30.06.2012: BSNL
Corporate Office issued order regarding retirement
on superannuation on 30.06.2012 in respect of (i) SDEs
(Telecom)/PS (ii) AFS
(iii) Executives
of DGM/AGM/DE equivalent grade
AIBSNLEA wishes Happy Retired life to
all who retired today on their superannuation. |
AIBSNLEA felicitated Sh. S.M. Talwar, ED(NB), BSNL on
assuming the high office of Advisor(Operation), DoT & also on his retirement on
superannuation today.
<<Click Here for Glimpses>> |
Promotion from
STS to DGM (T) on Adhoc
basis: BSNL
Corporate Office issued letter to CGMs regarding below Bench Mark Gradings
in ACRs for the period 2005-06 to 2010-11 and Objective consideration of
representation by the competent authority against Remarks in- ACR/APAR or up
gradation of the final grading.
Wherein it was
requested to take action in such
cases on war
footing basis
and intimate the decision of the competent authority to this office at the earliest so
that the CPC is convened in time
Here for letter>>
All the Circle
Secretaries are requested to ensure that such cases are to be reached BSNL
Corporate Office at the earliest. |
Corporate Office requested issuance of vigilance clearance certificate
w.r.t. adhoc promotion in SE(E) grade-<<Click
Here for letter>>
Corporate Office issued order regarding Transfer posting in the grade
of SE (C)
<<Click Here for order>> |
Corporate Office issued order regarding
Transfer / Posting in
the Grade of EE(C)
<<Click Here for order>> |
Corporate Office issued instructions regarding modification
in policy for provision of concessional Broadband connection to the below
JAG level BSNL retired employees at their residence
<<Click Here for letter>> |
GS writes to

The PGM (Fin), BSNL
CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of Accounts personnel-
<<Click here for letter>>
The Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for
transfer in the cadre SDE(T) -
<<Click here for letter>>
The ED(NB), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in
the cadre SDE(E) -
<<Click here for letter>>
The GM (Estt.), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer
in the cadre JTO(T) -
<<Click here for letter>>
The Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding calling volunteers for inter Circle
transfer including Hard tenure and other than hard tenure Circles in the SDE
promotion through LDCE held 04.03.2012-
<<Click here for letter>>
The GM (Estt.), BSNL CO regarding extension of deputation period -Case of
Smt. Rekha Sharma, JTO, Raj Circle [ HR No. 200401853] -
<<Click here for letter>>
The GM (Estt.), BSNL CO regarding extension of deputation period -Case of
Shri Ismail Khan, JTO, Raj Circle [ HR No. 200700674] -
<<Click here for
The Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for
transfer in the cadre of DE/AGM-
<<Click here for letter>> |
from DE
to DGM(Adhoc) promotion:
It is reliably learnt
clearance of 553
DEs has been
All the Circle Secretaries are requested to ensure that VC of eligible DEs
are to be reached BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest.
(i) Telecom department may offer higher
compensation to prompt ITS officers to stay back in BSNL, MTNL
<<Click Here for detail news>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding promotion and posting in the
grade of SE(E) on regular basis
<<Click Here for letter>>
Stay on Adhoc DE promotions from Hon'ble CAT Jabalpur:
The case come up for hearing today and
now posted for final hearing on 25.07.2012. Stay is at present continue.
from JTO to SDE(T):
BSNL Corporate Office issued reminders to CGMs regarding
Submission of
Sanctioned and Working Strength in TES Group-'B' Cadre (SDE(T)/AD(T)/Sr.SDE(T)
etc <<Click
Here for letter>>
(ii) VC & Details on LDCE promotion
Here for letter>>
(iii) Corrections in All India
Eligibility List of JTOs
<<Click Here for letter>>
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded
result in getting released order regarding entry of qualification acquired
by BSNL Executive of Electrical Wing-
<<Click Here for letter>> |
25.06.2012:Hon'ble High Court
Kerla at
Ernakulam interim order on 147 SDEs (LDCE Quota) case:
(25.06.2012) 147 case came up for hearing in Hon'ble Ernakulam High Court.
The FINAL hearing will be on 04th July' 2012 as per the consent of advocates
of both sides. |
Appointment of Director(HR), BSNL:
Interview for Director (HR), BSNL post was conducted today by PSEB. It is
understood that
Shri A. K. Jain, Sr.
BSNL CO, New Delhi has been
for the
post of
BSNL Board
and after the approval of ACC, Sh. A.K. Jain appointment order of Director(HR) is
expected. It is the first time in the history of BSNL that a BSNL absorbee
officer is appointed as Director(HR).
United Forum of BSNL
absorbed Executive Associations' comprising AIBSNLEA & SNEA(I) demanded
appointment of Director(HR) from BSNL absorbee officers
<<Click Here for letter>>. We congratulated in
advance Sh. A.K. Jain, Sr. GM(BB) for his selection as Director(HR), BSNL. |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
regarding Convening of CPC for Executives (BSNL Management Service) in
respect of various stream-Telecom Operation, Telecom Finance, Telecom
Factory, Civil, Electrical, Architecture and Other Streams of BSNLMS
<<Click Here for order>> |
GS writes to
The PGM (Fin), BSNL CO regarding requests
for transfer in the cadre of Accounts personnel-
Here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers), BSNL CO
regarding request for transfer in the cadre SDE(T) -
Here for letter>>
Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding calling volunteers for inter Circle
transfer including Hard tenure and other than hard tenure Circles in the SDE
promotion through LDCE held 04.03.2012 [Ref:-
BSNL CO letter no. 1-8/2009/Pers.II dated 11.06.2012]
Here for letter>>
GM (Estt.), BSNL CO regarding extension of deputation period -<<Click
Here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding
request for transfer in the cadre of DE/AGM-
Here for letter>> |
United Forum of BSNL Absorbed Executive Associations,
New Delhi writes to
Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon'ble MOC&IT, Govt. of India, New
Delhi-110001 regarding selection of Director(HR), BSNL Board - consider a
BSNL absorbed officer as Director(HR) who can play a pivotal role in revival
of BSNL and enjoys the confidence of 2.75 lakh absorbed/recruited employees
of BSNL-
<<Click Here for letter>> |
GS discussed with GM(EF) BSNL CO regarding clearance of 78.2% IDA pay
fixation case to be sent to BSNL MC & BSNL Board for approval. GM(EF)
assured for an early clearance. |
President, AGS(HQ) met GM(Tranging) BSNL CO and discussed
(a) Identification of Training Needs:
We appreciated the concern of BSNL
Management for issuing instructions to Circles vide letter no. 4-1/2012-Trg.
Dated 18.06.2012 for identification of training needs to the newly promoted
SDEs to be posted in different verticals. We request that such special
trainings are required to all the existing executives also in order to
upgrade their skill in new technologies and to have their best utilization.
GM(Training) mentioned that already refresher courses are being conducted in
the Training Centers. We mentioned that Circles are not deputing and
relieving executives to attend the refresher course trainings. Hence,
further instructions to Circles are required to be released.
(b) Two weeks of training to executives whose pay is
upgraded and on every promotion under EPP-
needs review:
We expressed our concern that as per EPP every executive whose pay is
upgraded to next higher IDA pay scale, the concerned executives shall have
to compulsorily undergo Two Weeks of Training for being eligible for drawal
of Second increment in the upgraded IDA scale. But later on it was changed
to e-mode and online examination w.e.f. 01.04.2011 in view of saving
expenditure of TA/DA and training Centers establishment cost etc considering
the state of BSNL Finance. Even though saving is achieved in not conducting
the classes, but the executives were asked to go to RTTCs to write the exams
by incurring expenditure on TA/DA, which again a huge expenditure on BSNL.
