Com. PRAHLAD RAI, General Secretary;
by Com. M.K. Morodia, CS RAJ Circle & MaintainedbyCom.
Bhagwan Singh, Auditor, E-Mail:-bhagwansrawat@gmail.com
30.09.2014: GS
requested CMD BSNL regarding releiving
of DEs on promotion from NTR Circle to
their new posting Circles & to consider
to fill up 30% vacant DEs posts of
Karnataka, Tamilnadu, STR, Ch.TD, UP(E),
MH Circles to give relief some more DEs
in their posting in the same Circle. CMD
assured to look into the matter.
GS requested GM(Pers.) for consideration
of requests of some DEs on promotion on
genuine medical ground and senior to
their parent Circles. GM(Pers.)
mentioned that same cases are being
examined for consideration. We further
requested for relieving of DEs on
promotion form NTR Circle to new posting
circles to avoid financial losses.
GM(Pers.) mentioned that BSNL Corporate
Office has already clarified to CGM NTR
that additional DEs can't be posted more
than the sanction strength and advised
to relieve the DEs on promotion who are
posted to other Circles.
(b) We requested
for his intervention for expediting CPC
from JAO to AO wherein CLO BSNL
Corporate Office is not giving
clearance. GM(Pers.) assured to discuss
the matter with CLO.
GS requested GM(FP) to issue promotion
order from JAO to AO. GM(FP) mentioned
that CPC is over but it is pending with
CLO BSNL Corporate Office for clearence
for last one week. He suggested to take
up the matter with CLO. He also
mentioned that CPC from CAO(Adhoc) to
CAO(Regular) and DGM(Adhoc) to
DGM(Regular) are being expedited.
GS requested CLO Sh. Ram Shakal to give
clearance to the CPC from JAO to AO in
view of the court judgment. After some
discussions, CLO assured to look into
the matter.
GS requested CGM NTR for relieving of
DEs on promotion who are posted to other
Circles from NTR. CGM NTR agreed to
relieve all expect one DE on promotion
for which he has written DO to CMD BSNL
and finally he relieved some DEs.
AIBSNLEA wishes Happy Retired life to
all who retired today on their
writes to
(i) The
GM (Pers.) BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE -
<<<Click here for letter>>>
(ii) The ED (Fin), BSNL Corporate Office
request for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DGM (F)
<<<Click here for letter>>>
writes to
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE-<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -
<<<Click here for
The ED (Fin),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
for review of results of JAO Part-II
exam LICE 40% Quota during held on 17,
18 and 19th December’ 2012-
Granting of relaxation in qualifying
marks by issuing grace marks
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
names in DET Regular promotion order
issued on 20/08/2014
- <<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
posting of AOs consequent upon the
promotion from JAO to AO – Requests from
West Bengal Circle
here for letter>>>
The ED (Fin),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding request
from Shri Sujit Mitra, DGM-F, BSNL CO
for transfer to CTD/ETR Kolkata at OWN
COST - <<<Click here for
(ix) The
GM (Pers),BSNL
Corporate Office regardingthe
representations received from Shri
Suresh Kumar Sharma (HR No. 198901573),
Shri Gori Shankar Gupta (HR No.
198210328) and Shri Satish Chandra Batra
(HR No. 198601218) of Rajasthan Telecom
Circle in connection with the Hon’ble
Supreme Court‘s decision in respect of
Civil Appeal No. 7830 of 2014 - <<<Click
here for letter>>>
Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA Punjab
Circle alongwith Joint Open Session of
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA Punjab Circle on
24.09.2014 at Ludhiana:
The 4th Circle
Conference of AIBSNLEA Punjab Circle
along with Joint open session of
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA Punjab Circle was
organised on 24.09.2014 at the Ludhiana
Club, Ludhiana in a grand manner. The
Conference was attended by Shri Prahlad
Rai, General Secretary AIBSNLEA, Shri T.C. Jain, FS AIBSNLEA CHQ and Shri Devesh Sharma, Organizing Secretary
Shri R.P.
