Editor: Com. Shaji.V, General Secretary;  Designed by Com. M.K. Morodia, Ex-CS RAJ Circle  Last updated:- Tuesday, 11. March 2025 08:42 PM

ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED EXECUTIVEs' ASSOCIATION >>>>>>> Committed to safeguard the interest of entire BSNL's executives community>>>>>>>>
AIBSNLEA was formally launched on 1st May, 2004 by merging 10 DoT recognized Group-'B' officers Associations & thus represents in true sense all disciplines of Executives of BSNL i.e. Telecom Engineering, Telecom Finance & Accounts, Civil / Electrical / Arch./ TFs Engineering Wings, Personnel Staffs  (PA/PS/PSS), CSS Staffs, AD(O/L) & General Disciplines of BSNL.   <<<Click here for letter of SR Cell of BSNL Corporate Office>>>

Registration & Account details of AIBSNLEA CHQ : Registration No. S-44028/2002 NCT New Delhi dated 04.12.2002

A/C No: 1120000100123542 IFS Code: PUNB0112000 Name: All India BSNL Executives' Association, New Delhi Bank: PNB Branch: ECE House, KG Marg, ND - 110001




HR Details

IDA Arrear Calc.

Minutes of Meetings

Glimpses, GS Japan Trip







11.03.2025  The  SEA section of BSNL CO has informed all Circles that, upon scrutiny of APAR data taken from ERP for executives in the Accounts Officer cadre, some APAR records were found to be missing in ERP. The list of such executives is enclosed as an Annexure. The concerned Circles are requested to update the data at the earliest, positively by 12.03.2025.<<Letter>>
11.03.2025  The Esst section of BSNL CO issued an OM for the submission of self-certificates for the payment of the Professional Up-gradation Allowance (PUA) to executive employees of BSNL on the ERP-ESS portal for FY 2024-25, from 12.03.2025 to 24.03.2025. <<OM>>
10.03.2025  The Esst section of BSNL CO published the status of all territorial circles based on their working strength in the JTO (T) cadre vis-à-vis the sanctioned strength as of 31.01.2025, for the purpose of transfers under Rule 8 of the BSNL Transfer Policy. << Details>>
05.03.2025  The overwhelming 9th Circle Conference of the Maharashtra Telecom Circle has been concluded in an enthusiastic manner !!!

The overwhelming 9th Circle Conference of the Maharashtra Telecom Circle has been concluded in an enthusiastic manner on 22-02-2025 at the conference hall of BSNL Bhavan , Santhacruz (West) , Mumbai under the chairmanship of Shri Thayade CP MH Circle . Shri Shaji V , GS , Shri Dinesh Kumar FS and Shri Jai Prakash Dongre , Advisor (West) have been participated from the AIBSNLEA CHQ side.

The Open Session was honoured with the presents of Shri Suresh Nakhale, Sr. GM (HR/Admin) - Guest of honor, Shri Abhay Jesarkar, Joint Secretary, SNEA. Shri Nikki Jagwani, CS AIGTOA ,Shri Linesh Walvi, CS SEWA , Shri Kautik Bhaste, CS BSNLEU ,Shri Ganesh Hinge, ACP BSNLEU ,Shri Mahesh D Arkal, DS Mumbai BSNLEU etc .

All the speakers demanded the implementation of the 3rd PRC, promotions, standard pay scales, etc. Hence, GS AIBSNLEA, in his speech, explained the possibility of the 3rd PRC and the progress of other HR matters in detail.

The House unanimously elected the new Circle body headed by

Circle President: Shri.Anil Tayade, AO

Circle Secretary: Shri. Pandit Wankhade, SDET  and

Circle Finance Secretary: Shri.Chandrakant Patil , JAO

The circle conference concluded  with the National Anthem.