Moreover, there is no such training provision exists in BSNL's non-executive
promotion policy as well as no such training provision is envisaged in the
BSNL MSRRs on Post based promotions to Group-'A' level executives. Also
deputationist officers are getting uninterrupted functional promotions
against BSNL's posts without undergone of any training course. We requested
that the training/examination clauses of EPP are immediately withdrawn to
save the huge expenditure of BSNL and to provide justice to Group-'B' level
executives in BSNL.
GM(Trg.) mentioned that it is as per the provision exist in the EPP and
advised to take up the matter at the appropriate level. |
<<Click Here
view your detail result of LDCE for promotion to the grade of SDE(T) held on
Please enter your
user-id and password given at the time of on-line registration.
writes to
Shri R.K. Upadhyay, CMD BSNL regarding
two weeks
of training to executives whose pay is upgraded and on every promotion under
Here for letter>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding
Looking after arrangement for the
post of Director (HR), BSNL-<<Click
Here for order>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding
Vacancy position in the grade of JAO as on 1.4.2012
<<Click Here
for letter>>
All the Circle Secretaries are requested
to ensure that the said information's i.e. category wise vacancy position in
the grade of JAO against 50%, 40% and 10% may be reached to BSNL CO,
New Delhi immediately. |
gets more time to deal with telecom officers' issue
<<Click here for detail News>> |
President, AGS(HQ) met GM(Estt.) and discussed
(a) Status
of 78.2% IDA Pay Fitment Case: GM(Estt.)
mentioned that MC Note on this issue has been prepared and send to EF Cell,
BSNL Corporate Office for concurrence and thereafter with the approval of
Competent Authority it will be sent to BSNL MC for approval and then to
BSNL Board. We requested that the agreement signed between PGM(SR) and
Unions/Associations representatives took place after the approval of MC
Members only, hence, the note on this issue shall be sent to BSNL Board for
approval to avoid delay.
Superannuation benefits to BSNL Recruited employees:
GM(Estt.) informed that the proposal in this
regard has been sent to the Committee, examining the case.
(c) Antedating
of DNI: GM(Estt.) informed that this issue has
already been discussed once in the Committee Meeting headed by Sr. GM(Pers.)
and shortly the Committee will submit its report.
Pay Fixation case of deptt. JTOs/JAOs:
GM(Estt.) informed that the case has been discussed in the Committee and
shortly its report will be sent to the Competent Authority for
approval. |
President met GM(FP) and discussed about regularization of JAO Part-I
qualified JAOs as they are officiating for the last 7-10 years as JAO. These
JAOs passed JAO Part-I examination on descriptive type papers and now being
asked to appear in JAO Part-II Exam with those who have passed through JAO-I
Screening Exam. These JAOs on their regular promotion are ready to serve in
Hard Tenure Circles/Stations, if considered. GM(FP) assured to look into the
matter. |
President, AGS (HQ) met Director (EB) and discussed regarding
Affairs of Kerala Telecom Circle wherein AIBSNLEA has been
forced to serve a notice of organizational action to protest against the
indifferent attitude of Circle administration:
informed Director(EB) that Kerala Telecom Circle administration with an
indifferent and biased attitude is not settling the genuine grievances of
our members i.e. (1) Local officiating promotion to the Executives in
Telecom Engg./Finance and PA cadres are being denied by mis-interpretating the
Executive Promotion Policy (EPP). Similarly, the pay fixation
anomalies of JTOs is not being rectified and no transparency is being
maintained in executives transfer & postings, our members are being
transferred to distant places whereas, some other in a preferred to their
choice places. We also informed that our Kerala Circle organization has been
forced to launch the organizational action programmers' w.e.f 26.06.2012 to
protest against the indifferent attitude of the Circle administration and
non-settlement of genuine grievances of executives.
(b) DPC from DE to DGM:
We expressed our serious concern against the Pers. cell proposal for getting
one time relaxation in the eligibility condition of 4 years counting the
period of Adhoc and Regular services in DE cadre for DGM promotion whereas
as per the BSNL MSRRs Schedule-1A, Note- 6 provision
case of non-availability of regular and eligible STS level executives with
requisite number of years of eligibility service for subsequent promotion to
JAG as per Para 5. The case for relaxation in eligibility service may be
considered subject to approval of Management Committee".
Hence the relaxation in eligibility services of 4 years is to be considered.
Director (EB) assured to look into the matter.
Posting of SDEs(T) promoted from JTO(T) LDCE quota:
requested Director(EB) to post SDEs(T) recently promoted from JTO(T) LDCE
quota at their choice where the vacancies are available and in case the
vacancies are not available they may be considered to nearby Circles.
Director (EB) assured to look into the matter.
(d) Regularization of
We further requested Director(EB) to personally intervene in the
matter wherein 3500 JTOs are facing reversion and 1800 JTOs(Offg.) are being
deprived from regularization due to court case pending in Hon'ble High Court
Chandigarh wherein the contempt notice has been issued against CMD BSNL for
creation of 3500 super-numeric posts of JTOs to avoid reversion of JTOs. We
briefed that applicants TTAs were not even eligible for promotion as JTOs
which was not pleaded by BSNL advocate properly which allowed contempt case.
We requested Director(EB) to examine the case and to take immediate action
in this regard. Director(EB) assured to look into the matter. |
AGS(Fin) met PGM(EW) and discussed
(a) DPC from EEs(E) to SE(E):
We requested to expedite DPC to fill up vacant SEs
posts, since the competent authority has given the clearance and gave one
time relaxation in the eligibility condition to EEs(E). PGM(EW) informed
that after the clearance received from the Competent Authority the VCRs of
the eligible EEs to SE promotion have been called for. He advised us to
pursue with Circles for early sending of VCRs for completing the DPC. All
the Circle Secretaries are requested to ensure early sending of VCRs.
(b) DPC from SDE(E) to EE(E) :
We requested to get the approval of Competent Authority to fill up about 40
EEs(E) vacant posts. PGM(EW) mentioned that the proposal to initiate DPC to
fill up 40 vacant EEs(E) posts has been sent to Competent Authority for
(c) Consideration of request/tenure transfer cases of
SDEs/EEs: We requested for consideration of
request / tenure transfer cases of SDEs/EEs. PGM(EW) assured to look into
the cases. |
BSNL Corporate Office issued
Corrigendum regarding BSNL EMPLOYEE
Here for letter>> |
writes to
Shri. R.K. Upadhyay, CMD BSNL regarding
affairs of Kerala Telecom Circle wherein AIBSNLEA has
been forced to serve a notice of organizational action to protest against
the indifferent attitude of Circle administration-
<<Click Here for letter>> |
FS, AGS(HQ) met ED(NB), BSNL on 14.06.2012 and discussed
(a) DPC
from EE(C/E) to SE(C/E):
requested to fill up vacant SEs(C/E) posts by giving one time relaxation to
EEs(C/E) in their eligibility condition as per BSNL MSRRs. ED(NB) informed
that Director(EB) has cleared the proposal of one time relaxation to EEs
for SE promotion and sent to CMD BSNL for approval. It is understood that
the Competent Authority has approved the proposal and shortly after calling
of VCRs (about 20) vacant SEs(E) posts will be filled up.
(b) Consideration
of some request/tenure transfer cases of SDEs/EEs(C):
ED(NB) assured to examine the pending cases on merit basis.