Sahu, GS AIGETOA along-with Shri Amit Roy AGS
and Shri Gaurav Aulakh Joint Secretary
also attended the meeting. GMTD Ludhiana Shri Vinay
Aggarwal was the Chief guest in the open
session. Addl. GM Ludhiana Shri Rajdeep
attended the meeting as Special Guest.
CS AIBSNLEA HP Circle Shri Rakesh Chopra
attended the meeting as special invitee.
Circle President
AIBSNLEA Punjab Circle Shri Baldev Singh
welcomed all the dignitaries. All the
dignitaries on the dias were warmly
welcomed by presenting bouquets and
shawls. He further appealed to all for
make devotion for the organisation.
Circle Secretary
AIBSNLEA Punjab Circle, Com. Balwant Rai
in his key note address mentioned the
issues of the Executives' of Punjab
Circle. In his address and report he
apprised the house about the
Organisational activities in the Punjab
Circle and the role of AIBSNLEA Circle
body in resolving the issues of the
Executives' of Punjab Circle. He thanked
the CHQ for its tireless efforts for
resolving the Punjab Circle Executives'
problems. He also appealed the CHQ to
make the early solutions to other
pending issues.
Special Guest of
the meeting CS AIBSNLEA HP Circle Shri
Rakesh Chopra thanked all the delegates
of AIBSNLEA PB Circle for inviting him
in the meeting. He appreciated the
effort of AIBSNLEA for its creative role
for removing the soft tenure transfer
policy's anomaly for soft tenure
stations. He also appreciated the role
of Association for enhancing creative
feeling in the Executives' of BSNL . At
last he thanked to all for inviting him
in the open session and congratulated
for the grand success of the session. He
made hope for an early referendum of
the Executive Association and achieving
the victory of AIBSNLA-AIGETOA
collaboration in the forthcoming
membership verification process.
Com. Devesh
Sharma, Organizing Secretary (North) CHQ
in his address congratulated all the
members of Punjab Circle for providing
such a huge response in Circle
Conference. He
further mentioned that the Punjab Circle
is playing a very important Circle for BSNL as
well as AIBSNLEA. He explained
the efforts of CHQ in continuously
resolving the issues of BSNL Executives
especially the Direct recruits of BSNL.
He mentioned that the collaboration of
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA is a historical
step towards the unity of Executives in
BSNL and everyone should work hard for
achieving the victory of
AIBSNLA-AIGETOA collaboration in the
forthcoming membership verification
AIGETOA Shri Arun Kukkad in his address
appealed the members of AIBSNLEA and
AIGETOA that inspite of the joint
alliance of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA there
is a need to work hard with the
grass root members and he assured that
with the combined hard work of AIGETOA
and AIBSNLEA, we can achieve more then
50% votes in the Punjab Circle.
AIGETOA Shri Amit Roy in his address
remind the erstwhile golden era of the
DoT. He suggested that we should keep
the positive attitude towards our
company. He praised the Organisational
ability of GS AIBSNLEA Shri Prahlad Rai
for organising the different cadres of
BSNL Executives'. He informed that this
type of Joint meetings are the golden
opportunities for the Executives and the
viable discussions should be spread
among all the Executives and grass root
members. He hoped that under the joint
collaboration of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA
the common issues will resolve and the
AIBSNLEA will definitely becomes the
number one Executive Association in the
forthcoming membership verification.
Gaurav Aulakh Joint Secretary AIGETOA
CHQ in his address mentioned that there
is no contradiction in the issues of
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA. He appreciated the
capability of GS AIBSNLEA to bring and
pursue the issues of all the cadres in
BSNL. He appealed all to do the team work
for the betterment of BSNL.
T.C. Jain , FS AIBSNLEA CHQ in his
address mentioned that due to the
efforts of AIBSNLEA only , the leave
encashment reserve fund has been
created. He appreciated the ability of
the GS AIBSNLEA by making efforts for
all the cadres. He also apprised the
status of ongoing CPC of JAO to AO which
promotion orders are going o release
R.P. Sahu, in his address mentioned that
our asset value is very large but it is
very unfortunate that BSNL Executives'
are getting harassed and are not able to
provide their 100% output to BSNL in
this dilemma situation. He expressed
that the profit and loss are in the hand
of the Government. He mentioned that for
the Executive cadre of PSU, the perks
and allowances of the Executives are
decided by the DPE. He explained the
concept of serving benefits, retiral
benefits, perks and allowances etc for
the Executives which are decided by the
DPE. GS AIGETOA in his address mentioned
that being as the employees of a Govt.
