Headquarters, New Delhi
Chemmery Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi -110001
to GS : gsaibsnlea@gmail.com) |
Last updated:-Monday, June 07, 2010 05:19:14 PM
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31.05.2010 :
Click below for the Retirement on
superannuation on 31.05.2010 (A/N)
Case of officers
of adhoc STS of Executive Grade
(telecom) //
Case of Officers
in respect of SDEs (telecom)/PS
Case of Executives of Civil Wings//
Case of
(Adhoc)/STS/Sr.AO/AO belonging to
Accounts and Finance Service
28.05.2010 :
BSNL Corporate Office Issued orders
regarding :-
Click Here for the
Transfer and posting in the grade of
Accounts and Senior Accounts Officer
Click Here for the
Transfer and posting in the grade of
CAO/Sr.AO/AO/AAO/JAO of Accounts and
Finance Service
Click Here for the
Transfer / posting in the grade of STS
Regular /Adhoc in Accounts and Finance
Service in BSNL |
26.05.2010 :
GS alongwith GS & President, BSNLEU and
GS & AGS, SNEA(I) met Secretary (T) &
Discussed :-
(a) Procurement of GSM Equipment in
We expressed our serious concern against
BSNL Board decision to procure only 5.5
m GSM lines equipment instead of 10 m
GSM lines despite the assurance given by
Hon'ble MOS&IT , we pleaded that in view
of the customers demand and growth in
Telecom Sector BSNL Board decision to
procure 5.5 m GSM lines equipment for
the year 2010-11 will not be sufficient.
Secy.(T) mentioned that it is the BSNL
Board who has to decide that how much
equipment they need.
(b) ITS Officer absorption issue in
We requested to expedite the ITS
Officers absorption process in BSNL.
Secy.(T) informed that Cabinet Note on
this issue is ready & being send to
nodal Ministry for circulation &
thereafter it will be send to the
Cabinet. We strongly opposed
continuation of any deputation in BSNL &
clearly told that if this issue is not
resolved in that case we will be forced
to launch agitation programme. Secy.(T)
further mentioned that we are to decide
the deployment of ITS officers & smooth
running of BSNL.
(c) IDA Pension Revision:-
We apprised him our apprehension that
the Cabinet Note on IDA Pension revision
is not being prepared based on BSNL
proposal. Wherein IDA pension revision
should take place on the same fitment
pay formula as available for the serving
BSNL Employees. Secy.(T) mentioned that
on BSNL's proposal the IDA pension will
be more than the CDA pension. Hence
proposal is being prepared to equate IDA
Pension revision At-PAR to CDA pension
on revision. We strongly opposed such
proposal and pleaded that since BSNL has
made pension contribution on IDA Pay
scales, DoT has to revise IDA Pension
At- PAR to the pay fixation formula of
the BSNL serving employees. Secy.(T)
assured to look into the matter. |
26.05.2010 :3rd
Circle Conference of BSNL Corporate
Office Circle Branch:-
GS, President,
AGS(HQ), AGS(F), FS and Org. Secy.(North)
attended & addressed the 3rd
Circle Conference of BSNL Corporate
Office Circle Branch OPEN and
Interactive Session on 26.05.2010. Sh.
Gopal Das, Director (HR) was the Chief
Guest and PGM (FP), GM (Estt.), GM (Pers.)
& GM (SR) were the guests of honor. Sh.
Gopal Das in his address expressed his
serious concern against the
BSNL's Profit
decline &
appealed to provide quality service to
the customers to make them delighted &
loyal to BSNL. He mentioned that the
BSNL Management is always positive to
the BSNL Executives / Employees for
their genuine issues. He briefed that
after finalization of BSNL MSRR, the
regularization process started & a good
number of DGM Posts in Telecom & Finance
will be filled up and DPCs to fill up
vacant DEs posts has began. Regarding
78.2% fitment benefit, he explained that
Committee has been constituted to
discuss and submit the report at the
earliest on the issue. All the Senior
Officers in their address discussed the
of BSNL & HR issues
i.e. DPC to fill up vacant SDEs/STS
Level/DGMs posts, revision of training
allowances etc and appealed to minimize
the Court
Cases on
TES Group 'B' Seniority etc.
Com. GS, Com. President & other CHQ
Office bearers in their address
discussed the issues related to
viability of BSNL & requested to work
efficiently where ever we are posted to
contribute for the growth of BSNL. They
also discussed the HR issues mainly
immediate holding of DPCs to fill up
vacant SDEs/AOs, DEs/CAOs & DGMs vacant
posts. They appreciated the positive
concern of Director (HR) for the
settlement of pending HR issues. They
strongly demanded to complete the
process of absorption of ITS Officers in
BSNL, implementation of 78.2% fitment
benefit, IDA Pension revision and
immediate procurement of GSM equipment
etc. Com. Circle Secy. BSNL Corporate
Office Circle Branch in his welcome &
Keynote address discussed the Circle &
All India issues. Com. Circle President
extended vote of thanks.
Com. V.M. Gupta & Com. Rakesh Sethi were
elected as Circle President and Circle
Secretary respectively. |
26.05.2010 :
issued Circular for furnishing ACRs for
the year 2002-03 to 2008-09 along with
tabulation sheets on top priority
NOTE:- All the CS/COBs are requested to
pursue with Circle Administration for
early dispatch to Corporate Office.
Click here for
Circular |
26.05.2010 :
: GS writes to
regarding request for
transfer in the cadre of DGM(F)
GM (Pers), BSNL CO
regarding request for transfer in the
cadre of SDE(T)
GM (Pers..), BSNL CO regarding request
for posting on promotion as DE
PGM (FP), BSNL CO regarding
request for transfer in
the cadre of CAOs/AOs/JAOs
Court case on wrong method of pay
fixation made by DoT on Deferred option:
CHQ has filed a case before the Hon'ble
Calcutta bench of Central
Administrative Tribunal on 24.05.2010
regarding wrong method of pay fixation
made by DOT on deferred option i.e.
continuation in CDA scale till next
promotion/retirement and not calculating
Pension and other Pensionary benefits on
the last Pay drawn. The case has been
admitted and will be heard on 7.6.2010.
Our Circle President Calcutta Telephones
Sri Swapan Mukhopadhyay is one of the
applicant on behalf of all such affected
executives |
GS & AGS SNEA, GS & President BSNLEU met
CMD BSNL and discuss:-
Additional GSM
lines expansion in BSNL Network:-We
expressed our serious concern against
reducing GSM equipment procurement from
10 Million lines to 5.5 Million lines
despite the assurance given by Hon'ble
MoC&IT to JAC. CMD mentioned that while
calculating the demand according to 70%
loading the immediate requirement was
estimated 10 Million lines but according
to 80% loading , this is
estimated to 5.5 Million. He also
informed that BSNL Board in its special
meeting held on 21.05.2010 and
considering Grace periods (GP1 and GP2)
has approved the procurement of 5.5
Million mobile lines for meeting out the
capacity crunch in North and East zones.
