02.11.2021 A
Grand Felicitation function was conducted by Tamil Nadu
Circle AIBSNLEA on 24.10.2021
at Thanjavur
to felicitate
Com. S.SIVAKUMAR, GS and Com. C.Duraiarasan, OS(SOUTH)
on their superannuation from the official Services of
AIBSNLEA Tamilnadu Circle arranged a well organized
colorful function and felicitated our beloved Comrades
Sri. S.Sivakumar General Secretary of AIBSNLEA and Com.
C. Durairasan, OS (South) CHQ on their Retirement
from BSNL on Superannuation wherein Comrades from all
the Districts of Tamilnadu, Circle Office Bearers, CWC
Members, DSs/DPs and Retired Executives have
Honorable Member of Parliament and the General Secretary
of LPF Shri.Shanmugam was the Chief Guest of the
Felicitation Function. All India Leaders from BSNLEU,
NFTE, SNEA, TEPU and Circle Secretaries of Sister Unions
and Associations have also participated and Felicitated Com. GS and
Com. I.Saravanan , Circle President Presided over the
function and in his address he appreciated the
functioning of our GS at CHQ, New Delhi and recalled his
Association with GS from the year 1997 onwards in MTNL
Mumbai in AFSOA followed by functioning in AFSOA and
AIBSNLEA in TN Circle for the past 21 years along with
Com. GS, Com. VKP and Com. Duraiarasan in various
Com. S. Anand, Circle Secretary welcomed the gathering
and appreciated the successful functioning, sincere and
dedicated Services rendered by our GS to safe guard the
interest of the BSNL Executives in various capacities
from District Secretary, Circle Org. Secretary, Circle
President, CWC Member, Circle Secretary, CHQ President
and GS, AIBSNLEA . He also praised and appreciated the
yeoman Service rendered by Com.Durai from the District
Secy of NFTE, CS of AFSOA, CS of AIBSNLEA TN Circle and
OS(South) to the Contract Laborers, Non-Executives and
Executives. He thanked both GS & OS(South) for extending
their active support and Advise in the day to day
functioning of CS.
Com. K. Vinayagamoorthy , Asst. Circle Secretary had
delivered inaugural address and read the citation of
our beloved GS. Com. Sivakumar ji and our O.S.
(South) Com. Duraiarasan, by briefing the dedication on
their duties with BSNL and also with our Association. He
further explained the Versatile Personality of our GS in
the field of Trade Union Movement, Sports, Serving to
the Society in Rotary, and taking JAO Classes throughout
Tamilnadu and publication of nearly 6 Books for JAO
Part-I, Part-II and JAO Exam under New syllabus
resulting in more number of Non-Executives became JAOs
in Tamilnadu and other parts of India. He further
mentioned that Com. Sivakumar, our beloved GS was
conferred with
Sanchar Seva Padak
in TN Circle in 2006
due to his outstanding performance in all the Fields. He
started his Carrier/journey from Kumbakonam and ended
his Journey after 39 years He requested the House to
give a Standing Ovation to Com.GS for recognizing his
outstanding performance and dedicated Services to the
BSNL Employees and Society. The House gave an Standing
He further explained the pivotal role played by
Com. C.Duraiarsan as DS, NFTE, Thanjavur for safe
guarding the interest of Contractual Laborers followed
by the services rendered to the Executives in the
capacity of CS, AFSOA TN Circle, CS, AIBSNLEA TN Circle
and OS(South), AIBSNLEA CHQ.
Com. S.Sivakumar ji, GS AIBSNLEA and Com. C.Duraiarasan ji
were presented with mementos and Shawl by the TN Circle
Office bearers.
Hon'ble Member of Parliament and GS, LPF Shri
Shanmugam :.
When he commences his speech he said that I am one
among you and also I am the part and part of your
Association activities in Delhi as you all are fighting
for the rights of the Employees with the organization.
Moreover I know personally all the CHQ Leaders sitting
in the Dias and I am fighting for the rights of
Employee with the Government and there is no difference
in the fighting capacity, the person may different and
place may different but the demands remains same.