Company, we are not concern with the
profit and loss of the company. The
Executives' are responsible for their
individual performance and not for the
Company's performance. but it is
unfortunate that the employees are being
deprived with their genuine rights even
the timely payment of their medical
bills whereas the deputationist are
enjoying all the benefits on the cost of
BSNL. He mentioned his commitment that
after the resolvement of 3 Ps
Promotion and Pension )
issues, AIGETOA
will be merged in AIBSNLEA. He
appreciated the need of good
co-ordination between all the levels of
Management by giving the example of HP
Circle. At last he mentioned the need of
Single Executive Association in BSNL for
the benefits of BSNL Executives but also
appealed to remain vigilant with the
sinister moves of some leaders of sister
Association with their vested interests.
Prahlad Rai , congratulated the comrades
of AIBSNLEA Punjab Circle for the
successful holding of Circle conference
cum Joint CEC meeting and thanked the
comrades for their great affection . He
informed that AIBSNLEA is playing a
leading role in the settlement of the
issues of BSNL Executives'. Com. GS
explained the role of AIBSNLEA in the
view of viability of BSNL, which is the
most important issue on this crucial
juncture. Com. GS explained the
discriminatory attitude of the
Government towards BSNL in the terms of
Rural Expenditure, ADC Charges, Heavy
BWA Spectrum Fee and notional loan of Rs
7500 Crores etc. He explained BSNL
Executives' are not at all responsible
for today's situation because they are
not policy makers but involve only in
the policy implementation. Com GS
appraised the house about the Sam. G. Pitroda Committee recommendation and the
views of the Trade Unions/Associations
in the same. Com. GS demanded for issue
of whitepaper on the same i.e. on the VRS,
Unbundling of last mile copper etc. Com
GS. further explained that how the
AIBSNLEA is continuously pursuing these
viability related issue with the BSNL
Management and DoT. He provided the
example of delay in GSM equipment
purchase tender, which creates the
capacity crunch in BSNL. He mentioned
the role of AIBSNLEA for the resolving
the same.
Com. GS further
explained that the Management of BSNL
should keep enough courage to protest
against the wrong and non-viable
policies of Government. Com GS
remembered the interference of Trade
Unions/Associations as a historic strike
for our GSM tender issue and he apprised
that the AIBSNLEA is always committed
for the viability of BSNL. He explained
that the scarcity of cables, Telephone
instruments, MLLN and BB modems, drop
wires is a big problem in field units
and due to the continuous persuasion
from AIBSNLEA , now the Telecom
Factories of BSNL are paying its
significant role to meet out this
scarcity. Com. GS told that the
Government PSU can only survive when the
Government wants the same. Com. GS
mentioned that due to the efforts of
AIBSNLEA only , the leave encashment
reserve fund has been created. Com GS
mentioned that this is unfortunate that
the full Board composition is not there
in BSNL even in such a situation of
financial crisis.
Com GS. further
explained the status of HR issues
related to mainly DPCs from DE to DGM,
recent DPC of SDE to DE(Regular ), JTO
to SDE, JTO to SDE by LDCE, JAO to AO,
AO to CAO, CAO (Adhoc) to CAO (regular),
DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) & CAO to
DGM(F), DPC in Civil/Electrical wing,
Restructuring of AD(OL) case, DPCs of
Telecom Factory and the issues of PA/PS,
JTO (Officiating) regularisation, PPS
posts creation in field units etc.
Com.GS also
explained the strong concern of AIBSNLEA
towards the problem of Direct recrits
JTOs/JAOs . He explaind the issues of
Direct recruits JTO/JAO like EPF issues
and the centralisation of EPF accounts
of Direct recruits, Standard pay scales
E2-E3, Rule 8 transfers and DR JTO 2005
batch pay anomaly resolution, 5
additional increments to JTO 2007 batch
and regarding superannuation benefits to
Direct Recruits etc.
