Headquarters, New Delhi
Chemmery Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi -110001
to GS : gsaibsnlea@gmail.com) |
Last updated:-Friday, September 10, 2010 04:33:32 PM
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REPORT of 3rd CWC Meeting of AIBSNLEA
held at GOA on 17th - 18th August 2010.
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: GS writes to CMD
BSNL regarding
Resolutions passed in the Central
Working Committee meeting of AIBSNLEA
held at Goa from 17th to 18th
August, 2010.
Click here |
31.08.2010 : GS writes regarding :
Request for modifications
in the transfer order on promotion from
TES Group ‘B' to DE adhoc
Left out cases for
promotion in the cadre of CAOs/AOS
Request for modifications
in the transfer order on promotion from
TES Group ‘B' to DE adhoc
Preponement of date of
adhoc promotion. Case of Shri V S
Ratnakar, DGM, (Staff No.10061), KTK
Cancellation of
Inter-circle transfers of BSNL
Executives' based on old ODI Lists-as
per the CVC guidelines
Letter-6 :
Appeal against the penal
order case of Shri R G Kulkarni and Shri
B R Gaikawad SDE Latur, MH Circle
Request for transfer in
the cadre of SDEs(Civil)
Request for transfer in
the cadre of DEs |
: GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding
Problems in O&M of CDR System due to
lapses in its implementation.
Click here |
30.08.2010 :
AIBSNLEA extends Solidarity and Moral
Support to CPSUs Unions Strike on 7th
September 2010.
Click Here
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding Posting
on promotion of the Executive
SDE(Telecom) to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operaton Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Click Here for
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding Regular
promotion of the Adhoc Executive in
Telecom Operation (STS) to the Executive
in Telecom Operation (STS) in the IDA
scale of Rs,29100-54500/=
Click Here for
has addressed a letter to CGM KTK/CH
TD/TN/STR Circle requesting
the applications of willing officers,
recently promoted officers for posting
in AP/KRL circle.
Click here |
writing a letter and having
detailed discussion with GM(Pers) on
26/08/2010,BSNL CO has issued clarification
for adopting PA/PS form of BSNL CO for
PA/PS of field units of BSNL. Click
Here |
27.08.2010:- GS, AGS(HQ), AGS(F),
Org. Secy. (N), Org. Secy. (S), CS (KTK)
met MEMBER (S), DOT and discussed-
IDA Pension revision of BSNL
Pensioners retired before 01.01.2007:-We
enquired about the status of IDA pension
revision case, Member (Services)
informed that Law Ministry has already
sent its clearance but the clearance
from DOP SW, DOE and DOP&T are still
awaited. He immediately directed
concerned officers for issuing the
Deferred option from CDA to IDA
pay fixation after 01.10.2000:-Member
(Services) mentioned that pay fixation
from CDA to IDA pay scale after
01.10.2000 to till the next promotion or
superannuation made based on BSNL pay
fixation formula is not agreed by CCA's
and they are referring Swami Hands Book
for pay fixation formula and has made
recoveries . DOT finance wing is still
examining the case. We apprised him the
judgment delivered by Madras CAT in
favour of BSNL pensioners. He assured to
look into the matter.
ITS officers absorption issue :-
(Services) informed that he has finalized
Cabinet Note on 29.04.2010 itself on ITS
Absorption issue, but the same is yet to
be cleared by Internal Finance of DOT
and Competent Authority. During last
four months some modification has been
made in view of to make the absorption
process success. He further mentioned
that Cabinet Note will be shortly ready
and will be sent to competent authority
for approval, and thereafter to Nodal
Ministries for clearance. Against delay
we expressed our dissatisfaction.
(d) Member
(Services) Committee meeting on
Sam Pitroda panel
Member (Services)
mentioned that Government order
regarding constitution of the committee
headed by him has been received and
shortly the internal meetings and
meetings with stack holders will be
(e) Rumors on
retirement age reduction from 60to 58
years in BSNL, Reply to our query to
Member (Services) mentioned that he
does not have any knowledge on this
issue. |
GS, AGS(F), Org.
Secy.(N), Org. Secy. (S), CS(KTK) met
Secretary (T) and discussed- We
expressed our serious concern against
delay in finalizing the cabinet note on
ITS officers abortion issued.
Secretary (T) mentioned that Cabinet
Note on ITS Officer's abortion is being
finalized but delayed due to preparing
proper justification on certain issues
to convince the Nodal Ministries and
Cabinet. He assured for early
finalization of the cabinet note on this
issue. |
GS writes regarding:-
Letter 1: Restructuring &
Promotional Policy for Personal
Letter 2: Implementation of Central
Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Ernakulam
Bench, order dated 12th day of July
2010 in TA No.110/2008 and CAT Madras
Bench Transfer Application No. 70 &
71/2009 dated 07.04.2010
Letter 3: Annual Performance
Appraisal Report – forms for
Letter 4:- Holding LDCE for JTO(TFs)
against 33% quota-undue delay
Letter 5:- Calculation of monthly
contribution towards cost of Pension of
absorbed employees in BSNL
Letter 6:- Instructions to all Govt.