If further the necessity regarding
procurement of mobile lines will be find
out, then another procurement will be
made immediately from the same tender.
He expected this tendering process will
be completed by Aug 2010.
implementation of DPE OM dated
We expressed our
serious concern against the delay in
implementation of DPE OM dated
02.04.2010 regarding increase in IDA
fitment benefit from 68.8% to 78.2% and
forming a committee to discuss the
matter. CMD mentioned that the issue can
be resolved after the discussions of the
committee with Union/Association
representatives shortly. We demanded
that Committee should submit it's report
within two weeks time.
Regarding ITS
Officers absorption & IDA pension
revision issues:-
CMD mentioned that
the Cabinet note on both the issues have
been prepared in DoT and shortly will be
sent to Cabinet. On our some
apprehensions on both the issues, CMD
assured to discuss the matter with DoT
Officers. |
"1st CEC Meeting of Rajasthan Circle"
1st Circle Executive Committee
Meeting of AIBSNLEA, Rajasthan Circle
held on 22th May' 2010 & a colorful Open
Session was organized on dated 22th May'
2010 in
"Hotel YKS"
at Kota,the present NALANDA (Education
Hub),city of Rajasthan. Hon'ble Shri
H.P.Meena, Sr.GM (Finance), Rajasthan
Circle was the Chief Guest, Shri
Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, GMTD, Kota,
presided over the function Shri
O.P.Gupta, General Manager (NP), CM,
Rajasthan Telecom Circle, Jaipur, was
the guest of Honour, Shri Prahlad Rai,
General secretary, Shri Karan Singh,
Vice president, Shri P.Venugopal, AGS
(Finance), & Shri S.D.Arya, Auditor,
AIBSNLEA, CHQ New Delhi were the Special
Guests of the function.
Welcome address was given by Shri
R.K.Tripathi, District Secretary, Kota
Shri O.P.Jat, Circle Secretary, AIBSNLEA
Rajasthan Circle welcome and address
enumerating the brief of the legitimate
demands of the BSNL Executives and
requested to General secretary to
active persuasion at BSNL Co to
declare SSA's of Rajasthan Circle i.e
Barmer, Jaiselmer, Banswara,
Sriganganagar, Bikaner& Sirohi as tenure
as already declared by CGMT, Rajasthan
Circle. Circle Secretary appraises that
CDR project started in two three SSAs &
customer & field staff are facing lot of
problems. He requested to Circle
Management to constitute an exclusive
team at Circle level for technical
support to field staff & appeal to all
executives to closely associated with
CDR project where work in progress ,so
that the minimum problem may occur.
The Guest of honour, Shri O.P.Gupta,
General Manager (NP), CM, Rajasthan
Telecom Circle, Jaipur in his address
explained that the Rajasthan Telecom
Circle have potential .In present
scenario the role of Associations/Unions
is very important to ensure the growth
of BSNL.
The presiding Officer Sh. Akhilesh
Kumar Gupta, GMTD, Kota, in his address
gave good wishes for conference .He
apprise in detail about the competition
& challenge to BSNL & how we can our
marketing & sales & provide quality of
service to the customers. He also
focuses on preventive maintenance of
Landline customer to avoid
Com. P.Venugopal, CHQ, AGS (F) in his
address forced on the viability of BSNL,
weakness in marketing & management &
also appreciates the GS persuasion &
outcome. Shri Karan Singh, vice
president, has requested for early
settlement of absorption issue of ITS in
BSNL. He also requested for early
settlement of seniority cases in BSNL.
Shri S.D.Arya, Auditor, AIBSNLEA, CHQ
New Delhi also address the in the open
Com. Prahlad Rai, General secretary,
in his address discussed all important
HR issues e.g. regularization of adhoc
STS level Executives and immediate
filling up of vacant DGMs posts in all
disciplines. He apprises that
modification of BSNLMS RRs related to
Civil/Electrical/Arch Engg wings of BSNL
wherein Diploma holders are deprived to
the EE post promotion in process to
finalization, regularization of
officiating JTOs (about 2200),
implementation of FR 22 (I) a (i)
settlement of SDEs (T) seniority cases,
ACP withdrawal approval for C/E/Arch,
process of DPC from SDE (T) to DE adhoc
to fill up about 2400 DEs vacant posts
has been started immediate after vacate
the stay by J&k High court,
modifications in MTRRs removing age and
qualification criteria for internal MT
exam, revision of IDA pension, immediate
absorption of ITS officers in BSNL,
filling up of 4500 SDEs (T) LDCE quota
posts, 3G service connections to all
Executives. He appealed all Executives
to provide quality Telecom services to
the customers. He impressed upon for
strengthening of marketing and sales
units of BSNL to sale out BSNL products.
He told that Government support is
missing towards BSNL. License fee for
BSNL is not waived off. Govt has
withdrawn ADC charges to BSNL. Due to
reduction of NLD/ILD License charges
from 100Cr to 2.5Cr. , many private
players have taken NLD license & this is
harming BSNL badly. He mentioned that 3G
allocation for BSNL should be free of
cost in lieu of ADC withdrawal. In his
address GS. Stressed upon to increase
the use of VAS services because at
present BSNL is earning 1800 Cr from VAS
but it can be increased more than
8000Cr. GS clarified in his address that
JAC is not opposing Sam.G.Pitroda
recommendation in toto. He explained
about the JAC efforts for immediate
settlement of ITS officer's
absorption. GS also discussed the
Sam.G. Pitroda report in detail & gave
the information about JAC strike on
20-04-2010 & its agenda items. He
appraised the efforts of JAC to get the
wage revision for non-executives. He
appraised the members on the issue of
9.8% additional DA benefit to BSNL
executives & the effort of AIBSNLEA in
this regard. He mentioned that only a
good customer care can make ensure the
survival of BSNL.
Shri H.P.Meena, Sr.GM (Finance),
Rajasthan Circle, Chief Guest, in his
address impressed upon the viability of
BSNL & to improve the quality of service
in BSNL. He explained that the Rajasthan
Telecom Circle may again achieve the
heights in 2009-10 financial year &
thanks all the Executives of Rajasthan
Circle for excellent work in Rajasthan.
The extra efforts are required by
executives to increase the revenue &
reliable & quality services to our
customers. He appreciated the team work
of Rajasthan Circle & hopefully the
Rajasthan Circle will be number no in
future. Com.P.R.Leel, Circle president
delivered vote of thanks. The Conference
hall was jam packed.