He appraised that our G.S. Sivakumar ji, is the Man of
Versatile Personality . He worked in various capacities
in SSA, Circle and elevated as prestigious CHQ
President of Great AIBSNLEA and finally reached the
position of General Secretary. He further mentioned that
it is happened only because of his dedication ,
sincerity, contribution and devotion to the post he has
occupied and also he is taking the full responsibility
of the works assigned to the Post.
He will ever remain in the Heart of every employee and
every Executive of BSNL because of his dedication and
devotion. Due to his dedicated Services everyone
got benefited including Contract Labourers, by means
of Promotion, by means of Transfer and by means of
Wage revision and many more. Resolving every problem
at Delhi your Leaders are behind it. He is one among
them particularly unifying and co-coordinating all the
AUAB Leaders.
The Leader should know the demands of the Members that
wherever they are, either they may nearer to him or not
close to him, the Leader should present the case to the
appropriate Forum in the correct time and also in the
right manner , then only he get the success on the
demand. Your GS Sivakumar ji is having such a
capacity to present the case in the correct sense &
manner and
got succeed on the cases. You all should feel proud to
have such a Great Leader at HQ Delhi.
He also touched the oldest period of the Department
viz P&T, Department of Telecommunication,
DTS, DTO and now BSNL. He remember that
during those days when he saw the lines and
wires of the Department every where which will resembles the Bones and
nerves of the Employees and they build the BSNL by sweating their Bloods.
Though the Financial position is very strong in BSNL and
the Asset worthiness also in a good position but the
Employees are not paid with their salary in time. Most
of the Contract work's bills are delayed purposefully.
Even Electricity bills , Diesel bills and Rent payments
also not made on time, by doing these, the image of BSNL
will be damaged purposefully.
Because of non allotment of 4G to BSNL the customer
growth was stagnated for the past few years and the
revenue potential is also drastically reduced and the BSNL
is presented as Loss making PSU by saying the
50% of expenditure had spend towards the pay and
allowances to staff and their welfare, so to reduce
the expenses with the great plan of Hon’ble Modi Government,
the VRS scheme was introduced during the period
of Respected Ravi Shankar Prasad ji and 60% of staff had
opted VRS and even then BSNL is not yet reviewed and 4G
Spectrum is not yet allotted to BSNL.
He assured that he will support AIBSNLEA and other
Associations and Unions in BSNL for announcing 119.5% as
Dearness Pay w.e.from 1.1.2017 by the DPE/the Govt.till
such time 3rd PRC is implemented in BSNL as
proposed by Com. Sivakumar, GS AIBSNLEA and NFTE CHQ
Leaders Com.
Seshadiri and Com. Kamaraj.
And Moreover Govt is trying to Privatize the BSNL by
continuing the same situation as loss making PSU, but
the same was stopped by the continuous Trade Union
Movement and Struggles of Unions& Associations and the
dedication of Leaders like our Sivakumar ji and
Duraiarasan ji and we have to salute them,
On the recent days most of the works of BSNL were outsourced
when the existing Man power are reduced and the work
burden is increased which was shouldered by the existing
Employees. From our side, we are raising our voice in
the Parliament against this Govt move & proposal to
privatize the
Though we repeatedly raising our voice, Government not
at all hearing our voice. So the Unity of Service Unions
& Associations should be strengthened and with the
Mighty unity of the AUAB, they have to stop the wrong
Policies and proposals of the Govt. and to save the BSNL.
To make a full stop on all those things, to Protest
against the Government and to get the rights of the
employees and Labourers, our continuous Struggle and
Unity among the staff, Unions and Associations is very
much essential and is the need of the Hour.
Com. Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU, CHQ:
He welcomed the gathering and he feels proud to the part
of this felicitation function which was organized for
Sivakumar ji, by AIBSNLEA.