Departments/Autonomous Bodies where the
Govt. of India bears the cost of
telephone expenditure for taking the
telecom services from BSNL only to
support BSNL |
26.08.2010 : GS,
AGS (HQ), AGS (F), AGS (PS/CSS/Others),
OS (S), CS KTK Circle met GM (Pers) and
discussed :
(A) Consideration of request for
modification / cancellation of transfer
and postings on DE adhoc promotion :
We requested to accommodate SDEs on
promotion to DE adhoc in the same
Circles mainly in the Circles like CHTD,
STR, TN, KTK, DNW etc. wherein more than
400 DEs adhoc on promotion have been
transferred and posted to distant
Circles. It will not only cause hardship
to the Executives but will adversely
affect the functioning of these Circles
wherein huge number of expert Executives
have been transferred on promotion to
various Circles. We requested to create
required DEs posts in the new service
areas to accommodate these Executives.
It will save lot of BSNL's money on TA &
TP and further growth of these Circles.
GM (Pers) mentioned that such
considerations may take place only when
concerned CGMTs demand on justification.
(B) DPC to DE adhoc promotion of left
out cases / review DPC for below
benchmark cases :
We requested to hold review DPC to
consider below benchmark cases based on
their appeal settled by Circles and left
out cases. GM (Pers) assured to issue
promotion order of some left out cases
of SDEs to DE adhoc and review DPC
within a day or two.
(C) APAR format for PAs and PSs of field
units :
We requested to finalise APAR format for
PAs and PSs of field units similar to
the PAs and PSs of BSNL CO. GM (Pers)
agreed to our arguments and directed the
concerned Executives of Pers Cell to
issue necessary instructions in this
(D) DPC from SDE (TF) to DE (TF) :
We requested to fill up all vacant posts
of DE / AGM (TF) posts. GM (Pers)
assured an early action in this regard.
26.08.2010 : GS,
AGS (HQ), AGS (F), OS (N), OS (S), CS
KTK Circle met CMD BSNL and discussed :
(A) Posting on promotion to DE adhoc in
KTK Circle :
We requested that additional DEs posts
are required to be created in some
Circles viz. KTK, CHTD, STR, TN and DNW
to accommodate about 400 DEs promoted on
adhoc basis. CMD mentioned that
Executives on promotion should go to
other Circles also but when we apprised
that displacement of about 400
Executives from these Circles will
certainly affect adversely the growth of
these Circles and will create lot of
hardship to these Executives, CMD
assured that if any justifications are
sent to BSNL CO by respective CGMs for
additional DEs posts creation, the same
will be examined. He also discussed the
matter with CGMT KTK Circle over phone.
(B) Implementation of DPE OM dated
02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA fitment
benefit :
We enquired about the decision of BSNL
Board meeting held on 25.08.2010 on this
issue. CMD informed that the issue was
discussed in the BSNL Board meeting but
it was advised to take decision in this
regard only when BSNL starts earning
profit. CMD mentioned that he is worried
if the present trend continues in the
month of Jan 2011 salary to BSNL
employees will be paid after taking
loans from banks. He advised that now
everybody in BSNL should think to earn
revenue for BSNL.
(C) Procurement of 5.5 million GSM lines
equipment :
In response to our query regarding
procurement of 5.5 million GSM lines
equipment CMD mentioned that recently
DOT has allowed BSNL to procure GSM
equipment from Chinese vendors also. The
issue was discussed in yesterday's BSNL
Board meeting and Board has decided to
allow Chinese vendors also to
participate in the tendering process. In
view of that shortly the retendering
process of 5.5 million GSM lines
equipment will start. We requested to
expedite the tender process.
25.08.2010 : GS, President, AGS (F), AGS
(PS/CSS/Others) met GM (Estt) and
discussed :
(A) Implementation of Ernakulam and
Madras CAT judgments regarding promotion
of Steno Grade-III to PA cadre :
We requested to promote Steno Grade-III
Executives to PA cadre as per the old
RRs before 01.01.2004. The promotions
through 50% LICE from Steno Grade-III to
PA cadre may be considered after
01.01.2004 only. GM (Estt) assured to
examine the issue.
(B) Regularisation of Offg. JTOs :
We requested to pursue through BSNL
Advocate in the Hon'ble Chandigarh High
Court for an early judgment against Offg.
JTOs case. GM (Estt) informed that the
final hearing in the case in Hon'ble
Chandigarh High Court is over and the
judgment is kept reserved. He also
mentioned that the fate of Offg. JTOs
will depend on the outcome of the
judgment of Hon'ble Chandigarh High
Court judgment.