Click Here for
Glimpses |
22.05.2010 :
Click Here
for the list
of candidates promoted from JTO(C) to
SDE(C) through LDCE held on 10.08.2008 |
21.05.2010 : GS writes to
Shri Kuldeep Goyal, Chairman cum
Managing Director, BSNL regarding
of Executive Associations representative
in the Committee of GMs constituted to
recommend RRs of MTs & DGMs
19.05.2010 : GS writes to
ED (Finance), BSNL regarding
request for transfer in
the cadre of AO/CAO
Shri Gopal Das,
Director (HR),
regarding Discrepancies in the key
supplied to the examiners for Paper V
- Civil Works Accounts-Rules and
Procedures (with books)-JAO
Exam-Case of Prema Mohan, Sr. TOA, O/o
Principal RTTC Trivendrum
The ED (Finance), BSNL CO
regarding request for transfers in the
cadre of DGM(F)
Shri Gopal Das,
Director (HR),
regarding drawing
pay in revised IDA pay scale of 2nd
PRC in the case of Officiating JTOs in Kerala
Circle |
20.05.2010 :GS,
AGS(HQ) met GM(Pers.) & discussed :-
from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc):-
GM(Pers.) informed
that the DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc)
has been initiated to fillup about 2400
DEs vacant posts. Efforts are being made
to get VCR from CVO at the earliest so
that DPC can be completed before 30th
June'2010. He advised to co-operate in
completing the missing ACRs & completing
VCRs at the earliest.
(b) DPC
to DE(Regular) Promotions:-
GM(Pers.) mentioned that DPC to
DE(Regular) promotion to fill up about
2700 posts has been initiated. VCRs from
CVO has been called for. He again
advised to co-operate in completing the
DPC. |
20.05.2010 :Congratulations!
consistent efforts yielded result in
getting released the order regarding
extending the benefits of ACP on
upgraded scale to the executive cadres
of Civil/Architect /Electrical/TF and
Click Here for
Order |
20.05.2010 :GS,
AGS(HQ) & AGS(F) met Director(HR) BSNL
in the afternoon at 2.00 PM & discussed
(a) Holding
of DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc):-
We requested
Director(HR) for immediate holding of
DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc) since
Hon'ble J & K High Court has dismissed
the SLP wherein the stay order was
granted for DE(Adhoc) Promotion.
Director(HR) immediately directed
GM(Pers.) to initiate the DPC.
Issuance of ACP
Withdrawal review order:- We
requested Director(HR) for early
issuance of ACP withdrawal review order
as approved by the Competent Authority
based on Pradeep Nagpal Committee
report. We pleaded since ACP withdrawal
review order is an order to stop
recoveries not for additional financial
burden on BSNL. Director(HR) assured to
look into the matter. |
20.05.2010 :DPC
from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc) :
Hon'ble J&K High Court delivered the
judgment & dismissed the SLP wherein the
stay Order was granted against promotion
from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc). Sincere
efforts will be made for expediting the
DPC. |
We deeply mourn the untimely demise of
Com. Moni Bose
Leader of Trade Union Movement in DoT/BSNL
at Kolkatta on 19.05.2010. Our heartfelt
condolence to his family & BSNLEU
Members. |
19.05.2010 : GS writes to
Shri Kuldeep Goyal,
Chairman cum Managing Director,
to fill up the balance 103 vacancies of
DGMs in Finance Wing on Adhoc basis out
of the 372 candidates approved by the
DPC held in March 2010
Inter-circle transfers of
SDEs(Telecom) on the direction of CVO
appearing in ODI List
19.05.2010: GS, AGS(F) met GM(Pers.) and
discussed :-
(a) Regularisation of Adhoc DEs:-
GM(Pers.) mentioned that the DPC for
regularisation of Adhoc DEs has been
initiated on the basis of DoT
clarification and legal opinion.
DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc):-
GM(Pers) mentioned that arguments in
Hon'ble J&K High Court were over and the
Judgment was reserved. The Judgment is
expected to be delivered on 20.05.2010.
He assured in case the stay order
against DPC is vacated. Efforts will be
made to complete the DPC at the
(c) Fixation in E-7 scale from E-5
Scale instead of E-6 Scale as per DoT
notification of IDA pay scales:-
GM (Pers) mentioned that as per EPP time
bound promotion is being granted from E5
to E6 scale to Group B Officers and as
per BSNL MS RRs on post based/ Time
bound promotions for Group A Officers
the pay fixation is being made from E-5
to E-7 scale. We protested against such
discrimination. GM(Pers) informed that
the matter has already being taken up
with DoT for notifying E-6 revised pay
scales. We protested against such move.
(d) Implementation of ACP Withdrawal
Review Committee Report:-
We requested for immediate issuance of
ACP Withdrawal review order as per Shri
Pradeep Nagpal Committee Recommendations
which has been approved by the competent
authority. GM(Pers.) opined that case
may need approval of BSNL MC hence after
discussion with Director (HR) will take
further action. We strongly protested
against such opinions of GM(Pers.)
because it is a case to stop recovery
from pay not extra financial burden
(e) Revision of Pay Scales of AD (OL):-
We expressed our serious concern against
delay in revising the pay scales of
AD(OL) as per 6th CPC
Recommendations. GM(Pers) mentioned that
the matter has been discussed in the
Group of GMs meeting but could not take
any decision on implementation of 6th
CPC Recommendations for revision of pay
scales of Junior/Senior Hindi
Translators (Non Executives') which will
be equivalent to Executives' pay scales.
We impressed upon to take early
appropriate decision to settle the
(f) DPC from JTO(TF) to SDE(TF) and
SDE(TF) to AGM(TF) -
We requested for early holding of DPC
from JTO(TF) to SDE(TF) and SDE(TF) to
AGM(TF). GM(Pers) mentioned that the
Seniority list of elegible JTOs/SDEs
have been re-casted and shortly DPCs
will be conducted.
19.05.2010: GS, AGS(F) met CMD BSNL and
discussed :-
(a). Implementation of DPE OM Dated
02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% fitment
benefit instead of 68.8%:-
We requested for early implementation of
DPE OM Dated 02.04.2009 regarding 78.2%
fitment benefit instead of 68.8% as
discussed by JAC representatives in the
Hon'ble MoC&IT meeting on 20.04.2010.
CMD mentioned that he has seen the case
and found that on implementing DPE order
for BSNL Executives' and Non-Executives'
BSNL will face 1500 Crore financial
burden hence he has sent the case to
Director(HR) for discussion. He assured
an early discussion on the issue.
(b). New Staffing Norms:-
We expressed our serious concern against
abolition /reduction of about 25000
Executives' posts and increase of about
100 posts of CGMs/PGMs on the
recommendations of BCG . CMD mentioned
that he has already told to Director
(HR) to hold discussions with the
Unions/Associations before final
(c) Change of designation on time
bound promotions/ Financial upgradations:-
We expressed our concern against non
implementation of Joint Committee of
BSNL Officers and Executives'
Associations on change of designations
on time bound promotions/ financial
upgradations. CMD after seeing the Joint
Committee recommendations and brief
discussions assured to look into the
(d) Modification in BSNL MS RRs for
the Executives' (C/E/Arch.):-
We requested for modification in BSNLMS
RRS for the Executives' (C/E/Arch.wings)
wherein degree/ qualification is
essential for EE promotion. CMD assured
to look into the matter.