28.02.2025  Congratulations !!! The Recruitment section of BSNL CO has declared the Merit List for the Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from SDE (Telecom) to Assistant General Manager (AGM/DE) (Telecom) for the vacancy year 2023. This LICE, conducted under the 33% competitive quota, was held on April 16, 2024. <<Covering Letter>> << Merit List>>
28.02.2025  In compliance with an interim order dated 20-01-2025, from the Hon'ble High Court of Punjab & Haryana, Chandigarh, the SEA section of BSNL CO has released a Tentative Seniority List for Accounts Officers as of 01-02-2020. The list is based on the officers' initial appointment in service. <<AO Seniority List>>

25.02.2025 The SEA section of BSNL CO has issued a corrigendum to the circles in reference to the letter dated 18.02.2025, inviting feedback on the methodology for promotion to the grade of CAO on a provisional basis. Concerned executives have been requested to submit their representations, if any, by 28.02.25 and to reach CO ND through proper channel by 04.03.25. <<Corrigendum>>

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed CMD BSNL, Shri A. Robert Jerard Ravi Ji; respected Shri (Dr.) Kalyan Sagar Nipani Ji, Director (HR), BSNL Board; and all other dedicated officers including Director Finance Shri.Rajiv Kumar ji and PGM EF Shri. PC Bhatt ji for their visionary leadership and commitment to fostering an inclusive decision-making process. Their proactive approach in considering valuable inputs from all stakeholders is highly commendable and reflects their dedication to the timely resolution of promotion-related matters.

However, it is disheartening that delays in promotions persist, primarily due to legal interventions initiated by executives themselves. Such litigations not only impede career progression of executives but also result in significant financial losses for BSNL, with crores of rupees being drained annually in legal expenses.

While we deeply respect the constitutional rights of all executives, we earnestly appeal to each and every executive to exercise prudence and refrain from escalating promotion matters to the courts unless absolutely necessary. Given the current legal landscape—where judicial directives, including those from the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, do not always precisely align with administrative (DoPT) guidelines—frequent litigations only serve to prolong the issuance of regular promotions indefinitely —whether from AO to CAO, AGM(T) to DGM(T), or DGM(T) (Adhoc to Regular), among others. Ultimately, it is the executives who bear the brunt of these delays.

Understandably , the BSNL management remains fully committed to facilitating promotions across various cadres and streams, adhering to the established promotion calendar. All undisputed promotion orders are being processed in a systematic and timely manner to ensure fairness and efficiency.

Once again, we urge all executives to stand united in support of the progressive and proactive stance of our cadre-controlling authority, Shri (Dr.) Kalyan Sagar Nipani Ji, and the esteemed CMD BSNL, Shri A. Robert Jerard Ravi Ji , in the best interests of executives/employees , without resorting to legal interventions in promotion matters.

19.02.2025  SEA section BSNL CO writes to circles for the feedback in the Methodology for promotion in the grade of CAO on provisional basis and directed the The concerned executives to submit their representation (through proper channel),latest by 04-03-2025. <<Letter>>

GS AIBSNLEA writes to the  CMD BSNL Shri. A. Robert Jerard Ravi Ji, regarding the fatal and inadvertent mistake in the letter....

Subject: Request to recirculate the letter in reference by avoiding the fatal and inadvertent error that challenges the Hon'ble High Court’s direction for the smooth promotion to the CAO cadre.

Ref: No. BSNLCO-SEA/14/3/2024-SEA Dated 18.02.2025

Respected Sir,

We earnestly submit the following for your kind consideration and request your prompt and favourable directions to the concerned authorities.

That, Sir, as per the letter in reference with the subject "Methodology for Promotion in the Grade of CAO on Provisional Basis – Reg.", a fatal and inadvertent error has occurred, which challenges the Hon'ble High Court’s direction for the smooth promotion of the CAO cadre.

The letter shared that: in pursuance to interim order dated 20.01.2025 of Hon’ble High Court, Punjab & Haryana, Chandigarh (copy enclosed), it has been decided to publish the methodology for filling vacant posts in the cadre of Chief Accounts Officer on provisional basis, as detailed below:

" i. Tentative seniority list of Accounts Officers is to be prepared on their joining in the grade of Accounts Officer."