(C) Implementation of various court
judgments in favour of ASTTs merged with
JTO (T) pay fixation case :
We requested to implement various court
judgments for erstwhile ASTTs merged
with JTO (T) cadre regarding their pay
fixation case. GM (Estt) mentioned that
matter is under consideration and after
legal opinion only some decision may be
taken. |
25.08.2010 :
Hon'ble CAT, Chennai
given a favorable judgment directing DOT
to pay the pension on the average of
last 10 months pay drawn by BSNL and pay
the arrears with 9% interest as per the
judgment already given by Hon'ble CAT,
Ernakulam dated 14.06.2010
Here for Judgment copy |
25.08.2010 : GS writes regarding -
Request transfers in cadres -
SDE (T),
Request for modifications in the
transfer order on promotion from TES
Group ‘B' to DE adhoc
Request for inclusion of names in
promotion from TES Group ‘B' to DE
Request for rectification/discrepancy in
the seniority list of TES Gr. B Officers
Posting on promotion to
DEs adhoc- case of Karnataka circle
for travel by Air to visit NER and J&K |
BSNL has issued regularization
of 26 AGM/DETs (Telecom)
Click Here for
Click Here for
has issued inter-circle Transfers of
SDEs (Telecom)
Click Here for
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding Pending
ACRs of the Executives(Civil) for Regular promotion to EE(C) grade (JTS Stream)
Click Here for letter and list
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding Pending
ACRs of the SDE(C) streem for Regular promotion to EE(C) grade (SDE(C) Stream)
Click Here for letter and list
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding
circulation of Syllabus, Scheme and
Application form of Limited Departmental
Competitive Examination for Promotion to
the grade of Sub Divisional Engineer (
Electrical) for vacancy years 2008-09
and 2009-10 under 33% quota.
Click Here for
List |
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding Pending
ACR of the SDEs(E) for promotion to the
grade of EE(E)
Click Here for
List |
BSNL Corporate
Office issued clarification as per the
demand of AIBSNLEA (Click
Here for Original
Click Here for clarification)
regarding Payment of Composite Transfer
Grant on revised pay in respect of all
employees working in BSNL. |
20.08.2010 :Report
of the General Secretary placed in the
Central Working Committee Meeting of
AIBSNLEA held from 17th to 18th
August 2010 at
Marinha Dourada Tambudki, Arpora (Baga)
Bardez, GOA
Click Here for GS
Report |
Note Address delivered by Shri Prahlad
Rai, General Secretary in the Open
Session of Central Working Committee
Meeting of AIBSNLEA held at GOA on
Here for Keynote address |
20.08.2010 :
AIBSNLEA, Chennai Telecom District Circle launched
its new website:-
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter
Clarification of Non-Executive Promotion
Policy [NEPP] for employees in the IDA
pay scales of NE-1 to NE-10 of Bharat
Sanchar Nigam Limited
Click Here for
Letter |
19.08.2010: Central Working COMMITTEE
18 OF AUGUST, 2010:
The 3rd meeting of the
Central Working Committee of the
AIBSNLEA was held on 17th &
18th of August 2010 at Hotel
Marinha Dourada, Goa. Flag hosting
ceremony was held at 9.30 hours by Shri
K. Satyanarayana, President and Shri
Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA in the presence
of the CHQ office bearers, Circle
Secretaries, Circle Presidents, CWC
members, and special invitees present.
The meeting commenced at 10.00 hours.
Shri K. Satyanarayana, President,
AIBSNLEA presided over the meeting. He
welcomed all the CHQ Office bearers,
Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents,
CWC members, special invitees and
requested all to fully participate in
the deliberations and make the CWC a
grand success. Shri V.P. Kulkarni,
Circle Secretary, Maharashtra Circle,
Welcomed all the CHQ Office bearers,
Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents,
CWC members, special invitees and
requested all to co-operate in
conducting the meeting successfully.
After the two minutes silence and self
introduction, the minutes of the 2nd
CWC meeting held at Chennai were
unanimously confirmed. The Circle
Secretaries/Org. Secretaries / Asstt.
General Secretaries presented their
An open
session was held during the 3rd
Central Working Committee meeting of
AIBSNLEA at Goa on 17th
August 2010 at 11.30 hrs. Cultural
programme was arranged. Traditional
dances of Goa have been performed by
Shri Dheeraj and group. Shri V.P.
Kulkarni, C.S. Maharashtra Circle
welcomed all the distinguished guests
and CWC members. Shri K. Satyanarayana
in his presidential address expressed
gratitude for making the elaborate
arrangement for the 3rd CWC
meeting and the special gratitude to the
Goa Dist. Branch, Secy. and his team. He
has praised CMD Sh. Gopal Das about the
support especially in DE adhoc promotion
orders. He further informed that Shri
D.P. De was instrumental for the
restructuring being the committee member
and extended his gratitude. He
expressed under the leadership of Sh.