(e) IDA Pension Revision:-
We expressed our dissatisfaction against
DoT proposal for BSNL Pensioners who
retired before 01.01.2007 for IDA
Pension Revision by giving only 30%
fitment benefit on basic instead of
taking 50% IDA merger with basic at per
BSNL serving Employees. CMD assured to
discuss the matter in DoT. |
19.05.2010: GS, AGS(F) met ED (Finance)
BSNL and discussed :-
(a) Modifications in the postings on
promotion order in DGM(F) posts:-
We expressed our serious concern against
delay in modifying the posting order on
promotion to DGM(F) wherein promotion
order have been issued for distant
circles despite of the vacancies
available in the same circle or nearby
circles. Declination of promotion is
also not allowed. ED(F) assured to
examine the issues raised by AIBSNLEA
regarding posting on promotion and
declination of promotion by some
Executives' due to genuine hardships.
Consideration of request/tenure
transfers of JAOs/AOs/CAOs :-
We expressed our serious resentment
against non issuence of requests/tenure
transfers of JAOs/AOs/CAOs even after
completing more then 2-3 years. ED(F)
mentioned that the requests/tenure
transfer cases of AOs/CAOs have been
send to competent authority for
approval. We requested to consider all
the cases raise in Executives' are
completing two year services on
30.06.2010. ED (F) mentioned that at
present the cut off date for
consideration for transfers has been
taken 31st March 2010 as per
transfer policy. However he assured to
consider other pending cases also.
(c). Filling up of vacant DGM(F)
We requested to fill up all vacant DGM(F)
posts (about 100 DGM Posts). ED (F)
assured to look into the matter.
(d) DPC from DGM(F) to GM(F):-
We requested for early filling up of
vacant GM(F) posts. ED(F) mentioned that
DPC is under process and some DGM(F) of
Seniority cum Fitness quota may also get
GM(F) promotion in this DPC.
(e) Implementation of DPE OM Dated
02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% fitment
benefit instead of 68.8%:-
In this regard ED(F) mentioned that the
financial implications calculated the
internal finance wing has been sent to
competent authority for further
necessary action. |
19.05.2010: GS spoke to DGM(EW-QC), BSNL
CO and discussed :-
(a) Requirement of JTO (E) :-DGM(EW-QC)
informed that BSNL Board has approved to
have recruitment of 350 JTO(E). The
case is being sent to GM(Rectt.) for
early notification of 350 JTOs(E) .
(b) Filling up of vacant SDEs(E)
posts of LDCE Quota:-
DGM(EW-QC) informed that case has been
sent to GM(Recruitment) for LDCE
Notification to fill up about 40 SDEs
(E) posts. He expected early
notification. |
19.05.2010 : GS writes to :
regarding request for
transfer in the cadre of CAOs/AOs/JAOs
Letter-2 :
The GM (Pers), BSNL CO
request for cancellation of transfer in
the cadre of DE (T)
Letter-3 :
The GM (Estt.),
BSNL CO regarding request for transfer
in the cadre of JTOs
regarding request for transfer in the
cadre of SDEs(C)
The GM (Pers), BSNL CO
regarding request for
modification/rectification in seniority
list in the cadre of SDE (T)
Shri Gopal Das,
Director (HR), BSNL
creation of the Posts of PPS in the
field units
request for transfer in
the cadre of DGM(F)/AGM(F)
Kuldeep Goyal,
Chairman cum Managing Director, BSNL
LICE for
the posts of Private Secretaries against
25%quota - undue delay
The GM (Pers), BSNL CO
regarding request for transfer in the
cadre of SDEs |
3rd bi-annual Circle Conference of
AIBSNLEA Kerala Circle was held from
13-5-2010 to 15-5-2010 at Kollam, the
ancient port city of kerala Following
the pre-CEC on 13th, the delegate
session was conducted on 14-5-2010 at "Sopanam
Auditorim". Com.
Sreekumary Amma Circle
President hoisted the flag of
Association at 1000 hrs in the presence
of GS, CHQ/Circle leaders, delegates and
hundreds of AIBSNLEA Members. The Circle
President presided the delegate session.
Com P
Purushothoman, DGM, Chairman
of the Reception Committee welcomed the
gathering. The delegate session was
inaugurated by Com
Prahlad Rai GS, Com.
Athani Organising Secretary
(South) were also present. In the
inaugural speech Com GS explained in
detail various issues related to
promotion policy of executives in BSNL,
2300 posts of DE's are to be filled up,
Promotion to the cadre of CAO,
promotion in
Civil/Electrical/Architectural wing are
being pursued. Promotion to 500 SDE
posts of civil/electrical is also under
process. Similarly promotion in the
cadre of PA/PS is also under active
pursuance. GS explained various hurdles
being faced in settling the case of
regularization of officiating JTO's
working in BSNL. The Association has
proposed a one-time settlement formula
by way of implementing post
up-gradation, for which the BSNLEU is
also agreeable. GS informed that the
Association has demanded to start the
process of regularization of DE's
immediately. There are 650 DGM posts
available for promoted officers. Com
Athani Organising Secretary
(south) also addressed the delegates. In
his speech he emphasized the need for
increasing membership in view of
proposed membership verification. com K
S Rajasekharan Nair, CHQ vice president
also addressed the delegates. There had
been an interacting session of the GS
with the delegates after the inaugural
speech. The Bi-annual report presented
by com.
K Antony, Circle Secretary
and the audited account presented by Com
Sunilkumar, Circle Treasurer
were discussed and passed. The open
session was held on 15-5-2010 at "Hotel
Sudarshan auditorium". Com
Joseph, District Secretary
Kollam and General Convener, gave the
welcome speech. Circle President chaired
the open session. Sri
Rajendra Babu, worshipful
mayor of Kollam, Shri
Sreenivasan CGM Kerala Circle
and Ms.
S M Kalavathy GMTD Kollam
were the guests of honour. Com
Antony Circle Secretary in
his keynote address, described various
challenges faced the BSNL as a PSU in
the present scenario. Shri
Rajendra Babu, the Chief
Guest, in his address in the open
session, appreciated the efforts being
made the staff in Kerala to maintain it
as profit making PSU. Sri
Srinivasan CGMT Kerala in
his felicitation, emphasized on the need
for increasing land phone connection and
broad-band subscribers, fully utilizing
the existing spare capacities.
Prahlad Rai
GS while addressing the open session
congratulated the entire team of BSNL
Kerala Circle for the consorted efforts
in making it profitable. He also
emphasized on the need for all
executives/non-executive staff to be
more service-minded and
customer-friendly. The present marketing
strategy of the BSNL is not the one
which encourages the expected growth of
the company. The inert attitude on the
part of topmost officers in the
managerial cadre and their old mind-set
maintaining the bureaucratic style even
the corporate sector, bring damage to
the PSU. New circle body was elected
with Com.