At last GS
AIBSNLEA appealed that this is the high
time to make AIBSNLEA , the number one
Executive Association in BSNL in ensuing
Membership Verification process. GS
explained that we can only resolve our
issues, when we are unite and the past
examples are witnessing it that AIBSNLEA
is always in favour of unity of all the
He appealed the young
comrades of Punjab circle to come in
front line and accept the
responsibilities with full courage with
enthusiasm. At last Com. GS He thanked
to all and appealed all the
Executives’ for making every effort with
a team spirit for making BSNL a vibrant
The Chief guest of
the Open Session GMTD Ludhiana Shri
Vinay Aggarwal in his address thanked
AIBSNLEA Punjab Circle to invite him in
the grand Open session with mammoth
gathering of Executives'. He explained
that the financial viability of BSNL is
must not only for us but also for our
families. Our identity is form BSNL only
and the flourish of BSNL should be
there as our only goal. He insisted to
provide the Quality of services to our
esteemed customers. At last he
congratulated AIBSNLEA for the grand
success of the open session. The Open
Session ended with the National Anthem.
At the last stage
of Circle Conference, an interactive
session was organised in which Com. GS
replied all the queries raised by the
CWC member
AIBSNLEA Punjab Circle Com. Satnarain
extended the vote of thanks.
At the last stage
of Circle Conference, unanimous
elections were held for the selection of
new Circle body. Com. Kuldeep Ram CAO
Chandigarh, Com. Mohammmad Jameel, AGM Sangrur SSA and Com. Baldev Singh, Sr.
AO, NTR Jalandhar has elected as Circle
President, Circle Secretary and Circle
Finance Secretary respectively. Com
Baljinder Singh Khalsa SDE (Legal)
Ludhiana has elected as CWC member. The
entire Conference Hall was Jam Packed
with mammoth gathering.
<<<<Click here for
Telecom Circle on 23.09.2014 at Shimla:
The Joint CEC Meeting of AIBSNLEA and
AIGETOA HP Telecom Circle was
organised on 11.09.2013 and 12.09.2013
at the conference Hall of BSNL Premises
at Shimla in a grand manner. The
Conference was attended by Sh. Devesh
Sharma, Organizing Secretary (North)
from AIBSNLEA CHQ side. Shri R.P. Sahu,
GS AIGETOA with Shri Amit Roy AGS and
Shri Ajay Kaswan Org. Secretary attended
the meeting from AIGETOA CHQ side.
At the starting of
the Joint meeting, the Finance Secretary
AIBSNLEA HP Circle welcomed all the
delegates and appealed them to show the
unity towards the organisation with full
spirit. All the dignitaries were
welcomed by presenting the bouquets ,
shawls and Himachali caps.
Circle Secretary
AIBSNLEA HP Com. Rakesh Chopra in his
address welcomed all the delegates in
Shimla and he appealed all to ensure the
combined victory of the AIBSNLEA and
AIGETOA in HP Circle in the ensuing
Membership Verification. He appealed all
the members to make their all out
efforts for achieving this victory.
Circle Secretary
AIGETOA HP Circle Shri Ajeet Kumar, in
his address appealed with the members to
provide their active participation for
the preparation of membership
verification process. He suggested to
meet with each and every member so that
a good co-ordination can be built-up
between the members. He appealed the
BSNL Management that only the Executives
of HP Circle should be allowed to serve
the soft tenure stations at the HP
Shri Ajay Kaswan,
OS AIGETOA , in his address mentioned
that the referendum is not a single big
issue in BSNL and now-a-days the
decision not making has become a culture
in BSNL and it should be changed. He
elaborate the need for the work under
the single umbrella Association. He also
stressed that in every circumstances the
benefit of BSNL should be on top
Shri Amit Roy, AGS
AIGETOA CHQ in his address appreciated
the organisational commitment of the HP
Circle Comrades. He explained the
referendum issues and its significance
in the Govt. Setup. He stressed that the
Pay, Pension and Promotion is the right
of the every Executive and the
resolvement of the anomalies related to
these issues should be there on the top
most priority. He mentioned that the all
Executives' should work under the single
umbrella Association in BSNL. He
informed that in real sense the
Executives are entitled for the
additional perks i.e.50% of their basic
salary but unfortunately they are not
getting their genuine rights, even the
payment of Medical Bills and TA bills
are being made with a great delay. At
last he appealed all to have discussion
on the vital issues by frequent
discussions and social media.
