012 inspite of his rescheduled timings & cramped
programmes caused due to sudden cancellation of FLIHGT to Hubli. Delegation
comprising:- Com. R.B. Athani. AGS(ENGG), Com. Financial Secy(CHQ),
Com. C. A. Tarikere ACS, Com. C.H. Shivanand, DP and Com. R. L.
Mudrabet. DS, HBL, met CMD, BSNL and submitted memorandum & briefly
discussed following issues:-
1. Sanction of justified
67 Addl. STS(Engg) posts to Karnataka Circle:-
Compared to other Circles of South India the
assets of KTK Circle is more. And likewise the revenue also. Where as the
sanctioned strength of STS posts is far less than that of AP & TN. Statement
giving the comparative figure enumerated in the encloses was shown .The CMD
was also shown the revised justification as per revised standards prepared
by circle office for Sanction of additional STS posts & sent to corporate
office for sanction during Aug 2010.Due to non-availability of STS posts,90%
of second list of STS adhoc (nearly 170) were posted outside the circle &
majority declined. It was a problem to circle admn. also to relieve. To
avoid similar situation future, CMD was requested for some action in
presence of CGMT KTK circle. CMD assured of looking into the case.
2. TTA-JTO(offtg) to
JTO(Telecom) Regular:-CMD was
explained of about 2000 TTAs are officiating as JTO all-over India, actually
carrying out JTO duties & responsibilities since 2001 but without scale
fixation. Their regularisaton is also is uncertain due to court case. As the
contempt case at Chandigarh High Court is getting adjourned regularly since
a year almost, the fate of this group is hanging in balance. Requested for
serious consideration by the management on lines of suggestions given by
Associations & Unions. CMD assured look into the case.
3.Pay revision of AD(O/L):
CMD was appraised of pay scales of this cadre in earlier pay commissions &
recommended pay scales in the recent pay commission. Presently this cadre
getting JTO scales where as in the Govt. it is Sr. SDE scales. This cadre
being very small group of about 150 allover India, feel very much humiliated
& also that this cadre was not subjected restructuring at the time of
absorption. Hence genuine issue. CMD noted the case & assured to look into. |
(i) CBI to probe BSNL fund for
<<Click Here for detail News>>
GS writes to
The Sr.
GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding
Request for transfer in the cadre of DE
<<Click here for letter>>
Request for posting on promotion as DE(Adhoc)-<<Click
here for letter>>
Request for absorption in BSNL -<<Click
here for letter>>
Request for promotion from STS to JAG(Adhoc)
here for letter>>
of DEs/AGMs for fixation of All India Seniority & granting regular promotion
of the STS with retrospective effect
here for letter>> |
BW Unit - BSNL Corporate Office issued letter
regarding constitution of screening committee for grant of 1st ACP cases in
SDE(C) grade
<<Click Here for letter>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued instructions for Mutual
Transfer /Transfer under Para-38
<<Click Here for letter>> |
(i) BSNL eyes private sector to rebuild senior
management team
<<Click Here for detail News>>
(ii) TDSAT allows BSNL to be party with DoT
in 3G roaming case
<<Click Here for detail News>> |
BSNL endorsed
clarification received from DoT on the
queries of ITS officers regarding recruitment in BSNL SLD RR-2011 raised at
various levels including the video conferencing held on 14th and 15th
<<Click Here for letter>>
BSNL issued
(pertaining to BSNL)
on the queries of ITS officers regarding recruitment in BSNL SLD RR-2011
raised at various levels including the video conerence held on 14th and 15th
<<Click Here for letter>> |
DoT issued
regarding Pay and Allowances as per
the recommendations of Sixth CPC to Group-'A' officers on deemed deputation
<<Click Here for letter>>
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding below
Benchmark gradings in ACRs prior to the reporting period 2008-09 and
objective consideration of representation by the competent authority against
remarks in the APAR or up-gradation of the final grading and certificate
regarding the non-availability of ACR-
<<Click here for letter>>
Format of certificate>>
<<Click here for
list>> |
of Court Cases
Seniority case of 147 SDEs:
The appeal at Hon'ble High Court
of Kerala at Ernakulam against the quashing of seniority of 147 SDEs has now
been posted for hearing on 23rd Feb'12.