He appraised that our GS is the Legendary Personality, he is the ICON for AUAB and he is having the
capacity to tackle anyone with his skill & knowledge and he
also having the great vocabulary in all the 3 languages
of Tamil, English and Hindi.
He had wrote many letters to the Ministers and BSNL
Management on various issues and because of his
drafting capacity and by citing the relevant Rules and
Dates of the orders he get resolved many issues at
Corporate Office.
Rs.30,000 crore towards the Claims Receivable from DoT
to BSNL is the fine findings of our GS. Sivakumar ji and
included in the AUAB Main Demand.
His dedication and contribution to AIBSNLEA and AUAB is
very much appreciable and un comparable.
Also he appraised the qualities of Com. Duraiarasan,
O.S. (South), CHQ. who is very simple, easily
approachable and mingling with everyone. He always
associated with Non-Executive Unions and also raising the
points for the settlement of Non-Executive's demands. Even during the period of non payment of wages to
Contract labourers, he had collected a fund from all
the willing officers/officials and donated the same to
the contract labourers. Finally he requested one and all
to strengthen the Unity of AUAB and the same is very
much built by Com. GS and Com. OS South.
Com. Seshadiri, Deputy.GS, NFTE, CHQ:
He mentioned that he knows both of them from the period
they started their union activities from NFTE Thanjavur
and recalled the Revolutionary Leaders from Thanjavur
like Com. R.K , Com. Pattabi, Com. Veerapandian,
Com.Kamaraj and present CS NFTE Com.Natarajan. Both
your GS and OS(South) started their Journey from
Thanjavur and reached to Delhi and successfully
functioning as the CHQ Leaders and proved they are
from the Revolutionary Land of Thanjavur.
He also said that because of their Leadership quality
and involvement in the Union and Association activities
they became this position as Organizing Secretary and
General Secretary of AIBSNLEA.
In the umbrella of AUAB, the co-ordination of Com. G.S.
Sivakumar ji is very much appreciable and he is having
the capacity of gathering all the Associations and
Unions under the single roof of AUAB and even for Pay
Revision and IDA merger Com.Sivakumar ji has taken to
the various platform through maximum efforts but it was
However NFTE CHQ Leaders are now discussing with
Com.Sivakumar, GS AIBSNLEA and Shri.Shanmugam, MP
and exploring the possibilities of
announcing 119.5% as Dearness Pay from 1.1.2017 by the
DPE/the Govt. till such time 3rd PRC is
implemented in BSNL
BSNL thought VRS Plan is the only solution to revive
the BSNL but even after the implementation of the same
it was not yet revived. We should fight for the
revival of BSNL unitedly with the advise and support
from the Great Leaders like com. Sivakumar ji and Com.
Duraiarasan ji.
Com. Rajan, Finance Secretary, CHQ, SNEA.
He mentioned the attitude of the Govt and BSNL
Management in the
recent days which is against BSNL Revival and Survival
but with the unity of AUAB and the great efforts taken
by Com.Sivakumar, G.S. AIBSNLEA, we are still surviving
with great identity as BSNL even on this crises
Because of the Leadership quality of Com. GS, AIBSNLEA
and the impact of our Association SNEA, he requested
for the merger of both the Executives Associations. He
wished both of our G.S. and O.S. (south) to have a
Peaceful and Healthy Retirement life.
Com. Kamaraj, Secretary, CHQ NFTE
In his Address he told that being the Senior comrades
of NFTE, he know personally both of them and also
recalled the old memories that they have started their
Union carrier in NFTE from Thanjavur. Wherever they
are and whatever be the position they held, they did
their duties and recorded their Remarkable dedication
and contribution in their Association and Unions which
was written in the History of Trade Union Movement of
DoT and BSNL.
Everyone knows that AIBSNLEA and NFTE are supporting
each other in all means and most of our NFTE Comrades
are got promoted as Executives and they only became the
Executive Association Office bearers. On behalf of NFTE
CHQ, we feel proud on it.