K F Antony
as president, Com
T K Mangalandan
SDE as circle secretary and Com V Sunil
Kumar JTO as treasurer. There had been
various entertaining cultural programs
in this session. com
V Sunil Kumar
delivered vote of thanks.
Click Here for Glimpses ==>
13.05.2010 : 3rd Circle
Conference of Kerala Circle at Kollam :
Com GS, Vice
President-I attended the pre Circle
Executive Committee meeting of 3rd
Circle Conference of Kerala Circle at
Kollam today. The 3rd Circle
Conference will be held on 14th
and 15th May 2010.
Inauguration of
Circle Building:
Com GS inaugurated AIBSNLEA Ernakulam Branch, Kerala Circle Building
today at Ernakulam. Association Building
comprises of Conference Hall & One guest
room & some parking space at ground
floor. The members throughout the
country visiting Ernakulam can stay in
this building. Building is situated in
the main heart of Ernakulam City i.e.
PalariVattom. The building is having
beautiful design with all facilities.
Pensioners have also been provided
office accommodation in this building.
The inaugural function was organized in
a nice manner in the presence of large
number of members. Com. Mangla Nandan,
Branch Secretary, Ernakulam Branch in
his welcome address explained that the
land of the association building was
purchased in the year 1986 i.e. 24 year
back. During the period due to some
legal cases with sister association SNEA
(I) the building could not be completed
but now just before two years AIBSNLEA &
SNEA (I) reached an agreement out of the
court & jointly constructed the building
having their due share. Com. K. Antoni,
Circle Secy., Kerala Circle in his
address apprised the efforts of
Ernakulam Branch in constructing the
association building and appreciated the
support extended by the Kerala Circle
comrades. He appealed CHQ to extend some
financial support for further furnishing
the association building. Com. GS in his
inaugural address congratulated the
Ernakulam Branch & Kerala Circle
Comrades for creating a milestone by
constructing our own association
building. He assured to discuss the
matter of financial assistance from CHQ
in the next CWC meeting at GOA. He also
apprised in detail the status of HR
issues & the issues settled &
un-settled. Com. K. S. Rajashekharan
Nair, CHQ Vice President also addressed
the meeting. Com. Kurian, President,
Ernakulam Branch presided over the
function. A large number of retired
comrades also attended the inaugural
Click Here for Glimpses ==>
Photo14 |
13-05-2010:- The
result of written examination for the
post of DGM(TMS/TAFS) held on 03.01.2010
has been declared.
Please click here
to see the List of Candidates who have
qualified in the written Exam. of
DGM(TMS/TAFS) held on 03.01.2010.
Date & Venue of
Interview shall be intimated shortly.
Scheduled Hearing
of Court case at CAT Jaipur of some ITS
Officers V/S U.O.I. against
implementation of BSNL Corporate Office
Order 314-13/2010-Pers.I dated
01.04.2010. was not heard today,
the next date of hearing of the court
case is
28-07-2010. |
India Conference
of BSNLEU at Thiruvananthapuram:
Com. GS attended & addressed the Seminar
on "Challenges faced by PSUs with a
special reference to BSNL" organized by
BSNLEU on the occasion of 5th
All India Conference at
Thiruvananthapuram on 12th
May 2010.
Com. GS in his address extended best
wishes for the successful of the 5th
All India Conference & mentioned that
being the majority Union of BSNL
Employees, the responsibility of BSNLEU
is more in safe guarding the interest of
BSNL employees & BSNL Viability. He
further mentioned that for the common
issues & for the BSNL Viability,
AIBSNLEA will always be participating
actively in the activities of Joint
Forum or Joint Action Committee. He also
explained the reasons of indefinite
strike and the discussions with Hon'ble
MOC&IT and withdrawal of Indefinite
Strike on the written assurances. He
congratulated for Wage Revision of
Non-Executives and Called upon to keep
organizationally ready in case the
assurances are not implemented in due
time. |
: BSNL CO has issued a letter for
furnishing long standing SDEs in the
Circle.Click here for : Covering
latter list
of long standing SDEs |
: BSNL CO has issued a letter regarding
below bench mark in ACRs prior to the
reporting period 2008-09 and objective
consideration of representation by the
competent authority against remarks in
the APAR or for up gradation of the
final grading for giving vide publicity
among the officer.
Click here |
11.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F), OS
(N) met Dir (HR) and discussed :
(a) Regularisation of adhoc DEs :
We requested for early regularisation of
adhoc DEs. Dir (HR) mentioned that the
regularisation process of adhoc DEs has
been started.
(b) DPC from SDE (T) to DE :
We expressed our serious concern against
poor pursuance of BSNL CO in getting
clear the stay order against DE adhoc
DPC from Hon'ble J&K High Court. Dir
(HR) spoke to CGMT J&K Circle in this
regard for pursuing the case for early
11.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F), OS
(N) met GM (Pers) and discussed :
(a) Regularisation of adhoc DEs :
We requested for early regularisation of
adhoc DEs. GM (Pers) informed that the
VCR has been called for from CVO BSNL
CO. He assured that as soon as the VCRs
are received regularisation of adhoc DEs
as per BSNLMS RRs will be completed. We
further requested to call the ACRs of
eligible Sr. SDEs for DE regular
promotion since the number of adhoc DEs
available is less than required.
(b) DPC from JTO (T) to SDE (T) :
We requested to expedite the DPC from
JTO (T) to SDE (T). GM (Pers) mentioned
that the list of the eligible JTOs has
been displayed on website for
corrections and the ACRs have been
called for. He advised to help in
completing the required information.
11.05.2010 : GS, AGS (F) met PGM (FP)
and discussed :
(a) Modification in the posting orders
on promotion to DGM (Fin) :
PGM (FP) informed that he has received
our letter and it is being examined,
shortly some action will be taken in
this matter.
(b) Consideration of request / tenure
transfers of JAOs/AOs/CAOs :
PGM (FP) informed that all pending
request / tenure transfer cases of
JAOs/AOs/CAOs are being considered
shortly. |
3rd Circle Conference of NE-I
Telecom Circle was held in Oakland
Community Hall in Shillong on 09-05-2010
GS., AGS(HQ),CS.KTD,CS Assam Circle
attended the open session.
open session of the circle conference
was held on grand note on 09-05-2010.
Open session was graced by the Chief
Guest Shri Rajesh Gupta, GM (HR) NE-I
Circle & graced by other GMs and
officers of BSNL
Key note address for circle conference
was delivered by Com. M.K.Bhattacharjee
CS NE-I Circle. Our sister union SNEA(I)
NE-I Circle President
Com.S.Chakrabarty also attended &
addressed the open session.
Devesh Sharma, AGS(H/Q) in his address
stressed upon the non-supporting
attitude of Govt towards BSNL. He also
said that advertisement of BSNL services
are very less on Shillong-Guwahati
Highway and other places as compared to
other private ooperators.