(c) Filling
up of vacant AGM(TF) posts:
We requested ED(NB) for filling up of vacant AGM(TF) posts to complete the
DPC from SDE(TF) to AGM(TF) and issuance of promotion orders. ED(NB) spoke
to Sr. GM(Pers.) for an early clearance of DPC minutes. Sr. GM(Pers.)
informed that due to SC/ST Court case pending in Hon'ble High Court
Chandigarh and legal Cell opinion, the clearance is delayed. |
writes to Shri R. K. Upadhyay, CMD, BSNL regarding
Launching of Employee Suggestion
Scheme- 2012-
[Ref. no. :
DO no 23-1/2007-Trg dt
15-06-2012 ]
<<<Click Here for CMD's
DO Letter>>>
ignore this letter as the site is available without passward. |
President met GM(FP) and discussed:
DPC from CAO to Adhoc DGM (F) : We expressed
our concern about delay in conducting DPC to fill up all vacant DGM(F) posts
from CAO. He informed that clearance from Personnel branch has been received
and a Note for one time relaxation in the eligibility condition will
be submitted to MC of BSNL for approval. After the approval from MC,
DPC will be initiated.
DPC from AO/Sr AO to CAO (Regular/Adhoc):
We requested to expedite DPC to fill up all vacant posts of CAO
(Regular/Adhoc) from AO/Sr.AO. GM (FP) assured us that he is taking the
matter with concerned GM(F)/IFAs for receipt of missing CRs. Regarding the
DPC for regular CAO action will be initiated in the coming week.
Conducting of JAO Part II Exam:
We requested to conduct JAO Part II examination in old
pattern early as the Finance wing is facing heavy shortage in JAO cadre. GM
(FP) informed that he has already written to DE section of Corporate Office
to fix the date for Examination.
Request transfer cases and Vigilance cases:
we requested to consider the request transfer cases
and early clearance of disciplinary cases in view of ensuing CAO DPC. He
assured look into.
Regularization of Postal JAOs:
We requested for early regularization of postal JAOs
as the DOT has already given the clarification. He informed that two court
cases are pending which are challenging the intake of JAOs from Postal
department itself and the Legal Advice is also stopping the BSNL not to
regularize the cases. However he is hopeful that both the pending cases
would be cleared once the Court reopens from vacation in July-2012.
Clarification sought by Kerala Circle regarding Officiating Promotion:
We requested to give clarification as requested by Kerala Circle regarding
officiating promotion in Finance wing. He assured to send a written reply
shortly. |
D.O Letter from CMD, BSNL regarding
Launching of Employee Suggestion Scheme- 2012. All the executives are
requested to give his/her valuable suggestions to BSNL Management for BSNL's
progress and growth the as per the attached letter
<<<Click Here for CMD's
DO Letter>>> |
GS writes to
The PGM (Fin), BSNL CO
regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of Accounts personnel-
Here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers),
BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in the cadre SDE(T) -
Here for letter>>
The Sr.GM (Pers),
BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in the cadre of DE/AGM-<<Click
Here for letter>>
The PGM(BW),
BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in the cadre of EE(C)-
Here for letter>> |
<<Click Here for
the Supply
of CLI Phones allotted to Circles by BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi>>
<<Click Here for the Supply of Cable pair allotted to Circles by BSNL Corporate
Office, New Delhi>> |
GS writes to
Shri R.K. Upadhyay,
Chairman-cum-Managing Director, BSNL regarding posting on promotion to SDE(T)
after declaration of result of LDCE-2012 from JTO to SDE
DE Cell , BSNL CO, New Delhi Letter no. 5-4/DE-2012 dated 12.06.2012]
<<Click Here for letter>> |
Land Mark achievement
- Circular of Forum
of BSNL Unions / Associations
<<Click here for Circular>> |
CWC Meeting at Ahmedabad (Gujarat):
All the Circle Secretaries are requested to intimate the number of persons,
who will attend the CWC Meeting at Ahmedabad (Gujarat) on 23rd & 24th
August'2012 with the names & Contact numbers of Circle President/Secretary
and CWC Members (in accordance with the
membership as per the provisions of Constitution of AIBSNLEA)
on the e-mail
or on fax no.
011-23315315 immediately for the proper
arrangements of
boarding and lodging. Also intimate the arrival &
departure schedule to Com. Amalendu Guha, Circle Secretary, Gujarat Circle-
please. |
BSNL Corporate Office
issued Final Seniority list in the grade of regular Sr. Architect s(Eq JAG)
<<Click Here for letter>>
<<Click here for list>> |
remit balance Diary-2012 amount/CHQ Quota to CHQ immediately. |
BSNL employees post-settlement,
defer indefinite agitation
<<Click Here for detail news>> |
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting
released the LDCE result on 12th June'2012. Due to court case
pending in Hon'ble High Court Chandigarh filed by some executives demanding
quashing the LDCE wherein some JTOs have been allowed to appear
in the LDCE for whom the reversion was avoided by creation of super-numeric
posts. Wherein Hon'ble High Court ordered contempt against CMD BSNL
for creation of super-numeric posts of JTOs. We immediately met Director (EB/HR)
and GM(Estt.) and other concern officers to defend the court case properly
and early declaration of LDCE result so that stay order or quashing
the LDCE is avoided. Director (EB/HR) and GM(Estt.) immediately intervene in
the matter and the LDCE result is declared quickly to avoid further
Also this association represented through communications AIBSNLEA/CHQ/ Director (HR)/2011-12 and AIBSNLEA/CHQ/CMD/2011-12 dated
27.03.2012 & 29.03.2012 for removing ambiguity in questions and options
w.r.t. provisional answer key provided by BSNL (Paper-I Advance Technical
Paper- General) of LDCE promotion to SDE(T) held on 04.03.2012 and remove
the discrepancies in the questions of JTO to SDE(T) promotion exam (LDCE)
held on 04.03.2102. With the untiring efforts of AIBSNLEA the descriptive
type examination was changed to OMR based objective type examination which
also made easy in preparing result of LDCE.
Our timely persuasion
to correct the deficiencies and ambiguity in questions and options w.r.t
answer key resulted "09 marks to all the
candidates" in Paper-I and
"Some marks to all candidates"
for some questions in Paper-II also. This has resulted in getting pass
maximum to 2726 candidates. Still, some vacancies remains unfilled in SC/ST
quota of LDCE. Sincere efforts are being made to get released the promotion
orders at the earliest. Pers. Cell-II BSNL Corporate Office has already
called the VCRs of SC/ST Candidates from Circles. All the Circle Secretaries
are requested to ensure early sending of VCRs for early promotion orders.
We have also requested
to Sr. GM(Pers.) for posting on promotion to SDEs in the same Circles where
the vacancies are available or nearby Circles in case the vacancies are
not available. All the Circle Secretaries are requested to send
representations of promoted SDEs to CHQ through FAX or e-mail for choice of
posting at the earliest to help our members.
Congratulations to all the successful candidates. |
volunteers/option from DE/AGM (T) for posting in tenure circles/stations
except Andaman & Nicobar
<<Click Here for letter>>
President, FS and AGS(F) met Director (Finance) and
thanked him for his
positive and helping
attitude in solving the demand of implementing 78.2% pay fitment benefit. He
asked us to improve the revenue of the BSNL, so that other demands also can
be sorted out if BSNL revenue improves. We assured him that we have already
appealed to each and every executive and non-executive to concentrate more
and more to turn around BSNL and discussed :-
Clarification sought by Kerala circle regarding Officiating Promotion:
We requested to give clarification as requested by Kerala Circle regarding
officiating promotion in Finance wing. He replied that he had spoken with
GM(F) Kerala already and for written reply he would instruct GM(FP).