Conversely, the reality is that the Hon’ble High Court, Punjab & Haryana, Chandigarh has clearly pronounced its order, mentioning that... " The petitioners would now prepare a tentative seniority list of the AOs based on their initial appointment in service (inter se merit list), and grant them promotion in terms of the reservation policy. In other words, the total number of posts lying vacant with them shall be filled provisionally by promotion making reservation of 15% for the Scheduled Caste candidates and 7.5% for the Scheduled Tribes candidate. While making such promotions, number of posts which stand already filled from the respective category shall also be taken into consideration as having been filled."

The crux of the above direction/judgement is to "prepare a tentative seniority list of the AOs based on their initial appointment in service (inter se merit list)" . Here, it is very clear that the AOs' seniority list shall be prepared based on their seniority in the JAO (their initial appointment cadre for AO).

This direction from the Hon’ble High Court, Punjab & Haryana, Chandigarh to BSNL is not unique but part of a series of similar directions and judgments in disputed matters raised by various petitioners. The prompt recirculation of the corrected letter, in alignment with the Hon’ble High Court’s direction, is essential to prevent contempt of court and further delays in executing the CAO promotions.

Hence, we earnestly request your esteemed authority to direct the concerned officials to correct the fatal and inadvertent errors in the letter in reference, in the best interest of BSNL and the affected executives.

Thank you, Sir, for your kind consideration and continued commitment to the betterment of BSNL.  <<GS Letter>>

17.02.2025  The Pers wing of BSNL CO has circulated the Provisional AGM(T) Seniority List No.2 Dated: 14.02.2025 all the circles with a direction to give wide publicity to the enclosed list among the concerned executives and objections/errors/omissions if any, therein may be forwarded in consolidated manner to this office after duly verifying the details from service records with relevant supporting documents on the email id agmdpc.senlist@gmail.com latest by 21.02.2025.
                       <<Provisional AGM(T) Seniority List No.2 Dated: 14.02.2025>>
                      <<Final AGM(T) Seniority List No.1 Dated: 21.09.2023>>
13.02.2025  The dynamic and exhilarating Circle Conference of the Himachal Pradesh Telecom Circle unfolded in all its grandeur in Solan on February 11, 2025.

The 6th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA HP Telecom Circle concluded with great enthusiasm on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at the Conference Hall of Telecom Bhavan, Solan, under the presidentship of Sh. B.N. Rohal, CS HP Circle.

Sh. Shaji V, GS, Sh. Dinesh Kumar, FS, and Sh. J.K. Patel, Dy. GS also attended this highly successful conference. The GS AIBSNLEA provided a comprehensive update on key issues, including the 3rd PRC, pending promotions, and BSNL’s profitability, following detailed discussions on these matters by the GS and team with the worthy CMD BSNL, Shri A. Robert J. Ravi Ji, and respected DIR HR, Sh. (Dr.) Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, on Monday, February 10, 2025.

Regarding the long-awaited AO to CAO promotions, it was informed that BSNL management has sought further legal clarifications on the directions of the Hon’ble High Court, Chandigarh before proceeding with the promotions.

A new and dynamic Circle body was unanimously elected, comprising:
Sh. Gian Chand, AO – President
Sh. Khajan Singh, AGMT – Circle Secretary
Sh. Tarsem Kumar, SDE (Civil) – Finance Secretary

The conference concluded on a patriotic note with the National Anthem.