Gopal Das, CMD BSNL, we expect full
support and requested to resolve the
issue of 78.2% IDA fitment benefit and
give justice to BSNL employees. He
requested not to link with the financial
viability as similar to other PSUs. He
expressed that you can do wonder not
only in solving our problem but for the
financial viability of BSNL also. He
expressed the fullest support of
AIBSNLEA to him.
Prahlad Rai, GS in his key note address,
informed that the representatives of
30000 executives throughout the BSNL are
attending the CWC meeting to discuss
various issues related to their cadre
and career growth as well as to discuss
about the financial viability and growth
of BSNL. He stated that the way Shri
Gopal Das, present CMD of BSNL has
worked even as Director HRD also, for
the welfare and career of executives as
a result, the BSNL Management Service
recruitment rules has been finalised.
1571+279=1850 regular DEs, 630 CAOs
regular and recently 2710
(1679+1031=2710) adhoc DEs promotion
orders were issued. He also stated that
Shri D.P. De, GM (Estt.) was the member
of the joint committee and his support
and positive attitude in finalising its
report based on which the BSNL
management recruitment rules has been
finalised. The positive thinking of
the CMD and GM (Estt.) is the reason for
settling so many major issues like adhoc
/ regular DPCs of DEs, CAOs adhoc and
regular promotion of DEs to Dy. G.M. and
CAOs to Dy. G.M. (F), etc. The
qualification criteria of diploma of
EE(Civil/Electrical/ Arch) has been
relaxed and necessary modifications
have been done due to which, there will
not be any reversion of E.E.s and in
turn they will be promoted to SE.
In the
keynote address Shri Prahlad Rai, GS
briefed various issues related to BSNL
for its viability and requested the
management to attend it on priority.
Further he pointed out some of the
issues like implementation of BSNLMS RRs,
MTRR, Change of designations on each
Time Bound upgradation and post based
promotions, date of effect of
implementation of revised IDA pay scales
for the executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000, one
time placement of SDE to Sr. SDE grade,
continuous deprivation of senior
executives of Telecom Engg. Wing,
Revision of pension of BSNL employees,
filling up of the vacant STS group 'A'
posts in BSNL, regular promotion to SDE
(Telecom), serious irregularities in the
TES group 'B' officers seniority lists,
DPC from JAO/AAO to AO, 1999 JAO batch
DPC, revision of pay scale of Assistant
Directors (OL), promotion from JTOs
officiating (TTAs) to JTOs Telecom on
regular basis, sanction / creation of
new posts of PPS in the field offices,
deducting the benefit of deferred option
of CDA pay scales at the time of
superannuation, implementation of DPE OM
dated 2.4.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA
fitment benefit and revision of perks
and allowances, finalisation of E1A,
E2A, E9A and E9B IDA pay scales,
membership verification of the
executives association in BSNL and
requested the BSNL management to settle
it immediately so that the aggrieved
executives are satisfied.
Prahlad Rai, GS has suggested BSNL
management the issues viz. Absorption of
ITS officers in BSNL, Myth of the
Privatisation / Disinvestment of BSNL
being a panacea of all its problems,
illogical interest and taxes being paid
by BSNL, instructions to all Govt. Deptt.
/ Autonomous bodies where the Govt. Of
India bears the cost of telephone
expenditure for taking the telecom
services from BSNL only to support BSNL,
strengthening of marketing and sales
units of BSNL, etc. for the financial
viability of BSNL and requested to take
necessary action immediately. He
informed that under the leadership of
CMD, the Enterprise Business has been
increased manifold and requested CMD to
further strengthen the E.B., so that
more business can be achieved. Shri Rai
further requested for implementation of
78.2% IDA benefit is discussed at
various level in number of times and
requested the CMD to get it approved in
the next BSNL board meeting which is the
decision of the Deptt. of Public
Enterprises based on GOM
recommendations. Requested Shri D.P.
De, GM (Estt.) to pursue the Court Case
related to JTOs (Offg.) / TTAs of
Chandigarh court and settle the case at
the earliest. After introduction of CDR
software the surrender of landline is
more in A.P. Circle and the training
given on CDR is not sufficient and the
support given by TCS is not enough. Due
to improper and wrong implementation of
CDR, many works are delayed like
shifting, etc and the customers and
facing problem and the issues of CDR may
be set right immediately. A committee
may be formed to study and settle the
issue of CDR so that the majority of
surrender cases due to the problem of
CDR can be stopped. Sufficient numbers
of JAG posts are vacant and requested
CMD to fill up those vacancies in all
disciplines. Since the expectations have
been met by the management, we should
reciprocate to the organisation and
during the period of the CMD. He
informed with his leadership, BSNL can
grow and achieve its target. He has
settled the major issues of
non-executives also. General
Secretary stated that AIBSNLEA and its
members will strive hard and devote
ourself to the service and extend
fullest support to ensure best telecom
service to its customers.