(ii) DPC from
CAO to Adhoc DGM (F)
: We expressed our serious concern about delay
in conducting DPC to fill up all vacant DGM(F) posts from CAO. He assured
that after taking the clearance from Personnel Branch of CO and MC approval
DPC will be initiated shortly.
(iii) DPC
from AO/Sr AO to CAO (Regular/Adhoc):
We expressed our concern regarding delay in DPC to fill up all vacant posts
of CAO (Regular/Adhoc) from AO/Sr.AO. Director (F) mentioned that after
receipt of missing CRs DPC work will be completed.
Conducting of JAO Part II Exam:
We requested to conduct JAO Part II examination in old pattern early as the
Finance wing is facing heavy shortage in JAO cadre. Director (F) assured
that date will be announced soon.
(v) Request
transfer cases and Vigilance cases:
we requested to consider the request transfer cases and early clearance of
disciplinary cases in view of ensuing CAO DPC. He assured to look into the
Regularization of Officiating JAOs case:
We requested
the Director (F) to regularize all the Officiating JAOs of about 180 as
regular JAOs considering their long service as Offg. JAOs as one time
measure. He expressed difficulty in the proposal and advised that these JAOs
should appear in JAO Part-II exam being held on old syllabus pattern.
(vii) Regularization of Postal JAOs:
We requested for early regularization of postal JAOs as the DOT has already
given the clarification. Director (Fin) after some discussions assured that
in view of the DOT clarification an early action in this regard will be
taken. |
GS, President, FS, AGS(HQ) met Sr. GM (Pers.) and discussed regarding
(a) DPC from DE to DGM:
We requested to get early clearance from MC to fill up
vacant DGM Posts by giving one time relaxation in the eligible condition to
DEs. Sr. GM(Pers.) informed that the proposal is sent to MC for approval and
hope that in today's MC Meeting the same will be cleared, which will pave
the way to start DPC for the promotion of DE(Regular) to DGM(Engg.). It is
understood that the BSNL MC has cleared the proposal of one time relaxation
in the eligibility condition.
(b) DPC from SDE(T) to DE(Adhoc/Regular):
We requested Sr. GM(Pers.) to initiate DPC to fill up vacant DE(Adhoc/Regular)
vacancies. Sr. GM(Pers.) informed that DPC is delayed due to court cases
pending in the Hon'ble High Courts at Jabalpur and Chandigarh and advised to
get cleared the same at the earliest.
(c) Posting of SDE(T) promoted from JTO(T) LDCE
We requested Sr. GM(Pers.) to post
SDE(T) recently promoted from JTO(T) LDCE quota at the choice of place. Sr.
GM(Pers.) informed that recently they have called options from the promoted
SDE(T) for Hard tenure/Tenure places and further informed that they will be
posted to the Circle where acute shortage of SDE(T) posts.
(d) Pay anomaly due to antedating of DNI wherein
senior drawing less pay than their juniors and Removal of Pay anomaly caused
on implementation of EPP, wherein seniors drawing less pay than juniors:
We expressed our serious resentment for not settling the case of pay anomaly
due to antedating of DNI wherein seniors drawing less pay than their juniors
on implementation of 2nd PRC and negative report of committee on removal of
Pay anomaly caused on implementation of EPP, wherein seniors drawing less
pay than juniors issue despite of the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench direction
to step up the pay of seniors w.r.t. their juniors as per the provision of
FR&SR. Sr. GM(Pers.) informed that he will fix the Committee Meetings at the
Posting on promotion from SDE(TF) to AGM(TF):
requested to give clearance for posting on promotion to AGM(TF) posts as the
DPC has been completed more than two months before. Sr. GM(Pers.) mentioned
that clearance will be given at the earliest.
(f) Request transfer cases:
We requested to consider all request transfer cases. GM(Pers.) assured to
look into the matter. |
BSNL staff defer indefinite strike
<<Click Here for detail news>> |
Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations agitation call of indefinite strike w.e.f.
13th June'2012 is
on a written agreement reached between BSNL Management and the
representatives of Forum.
<<Click Here for the written agreement>>
We are extremely thankful to our
struggling members for their active and dedicated participation in this
historic struggle.
The following agreement is signed between
Management and the Forum representatives
Revision of pay as per fitment benefit @78.2% w.e.f. 01.01.2007 has been agreed
for implementation by BSNL Management. However, actual payment will be made
prospectively and arrears thereof will be deferred for the time being and
will be paid only when the financial position of the company improves. This
will be applicable for the pensioners also.
(ii) Medical re-imbursement with voucher
for out-door treatment, Professional Upgradation Allowances and HRA will
continue to be paid at Basic Pay with 68.8% fitment. Payment of these
allowances will be reviewed on 01.04.2013, subject to financial position of
the company.
(iii) All other allowances i.e. Children Education Assistance/Tuition
Fees/Hostel Subsidy, Family Planning Allowances etc. will continue to be
paid at the current rates.
(iv) The issue of implementation of Child Care Leave will be taken up with
the BSNL Board for re-consideration.
(v) For the purpose of provision of superannuation benefits to
directly recruited employees as per DPE guidelines, a Committee will be
constituted to re-examine the issue and give its recommendations.
The necessary order
in this regard will be issued after the approval of
the Competent Authority as assured by CMD, BSNL. We have full faith and trust in CMD,
BSNL to implement the signed agreement.
We appeal each and every
executive and non-executive to concentrate more and more to turn around
We are extremely thankful
to CMD BSNL, Director(Fin.), Director(EB), Director(CFA), Director(CM), PGM(SR)
and all the concerned officers for their positive attitude in solving the
All Circle/ Branch
Secretaries are requested to convey our greetings and thanks to all the
members by arranging General Body Meetings.
Congratulations once again !!
Body Meeting of AIBSNLEA CTD & WBT Circle at CTO Building Kolkata on
A General Body
Meeting of AIBSNLEA CTD & WBT Circle took place at CTO Building Kolkata on
08-06-2012 at 3 P.M. Shri Prahlad Rai, GS and Shri P. Venugopal, President
AIBSNLEA, CHQ attended the meeting. The meeting was grand success as the
Hall was jam packed. The meeting was presided over by Shri Tapan Das,
President of AIBSNLEA CTD & Shri Swapan Bose, President of AIBSNLEA WBT
jointly. Shri Prasun Mukhopadhyay, CS CTD delivered his welcome address
with a key-note to the GS & President, CHQ & Shri Bijay Bhattacharyya also
delivered welcome speech. Shri Amit Gupta OS(E),CHQ also indicated our
current demands in his welcome note.
Shri P.
Venugopal, President discussed various issues in BSNL. He said that
during the last two years the BSNL Management curtailed the expenditure due
to shortage of fund. Operating expenditure has also been cut. He
said that in Calcutta Telephones the situation is alarming as the
payment of Salary of Job Contract Labour and Security Guard are made by
diverting fund from other heads. As a result Mtce. work is suffering.
He assured to ask BSNL Board to sanction extra fund otherwise it is very
difficult to pay the salary of Job Contract Labour and Security Guard.
He mentioned that Customer Delight Month & Customer Delight year is observed
through out India by the JAC with a view to earn more & more Revenue.