08.02.2025  The Estt Section of BSNL CO has invited options through the ESS portal for the renewal and fresh entries of the GTI Policy from LIC for Executives and Non-Executives. <<GTI Details>>
08.02.2025  The Estt Section of BSNL CO has endorsed the DoPT order revising the DA rate for the 2007 pay scales, effective from 01.01.2025. The DA rate has been increased from 224.20% to 228.50%, reflecting a 4.3% increase.<<Endorsement>>
04.02.2025  The Admin & PR section of BSNL CO has issued a meeting notice for discussions on the Voluntary Group Term Insurance (GTI) Policy for both Executives and Non-Executives based on the quotation received from LIC. The quoted rate is Rs. 1.60 per thousand sum assured + 18% GST as applicable, while for employees aged 50 to 60 years, the rate will be Rs. 7.70 per thousand sum assured + GST. << Details>>
01.02.2025  Tele-density and Market Share Report as on 31.10.2024 :As on October-2024, the number of total telephone subscribers in the country is 1188.97 million with a net decrease of 2.44 million during the month. Achievement in the total telephone subscribers of BSNL’s (+) 0.48 million, Jio’s (-) 3.08 million, Vodafone-Idea (-) 1.99 million & Bharti’s (+) 2.15 million.  <<Info Letter>>
23.01.2025  All the 7 training centers viz ZTTC East (Kalyani) , ZTTC West (Pune) , ZTTC South (Mysore) , ZTTC North-East (Guwahati) , RGMTTC Chennai , RTTC Trivandrum and RTTC Hyderabad , except ALTTC Ghaziabad are to report the PGM NRNRAITT Jabalpur . <<Direction>>
22.01.2025  Establishment section of BSNL informed that the LIC have credited SPS claim amount to the tune of Rs 1.03 Crores in BSNL SPS Trust account for the members which is indicated in the list attached. However, the bank details of the employees/beneficiaries are not available with this office as the entire claim form was sent to LIC. These details are essential in order to disburse the amount to the eligible retired employees/beneficiaries. <<Letter>>

The SPS (Superannuation Pension Scheme) was established by BSNL for its Directly Recruited (DR) employees effective from May 5, 2016, with the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) serving as the Fund Manager. BSNL contributes 5% of the DR employees' basic pay plus dearness allowance (DA) to this fund as superannuation benefits on a monthly basis.

18.01.2025   Message shared from CMD BSNL Sh . Ravi A Robert Jerard ji

Dear BSNL family,

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you and your team for your unwavering dedication and support over the last six months.

Together, we have achieved significant milestones, including the rollout of the 4G network, fast-tracking the Amended BharatNet Tender, and the launch of innovative services like IFTV (Intranet Fibre TV), National Roaming WiFi, and BiTV (Intranet TV on Mobile). This, in addition to focussing on the basics - Network QoS, Customer Service and Sales - to protect our existing market share. And, addressing long pending HR issues with a human face.

These initiatives have significantly enhanced our service portfolio, strengthened our customer base, and reinforced BSNL’s commitment to technological excellence even while creating a positive and dynamic work environment in BSNL.

Looking ahead, I would like all to focus on the following five key initiatives for the next six months. This should be apart from improving QoE for customers and taking all steps for retention of customers by all circles.

I encourage CGMs to select and lead one or more of these projects to drive innovation and make BSNL a leader in delivering cutting-edge services:

              1.           Security-as-a-Service

              2.           Enterprise-Specific Services

              3.           Digital Wallet and Payment Services

              4.           IoT-Driven Home Applications

              5.           AI-Powered Virtual Assistance for Customer Grievances

     By taking ownership of these initiatives, we can deliver exceptional value to our customers, increase engagement, and strengthen BSNL’s position as a trusted and innovative telecom provider. Let us work together to make BSNL a source of pride for the nation once again.

Brief description/concept is shared below...

Security-as-a-Service: Introduce subscription-based cybersecurity solutions, including anti-phishing, malware protection, and parental controls, to safeguard customer data and devices. Offer enterprise-level security packages tailored to businesses, enhancing data integrity and operational safety.

Enterprise-Specific Services: Launch IoT solutions for inventory management, vehicle tracking, and smart manufacturing. Introduce high-speed Enterprise Data Packs and integrated collaboration tools for remote work, like video conferencing and document sharing, to attract SME and large-scale business customers.

Digital Wallet and Payment Services: Develop an integrated telecom wallet to enable seamless bill payments, mobile recharges, and e-commerce transactions. Partner with fintech companies to offer microloans, credit facilities, and financial literacy tools for underserved populations.

IoT-Driven Home Applications: Roll out smart home solutions such as IoT-enabled cameras, lights, and locks, along with home network security tools. Introduce energy monitoring services to help users track and optimize power consumption.