Com.GS, AIBSNLEA being the DGM(EF&IA) at BSNL CO, always
in touch with the financial matters and the problems being
faced by the Staff towards non payment of Salary etc. as
well as explained about the nature of Claims Receivable from DOT and so on....
He further mentioned that NEFT members always be with
AIBSNLEA , not by saying just we are the associated
Union, but we definitely always associated with AIBSNLEA in
all means and we will extend our fullest support for
the successful conduction of the 7th All India
Conference of AIBSNLEA to be held at Chennai.
Com. Babu Radhakrishnan, CS, BSNLEU
TN Circle:
He build the unity with great transparency. He
never getting tired to strengthen the unity of AUAB. Most of our Union matters i.e Non-Executive's issues
were settled by the great intervention of Com. Sivakumar
ji, particularly the contract labourers payment issues
and non payment of wages in time to the works were
repeatedly raised at CHQ with the support of AUAB
and finally it was materialized somewhat to the
expected extend and he extended his sincere thanks to Com.GS. He recalled of the olden days memories of close
Association with Com.Sivakumar ji and Duraiarasan ji in
the Joint Forum and AUAB
Further he mentioned as the constituent of AUAB, BSNLEU
TN Circle will extend full support for the successful
conduct of 7th All India conference of AIBSNLEA at
Chennai from the day one to the end.
Natarajan. C.S. NFTE, TN Circle.
He welcomed the gathering and feels proud to be the part
of this felicitation function of the Vibrant Leaders
Com. Sivakumar ji, GS AIBSNLEA.
And Com. Duraiarasan OS(SOUTH) and by saying the small
story about Lord. Jesus, in the ancient days and
slightly compared our com. Sivakumar ji , belatedly he
had got the position as General secretary in AIBSNLEA ,
but for his Caliber and Leadership qualities the
position has been assigned to him only at the verge of
his retirement stage but it is too late and it is the
great unfortunate to all of us.
He also compared our G.S. with Senior Com. Gupta ji,
both are always think about the Welfare of the employees
and work for the Welfare of the employee and they always
fight against the organization even they get affected on
it. (We all know the things happened to our G.S on the
verge of his Retirement). Like that the contribution of
Com.Duraiarsan in various capacities in the Union/Assn
towards the Contract Labourers issue and Telecom
Society matters are very much remarkable. Only because
of his intervention only the Society land issue is now
reopened and the case is now pending with Court of law
for final disposal of matters. All the members of the
Telecom society will be benefited in future because of
his action taken on the land disposal.
Com. Ravindran TEPU
He told that due to ill health GS, TEPU, Com.Subburaman
could not attend this function and conveyed his wishes
to both the Leaders.
He appraised the qualities of our our beloved GS and
(South) and they both are upgraded themselves by serving
for the welfare of others. He further mentioned that
our GS is the Student Leader at his College days at
Thanjavur. Even during the period of Coivd-19
pandemic situation your G.S. Stayed alone at Delhi
CHQ and continuously worked with dedication for the
Welfare of the Executives, Non-Executives and Contract
Labourers. It is the very rare quality .Likewise the
advise given by our O.S.( South) for the welfare of
the Association is very much remarkable. You all must
feel proud to have a such a Leaders during your life
time and by saying Zindabad to Com.Sivakumar ji and
Duraiarasan ji.
Finally our beloved GS Com.Sivakumar ji and OS(South)
Com.Duraiarasan ji delivered acceptance Speech and
thanked all the CHQ Leaders, Circle Leaders of Sister
Unions& Associations, whole Circle, District Office
bearers CWC Members of AIBSNLEA for their presence and
valuable address and especially the Local Organisers of
Thanjavur & Kumbakonam SSA under the Leadership of
Com.Prbhakaran, EX.CS/DS, TNJ, Com.Vinayagamoorthi, ACS
and Com.Saravanan, DP/TNJ for arranging such an
excellent felicitation function.
On behalf of TN Circle the Local Organizing Committee
members were presented with shawl.
The Felicitation function came to an end with the vote
of thanks by the Circle Finance Secretary Com. K.Dhanasekar.
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