But it is very difficult to make the BSNL Financial viable unless the ITS
OFFICERS ABSORPTION issue is resolved.
Management is reluctant to complete the repatriation process of ITS
officers on the plea that if all the ITS Officer is released from BSNL at a
time, there will be a crisis in the Management level. But we are sure
if the absorbed Executive take the charge of high office the BSNL may run
well as an example of it he said that one DE as SSA Head is making profit in
BSNL whereas the ITS officer it is going in loss. He also mentioned
that Executive Promotion Policy has been implemented successfully. Now
the Time Bound Promotion is done in a regular manner. Earlier
officiating DE/CAO got retired without getting regular promotion but
now this has changed at least they got the Time Bound Promotion and got
financially benefited. DPC from JAO to AO & AO to CAO & CAO to DGM is
under process. He thanked both the circle for the active role in the
BSNL movement.
In his
address Shri Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA expressed that last All India
Conference was held at Kolkata successfully. He mentioned that in the CGM
meeting, CGM Kolkata has requested to intervene for procurement of BROADBAND
MODEM, Cable, Instruments, SMPS Power plant, battery etc. GS assured to
take the case for issue of required materials to the BSNL Management. All
the important issues has been finalized except ITS Absorption. It was
assured at the time of absorption that Time Bound Promotion upto the SG JAG
level to given to the absorbed Executives of BSNL. There is a Transparent
Transfer Policy imposed. Earlier there were many illogical provisions.
Mobile Telephone connection to all the Executive has been sanctioned and
cost of Handset also. 2nd PRC with 30% Fitment with Basic
has been achieved. All PSU Organization protested for 68.8% IDA
fitment since it was wrong. It should be 78.2% instead of 68.8% and
the DPE order has issued on 2nd April'2009. That we pursued with BSNL
Management and they did not accept our demand, that time we were in profit
of Rs. 574 crores. After that during the last 3 years we are in loss.
BSNL Management is very much
interested to protect the interest of ITS Officers instead of making the
BSNL Profitable. At the time of formation of BSNL it was assured to
of license fee, ADC charge, payment from USO Fund for giving rural service,
OPEX Charges Rs.
5,000 crores was to be given from Administrative Ministry now they refused to
payment towards license fee, ADC, USO. No financial help was given to
BSNL. When Rs. 30,000 Crores cash reserve was there BSNL, Govt.
exhausted this
reserve on the plea of payment of WIMAX Spectrum, 3G Spectrum etc. PAN
India is compulsory for BSNL of 3G service. 10,200 crores was paid by BSNL
whereas private operators i.e. AIRTEL was paid only Rs. 5000 crores or less
to Govt. of India. Sam Pitroda Committee recommended for 30% disinvestment
and VRS for 1,00,000 employees. Lifeline of BSNL is COPPER WIRE which is
recommended for unbundling. We strongly protested against these
recommendations. There is acute shortage of Telephone Instruments,
Modem, Cable and we are unable to give new connections, now Telecom Factory
is manufacturing the drop wire and is supplying to field units. Customer delight year is being observed by the JAC all
over INDIA. 1 MILLION BB (ADSL) Modem Tendering is finalized. Cable
Tender is also finalized. 45.5 Million GSM Tender was floated in the year
2007 but only 23.0 Million GSM Equipment was procured as a result of the
protest by BSNL Non-Executives Unions & Executive Associations.
Regarding Strike on 13th
onwards, previously it was decided that only 31st MAY
Demonstration and 6th June Dharna. But later it was changed due
to decision of the Management Committee for issuing order for payment of
allotment of 6th
CPC for ITS officers though they are denying the genuine demand of
Executive and non Executive of DPE order. Absorption of ITS Officers is
not yet finalized during the last 7 years. Hon'ble Delhi High Court
gave 15 days
time for ITS Officers to make their choice of employer. Finally
30th September, 2012 is the last date for giving option of ITS
Officers hereafter that no deputationist ITS Officer should remain in BSNL. We demand 78.2%
IDA Fitment benefit and review of perks and allowances, payment of medical,
LTC etc. So please go on indefinite Strike w.e.f. 13th June,
Regarding problems of Contractual Labour. A meeting was held with
CGM Kolkata, we categorically told that it is the responsibility of CGM & GM
to ensure that their wage payment is made in time and it should not be imposed to our member. CGM
will arrange of fund for payment of contractual labour. Pending
Disciplinary cases - CMD BSNL directed that all cases received on monthly
basis will be dealt by CGM with DGM(Vig.) & necessary action will
be taken for early settlement. DPC from AO to CAO, SDE to DE, DE to DGM, JAO to AO,
JTO to SDE case is under process. But Court Cases are delaying the process
in Telecom Engg. Wing.
Creation of PPS post to field units of BSNL, Scale of AD(O/L) case will be resolved shortly. E1A & E2A Scale -
CPSU Cadre Hierarchy, a Committee has been constituted. Court case of SDE/JTO
is settled and now it is under process. 1500 Ad-hoc DE - case is under
process. 400 DGM Engineering Promotions is order is expected shortly. SDE (67%) is
expected in 2/3 months SDE(33%) result may come within ½ weeks. There are
vacancies around 6000 in all. He suggested that the 2nd
upgradation case of AO and AAO to be resolved in Court only. He told that we
will take up the case to stop ON LINE Exam. & reintroduce OFF LINE Exam. for
EPP to the competent authority.
The meeting
ended with thanks to the chair. The vote of thanks was given by Shri Manas
Roy, VP/CHQ.
Here for Glimpses>> |
2nd CEC of AIBSNLEA Odisha Circle at Bhubaneswar on 9th June
The 2nd CEC of present tenure of AIBSNLEA of Odisha circle
was held in the seminar hall of the RTTC- Bhubaneswar on 9th June 2012.
General Secretary com. Prahlad Rai, CHQ President com P. Venugopal and Org.
Secy(E) com Amit gupta and Adv(L) com S. K. Dalai attended the CEC on behalf
of CHQ. Branch secretaries of various branches put forth their report, CS
summed up all the reports. Then the report of CS was read out and passed
after brief discussion. In the mid, CGMT Odisha invited the CHQ team to meet
at 1130hr in his chamber. Com S K Dalai accompanied with GS and Pres to CGMT.
The CEC meeting remained running as it is in presence of CHQ Org Secy. The
G.Secy team had discussion with the CGMT and other GMs on various issues. It
was an open discussion. The strategy of our Association was conveyed to the
Admn on various issues in circle level & all India level.
The address by OS(E) com. Amit Gupta started
at 1210. He emphasized on recovery of old assets from illegally occupants-
our ex circle secretary. He explained about the 78.2 fitment formula
recommended by last PRC and the extent we have been shown step motherly
attitude by BSNL board. He appealed all the members to organize the strike
on 13th June in full success. Then Com. S. K. Dalai our CHQ adviser (L)
addressed the house on different legal cases in CHQ for seniority fixation a
burning problem for all of us.
The much awaited
speech by our all India President com. P. Venugopal started at 1500hr. He
expressed satisfaction over Odisha BSNL and its AIBSNLEA as both are doing
commendable jobs. He declared that the expenditure in Odisha Telecom circle
is always minimum. He narrated the financial health of the BSNL in corporate
level and appealed to enhance the profit at least by 10% so that BSNL will
earn profit.