Shri G.R.
Ravi, GMTD GOA in his address informed
that he is very much happy for holding
the meeting in Goa for which he is the
head. He stated, the association will
discuss various issues of its members
and come to a strong suggestion. He
informed that if you have to plan for
one plan trice, if planning for life
time plan people. Given return to the
organisation he extended his
co-operation and support for any problem
during the stay and conference.
Shri A.K.
Kaushik, GS TEAM, MTNL New Delhi, in his
address mentioned that the issues
raised by GS AIBSNLEA are related to
executives of BSNL and any organisation
headed by the person Head of HR will
grow and achieve its target. The HR
issues are the main aspect to make the
department for the development of the
organisation is a must. He requested
CMD to put his offices to merge the BSNL
and MTNL especially to get the PAN India
status, so that leased line business can
grow much. He requested CMD to settle
the bill payment of service connection
of MTNL and BSNL and ITS absorption. He
pointed out that the professionals
recruited in MTNL in HR, etc has
served any purpose. Professionals are
not the requirement of the organisation.
Persons cannot change, the system can
only change the organisation. In Govt.
System decisions cannot be taken by the
officers as against the decision making
by the owners in the private
competitors. Liberty to the management
and the employees is required and only
by changing the head, the organisation
cannot be changed. He suggested to work
together by resolving all HR issues. He
requested all executives to achieve the
profession qualifications, instead of
recruiting the professionals in the
organisation from outside. He has
stated that the outsiders are integrated
in the organisation to sell out the
organisation. We the executives and
non-executives are asset of the
organisation and work together for the
growth of the organisation BSNL and MTNL.
Shri D P
De, GM (Estt.), New Delhi in his address
thanked the AIBSNLEA for inviting him
for the meeting. He stated any short
coming can be overcome we have to find
how we can delight out customer and
marketing cannot give customer and only
service only can give customers.
Customer will not stay with us if we do
not give best service. Congratulated
all associated with the PRC. Lot of HR
related issues have been settled and the
major issues e.g. DPE OM dated
02.04.2009, the case has already been
recommended, JTO officiating TTAs case
is attend in court.
Aloke Kaul, CGM MH Circle stated that in
his tenure of 32 years in the
organisation, the current challenges are
all of stand united and have one
objective and to maximise our revenue,
we have the EB, Broadband, pick up a lot
in GSM, We have to maximise our sales
only through good quality of service let
us all of us dedicate ourselves for good
quality of service. I would like to say
the soft area which we have where we
have to learn a lot is customer
management and we have to develop and
lot of sophisticated equipment. We have
to make trick to get the your attracted
to us. The Govt. Process of tender is
to be handled and e-tendering is a grant
success will help us in process. Man
power productivity, the market share has
come down to increase it man power
productivity norms along with our salary
structure norms. Let us do it.
Shri Gopal Das, CMD, BSNL in
his speech expressed sincere thanks to
Shri Rai, G.S. AIBSNLEA for having
invited and giving this honour. He felt
privileged to be in the meeting and
witness the rich culture and heritage of
Goa, the beautiful state, people with
lot of enthusiasm and beautiful venue
for this conference. He informed that
BSNL is actually passing through a
critical juncture, this year and have
posted a loss of 1823 crores as against
the profit of 512 Crs. during last
financial year. The conditions are very
difficult and definitely we have to
think over on the reasons. There has
been fierce competition, the tariffs
have fallen, and our revenues have
declined but at the same time our
expenditures have increased manifold. In
case of other operators the staff
expenditure is only 10% as against the
40% in BSNL. Our expenses cannot be
reduced much but we have to find out
ways how to remain profitable. There is
stiff competition but at the same time
there are lots of opportunities. Today
the total customer base all over the
country is 652 Mn., our customer base is
99.5 Mn. and BSNL is having almost 15%
customer base in the market share.
We have to find out methods to
enhance our revenue. We have ample
opportunities and potential. In the
next 3 years total growth is expected to
double. BSNL have 3 lakh strong force
with full expertise and experience and
only the need of the hour is full
determination to take the company to
greater heights. Basic thing to be done
is to focus on service to the customer.
As there are 14 operators, the customer
has lot of options. Number portability
is going to be introduced very soon and
customer may migrate with same number to
the best service provider. Hence
challenges are too many.
