02.03.2021 : 6th
Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA BIHAR Circle:
The 6th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA Bihar
Circle was held Virtually on 28th February
2021 (Sunday) under the Presidentship of Com. Ranjit
Nandan, President AIBSNLEA Bihar Circle.
General Secretary, AIBSNLEA Com. S. Sivakumar
participated through Online and addressed the
The Circle Secretary Com. Anand Kumar welcomed one and
all and submitted the Circle Secretary’s Report. In his
report he mentioned the burning HR issues, viz., Regular
Promotions, E1+5 increments, SAB benefits etc., and the
Financial Viability of BSNL.
Our beloved General Secretary Com. S. Sivakumar
delivered a detailed speech regarding the Current
Financial Status of BSNL as well as the pending HR
a) Immediate payment of Compensation to BSNL by the DoT
for serving in Rural/ Tribal/Naxalite prone Areas,
Compensation for carrying out Govt. Projects, Excess
payment of Pension Contribution, Reimbursement of Leave
Encashment paid to the absorbed employees for DoT
period, Interest on surrendered Wi-Max, CDMA Spectrum
etc., to the tune of around Rs.30,000- Cr
b) Immediate allotment of 4G Spectrum to BSNL as
already assured by the Union Cabinet on 23.10.2019.
c) Immediate of grant of permission by the Govt. of
India to BSNL to upgrade about 49300 - 2G & 3G BTS sites
of BSNL to provide 4G Services by BSNL.
d) To pay compensation to BSNL @ Rs.5000 Crores per
annum for not allocating 4G Spectrum in time as assured.
e) Deterioration in Quality of Service and more fault
rates due to Cluster Tender and Outsourcing of
Works/Massive retrenchment of Contract Workers.
f) Timely payment of Salary to the Staff of BSNL – i.e
., on the last day of the month
He also explained about the Status of Court
cases/various pending HR issues taken by the AIBSNLEA
CHQ with the Management:
1. Discrepancies in the SDE(T) Seniority List. 9 issued
on 10.08.2020- AIBSNLEA Stand thereon.
AIBSNLEA Suggestions and Justifications regarding
provisioning of the Posts of DGM(Eng) & AGM/DEs and
DGM(Fin), AGM/CAOs in the Circle Offices, Corporate
Office, BAs and Operational Areas after Restructuring.
3. Regular Promotions in all the Cadres in all the
Streams. We strongly oppose any Look-After arrangement
instead of Regular Promotions.
4. Promotions through LDCE/LICE 33% quota from JTO(T)
to SDE and AM to DM/PS grade in CSS Cadre.
5. Status of CPSU CH and the Stand of AIBSNLEA in this
6. Standard Pay Scale of E2 and E3 replacing E1A and
E2A for all Post 2007 DR/LICE JTOs/JAOs and for the
future DRs
7. E1+5 increments for post 2010 DR/LICE JTOs/JAOs.
8. Full 30% SAB i.e. remaining 5% Contribution of
Superannuation Benefit as realistic contribution.
9. Pay Anomaly issue/Loss to Young DR/ LICE JTOs/JAOs
for getting Rs.22820/-
10. Formation of Trust/Fund for PRMB (Post Retired
Medical Benefits) for BSNL Recruits.
11. Pension Contribution on Actual Basic Pay instead of
Maximum of the Pay Scale.
12. Scrapping of MTRR etc.
He informed the House that due to consistent efforts of
AIBNLEA and the convincing power of CHQ Leadership,
Promotion orders for about 13,000 Executives were issued
for various disciplines. He assured that AIBSNLEA will
always safe guard the interests of the Executives.
He further mentioned that the need of the hour is to
form Joint Forum of Associations for better bargaining
with the Management. He has made it clear that AIBSNLEA
will keep its separate identity and continue to work
hard to face the challenges and make BSNL viable &
Profitable in the years to come.
GS assured that AIBSNLEA will safe guard the interests
of the Executives and fight for the Genuine and
Legitimate demands and rights of the Executives and
requested the New Circle Team of Youngsters to conduct
Extensive visits throughout the Circle and conduct
General body meetings in all the Districts and enrol
more numbers of Young Executives to our fold and give
them responsibility and strengthen our Great AIBSNLEA.
An interective session was conducted during the
Conference and GS answered all the querries raised by
the members to their satisfaction.
The House has unanimously elected the New Circle Team
from amongst the Youngsters and DRs. The following
members have been elected as CP, CS & Circle FS for the
Next Term of 3 years (2021-2024).
President: Com.
Ranjit Nandan, EE (Civil) Gaya
Circle Secretary: Com. Anand
Kumar AO, Circle Office Patna
Finance Secretary: Com. Binay
Kumar AO, Patna TD
The 6th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA Bihar
Circle came to an end with the vote of thanks by Com. Purushottam
Harsh, the newly elected ACS Bihar Circle. |