Then the real time speech of the General Secretary started at
1545hr. The house was fully packed up by that time. GS discussed on various
all India issues like ITS absorption, DPCs in all cadre, its present status,
Hurdles in regular STS to JAG adhoc, recent news on JAC, UF and JFs, future
program etc. He explained how the non-optees of BSNL sucking the
organization depriving the logical due of the optees the true BSNL staff. He
appealed all the members to observe the strike on 13th June in full spirit.
He covered all the issues in all the cadre ending with AD(OL). There were
repeated ovations from the audience on the vibrating speech of the GS. All
were spell bound on his narration. After the speech the questioners' session
started. Members asked several questions on various issues like stoppage of
medical allowances, formation of PPS post, causes of DPC from JAO to AO and
AO to CAOs etc. He explained all and all got satisfied. It was a very
purposeful interactive session. The meeting ended with national anthem at
Here for Glimpses>> |
Result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Promotion to the
grade of SDE (T) under 33% quota held on 04-03-2012 has been declared
[2726 Candidates
declared passed]
<<Click here for result - 2521 Nos.>>
<<SC List - 162 Nos.>>
<<ST List - 43Nos.>>
Forum of BSNL
Unions/Associations talks with CMD BSNL failed. Intensify agitation
programme: In response to Dy. Labour
Commissioner directions, CMD BSNL hold a meeting with the representatives of
Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations at 4.00 PM in BSNL Board Room to
discuss the demands w.r.t proposed indefinite strike w.e.f. 13th
June'2012(00:00 hrs). Director (Fin.), Director (EB), PGM(SR), GM(EF), GM(Estt), DGM(SR)
and AGM(SR) were also present in the meeting.
CMD briefed about the financial condition of BSNL and
mentioned that at present it is not possible to consider Forum demands w.r.t
implementation of 78.2% IDA fitment benefits & revision of allowances as per
2nd PRC recommendations.
Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations representatives
felt that BSNL Management is quite indifferent towards BSNL employees
whereas ready to give all benefits to the deputationist in BSNL. As
Management didn't shown any keenness to resolve the issue, Forum
decided to go ahead with the indefinite strike w.e.f 13.06.2012, 00.00 Hrs. After CMD's Meeting
representatives of Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations met & discussed
to implement successfully indefinite strike from 13th June'2012 at 00.00
Decisions of the Forum meeting
held on 11-06-2012:
A meeting of the Forum
of BSNL Unions and Associations took place today the 11.06.2012. Decisions
of the meeting are as follow.
The meeting called upon the BSNL employees to successfully conduct the
indefinite strike from 13-06-2012, since the Management is adamant, arrogant
and is not prepared to settle the demands.
The strike will start from 00:00 hrs on 13-06-2012. It will be a stay out
strike and no employee should go into the office and sign the attendance
All CHQ Office
Bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to intensify the agitation call by
making indefinite strike from 13th June'2012 (00.00 hrs.) a complete
success. |
11.06.2012: BSNL Corporate Office issued
letter regarding
grant of revised rates of HRA to
the staff posted at Saharanpur City (within its Municipal Limits) w.e.f.
<<Click Here for letter>> |
11.06.2012: BSNL Corporate Office issued
letter regarding
Calling volunteer for inter circle
transfer including hard tenure and other than hard tenure circles in the
coming SDE promotion through LDCE held on 04.03.2012 -
<<Click Here for letter>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter regarding
Final Seniority list in the grade
of Chief Architect (Eq SAG)
<<Click Here for letter>>
<<Click Here for list>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding reversion
of ineligible candidates who had been promoted to the grade of SDE (T) on
basis of LDCE held on 15.07.2007
Here for order>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding transfer / posting in the grade
of JTO(Arch.)
<<Click Here for order>> |
proceedings with Dy. Labour Commissioner:
Dy. Labour Commissioner called a meeting of Management
and Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations on the notice for indefinite strike
w.e.f 13.06.2012 as CLC was out of station. Director(EB), PGM(SR), GM(Estt.),
DGM(SR) were present from Management side. President, AIBSNLEA and other
Forum leaders participated in the proceedings. Management continued their
earlier stand that the 78.2% IDA merger cannot be implemented now due to the
financial condition of the company but silent on the crucial issue, why 100%
DA neutralization was implemented for the unabsorbed Group A officers
working in the same company and why discrimination? Forum leaders explained
in the meeting that 100% IDA neutralization as on 01.01.2007 is nothing to
do with todays financial condition and as per the Govt./DPE orders dated
26.11.2008, the profit for the year 2007-08 has to be take into account for
the pay revision and on that year, BSNL was in profit with more than 30,000
Crores cash reserve. The present crisis occurred due to the lethargic
attitude of BSNL Management and the Govt. in procuring equipments, taking
prompt decisions and settling policy issues like ITS absorption for which
the employees cannot be held responsible. BSNL employees are no way
connected with this and they can merely implement the decisions taken by the
top Management. Almost all the suggestions given by the Associations/Unions
for the revival of the company in the last few years simply ignored by the
BSNL Management and Govt. By non implementation of 100% IDA neutralization
w.e.f 01.01.2007, BSNL employees are getting 12.5% less basic pay and salary
from 01.01.2007. The pension of the retired employees including those
retired prior to 01.01.2007 (2000 to 2006) also fixed with 68.8% only
instead of 78.2% IDA.
As there is no
breakthrough in the discussions, forum of BSNL Unions/Associations appeal to
all our activists to make all out preparations for the indefinite strike
w.e.f. 00.00 Hrs of 13.06.2012. |
11.06.2012: Vacancy Position in the grade on JAO as on 01.04.2012 under various quota
not received from the following circles. All the relevant Circle Secretaries
/ President are requested to expedite.
1. ALTTC 2. Bihar 3. ETR 4. HR 5. ITI, Bills
6. NE-I 7. OR 8. STR 9. TS Kolakata 10. TF, Kolkatta/Mumbai/Jabalpur
11. WTP |
GS writes to
Director (Fin), BSNL regarding request for revoke suspension-
Here for letter>>
GM (FP), BSNL CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of Accounts
Here for letter>>
Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for correction/modification in the
seniority list in the cadre of SDE(T)-
Here for letter>>
Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of DE-
Here for letter>>
GM (FP), BSNL CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of Accounts
personnel -
Here for letter>>
Sr. GM (Pers), BSNL CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of SDE(T)-
Here for letter>>
PGM (EW), BSNL CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of SDE(E)-
Here for letter>>
Sh. A.N. Rai, Director(HR), BSNL regarding request for
redressal of grievances of Executives of Telecom Factories-
<<Click Here for letter>>
requests for transfer in the cadre of JTO(Arch)-<<Click
Here for letter>> |
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
Transfer and posting of Executive's [AGM/DE] in the Telecom Operation Stream
<<Click here for order>> |
Senior BSNL official arrested on
bribe charges
<<Click Here for detail news>> |
letter regarding f urnishing
of status of below benchmark gradings in ACRs for
promotion to STS on ad-hoc basis in Telecom finance
prior to the reporting period 2008-09 and objective consideration of
representation by the Competent Authority against remarks in ACRs or
upgradation of the final grading
<<Click Here for letter>>
here for list>> |
issued clarification
TN Circle
allowing choice to female employees to include either
her parents or her parents-in-law, for the purpose of availing the medical
concessions under BSNLMRS. <<Click
Here for clarifications>> |
There are only three more days for the
historic indefinite strike to start. According to reports received by the
CHQ, the strike is going to be a hundred per cent success. Spontaneous and
massive preparations are going on throughout the country to make the strike
a historic success. All the Unions and associations of BSNL are united
completely to end the injustice being meted out to the employees. From the
Management side there is no honest and worth mentioning attempt to avert the
strike. After the 1st June discussion, management has not taken any step to
resolve the crises. The conciliation that is going to take place with the
Chief Labour Commissioner next Monday is not going to yield any result,
unless the management comes forward to settle the issue. Hence, in all
probabilities, the indefinite strike from 13th instant has become imminent.