90% of the customers simply
leave without any complaint. First and
foremost step is to improve the quality
of service and customer service. It
does not need much of resources and can
be done with available resources, if we
are focused. In case of landline, we
have to ensure that no fault is kept
pending beyond 12 hours. The service
delivery has to be fast. Within 72
hours landline and broadband have to be
provided. Service delivery and service
assurance has to be focused to improve
our service quality. We have to look to
our strength and weakness. Strength is
strong work force, and huge capacity
which is lying idle. We can utilise
the capacity to our advantage. Cable
pairs in many pillar areas are lying
idle and can be used to provide landline
and broadband connections. Broadband on
ADSL is our unique selling point and can
be used to enhance revenue many fold.
further suggested that all the
executives must engage the staff up to
T.M. level and have a meeting with them
once in a week for at least two hours
and explain to them about our new
services, marketing, competition in the
competitive scenario. In today's
scenario, telecom has become like FMCG
goods. We must motivate our staff to
sell landline connection in feasible
areas. If this is done properly, we can
make the company profitable. Let us use
existing resources and generate
additional revenue.
CMD pointed out that many of
our retailers are not selling our
products and requested all the
executives to monitor and ensure that
the supply of materials are made to the
retailers in time.
He mentioned that
infrastructure sharing has to be done to
reduce our expenditure and maximise the
gain. We have to explore all the
possibilities. Sharing of bandwidth is
another area under consideration, as
there is lot of spare capacity
He stated that the most of the issues of
your cadre and career progression have
been resolved and the list has been
reduced drastically. He has further
informed that he has tried his level
best to settle most of pending issues
related to various cadres, but some
issues will always be there and
requested the executive to forget about
the trivial issues as most of the major
issues have been resolved and for next 6
months all of us must concentrate and
focus on enhancement of revenue. He
stated that we must enhance revenue by
10% more over the previous year. He
appealed to all the executives to rise
to the occasion and to communicate with
subordinates, focus on customer, focus
on business, retain the existing
customers and grab new customers. In
broadband segment, many other operators
are expected to rollout in next 6
months, hence, utilise the existing
capacity immediately. CMD further
mentioned that with sincere efforts by
management and employees, we can regain
the no. 1 status in the near future.
meeting concluded by expressing thanks
by Shri S. Ramamurthy, Circle President,
MH Circle, to all the dignitaries
followed by Lunch.
16.00 hrs CWC resumed its earlier
session and discussed all agenda points
mainly summing by GS the reports of CSs
/ OSs
/ AGSs and discussions on GS report.
Discussion on GS report continued next
day on 18th August 2010, the
audited account was approved and after
passing resolutions on various HR issues
/ Organisational Matters and passing
resolutions in application of Maharastra
Circle & GOA Branch of AIBSNLEA for
making the elaborate & excellent
boarding & lodging arrangements at GOA.
CWC GOA Meet was declared closed by
President Com. K. Satayanarayana at
01.30 Hrs on 19.08.2010.Click
Here for Glimpses |
BSNL net loss at Rs 1,822.65 cr in FY10
on reduced tariff
19 Aug, 2010,
government said telecom operator BSNL
has suffered a net loss of Rs 1,822.65
crore during the financial year 2009-10
on account of reduction in revenue and
increased expenditure.....
Click Here for
Detail Report |
BSNL to launch 'Mobile Money Transfer'
18 Aug, 2010,
KISHANGANJ: The state-owned Bharat
Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) will soon
launch a new service called 'Mobile
Money Transfer' to provide banking
facilities to its customers at its
doorstep, a BSNL official..........
Click Here for
Detail Report |
Parliament Questions related to BSNL
and Answer
given by
Hon'ble MOSC&IT
Click Here for
Details |
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding posting
on Promotion of the Executives SDE
[Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Letter3 |
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter
regarding Transfer/posting and
re-allotment in the grade of AO/Sr. AO
of Accounts and Finance in BSNL
Click Here for
Letter |
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Click Here for Letter |
17.08.2010:CWC Meet GOA:
CWC Meet GOA begins today at 9.30 AM
after hoisting of the association flag
by CHQ President Com. K. Satayanarayana.
Open Session will commence at 11.00 Hrs.
Shri Gopal Das,
will be the Chief Guest
Shri Aloke Kaul,
CGM, Maharashtra Circle,
Shri D.P.De,
GM (Estt), BSNL CO, New Delhi,
Sh. Ravi, GMTD GOA, & Com A.K. Kaushik,
will be the Guest of Honour.
Detail will follows. |
Shri Gopal Das,
Chairman-cum- Managing Director, BSNL,
New Delhi
will be the Chief Guest.
Shri S.R.Kapoor,
Executive Director (Finance), BSNL, New
Shri Aloke Kaul,
CGM, Maharashtra Circle,
Shri D.P.De,
GM (Estt), BSNL CO, New Delhi
& Shri R.K.Mishra,
GM (Pers), BSNL, New Delhi
will be the Guests of Honour
Click Here for
Invitation Letter |
Marvelous Achievement !!
AIBSNLEA's sincere & dedicated efforts
yielded result in getting released
Promotion Order of 1571 DEs regular
Promotion Order.
AIBSNLEA constantly watched that SC-ST
roster point is implemented in true
sprit. A milestone is created for the
carrier growth of Group 'B' level
executives in BSNL. We requested to CMD,
BSNL to fill up remaining 1000 DEs
posts on regular basis at the earliest.