Review Application on notional date
of promotion:
The review filed by BSNL at Hon'ble High
Court of Karnataka at Bangalore came up for hearing on today. Arguments
completed and judgment reserved. |
President, AGS(HQ), Circle Secretary-Delhi Circle met CMD BSNL and
(a) Filling up of all vacant DGM
posts: We requested to
initiate DPC from DE to DGM to fill up all vacant posts. CMD BSNL wanted to
know the status of pending court cases of seniority in TES Group-'B'. We
apprised him the present status of the court cases and requested to
implement CPSUs cadres hierarchy as assured at the time of absorption.
CMD after detail discussions mentioned that he is in favour of promotions
and regarding CPSUs cadre hierarchy, he mentioned that Committee constituted
will examine the issue but he assured to initiate the DPC at the earliest.
(b) DPC from AO to CAO:
We requested to get Management
Committee clearance to fill up all vacant CAOs posts. CMD wanted to know the
status of promotions in Engineering Wing. We apprised him that due to court
cases the DPCs in DE grade are pending but in finance wing there is no court
case is pending hence promotions can be given . CMD assured to look into the
matter. |
GS writes to
Sh. A.N. Rai, Director(HR), BSNL
regarding request for redressal of grievances of Executives of Telecom
Here for letter>> |
with ED(NB) on 13.02.2012: GS AGS(HQ) met ED(NB) and discussed
(i) Best
Utilization of Telecom Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF Engineering Wing manpower
and BSNL's infrastructure: We requested for the best
Utilization of Telecom Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF Engineering Wing manpower
and BSNL's infrastructure for the growth of BSNL and to earn revenue. ED(NB)
mentioned that in Telecom Factory Mumbai more than 75000 SIMs are being
manufactured daily to meet the requirement of BSNL Circles. Similarly
sufficient towers, drop wires and OF connectors are being manufactured in
Telecom Factory Bhilai, Jabalpur and Kolkata. Sincere efforts are being made
to utilize the TF manpower & infrastructure.
The BSNL Telecom Civil Wing has taken
consultancy work of IIT Hyderabad i.e. construction of Permanent
complexes Project estimated cost Rs. 2000 Crs against this BSNL will get
0.7%(Rs. 14 Crs). MOU is being finalized shortly. Similarly Kerala Circle
and other Circles are taking work on consultancy. It has pave the way to
Recently 1200 BSNL Towers have been rented out
and from which BSNL will get Rs. 48 Crs per annum. BSNL sites are planned to
give on rent for putting hoardings other than Telecom Services providers.
Space for ATMs in BSNL Buildings is being given on rent basis wherein BSNL
will earn revenue from leased lines also. Hence, sincere efforts are being
made to utilize the BSNL’s expertise and infrastructure to earn more and
more revenue. |
New spectrum regime to augur well
for telecom sector: TRAI
<<Click Here for News>>
DoT has enabled industry to plan for future: Telecom Secy.
<<Click Here for News>>
(iii) Private telecom important in disaster management: Sachin Pilot
<<Click Here for News>>
(iv) New Telecom Policy: M&A to be allowed under simple process, says Kapil
<<Click Here for News>>
New Telecom Policy: Spectrum limit enhanced up to 10MHz; licence fee uniform
at 8%
<<Click Here for News>>
(vi) BSNL to issue 14.37 mn line
purchase order by Feb-end
<<Click Here for News>>
(vii) New telecom policy
announced, uniform license introduced
<<Click Here for News>> |
President met GM(Estt.) and discussed
Removal of pay anomaly cases of JTOs/JAOs(Deptt.):
We requested
for fixation in Pre-revised
Pay scale of Rs.Rs.9850-14600 at Rs.21620/- under Fitment Method-Case of
JTOs/JAOs(Deptl).w.r.t. BSNL CO letter no. Letter Nos.1-16/2010-PAT dated
07/05/2010, 1-37/2010-PAT dated 18/05/2011 & 1-29/2010-PAT (BSNL) dated
3.01.2012 and our communication dated
20.01.2012. GM(Estt.) after
detailed discussions assured for examining the pay anomaly and assured an
early settlement of the issue.