Cloud Gaming and Music/Podcasts: Partner with cloud gaming platforms to provide subscription-based, high-speed gaming services. Offer exclusive access to music streaming and podcast platforms, including regional and niche content, to enhance entertainment options.

AI-Powered Virtual Assistance for Customer Grievances: Deploy a multilingual AI chatbot for 24/7 customer support. The assistant will handle billing queries, plan recommendations, troubleshooting, and escalations efficiently, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.)

Looking forward to excellent team work and inspirational efforts by all in the near future.

Ravi A Robert Jerard


Appointment Committee of Cabinet (ACC) extended the additional charge of CMD BSNL, along with the charges of CMD MTNL and CMD BBNL, to Shri Ravi A. Robert Jerard for a further period of six months, i.e., up to 14/07/2025.  <<Order>>

18.01.2025  The Establishment Section of BSNL CO has clarified queries regarding Rule-8 transfers.<< Letter>>

The SEA Section of BSNL CO has released the list of Surplus/Sufficient and Deficit Circles for AOs based on the current working strength.<<List>>
16.01.2025  The vibrant and thrilling Circle Conference of the Madhya Pradesh Telecom Circle took place in Bhopal on 13th January 2025.

The 8th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA Madhya Pradesh Telecom Circle concluded with great enthusiasm on Monday, 13th January 2025, at Hotel Emerald, Bhopal.

During the open session on the topic "The Challenges and Strategic Solutions to achieve 3rd PRC and 25% Market Share for BSNL"  Sh R. S. Parmar, the Chief General Manager Telecom, Madhya Pradesh Circle, was the Chief Guest. Sh Vinod Kumar Namdev, GM (HR), and Sh M. S. Dhaker, GM (Bhopal BA), were the invited guests. GS AIBSNLEA, Sh. Shaji V, was the Guest of Honour.

The very vibrant speeches on the topic by CGMT Shri R. S. Parmar, GS Shri Shaji V, and Shri M. S. Dhaker, GM (Bhopal BA), were highly appreciated by the audience.

Sh. Rajpal Sharma , CHQ President and Sh . Dinesh Kumar FS CHQ were also attended the conference along with GS AIBSNLEA. Sh Kuldeep Arya , the former Circle Secretary of the MP Circle was also present, despite being posted in the Rajasthan Circle as an MT.

A new, young, and dynamic Circle body has been unanimously elected, with

Shri S. K. Rishishwar, DGMT, as President;

Shri Sabir Husain, SDET, as Circle Secretary; and

Shri Bipin Vivek, JAO, as Finance Secretary.

The meeting concluded with the National Anthem.

15.01.2025 As per the guidelines issued by DoPT , the training section of BSNL CO directed that every on-boarded employee must complete at least Eight (08) hours of training on iGoT Karmayogi platform in Q-4 of FY 2024-2025. <<Circular>>
14.01.2025  Pers section of BSNL CO issued circular regarding the Online Transfer Portal (OTP) for Inter-Circle Transfer applications for SDE(T) and AGM(T) cadres . The window for online submission of transfer application for Inter Circle Transfer for first six months of the year 2025 is going to be opened w.e.f. 16th Jan 2025 to 31st January 2025. << Circular>>

01.01.2025TThe PDF copy of the Wall Calendar and Table-Top Calendar 2025 released by AIBSNLEA CHQ

<<Wall Calendar  2025 >>     <<Table-Top Calendar 2025>>

01.01.2025  The esteemed CMD of BSNL, Shri A. Robert J. Ravi Ji, graciously inaugurated the release of the AIBSNLEA Diary and Calendar for 2025 on January 1, 2025, at BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi.

The CMD  BSNL extended his heartfelt wishes to the entire BSNL community for a happy and prosperous year 2025, wishing success and well-being for individual families and the entire BSNL family. Shri A. Robert J. Ravi Ji, also sought the wholehearted cooperation of all employees to collectively achieve a profitable BSNL within the shortest possible timeframe.

AIBSNLEA leaders conveyed our warmest wishes to the CMD and expressed heartfelt gratitude for Sir's valuable time and presence on this special occasion.