Amit Gupta ,CS/KTD in his address said
non availability of GSM signal on most
of stretch of Shillong-Guwahati highway.
He also was sympathetic to accommodate
tenure completed finance officers and
indicated the bottleneck caused due to
non availability of substitute in KTD.
General Secretary, Prahlad Rai in his
address gave the details about all the
matters related to BSNL & its
Executives. He told that Government
support is missing towards BSNL. License
fee for BSNL is not waived off. Govt has
withdrawn ADC charges to BSNL. Due to
reduction of NLD/ILD License charges
from 100Cr to 2.5Cr. , many private
players have taken this license &
this is harming BSNL badly. He mentioned
that 3G allocation for BSNL should be
free of cost in lieu of ADC withdrawal.
In his address GS. stressed upon to
increase the promotion of VAS services
because at present BSNL is earning
2000Cr from VAS but it can be increased
more than 8000Cr.GS. stressed to
introduce mobile van awareness campaign
to aware the customers from GPRS. GS.
stressed for serving the customer
according to their needs. He mentioned
that only a good customer care can make
ensure the survival of BSNL.
apprised the house about Promotion
policy,BSNL MSRR, Regularization of
2500DEs, promotion of 219 DEs to
DGM,promotion of 269 CAOs to
DGM(F),modification proposal for the
BSNL MSRR for C/E/Arch, ACP withdrawal
approval for C/E/Arch, implementation of
2nd PRC report.GS.mentioned
the efforts of AIBSNLEA in the DPCs held
in previous years. He stressed upon the
ongoing efforts of CHQ for the creation
of PPS & Sr.PPS posts.
mentioned that there should be change in
designation in each time bound promotion
as per the Joint Committee
recommendation. GS cleared in his
address that JAC is not opposing
Sam.G.Pitroda recommendation in to to.
He cleared about the JAC efforts for
immediate settlement of ITS officers
absorption. GS.also
discussed the Sam.G. Pitroda report in
detail & gave the information about
JAC strike on 20-04-2010 & its
agenda items. He apprised the efforts of
JAC to get the wage revision for
non-executives. He make the members
aware about the positive growth on the
issue of 9.8% additional DA benefit to
BSNL executives & the effort of
AIBSNLEA in this regard.
was also sympathetic about officers
awaiting order from tenure station and
said that order for finance officers
will be issued by May 2010. He stressed
on the need of the hour is CHANGE…and
change in ATTITUDE
Rajesh Gupta GM HR NE-I Circle Shillong
in his speech appreciated the effort of
AIBSNLEA and giving him opportunity to
address the house. He elaborated on the
issues relating to viability of BSNL. He
also stressed on mindset and imposing
responsibility to all level officers. He
also said that good works of officers
need to be appreciated and encouraged.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks
from President Com. Dipali Poddar DET OP
Agartala.The new body was elected
unanimously for AIBSNLEA, NE-I Circle
for next two years
term.President-Com.Sunil Chandra Debnath
DET M/W Mtce. Agartala, Mobie no:
Ghosh AGM Mktg-I NE-I Circle Shillong,
Mobile no. +919436730216.Com. Dibyendu
Paul AGM FNP NE-I Circle Shillong,
Mobile no. +919436114288
ON 20/04/2010. CLICK
The 3rd
Circle Conference of Assam Telecom
Circle was organized in Multipurpose
Hall of Panbazar I.Q. in Guwahati on
07-05-2010 & 08-05-2010.GS.,AGS(HQ),OS(E),CS.KTD,CS.NE-I,CS.NE-II
attended the open session.
The open session of the circle
conference was organized in a colourful
manner on 07-05-2010.Open session was
graced by the Chief Guest Shri N.N.
Banerjee,CGMT,Assam Circle,Guest of
honour,Shri A.Mukharjee,CGM/ETR,Shri
A.K.Tondon, CGM, NETF.The open session
started with colourful & glittering
cultural presentations based on Bihu
festival in Assam. After welcoming the
guests, a colourful souvenir was
released by Shri N.N. Banerjee,CGMT,
Assam Circle.
Key note address
for circle conference was delivered by
Com.K.K.Das,C.S.Assam Circle and
representative of BSNLEU and SNEA(I)
also attended & addressed the
open session.
Com.Asish Kr,Basu
OS(East),AIBSNLEA CHQ in his address
gave the information about the efforts
of CHQ for the benefit of
Executives. Com Devesh Sharma,AGS(H/Q) in his
address stressed upon the non-supporting
attitude of Govt towards BSNL. He
mentioned the efforts of ABSNLEA at CHQ
level. He also mentioned that AIBSNLEA
is committed for the early settlement of
the problems of direct recruited
Executives also.
Com. Amit Gupta ,CS/KTD in his address
touched the BCG recommendations &
change of nomenclature according to
their recommendations, which are
implemented without any planning. He
also mentioned that tariff plans are
designed for B/B day by day without any
planning. He gave the details & the
things achieved by the strike of
20-04-2010 i.e(1) pay revision
initiation of IDA pension.2) Procurement
initiation of 10M additional mobile
lines .3) Wage revision of
Non-Executives.CS(NE-I), Com
CS(NE-II) Com. Himadri Sinha also
addressed the open session & gave
the comments on Sam.G.Pitroda Committee
report,ITS absorption & non helping
attitude of Government towards BSNL.
General Secretary, Prahlad Rai in his
address gave the details about all the
matters related to BSNL & its
Executives. He told that Government
support is missing towards BSNL. License
fee for BSNL is not waived off.Govt has
withdrawn ADC charges to BSNL.Due to
reduction of NLD/ILD License charges
from 100Cr to 2.5Cr. , many private
players have taken this license &
this is harming BSNL badly. He mentioned
that 3G allocation for BSNL should be
free of cost in lieu of ADC withdrawal.
In his address GS. stressed upon to
increase the promotion of VAS services
because at present BSNL is earning
2000Cr from VAS but it can be increased
more than 8000Cr.GS. stressed to
introduce mobile van awareness campaign
to aware the customers from GPRS. GS stressed for serving the
customer according to their needs. He
mentioned that only a good customer care
can make ensure the survival of BSNL.G.S. mentioned that our marketing units
are trying to spend huge amount without
any proper planning e.g. IPL matches, it
should be spent by planning. He
discussed the BCG recommendations &
its implementation. He mentioned that
the suggested verticals can't be
implemented in rural areas. He strongly
protest for the reduction in JTO, JAO, SDE, CAO, DGM(F) posts &
increasing the SAG/HAG level posts. GS
in his address gave details about CDR
project & its improper
implementation which caused loss of
25000 customers in Hyderabad.GS
mentioned that for executives in ERP
project, a good infrastructure
should be provided. In his address GS
stressed to provide good quality of
service to our customers,Enhance B/B
connection,creation of complete pole
Net work & provide more B/B
connection.He stressed to concentrate on
the revenue potential areas, specially
in rural areas.G.S. discussed in detail
the efforts of AIBSNLEA in issuing
executives Promotion policy,BSNL
MSRR,Regularization of 2500DEs, promotion
of 219 DEs to DGM,promotion of 269 CAOs
to DGM(F),modification proposal for the
BSNL MSRR for C/E/Arch, ACP withdrawal
approval for C/E/Arch, implementation of
2nd PRC report.GS.mentioned
the efforts of AIBSNLEA in the DPCs held
in previous years. He stressed upon the
ongoing efforts of CHQ for the creation
of PPS & Sr.PPS posts.He mentioned
that there should be change in
designation in each time bound promotion
as per the Joint Committee
Reccommendation.GS cleared
in his address that JAC is not opposing
Sam.G.Pitroda recommendation in to to.He
cleared about the JAC efforts for
immediate settlement of ITS officers
absorption.GS.also discussed the Sam.G.