Holding of
Committee Meetings on withdrawal of clarification issued by Pers. Cell dated
19.02.2010(AAO/Sr. AO/Sr. SDE Cases) :
expressed our serious concern against non-finalization of committee report
on withdrawal of clarification issued by Pers. Cell dated 19.02.2010(AAO/Sr.
AO/Sr. SDE Cases) wherein the financial upgradation cases of account
personnel are held up. GM(Estt.) mentioned that Committee report have been
prepared and signed by me. Chairman Committee will submit the report to the
competent authority shortly. |
President, AGS(HQ) met PGM(FP) and discussed
(a) DPC
from JAO/AAO to AO: We requested to expedite
DPC from JAO/AAO to AO. PGM(FP) mentioned that DPC work is in progress and
efforts are being made to receive some missing ACRs & VCRs from Circles.
(b) DPC
from AO to CAO: We expressed our serious
concern against delay in completing DPC from AO to CAO. PGM(FP) mentioned
that DPC has already been initiated. The ACRs / VCRs of eligible AOs have
been called from Circles but the same are not being received in speedy
manner. However, he advised that associations should also make efforts in
arranging early ACRs/VCRs. He further assured that he will take the approval
of the Competent Authority to fill up all vacant CAOs posts as soon as the
ACRs/VCRs are received in BSNL CO.
(c) DPC
from CAO to DGM(F) [Left out cases]: PGM(FP)
mentioned that the reply is being submitted shortly to Hon’ble APEX Court on
implementation of SC-ST roster in DGM promotion.
(d) Committee
report on Sr. SDE/Sr. AO cadre treating as time bound / post based promotion
in DoT: PGM(FP) mentioned that Committee report
on this issue has been finalized and shortly it will be submitted to the
Competent Authority for further necessary action. He also assured that some
pending financial upgradation cases of Accounts Wing Executives will be
settled shortly. |
United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations
gave letter to BSNL Management for deferment of Programmes of Organisational
Actions commencing from 15th Feb'2012
<<Click Here for letter>>
We extend our sincere thanks to our fighting
comrades for their full involvement and
organisational action call given by United Forum of BSNL Executives'
Associations comprising AIBSNLEA, SNEA(I) and AIGETOA demanding
implementation of CPSU Cadre hierarchy, Finalization of E-2 & E-3 standard
IDA pay scales for JTO and SDE equivalent executives and withdrawal of Sr.
DGM BSNL SLD RRs-2011 has only been deferred following the meetings with
Director(HR) BSNL on 13th and 14th Feb'2012 with the
representatives of these associations. Our compulsion to go on agitation was
understood by Director (HR) and he assured that he will try to resolve our
genuine demands. The deferment of the organisational action programmes has
given an opportunity to BSNL Management to change its attitude and settle
the issues at the earliest. The United Forum agitation programmes of three
days Mass Dharna, Work According to Rule Programme and Non Co-operation
movement could have seriously affected the telecommunication services of the
The response of our
members throughout the county was overwhelming for making the call a grand
success. But the intervention of Director(HR) and his positive attitude
created a situation to defer the agitation programme. We hope that BSNL
Management will take immediate steps to constitute a committee to examine
the demands and their solutions.
On our side, now wait
for the outcome of the present initiative of BSNL Management to implement
the CPSU Cadre hierarchy, finalization of E-2 & E-3 standard IDA pay scales
for JTO and SDE equivalent executives and restoration of 600 JAG posts in
DGM grade. In case the management fails or again tries to play with us, we
shall not hesitate to give them a befitting reply. Let us keep ourselves
ready to resume the struggle.
here for letter >> |
ACRs for the Promotion from JAO/AAO to AO:
ACRs for the promotion from JAO/AAO to AO were received only
from ITI Bills & QA Circle. All remaining Circle / Branch Secretaries are requested to interact
with Circle Administration and expedite the same. |
Here for the Glimpses of
on 11.02.2012>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding
extension of
closing date (i.e. 24.02.2012)
for on-line registration of application w.r.t. recruitment of ITS Group-'A'
Officers to the post of Sr. DGM and GM/PGM/CGM in Telecom Operations Stream
in BSNL on immediate absorption basis -
<<Click Here for letter>> |
BSNL Cooperate Office issued
order regarding transfer/posting, retention and re-allotment in the grade of
<<Click here for
order>> |
ITSA Office Bearer long e-mail to all ITSA Members to deliberate
further on accepting New BSNL SLD RRs
<<Click Here for e-mail>>  |
United Forum Meeting with
Director(HR), BSNL : United Forum of BSNL
Executives' Association had a detailed discussion on the Charter of Demands.