Hence, CHQ calls upon all the leaders and cadres to take all out efforts to
make the strike a resounding success.
Com. M. Gunasekaran, the former All India General Secretary of JE Civil
Association with massive members of the Civil Wing has joined AIBSNLEA. We
welcome all comrades and hope that the rich experience of the senior leader
will help to develop the organisation in Civil Wing in particular and
AIBSNLEA in general.
JAO/AAO to AO Promotion: ACRs pending of the
following Circles:1. A &
N, 2. AP, 3. Assam, 4. MP 5. MH, 6. NE-I, 7. NE-II, 8. UP(W), 9. WB,
10. CGMP Mumbai, 11. CGMP Kolkata, 12. CGMM Kolkata, 13. CGMM Delhi, 14. TF
Gowahti, 15. BRBRAITT Jabalpur, 16. NCES, New Delhi, 17. TF Mumbai, and 18.
Data N/W. All the Circle Secretaries are requested to persue and early
sending of ACRs to BSNL CO.
: BSNL CO SEA section issued letter for
of status of below benchmark grading in ACRs prior to the reporting period
2008-09 and objective consideration of representation by the Competent
Authority against remarks in ACRs or upgradation of the final grading CLICK HERE==>>
GS, FS met Sr.GM (Pers.) and discussed regarding:
Restructuring of AD(OL): We expressed our serious concern about delay in
committee report. Sr GM(Pers) mentioned that committee already had meeting
and finalizing the report by considering all the feedback given by the
(b) DPC from DE to DGM:
We requested to get early clearance from MC to fill
up vacant DGM Posts by giving one time relaxation in the eligible condition
to DEs. Sr. GM(Pers.) informed that the proposal is sent to MC for approval.
(c) Request transfer cases:
We requested to consider all request transfer
assured to look into the matter.
GS, FS, AFS met GM (CIT) and discussed regarding:
(a) Implementation of ERP
project in BSNL:
We expressed our serious concern about implementation of ERP in BSNL. After
detail discussion, GM(CIT) mentioned that ERP already implemented at ALTTC
Ghaziabad, Telecom Factory Mumbai and WTP. CIT
Cell is implementing 7 POC.
ERP will be implemented in STR in the month of July 2012. Afterwards
territorial Circle Karnataka and will be implementing all over the country
before December 2012.
(b) Request transfer cases:
We requested to
consider the request transfer cases of executives working in ERP. GM(CIT)
mentioned that as per the recommendations of Module head, the request of the
executives will be considered.
JUNE 2012 :
Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations agitation call of
June 2012 has successfully been implemented through out the country. BSNL
executives and non-executives very actively participated in DHARNA
Programmes. The overwhelming response of BSNL employees in the MASS DHARNA
programme on 31st
May and 6th
June 2012 has
expressed their anguish and frustration against non implementation of 2nd
PRC recommendation and DPE order for revision of allowances, perks and 78.2%
IDA fitment benefit. MASS DHARNA was very successfully implemented in BSNL
Corporate Office also.
BSNL Management with a negligent and indifferent
attitude is not interested to settle the legitimate demands of BSNL
employees wherein BSNL employees are drawing 9.4%
less pay in their basic pay. But the deputationist ITS Officers
are getting 100% DA fitment benefit as per 6th CPC
To strongly protest
against the indifferent and discriminatory attitude of the BSNL management
the Indefinite strike w.e.f. 13th June 2012 has to be very
successfully implemented till
the time our legitimate demands are not resolved.
the CHQ office bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure
100% success of the indefinite strike call w.e.f. 13th June 2012.
here for Glimpses
of Massive Demonstrations and day long DHARNA at BSNL Corporate
Office on 06.06.2012>>
GS, President and GS, President SNEA(I) met GM(Estt)
and discussed:
(a) Pay anomaly due to antedating of DNI wherein
senior drawing less pay than their juniors.
expressed our serious resentment for not settling the case of pay anomaly
due to antedating of DNI wherein seniors drawing less pay than their juniors
on implementation of 2nd PRC whereas the MOF OM No.
10/02/2011-E-III/A dated 19.03.2012 regarding CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008,
date of next increment in the revised pay structure under Rule 10 of the
CCS(RP) Rules,2008 has been immediately implemented for unabsorbed ITS
Officers in BSNL and more than Rs.2.5 to 3 lakhs arrears has been paid to
them. GM(Estt) informed that further a committee has been formed to examine
MOF order and DOE
<<Click here for letter >>.
We protested against forming another committee to drag the issue.
(b) Removal of Pay anomaly caused on implementation
of EPP, wherein seniors drawing less pay than juniors:We
expressed our serious concern against negative report of committee on this
issue despite of the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench direction to step up the
pay of seniors w.r.t. their juniors as per the provision of FR&SR. GM(Estt)
after some discussion mentioned that though he was member of the committee
but he was not aware of such court Judgement. We apprised him that the
Hon'ble Court judgement copy was forwarded by us to the Chairman and
Convenor Committee, but they did not gave convergence to this order. Hence,
anomaly continues till date. However, he advised that this issue mainly
pertains to Sr.
GM(Pers) and he can look into the matter again.
GS, President, FS and GS, President and AGS(HQ) SNEA(I) met Sr. GM(Pers.)
and discussed regarding
Pay anomaly case of senior executives drawing less pay than their juniors on
implementation of EPP:
We expressed
our serious resentment against non settlement of the pay anomaly case
wherein seniors are drawing less pay than their juniors on implementation of
EPP. We also explained the judgement of Hon'ble CAT, Ernakulam on this
issue. We strongly protested against the lack of concern of the BSNL
management to safeguard the interest of senior executives as per the
provision of FR&SR. Sr. GM((Pers) assured to look into the matter again in
view of the Ernakulam Hon?ble CAT Judgement.
(b) DPC from DE to DGM:
We requested to expedite DPC to fill up the vacant posts of DGMs. Sr.
GM(Pers.) mentioned that MC note to fill up 414 DGM posts has been sent to
MC for consideration on relaxing eligibility criteria as one time measure of
DEs. However he assured on early action in this regard.
GS, President, FS and GS, President and AGS(HQ) SNEA(I) met Director (EB)
and discussed regarding
(a) Anomaly
of pay due to anti-dating of DNI wherein seniors are drawing less pay then
juniors on implementation of 2nd PRC:
We strongly protested against further constituting a committee to examine
the case as already one committee has submitted its report through which the
issue could not be resolved. Director (EB) had detailed discussions on this
issue and assured that the committee formed on this issue will submit its
report within 10 days time and accordingly an early decision will be taken.
We further proposed that while preponding the DNI of a senior executive to
his junior's DNI and equal to him the DNI of senior should be restored on
his due date of DNI, so that senior do not start getting less pay than their
junior executive. Director (EB) assured to look into the matter and for an
early settlement.
Pay anomaly case wherein senior executives drawing less pay than their
juniors on the implementation of EPP.
requested for his intervention on this issue so that the pay anomaly of
seniors is removed. We explained that on implementation of EPP wherein
junior executive got post based promotion after getting time bound financial
upgradation are drawing more salary than their senior executives who got
post based promotion without getting time bound financial upgradation.