Pitroda report in detail & gave the
information about JAC strike on
20-04-2010 & its agenda items. He
apprised the efforts of JAC to get the
wage revision for non-executives. He
make the members aware about the
positive growth on the issue of 9.8%
additional DA benefit to BSNL executives
& the effort of AIBSNLEA in this regard.
A.K. Tondon, CGM(NETF) mentioned that
this type of conferences are the good
opportunity for interaction. He stressed
that we should look in to for our
internal transformation then only our
future will safe.
A.Mukharjee, CGM (ETR) in his address
stressed upon the quick restoration of
faults. He stressed that we should not
depend on vendors & he mentioned
that old equipments are installed by us
only. He said that we should work
together for BSNL not for ETR or Circle
or SSA and should continue to update our
technical knowledge.
N.N. Banerjee, CGMT, Assam circle
discussed the present situation of BSNL
& he said that we can change the
situation by taking initiative.
Swapan Kumar Chakraborty, President,
Assam circle stressed for increase the
marketing, proper maintenance of BTS,
configuration of B/B plan in CDR,
enhancing revenue from EVDO &
WIMAX.Vote of thanks was given by Com.
C.R. Barua.The conference hall was jam
the next day i.e 08-05-2010 G.S. replies
all the queries raised by the members.
The new body was elected unanimously for
AIBSNLEA, Assam circle. Com. Swapan Kumar
Chakraborty, Com.K.K.Das & Com. Alok
Kar were elected as Circle President,
Circle Secretary & Financial
Secretary. Com. B.C.Deori, President,
Kamrup Dist Branch gave the vote of
Click Here for Glimpses ==>>
: BSNL CO has issued amendments to BSNL
CDA Rules ,2006. Click here |
: Transfer and Posting in the grade of
SDE(Civil). Click here |
07.05.2010 : It is learnt that CMD has
cleared the case regarding review of ACP
withdrawal benefit to be granted to JTO/SDE
(C/E/Arch) / PA/PS/CSS/CSSS as per Shri
Pradeep Nagpal Committee report.
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded
the result. Order in this respect is
expected shortly. |
06.05.2010 : GS writes to CMD BSNL
regarding :
: Problems being faced by Executives in
ERP Cell, Ghaziabad
Letter-2 :
Promotion from CAO to DGM Telecom
Finance on adhoc basis –consideration of
requests for modifications and
permitting requests for declining
promotion |
: GS writes regarding request transfers
in the cadres of
SDE (T),
05.05.2010 : GS writes to Secy (T)
Revision / consolidation
of Pension in IDA scale for the
erstwhile DOT Employees retiring as BSNL
Pensioners during the period from
01/10/2000 to 31/12/2006.
Click here |
05.05.2010 : Revision of of Pay Scales
and Allowances for Non-Executive
Employees in BSNL w.e. from 01.01.2007 :
Director (PSU-I), DOT vide File No.
61-01/2010-SU dated 05.05.2010 addressed
to CMD BSNL regarding revision of Pay
Scales and Allowances for Non-Executive
Employees in BSNL w.e. from 01.01.2007
issued the following instructions :
(a) As per the DPE OM dated 09.11.2006,
the Managements of the BSNL, interalia
would be free to negotiate the wage
structure, for the unionised workmen
keeping in view and consistent with the
generation of the resources /profits.
(b) Further, as per para 2 (viii) of the
above mentioned DPE OM BSNL may
implement the negotiated wages after
confirming to DOT and DPE that BSNL has
ensured that wage revision are within
the approved parameters and that it
would not conflict with pay revision of
Executives and non-unionised supervisors
of BSNL.
(c) If the limit of pension liability is
within 60% of the annual receipt to the
Govt., as is elaborated in DOT's letter
No. 1-45/2003-B dated 15.06.2006 read
with letter of even No. dated
05.01.2009, BSNL can go ahead with the
pay revision of non-executives.
In view of the above BSNL may take
appropriate decision.
Click here for
DOT letter |
05.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), CS, ACS & CWC
Members of Gujarat Circle met ED (F) and
discussed :
(a) Postings on promotion to DGM (F)
posts :-
We extended our sincere thanks for
issuing promotion order of 269 CAOs to
DGM (F). We also expressed our concern against posting
on promotion to distant Circles. ED (F)
assured to look into the matter.
(b) Dual reporting system of Finance
Executives in Ahmedabad
TD and Hyderabad TD:-
We expressed our serious concern against dual
reporting system of Financial Executives in Ahmedabad TD and
Hyderabad TD. In
these places single officer is reporting
to four officers. ED (F) assured to
look into the matter.
(c) Consideration of request transfers
of JAOs :
We requested for issuing necessary order
for recommending / issuing NOC to
consider the request transfers of DR
JAOs. ED (F) directed AGM (SEA) for
issuing necessary order.
05.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ) met PGM (FP)
and discussed :
(a) DPC from CAO to DGM (F) :
We expressed our concern against posting
on promotion to distant Circles e.g. KTK
to UPE, MP, HP Circles. PGM (FP) assured
to look into the matter.
(b) Consideration of request transfers
of JAO/AOs/CAOs :
PGM (FP) assured for early issuance
of the transfer orders.
05.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (F)
met GM (EF) and discussed :
(a) Revised TA / DA Rules :
We expressed our concern against delay
in issuing the revised TA / DA Rules on
revised pay scales. GM (EF) assured an
early action in this regard.
(b) Review of ACP withdrawal :
We requested to clear the case of
financial implications on review of ACP
withdrawal as per the recommendations of
Shri Pradeep Nagpal, GM, BSNL CO
Committee. GM (EF) assured early
clearance and sending to ED (F).
Implementation of DPE OM dated 2.4.2009
regarding increase in fitment benefit
from 68.8% to 78.2% :
In this
regard GM (EF) informed that the case
has been sent to ED (F) briefing the
financial implications on its
implementations. It is understood that
around 350 crores financial implication
is there up to March 2010 for Executives
on its implementation. It is also
reliably learnt that the issue is being
discussed in today's MC meeting.