From our side, we explained genuineness of the issues and our compulsion
created by the Management in non-granting of standard pay scales E2/E3 and
introduction of CPSU cadre hierarchy. We also explained that recent Sr. DGM
RRs notification by diluting existing BSNL MS RRs is created disparity. Director (HR) explained at lengthy the perception
and stand of Management. However, no breakthrough was achieved.
We thus make a fervent appeal to our comrades throughout the
country to make serious preparation to make the Organizational Action
Programmes of action commencing from 15th Feb'2012 a complete
success. The meeting was attended by Offciila side- PGM(SR), GM(Estt.),
Addl. GM(Pers.), DGM(SR) and Association side- GSs AIBSNLEA, SNEA(I) ,
A joint meeting of CHQ office
bearers and Circle Secretaries of AIBSNLEA, SNEA(I) and AIGETOA under the
banner of United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations were held at CTO
complex, New Delhi at 11.00 hours on 11.2.2012. After detailed discussion and
deliberations and also taking into the consideration of various circles as
per the report of the circle secretaries of all the three associations and
taking into account the following it has been decided to:
Immediate formation of core committee at Branch / District / Circle levels is
to be formed.
Letter to JAC by the United Forum to get.
get Media coverage.
was also decided not to get into any litigation in the court which will lead
to issuance of stay or maintaining status-co, which will have uncertainty in
the organization.
following resolutions have been passed unanimously:
comprising the AIBSNLEA, SNEA (I) and AIGETOA in its joint meeting of CHQ
office bearers and circle secretaries held here at New Delhi unanimously
endorsement the programme of trade union action commencing from 15.2.2012
and resolve to make the programme complete success.
was further resolved that, the house further authorize the CHQ of United
Forum to chalk out the future programme to intensify the agitation programme.
<<Click Here for brief report of the joint meeting>> |
BSNL Corporate office issued letter regarding
calling of VC for Regular
/ Adhoc Promotion to the grade of Superintending Engineer (C) from Executive
Engineer (C) -
<<Click here for letter>> |
set to be net gainer in Kerala after 2G licence churn
Here for News>>
starts undertaking outside works
<<Click Here for News>>
AIBSNLEA Gujarat Circle
has launched its New Website
<<Click Here for Gujarat Circle Website>> |
Congratulations ! BSNL Corporate Office issued 172 DGM
promotion order today. Two DEs VCRs could not be received, on receipt
of VCRs the remaining promotion order will be issued. We requested to
fill up all vacant DGM posts immediately. Addl. GM assured that
an early action in this regard is being taken as the ACRs/VCRs of eligible
DEs has been called to fill up about 350 DGM posts. AIBSNLEA
efforts will continue to get filled up all vacant DGM posts. <<Click Here for order>>
AGS(HQ) met Addl. GM(Pers.) regarding DE to DGM Promotion. He informed that
DPC to fill up about 175 DGM Posts has been completed and now the Competent
Authority has given the clearance to issue promotion order today itself. The
promotion order is expected today. |
ACRs for the promotion from JAO/AAO to AO and AO to CAO were not received
from any circles. All Circle / Branch Secretaries are requested to interact
with Circle Administration and expedite the same. |
Executive Diary - 2012
stock has already been
exhausted. Please don't send any purchase order to CHQ.