We extended sincere gratitude &
thanks to our CMD, BSNL, GM(Pers), GM(SR),
GM(Estt.), DGM(Pers.), DGM(Estt.), DGM
(Vig.) & all officers/staffs of Pers.
Cell for completing DPC in target time &
issuing the promotion order of DEs on
regular basis.
Click Here for the
Combined list in
Excel |
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Letter1 |
BSNL Corporate
Office issued letter regarding
Eligibility criteria for allotment of
BSNL-pool residential accommodation in
CDA pay scales
Click Here for
Letter |
GS writes
The GM(Pers),
BSNL CO regarding
Request for modifications in the transfer order on promotion from TES Group 'B' to DE adhoc
Circle transfer of SDE (Telecom)
Click Here for
Letter |
and posting of Executive in Telecom
Here for Letter1 Letter2 |
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Letter5 |
13.08.2010 : GS writes to
The GM(Estt),
BSNL CO request
for deputation order in the cadre of JTOs(T)
Here for Letter |
13.08.2010 : GS writes to
The PGM(FP),
BSNL CO request
for transfer order in the cadre of CAO/AO/JAOs
Here for Letter |
13.08.2010 : GS writes to
The GM(Pers),
BSNL CO regarding
for rectification/discrepancy in
seniority list in the cadre of SDEs(T)
for modifications in the transfer order
on promotion from TES Group 'B' to DE
for modifications in the transfer order
on promotion from TES Group 'B' to DE
13.08.2010 : GS writes
to CMD BSNL regarding
Regularization of JTO
officiating passed Screening Test in
Click here |
12.08.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F) met
GM (Pers) and discussed regarding DPC
for regularisation of DE adhoc.
GM (Pers) informed that still ACRs of
some adhoc DEs are pending i.e. RJ-6,
UKD-9, NTR/NTP-partly and CGH (Total)
Circles. He mentioned that if the above
ACRs are not received tomorrow the DPC
may get delayed. We have requested all
concerned Circle Secretaries for
immediate sending of the required ACRs
through special messenger to BSNL CO so
that DPC can be completed before 15th
August 2010. |
BSNL Corporate Office issued
order regarding Transfers/ Postings in
the grade of SDE(C)
Click Here for
Letter |
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Click Here for
Letter |
GS writes
The PGM(BW),
BSNL CO regarding
for transfer order in the cadre of SDEs(Civil)
GS writes
:Shri Gopal Das, Chairman-Cum-Managing
Director, BSNL regarding
in getting GSM and RSTC connection to
the executives on transfer to new
station |
GS writes
to The GM(Pers),
regarding :
for modifications in the transfer order
on promotion from TES Group 'B' to DE
for transfer order in the cadre of SDEs
BSNL Corporate Office issued
order regarding
Transfer and posting of Executives in
Telecom Finance for
CDR Data Centre under ITPC Circle
Click Here for
Letter |
GS writes
to The GM(Pers),
regarding :
for modifications in the transfer order
on promotion from TES Group 'B' to DE
for transfer order in the cadre of DEs
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Click Here for
Letter |
11.08.2010 : GS writes regarding :
Introduction of "Motive" software in
Broadband MP network - a "killer" to
create problem leading to surrender
Letter-2 :
Request for modifications
in the transfer order on promotion from
TES Group 'B' to DE adhoc
11.08.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F), OS
(N), OS (W) met GM (Pers) and discussed
(a) DPC for regularisation of DEs adhoc
We requested to complete the DPC for DE
regularisation at the earliest. GM (Pers)
mentioned that the DPC work is in
progress and efforts are being made to
issue DE regular promotion before 15th
August 2010 as assured.
(b) Modifications in posting orders on
DE promotion :
We requested to consider modification in
posting order on DE promotion wherein
the Executives are transferred from one
Circle to another Circle due to
non-availability of vacant DEs posts. We
pleaded that some Circles e.g. UP (E),
AS, STR, TN, CHTD, KTD etc. have sent
the actual sanctioned DEs posts to BSNL
CO for consideration of modifications.
GM (Pers) confirmed that respective
Circles have communicated their actual
sanctioned strength which are numbering
more. He assured that today or tomorrow
some modification orders will be issued.
(c) DPC from JTO to SDE (T) :
expressed our serious concern against
delay in conducting DPC from JTO to SDE
(T) on regular basis. GM (Pers)
mentioned that to finalise the roster
points in the seniority list some
information have been called for from
Circles but still awaited. He assured
that after receiving the required
information DPC from JTO to SDE (T) to
fill up about 3000 SDEs vacant posts of
seniority-cum-fitness quota will be
filled up.