05.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (F), CS,
ACS & CWC Members of Gujarat Circle met
DIR (HR) and discussed :
(a) Mass transfers of Executives in
Gujarat Telecom Circle:-
We expressed our serious concern against
mass transfers and postings of
Executives i.e. JTOs, SDEs, DEs, PAs,
PSs, JAOs, AOs, CAOs in a vindictive
manner. DIR (HR) immediately spoke to
CGM Gujarat and advised him to take a
meeting with AIBSNLEA representatives
and review the matter with an impartial
(b) Dual reporting system in Ahmedabad
TD and Hyderabad TD:-
We expressed our concern against dual
reporting system in Ahmedabad TD and
Hyderabad TD in the Finance cadre. In
these places single officer is reporting
to four officers. Dir (HR) assured
to look into the matter.
(c) Amendment in the MTRR and DGM RR :
We requested to allow one representative
of Executive Association in the
Committee of GMs constituted to review
the existing MTRRs and DGM RRs to induct
the Executives at middle level on fast
track method. Dir (HR) assured to look
into the matter.
(d) Regularisation of adhoc DEs :
We expressed our serious concern against
delay in completing the regularisation
process of adhoc DEs. We pleaded that
status quo granted by Hon'ble Supreme
Court with respect to 270 SDEs of LDCE
quota seniority case - legal opinion
should have been taken and accordingly
the process could have been completed
long before but the regularisation is
being delayed on the pretext of DOT
clarification and Associations views.
Dir (HR) assured to look into the
(e) Implementation of DPE OM dated
2.4.2009 regarding increase in fitment
benefit from 68.8% to 78.2% :
this regard we requested Dir (HR) to
conduct an early meeting of Unions /
Associations for discussion. Dir (HR)
assured that shortly a meeting will be
conducted on this issue and mentioned
that whether fitment benefit of 30% may
be agreed to reduce while implementing
this order. We clearly told that this
DPE OM has been issued based on GoM
recommendation as the supplementary
order of revised IDA pay scales
hence no reduction in 30% fitment can be
(f) Non promotion of Shri E. Sivaramudu,
DE Hyd TD and Ex CS AIBSNLEA to the
cadre of JAG
on adhoc basis on the pretext of one
'Good' and one 'Average' entry in the
year of 2006-07 : We expressed our
serious concern against dropping of
Shri E. Sivaramudu, DE Hyd TD and Ex CS
AIBSNLEA to the cadre of JAG on adhoc
on the
pretext of one 'Good' and one 'Average'
entry in the year of 2006-07. Dir (HR)
assured to examine the case. |
05.05.2010 : GS
writes to GS (SNEA) regarding
of SNEA (I) at Manali on membership
here |
04.05.2010 : GS attended the BSNL Staff
Welfare Board meeting.
CMD BSNL, Chairman and Dir (HR) BSNL,
Vice Chairman, Dir (CFA), ED (Fin), CGM (UPW),
PGM (BW), GM (Admin), GMs MP & TN
Circles were present in the meeting.
President, Secretary and Treasurer TWCO
also attended the meeting.
Representatives of BSNLEU, SNEA and
SC/ST Welfare association were also
present in the meeting. DGM (Welfare)
read out the minutes of the last meeting
held in May 2009 and were confirmed. He
also placed agenda points. Welfare Board
decided to remove the basic pay limit to
provide welfare fund to the deceased
employee. Decide to constitute a
committee to submit recommendation on
enhancement of scholarships, book
awards, deciding grading of marks etc.
Welfare Board expressed its serious
concern against unutilized welfare funds
given to Circles and delay in submitting
the audited accounts to BSNL CO. Com GS
emphasized to sponsor 100% expenditure
of BSNL employees participating in
international leads, announcing all
India tournament for swimming and
allowing 4 hours duty off instead of 2
hours duty off to international veteran
sports persons, Opening of new holiday
homes and their proper maintenance.
Enhancing the IQ charges was not agreed.
04.05.2010 : GS, AGS (F), CS, ACS & CWC
Members of Gujarat Circle met Sr. GM
(FP) and discussed :
(a) DPC from CAO to DGM (F) :
We thanked
for issuing promotion order from CAO to
DGM (F). We expressed our concern
against posting on promotion to distant
Circles e.g. KTK to UPE, MP, HP Circles.
Sr. GM (FP) advised to submit the
genuine cases because the postings on
promotion have been made based on
shortage basis.
(b) Consideration of request transfers
of JAO/AOs/CAOs :
Sr. GM (FP) assured
for early issuance of the transfer
(c) Relaxation in JAO part-II
examination :
We requested to review JAO
part-II examination result in view of
the wrong questions asked. Sr. GM (FP)
assured to look into the matter.
(d) Relieving of AOs/CAOs :
We requested
Sr. GM (FP) to get released AOs/CAOs
from Gujarat Circle to different Circles
who are waiting for substitutes for the
last 3 months. Sr. GM (FP) assured to
look into the matter.
04.05.2010 : GS, AGS (HQ), FS and CS
Gujarat Circle met GM (Estt) and
discussed :
(a) Revision of teaching allowance in
training centres :
We requested for
early revision of teaching allowance
from 7.5% to 11% in the revised IDA pay
scales. GM (Estt) informed that BSNL MC
has already approved teaching allowance
to be revised up to 11% of basic pay
instead of 7.5%, hence recovery will not
be made and the matter is being shortly
sent to BSNL Board for approval.
(b) Pay fixation of 2005 batch JTOs :
requested GM (Estt) for early issuance
of the pay fixation order of 2005 JTO
batch. GM (Estt) informed that pay
fixation memos will be issued today.
04.05.2010 : GS, AGS (F) and GS Gujarat
Circle met GM (Pers) and discussed :
(a) Mass transfers of Executives in
Gujarat Telecom Circle :
We protested
against the mass transfer orders of DEs/SDEs/PAs/PSs/CAOs/AOs
in violation of the BSNL Transfer
Policy. GM (Pers) assured to look into
the matter.
Unjustified transfer orders of SDEs/DEs/EEs
on the basis of CBI / CVC agreed / ODI
list :
GM (Pers) mentioned that Pers
Cell has issued transfer and posting
orders of Executives in Telecom and
Civil wings on the basis of CVO BSNL
directions. We explained the status of
the disciplinary cases wherein most of
the cases are settled. GM (Pers)
mentioned that normally the officers
retiring within 2 years period and the
executives against whom the disciplinary
proceedings are over and currency of
punishment is over may be reviewed, if
any. |
: GS writes to DGM (Restg), BSNL CO
regarding Staffing Norms.
Click here |
1st May 2010 :
AIBSNLEA is celebrating
its 7th Foundation Day on 1st
May 2010. AIBSNLEA CHQ extends warm
greetings to all the Members and well
wishers on the occasion. Organise
Special General Body Meetings, Seminars,
Get-togethers, Blood Donation Camps,
Telecom Melas etc. to observe the
Foundation Day in a befitting manner. |
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