GS Writes to
ED (Fin), BSNL
regarding non-settlement of the grievances of Accounts Personnel in BSNL
Here for letter>> |
CAT Jaipur Bench, Jaipur OA No. 77/2012 dated 0f order
06.02.2012 Ghanraj Singh (ITS) V/S UOI
<<Click Here for letter>> |
Here for the Glimpses of Massive Demonstration of UF at BSNL Corporate
Office, New Delhi on 07th Feb'2012>> |
GS Writes to
regarding request for transfer in the cadre of Architect-
Here for letter>> |
News in Media
(i) 53 ITS Officers get
Relief in Rajasthan
<<Click Here for detail
News on Page no. 5>>
[United Forum is impeding the
(ii) ZTE and Huawei bag BSNL GSM contract
<<Click Here for detail
(iii) BSNL's landline customer base falls
<<Click Here for detail
(iv) 2G cancellations
may prove windfall for BSNL
<<Click Here for detail News>> |
<<Click here>>
for the
Poster for printing at
Circle / SSA Level
United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations
3 Days Dharna programme
w.e.f. 15th, 16th and 17th Feb'2012 along with
'Work According to Rule'
'Non Co-operation
Movement' programes
to protest against the arbitrary notification of Special Recruitment Rules
of Sr. DGM, non- finalization of E2-E3 standard IDA pay scales & CPSUs Cadre
hierarchy in BSNL |
BSNL Corporate Office issued
clarification under
para 13.4 of the BSNL SLD RR-2011-regarding
seniority of ITS officers to be recruited in BSNL vis-a-vis the absorbed ITS
<<Click Here for Clarifications>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued
clarifications on Special
LA Direct Recruitment of Sr. DGM /GM / PGM and CGM
<<Click Here for Clarifications>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding holding
of LDCE for TTA under 40% quota for the Recruitment Year 2011
<<Click Here for letter>> |
writes to
Sr. GM(Pers),
Proper implementation of reservation quota
of SC/ST category from SDE(T) to DE promotion on adhoc basis
<<Click here for letter>> |
BSNL Issues Warning,
Beware of "Missed" ISD Calls
<<Click Here for news>>
(ii) BSNL to double
broadband speed in February
<<Click Here for news>>
(iii) Supreme Court
cancels 122 2G licenses
<<Click Here for news>>
2G judgment : Strong
language from Supreme Court
<<Click Here for news>>
(v) Cancelled telecom
licenses: Impact on consumers, economy
<<Click Here for news>>
Stormy Times For
India's Telecom Sector Ahead How It Will Impact On Subscribers?
<<Click Here for news>> |
Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations writes a letter to Sh. R.K. Upadhyay,
CMD BSNL regarding d Lunch Hour demonstration at BSNL / CGM and GM Hqs on 07th
<<Click Here for letter>> |
AIBSNLEA notified Central Office Bearers/Advisors and
Circle Secretaries of AIBSNLEA meeting to be held
on 11th February 2012
at 10.00 hrs
at CTO Dormitory, Eastern Court, Janpath, New Delhi
Here for notification>> |
Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations released Circular to all
CHQ Office Bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries
of AIBSNLEA for mobilization of 3 Days Dharna programme on 15th, 16th and
17th Feb'2012 along with 'Work According to Rule' and 'Non Co-operation
Movement' programes to protest against the arbitrary notification of Special
Recruitment Rules of Sr. DGM, non- finalization of E2-E3 standard IDA pay
scales & CPSUs Cadre hierarchy in BSNL
<<Click Here for Circular>> |
United Forum Massive Demonstration on 7th Feb'2012:
United Forum of BSNL Executives'
Associations representatives i.e. AIBSNLEA, SNEA(I) & AIGETOA met
today and expressed their resentment against arbitrary notification of BSNL
SLD RRs-2011 of Sr. DGMs/GMs/CGMs in BSNL in violation of BSNL MSRRs and DoP&T
instructions to bring back non-optee ITS Officers in BSNL which will
adversely affect the BSNL & its Executives.
United Forum
discussed to hold Joint Meeting of CHQ Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries
on 11th Feb'2012 at New Delhi for making agitation Programmes a complete
success starting w.e.f. 15th Feb'2012 i.e. DHARNA, Work According to Rules
and Non-Cooperation.
United Forum
also decided to hold Massive Demonstration on
7th Feb'2012
during Lunch/Closing Hours at BSNL Corporate Office/Circle/SSA levels.
All the CHQ Office
bearers/Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to make organisational
action programmes a complete success by involving 100% members.