11.08.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F), OS
(W) met ED (F) and discussed :
(a) DPC to fill up vacant DGM (F) posts
We requested to issue promotion order of
103 CAOs to DGM (F) since their DPC has
been completed. ED (F) mentioned that
the matter is under consideration but
before issuance of promotion order it is
being examined that how many DGMs can be
remained in the same Circles.
(b) Consideration of request transfers
of DGM (F), CAOs, AOs, JAOs etc. :
We requested to consider all pending
request transfers of JAOs / AOs / CAOs
who completed two years on 30th
June 2010. ED Finance mentioned that
matter is under consideration and in the
first phase the tenure transfers of the
Executives working in hard tenure
Circles will be considered and
thereafter the other pending transfers.
11.08.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F) met
GM (Estt) and discussed about
consideration of officiating JTOs'
He mentioned that after the case
dismissal in the Hon'ble Supreme Court
efforts are being made to concentrate in
the Court case at Chandigarh CAT.
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Click Here for
Letter |
AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released
the Modification order regarding
Posting on Promotion of the Executives
SDE [Telecom] to the Executive AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation Stream, on purely
temporary and adhoc basis
Click Here for
Letter |
GS writes to
GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding
request for modification in posting
order on promotion in the cadre of DE
Here for letter
The GM(Pers), BSNL CO
request for modifications
in the transfer order on promotion from
TES Group 'B' to DE adhoc
Here for letter
The GM(Pers),
BSNL CO regarding request for
modifications in the transfer order on
promotion from TES Group 'B' to DE adhoc
Here for letter
(iv) Shri
Gopal Das,
CMD, BSNL regarding
of regularisation of qualified and
trained TTAs now officiating as JTOs
Here for letter |
GS writes to Shri
Gopal Das, Chairman-Cum-Managing
Director, BSNL regarding early finalisation of BSNL's 5.5
Million lines GSM Tender for expansion
of GSM Network in North and East zones
Click Here for
Letter |
06.08.2010 :
Cloud burst in Leh
: BSNL building reported to be badly
damaged. GS contacted CMD, GM (Pers) and
CS AIBSNLEA, J&K and HP Circles
and requested for taking all necessary
steps for immediate rescue of BSNL
staff. CMD, GM (Pers) informed that they
are in continuous touch with CGMT J&K
Circle, CGMT HP Circle, PGMTD Jammu and
GMTD Kashmir and assured all possible
Latest update : CS AIBSNLEA J&K Circle
Shri R.J.Kaw reported that all the BSNL
employees in Leh are safe. |
05.08.2010:- CMD BSNL Shri Gopal Das
, for discussion of BSNL's immediate
development plans wherein revenue can be
earned. AGS(HQ) and AGS(F) were also
present. CMD mentioned that there are
some important projects offered to BSNL
from USO , MHRD,Gram Panchayats, and
DIT,wherein BSNL can earn revenue more
than 18000 Crores .
A) - Rural Broadband Penetration
Project offered by USO fund to BSNL:-.
The cost of project is about Rs 1650
Crore. In this project Rs 270/-per
connection will be given to BSNL for per
quarter for mtce i.e. Rs 90/- will be
per month charges. The subsidy per
connection in rural area will be Rs
4500/- per connection which will be paid
by USO. CMD stressed that to earn
revenue, we should give the maximum
Rural B/B connections. He further
told that in Rural DSLAM we can give
maximum 32 connections,
and so we should use our fullest
capacity for earning the revenue for
BSNL. He mentioned that we should
provide Broadband connections to our
rural PCOs holders for earning the
revenue in which they may further earn
profit by booking the Railway tickets
etc. A subsidy of Rs 4500/- per computer
will be given from the USO Fund to PCO
for taking computers. He emphasized to
give maximum Rural Broadband connections
by making door to door marketing by the
concern staff, JTOs/SDOs/DEs by
identifying the PCO holders and
potential customers.
Ministry of Human Resource and
Development (MHRD) Project:
The overall cost of this project is Rs
1600 Crores. CMD mentioned that 23,000
colleges are there and MHRD project is
there for providing 20 Broadband
connections per college. According to
MHRD Project in First year 10
connections will be provided. In 2nd
year 5 connections and in 3rd
year 5 connections will be provided. In
this project 2 Lacs Broadband can be
given in first year. 800 Crores revenue
can be achieved in the first year
itself, if we accomplish the task. Apart
of this 490 Universities (Including both
Pvt. And Govt.) will be covered by 1
GBPS connectivity.
DIT Project:-
The total value of this project is 880
Crores. CMD mentioned that total 1 Lac
Customer Service Centres (CSCs) are to
be opened in the country. One CSC will
cover six villages and there are six
Lacs villages in the country. For
providing one connection, BSNL can earn
2.4 Lacs revenue. BSNL can give total
96,000 connections to these all CSCs.
Out of this 30,000 connections are to be
given by ADSL 2+ technology, 64,500
connections to be given by WiMax
and 15,000 Connections to be given by
EVDO/ | | | | |