Com. Devesh
Sharma, Organizing Secretary (North) CHQ
in his address congratulated the HP
Circle comrades for arranging a grand
Joint CEC meeting. He further explained
that in which manner the BSNL is
suffering from the discriminatory
attitude of the Govt. of India. He
explained the efforts of AIBSNLEA CHQ in
continuously resolving the issues of
BSNL Direct Recruit Executives like EPF,
Superannuation benefits, JTO 2005 batch
pay anomaly and LDCE issues which are
also the common issues of AIGETOA. He
appealed all to work with full courage
and enthusiasm and make aware themselves
with the gravity of their genuine
issues. He mentioned that the
collaboration of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA is
a historical step towards the unity of
Executives in BSNL and everyone should
work hard for achieving the victory of
AIBSNLA-AIGETOA collaboration in the
forthcoming membership verification
process so that the entire BSNL
Executive fertinity can achieve their
genuine rights with full dignity.
R.P. Sahu, in his address mentioned that
in PSU there is the provision of only
two cadres i.e Executive and
Non-Executives. He mentioned that for
the Executive cadre of PSU, the
Management is the only endorsing
authority and the perks and allowances
of the Executives are decided by the DPE.
He explained the concept of serving
benefits, retrial benefits, perks and
allowances etc for the Executives which
are decided by the DPE. GS AIGETOA in
his address mentioned that being as the
employees of a Govt. Company, we are not
concern with the profit and loss of the
company but it is unfortunate that the
employees are being deprived with their
genuine rights even the timely payment
of their medical bills. He appealed all
that we should not work on the verbal
instructions of any higher authority
which intends to hamper the genuine
rights of any executive. He stressed for
boosting up the internal strength of
executives'. He mentioned his commitment
that after the resolvement of 3 Ps (Pay,
Promotion and Pension ) issues, AIGETOA
will be merged in AIBSNLEA. He mentioned
that there are some vested interest
persons in some of the sister
associations who are trying to hamper
the issues but the Unity of the entire
Executives community should be remain on
the top priority. At alst he appealed
all to become united and making full
struggle with enthusiasm for their
genuine rights.
After the Joint
CEC meeting OS (North) AIBSNLEA Com.
Devesh Sharma and GS AIGETOA Shri R.P.
Sahu replied all the queries raised by
the members. The entire Conference Hall
was Jam Packed.
<<<<Click here for
BSNL Corporate
office issued Modification / correction
order regarding regular promotion
to the Executives in AGM/DE of Telecom
<<<Click here for
BSNL Corporate
office issued order regarding 35 left
out cases w.r.t. regular Promotion
to the Executives in AGM/DE of Telecom
Operation Stream in the IDA Scale of
<<<Click here for
writes to
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -
<<<Click here for
AGS (HQ) and Advisor (HQ) met GM (Pers.)
and discussed regarding modifications in
the posting orders of the DEs. He
clearly mentioned that he will initiate
the action only after 01.10.2014 and
that too for the genuine medical ground
cases only. Incidentally, during the
discussions, Shri S.L. Singh, CGMT,
Bihar Circle was also present. We
requested him to post the incumbent DEs
coming from non-Hindi speaking areas in
the major cities like Patna, Gaya,
Mujaffarpur which are on main rail
routes. Shri Singh assured to look into
and told that he has already make-up his
mind in this regard.