BSNL issued
clarifications regarding SLDRR-2011 -
<<Click Here for Clarifications>>
writes to
Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in the cadre of DE
<<Click Here for letter>>
The Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for
promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) under 25% LDCE held on 15.07.2007-
case of Smt. A Margiret Dhimar Infenda, JTO (T), TN
<<Click Here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for
correction/modification in the seniority list of TES Gr. 'B'
<<Click Here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for
transfer in the cadre of SDE(T)
<<Click Here for letter>>
(FP), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in the cadre of Accounts
<<Click Here for letter>>
The Director
(HR), BSNL regarding request for transfer in the cadre of JTO(T)
Here for letter>> |
GS along with Shri. I.C.Swarnkar, Branch Secretary, ERP GZB and ERP members
met ED (CA) on 01-02-2012 and discussed regarding
Implementation of ERP Project:
ED(CA) appreciated the works done by Core Team of ERP
in development of Project and works like BBP, UAT test, FIT test, imparting
training at POC locations, Data validation and Co-ordination with HCL during
Go-Live at 3 POC locations (ALTTC GZB, Telecom Factory Mumbai, WTP) and
informed that ERP in remaining 4 POC locations will be implemented shortly.
Regarding Request Transfers of ERP Staff:
ED (CA) gave patient hearing to the grievances of ERP Staff. GS explained
in detail that how the Association has motivated the executives from all
circles to join ERP project and requested to transfer them back as per their
request, as they have completed 2 years considering their age, personal
problems and other responsibilities at this stage. ED (CA) was sympathetic
towards staff problems and is ready to consider the genuine and long
distance staff transfer cases. ED (CA) also asked to provide module wise
details of request transfers. Further he informed that young executives
will be posted for further continuation of the project. GS and ERP members
thanked ED (CA) for sympathetic hearing towards ERP staff grievances. |
Com. Prahlad Rai, GS
AIBSNLEA, Com. G.L. Jogi, GS SNEA(I) and Com. Shilorao CHQ President
AIGETOA addressed the Joint Meeting at Chennai on BSNL Viability and Career
progression of Executives on 28.01.2012. On BSNL Viability and Career
progression of Executives on 28.01.2012 @ 5 PM at Infosys Hall, Ramakrishna
Misssion Mat. Hr. Sec,. School, North Usman Road (Opp. Joy Alukkas), T.
Nagar-17. CHQ leaders in their address explained under the circumstance the
agitation programme decision has been taken i.e. arbitrary notification of
SLD BSNL RRs to bring back non-optee ITS Officers in violation BSNL MSRRs
and DOP&T guidelines under different Pension Rules. They expressed anguish
against the negligent / Partition attitude of BSNL Management towards
existing committee BSNL executives . Strongly opposed recruitment of 600 Sr.
DGM s diverting DGMs posts , non-finalization of E-2, E-3 IDA pay scales for
JTO/SDE equivalent executives and non-implementation of CPSUs cadre
hierarchy etc. They called upon for successful implementation of agitation
programme w.e.f. 15th Feb'2012. More than 700 executives
attended the meeting. |
The SNEA(I) CHQ President Sh. S.L. Reddy presided the meeting.
Com. Prahlad Rai, General Secretary AIBSNLEA emphasized the need of Unity of
executives and boosted the courage of executives. Com. G.L. Jogi,
General Secretary, SNEA(I) & Com. Silohurao, President AIGETOA addressed the
gathering. Com. Muralikrishna, AIGETOA, Com. Viswanath, Circle President
SNEA(I) and Com. J. Saibaba, Circle Secretary AIBSNLEA also addressed the
gathering. Com. B.S Reddy, OS(S) AIBSNLEA & Com. A. Chandrasekhar, AGS also
present on the dias. Com. Sateesh, Vice President AIGETOA welcomed the
dignitaries on the dias. Welcome address by Com. Ramesh Branch President
SNEA(I) HTD. Com. Rajendra Prasad, Branch Secretary, AIBSNLEA HTD proposed
vote of thanks. All the CHQ leaders of United Forum appeal for successful
implementation of agitation programmes w.e.f. 15th Feb'2012 to protest
against arbitrary notification of SLD RRs.
Click Here for Glimpses
<<Photo4>> |
Meeting at Bangalaru on 30th Jan'2012: Com.
Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA, Com.
G.L.Jogi ,GS SNEA(I) and Com. Shilohurao
CHQ Pres. AIGETOA addressed on Viability of BSNL and Carear Progression of
Executives on 30th Jan 2012 at CGMT Office. More than
650 executives including young JTOs attended the meeting and taken a pledge
to fight for their legitimate rights and for the survival of BSNL in the
ongoing struggle programme in the coming days,... Many comrades from
Kolar, Tumkur, Madikeri, Mysore have also attended. Com
W Sheshagiri Rao, Veteran leader of SNEA has
also graced the accession and given a call for committed involvement in
re-building the beloved company BSNL. Com M R Nagaraj
DGM Finance presided over the function. Com H Y Andeli
CS AIBSNLEA welcomed the gathering and Com Manjunath
CS AIGETOA extended the vote of thanks while Com S B
Nagavi CS SNEA anchored the programme. Com R B
Athani AGS AIBSNLEA, Com M H Gombi AGS
SNEA, Com B S Venkateshmurthy Circle President
SNEA, Com Ashok Shigli Circle President
AIGETIOA were also on the dias. Com C K Gundanna,
Convener JAC also attended and addressed the meeting and extended the
support of JAC. <<Glimpses
of the meeting>> |
Meeting of our AIBSNLEA,
Circle on 21.01.2012:
The IV CEC Meeting of our AIBSNLEA, Tamilnadu Circle was held at Thanjavur
on 21-01-2012. From administration we invited the DGM (A) and DGM (F).
The Chief Guest was Sri. J.V. Raja Reddy, the General Manager of Thanjavur
SSA. We invited Major. Mohamed Ashraf Khan, our CGM for addressing the
seminar as the Chief Guest, he could not come as he was pre-occupied with
the CMD Programme scheduled in the eleventh hour. Com.Venu, our CHQ
President and Com.V.K. Paramasivam, Advisor, CHQ were the special invitees
to address the seminar and the subjective committee meeting held in the
The seminar on
Strategy on BSNL survival after ITS repatriation"
was inaugurated by the Circle Secretary. The
General Manager, TNJ SSA, Com. P. Venu, CHQ President, Com.Guru,ACS,
Com.Bangaru, ACS, Com. Venkatesan, BS/CDL SSA, Com.Palaniappan, BS/MA SSA,
Com.Ganesh, BS/STR/Chennai, Com.Rajamanickam, BS/CBT SSA, Com.Subramaniam,
BP/Trichy SSA, Com.Usman of CBT SSA and Com.Ragupathy, BP/SLM SSA
participated in the seminar. The General Manager pointed out the immediate
requirements for the survival and the justification in the SLDRR, 2011. He
mentioned the present role of trade unions which was unwarranted and
unhelpful for the survival of BSNL. The Circle Secretary submitted the
demerits of SLDRR, 2011 and the reasons why we all under UF platform rised
to fight it out tooth and nail. The seminar was well attended. In addition
to our local members, the office bearers of sister organisations also
attended on our invitation. The leaders of SNEA, NFTE-BSNL, BSNLEU, SEWA
graced the meeting and spoke in the seminar. The hall was fully packed till
the end of the seminar. The seminar ended with the vote of thanks by
Com.Sivakumar, the CWC member.
Com.VKP, the Advisor explained
that through our consistent agitational programmes we conducted we
were able to get a ommittment on refund of BWA spectrum charges and order on
minimum pension contribution which would save huge BSNL money. The
repatriation issue became serious only after our programmes. We got all the
facilities including the higher pay just because of our organisation. We
have to educate our members.
After detail discussion by our
participants Com. P. Venu finally spoke on the financial matters that pose a
threat to BSNL survival. The CMD did not want to send the ITS officers out
but the Secretary, DOT was not for it and requested to wait for some time.
There need not be two pension rules for BSNL under Rule 37 and Rule 37 A.
The upgradation of 600 DGM posts to Sr.DGM posts would block the
promotional prospects of young DR JTOs/ JAOs and promotees. We would allow
the SLDRR, 2011 to be implemented. Only through serious form of actions we
could stop it, he added.