Moreover, the Hon?ble CAT Ernakulam, Kerala has also given the Judgement to
step up the pay of senior executives w.r.t. their juniors as per the
provisions of EPP. But, BSNL CO is not removing the anomaly on the pretext
that EPP do not have stepping of pay provision. BSNL management has to
address the issue to remove pat anomaly of seniors as a fundamental rule.
Director (EB) assured to examine the case.
(c ) DPC from DE to DGM:
We requested to hold DPC from DE to DGM to fill up
the vacant DGM Posts. Director (EB) assured to look into the matter.
Management on 05thJune 2012 has kept in abeyance the BSNL Order
No.15-01/2012-PAT (BSNL) dated 25.05.2012 till further orders on the 6th
CPC allowances to Group 'A' Officers on deemed deputationist in BSNL.
But the Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations never demanded to keep the above
order in abeyance. Forum of Unions/Associations has demanded implementation
of DPE orders on 2nd PRC recommendations i.e.78.2% IDA fitment
benefit and revision of allowances which has not been considered by BSNL
Management. The BSNL employees are getting 9.4% less basic pay whereas
deputationist are getting full pay as per 6th CPC recommendations
in BSNL. Hence the agitation call of BSNL Unions/Associations i,e,
DHARANA on 6th June 2012 at BSNL CO/All Circle/SSA levels
and indefinite strike w.e,f, 13th June 2012 has to be implemented
the CHQ office bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure
successful implementation of the Forum agitation Programme..
Management has kept in abeyance the order dated 25.05.2012 regarding payment
of allowances to the unabsorbed ITS officers as per 6th CPC
Shri N.K. Gupta,
CGMT Punjab Telecom Circle Joined as Director (CFA) BSNL Board on
01.06.2012 :
GS, President ,FS and AGS (F) met Shri N.K. Gupta Director (CFA) and
congratulated him assuming the office of Director (CFA), BSNL Board. We
requested him for early procurement of Wi-Fi BB modems( ADSL Ty-II modems )
cables, Telephone Instrument, DSLAMs, MLLN Modems etc. Director (CFA)
mentioned that procurement of cables, CLIP Instruments is going on
and on actual requirement basis future action will be taken .1 million Wi-Fi
Modem (ADSL Type II BB Modems) procurement P.O. is placed and further it
will be increased in view of demand. Regarding MLLN Modems , he mentioned
that this item is being seen by Director (EB), however he will discuss the
matter. He also mentioned that sufficient DSLAMs have been procured but
without installation of EMS equipment it can not be used. Hence he has
directed circles to install EMS Equipment Immediately, so that DSLAMs can be
used. He assured that efforts will be made to meet meet out the actual
requirement of field units .
GS, President, FS and AGS (F) met Director
(Finance) and
(a) Implementation of DPE order
benefits of 2nd PRC recommendations i.e revision of allowances and 78.2 %
IDA fitment:
Director (F) mentioned that the financial position of BSNL is
not good. In view of this it is difficult to implement DPE orders for
revision of perks & allowances and 78.2% IDA fitment benefit.
We explained that since unabsorbed officers are given all allowances
as per 6th CPC recommendations, now BSNL employee are being denied 2nd PRC
recommendations ? it is total discrimination. After discussions, It is
understood that BSNL Management may review its decision of payments of
allowances to the unabsorbed ITS officers as per 6th CPC. We categorically
told that our demands to implement 2nd PRC & DPE orders implementations,
not to review the order of 6th CPC recommendations and till the time
it is not implemented , our agitation will continue.
(b) Regularisation of Postal JAOs:
We requested for regularization of postal JAOs as the DOT has already given
the clarification and some more feed back we have provided vide letter
07.05.2012. Director(Fin) after some discussions on pending two court
cases assured that in view of the DOT clarification an early action in this
regard will be taken.
(c) Holding of JAO Part-II
Examination: We requested Director( Fin) for early holding of JAO
Part-II examination on old syllabus pattern. Director(Fin) assured to
discuss the matter with GM(Rectt) for early notification of JAO part-II
examination. He also mentioned that on the request of the Association and
individuals a last opportunity is being given for JAO Part-II examination on
the basis of old syllabus pattern. candidates should take it seriously.
GS, President, FS met Sr. GM(Pers) and
DPC from DE to DGM:
We requested that since Hon'ble High Court
Kerala at Ernakulum has vacated the stay order against DPC from DE to DGM in
the case of 147 SDEs(LDCE quota) seniority case. Sr. GM (Pers) called the concern AGMs and asked them to examine the matter and to take
immediate steps for holding DPC. He also apprised that after the internal
financial concurrence to fill-up 414 DGMs posts the MC note has been
prepared and dent for MC approval.
DPC from CAO to DGM(F):
We requested to give clearance to fill-up
vacant DGM(F) posts by relaxing eligibility criteria as per BSNLMSRRs. Sr
GM(Pers) assured to look into the matter.
04.06.2012 : MEETING OF
Circle Secretary along with Shri S K Dalai,
Advisor CHQ and Shri K N Sahu, DS Bhubaneswar met ED(NB), BSNL Shri S M
Talwar in presence of CGMT, Odisha Circle and submitted
memorandum. There was a free discussion of the letter on CCA OdIsha
to CGMT to CGMT demanding a huge portion of building and quarters. It was
also told that DOT officers occupying BSNL quarters are not reimbursing the
License fees, electric bills and water charges are being paid by BSNL, The
meeting took place for place for about 45 min. |
GS writes to
The Sr. GM(Pers), BSNL CO regarding request for transfer in the
cadre of DE/AGM-
<<Click here for letter>>
(ii) The GM (FP),
BSNL CO regarding requests for transfer in the cadre of Accounts personnel
<<Click here for letter>>
Agitation Programmes of Forum of
BSNL Unions/Associations will continue since the talk with CMD, BSNL failed:
President along with the representatives of Forum of BSNL
Unions/Associations attended meeting with CMD, BSNL. Director(EB), Director
(Finance), PGM(SR), GM(Estt.), GM(CA), DGM(SR) and AGM(SR) were also present
in the meeting. CMD, BSNL welcomed the representatives and asked to discuss
their demands. The representatives of Forum one by one resented and strongly
demanded the implementation of DPE orders dated 26th Nov'2008 and
2nd April'2009 and revision of Allowances as per 2nd
PRC recommendations and 78.2% IDA fitment benefit in the pay respectively .
They also protested against the discriminatory attitude of the BSNL
Management wherein Management has issued order for payment of all the
allowances and pay fixation order to un-absorbed ITS Officers as per 6th
CPC recommendations. CMD after hearing all the representatives of Forum
accepted that they don't have much to discuss today but the demands of Forum
can be accepted, only when the company's financial health improves, till the
time employees should have patience. Forum leaders categorically told that
since BSNL Management is giving all 6th CPC benefits to non-optee
ITS Officers and providing vehicles (SWIFT Dzire, Maruti SX-4, Honda City
etc.) then how management is pleading financial implications for BSNL
absorbed employees.
Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations after CMD's Meeting in its meeting
decided to continue proposed agitation programmes i.e. DHARNA on 6th
June'2012 and Indefinite strike w.e.f. 13th June'2012 .
All the
CHQ Office bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure
successful implementation of Forum's agitation Programmes. |
01.06.2012: GS writes to
The GM(Estt.),
BSNL CO regarding requests for stepping up case of Sh. M.L. Vijay, AGM(IT),
BSNL CO, New Delhi-
<<Click here for letter >> |