To conclude the meet,
Com.Muhilan, the president, TNJ/ SSA expressed vote of thanks. With this,
the CEC meeting was announced to be ended by the Circle President. <<Click Here for Glimpses>> |
of AIBSNLEA, Kerala Circle on 18.01.2012:
C.E.C of AIBSNLEA, Kerala Circle met on 18-01-2012 in
the Association's own office building "AIBSNLEA BHAVAN" at Ernakulam. Com.K.F.Antony,
Circle President presided the meeting. There was participation from
all the branches in the circle. Com. P.VENUGOPAL, President,
AIBSNLEA, (CHQ) New Delhi, attended the CEC. Com. P. Krishnamohan,
Secretary of host branch welcomed the CHQ President, Circle office-bearers,
CWC members and all other CEC members/ special invitees gathered for
attending the CEC. Com. K.F. Antony, Circle President, in his
presidential address explained the issues taken up with circle
administration in the last meeting had with CGM. He congratulated the
office-bearers of Trivandrum branch for the good work they did resulted
in induction of 45 new members to the branch. He also made a brief
narration of the items for discussion- viz., Repatriation of ITS, Special
Lateral Direct Recruitment Rules- 2011 for Management Services, Stoppage
of all officiating arrangements in Kerala Circle and issues related to
regularization of Officiating JTOs.
The CS brought to the notice of
the CEC that the Kerala Circle Administration is determined to stop all
officiating promotions with effect from 1.4.2012 on certain flimsy grounds
only to impart harassment to executives who made the one day strike of 15th
Dec 2011 a success.
impact of this decision is severe on the fate of more than 250 officiating
JTOs in Kerala Circle who are active and paid members of AIBSNLEA Kerala.
The Circle Secretary stated that none of the suggestions put forward by the
CHQ of our Association in the matter of regularization of Officiating JTOs
has been accepted by the BSNL Authorities so far. But the BSNL management
was very prompt in resolving the issues related to the illegal
accommodation of un absorbed ITS officers . They have been given all
protections for a back door entry to BSNL.
The Circle Secretary also suggested that a new form of agitation is to be
adopted instead of the conventional trade union actions that proved not
so effective and result oriented .
Com.P. Venugopal
President AIBSNLEA CHQ addressed the CEC &
replied all queries raised by the members. Customer delight year was
dropped because of complaints received regarding shortage of cable drop wire
, modem etc. He explained the views of our Association in the matter of
VRS, ITS repatriation , Recruitment Policy etc.
Regarding the unilateral
decision of the management for the stoppage of Officiating arrangement in
Kerala Circle, the CHQ President asked the Circle Secretary to highlight
the issue to the CHQ so that the case will be taken up with CMD by CHQ. The
CHQ president also appreciated the efforts being made by AIBSNLEA Kerala
extending 100% support to CHQ , JAC & UF calls for organizational
activities. Com. V. Sunilkumar , F.S delivered vote of thanks and
the CEC concluded at 6.30 PM.
Click Here for Glimpses
President met ED(F) and discussed
(a) DPC
from AO to CAO:
We expressed our serious concern against non-filling up of vacant CAO posts.
ED(F) mentioned that the matter was discussed in BSNL Management Committee
to fill up about 480 CAOs posts but the Competent Authority raised some
queries regarding filling up of MT quota STS posts. However the matter has
been explained to Director (HR) and he has assured to further discussed the
matter in the MC for approval. She advised to take up the matter with
Director (HR)/CMD, BSNL.
(b) DPC
from JAO/AAO to AO:
We requested to fill up about 500 vacant AOs posts. ED(F) mentioned that to
initiate DPC from JAO/AAO to AO, the proposal was sent to competent
authority but some clarification has been asked which has now being
clarified. She assured early holding of DPC after getting clearance from the
Competent Authority.
(c) Consideration
of Tenure/Request Transfers of AOs/CAOs:
We expressed our concern against non-issuance of timely transfer orders of
AOs/CAOs from tenure Circles/Stations to their choice stations and not
considering the genuine request transfers. She mentioned that some Circle
IFAs has requested not to transfer the AOs/CAOs till June'2012in view of the
various audit work and closing of accounts. However she assured to consider
genuine cases of transfer. |