FS, AGS (HQ) and Advisor (HQ) met GM
(SR) alongwith GS, AIGETOA and discussed
(a) Review meeting
on the points raised by both the
Associations and minutes of which were
GM (SR) mentioned that he has already
received the directions from CMD in this
regard. He suggested to first taking up
the points which are common for all the
Associations and call a joint meeting of
all the concerned officers and
Associations. We requested to call the
meeting after 15.10.2014 and suggested
to have the said meeting preferably on Saturday to
have a fruitful discussion and decision
in an interrupt free environment.
Regarding coming
GM (SR) mentioned that he is committed
to conduct the process as per the
schedule subjected the matter is cleared
by the Hon’ble Court. He assured to
again take up the matter with CGMT
Karnataka for an effective pleading in
the court. We requested to take the
assistance of Senior Advocate in this
The salary cut
issue of AIGETOA members in MP Circle:
We expressed our serious concern in this
regard and told that the issue is
pending since long and frustrating our
young comrades as well as to the senior
comrades also. GM (SR) assured to again
discuss the matter with the concerned
authorities in MP Circle for an early
settlement of the issue.
FS and AGS (HQ) met GM (FP) and
discussed regarding JAO to AO CPC. He
mentioned that the CPC is under progress
and the promotion orders may be issued
by the next week on Monday-Tuesday.
FS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (Fin) met ED
(Finance) and discussed-
Regarding JAO to
extended sincere thanks for getting
approval of the Competent Authority to
expedite CPC JAO to AO. She
appreciated our concern and mentioned that the CPC is under progress
and the promotion orders will be issued
(b) Allowing
option to JAOs appointed after 07th May,
2010: We
requested ED(Fin.) for her intervention
to complete the Committee report in
allowing option to JAOs appointed after
07th May, 2010. ED(Fin) assured to look
into the matter.
FS and AGS (HQ) met CMD BSNL and
(a) Regarding
deployment of additional staff for
restoration of Telecom Services in the
flood affected areas of J&K Circle.
CMD mentioned that mobile services are
almost restored however to restore
landline services additional staff is
required. We submitted a letter from
AIBSNLEA requesting to call for the
volunteers from other parts of the
country that have earlier worked in J&K
and are known to the local conditions of
the area. CMD appreciated our proposal
and directed us to talk with concerned
officers of the CFA.
Shri A.N. Rai,
regarding volunteers
to work in J & K Circle for restoration
of Telecom Services-
<<<Click here for
GS met Director (CM) and discussed
regarding restoration of Telecom
Services and staff amenities in J & K
Circle. We offered that some Executives
are ready to provide their immediate
services in J & K Circle for the early
restoration of Telecom services. Also
requested to provide help to the
existing employees in J & K Circle for
their day to day work and life.
Director (CM) assured to look into the
GS and GS AIGETOA met Addl. GM (Pers.)
and requested for processing the case of
first time-bound promotion after 4 years
instead of 4 to 6 years as per Hon'ble
Court judgments and as assured by
Director (HR) for its implementation.
Addl. GM (Pers.) assured to look into
the matter.
(i) Holding of
Limited Internal Competitive Examination
(LICE) for promotion of UDC to the grade
of Assistant Manager in BSNL Corporate
<<<<Click here for
GM (Pers.)BSNL
Corporate Office,regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
CGMM (NTR), regarding requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE-<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM (FP) BSNLCorporateOffice,regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM (Pers),BSNL
Corporate Officeregarding
missing names in DET Regular promotion
here for letter>>>>
Corporate Office, regarding requestfrom
Smt Kavita Sarwan Kumar, JAO (Estt. &
CSC), O/o the Sr. GMTD Jalandhar
(Punjab) for change of date of financial
up-gradation from E-1 to E-2 and E-2 to
E-3 under EPP-<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
Corporate Office, regarding request
from Shri
Badal Ch. Mondal, AO (TR), O/o the TDM
Dumka (Jharkhand) regarding IDA Pay
scale up-gradation under EPP-<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
Status of 147 SDE (T) Seniority Case and
Rule 206 TES Gr.”B” Seniority case in
Hon’ble Supreme Court.:
The concerned CAs/SLPs, listed as Item
No. 103 in the court No. 10 did not come
up for hearing today also due to paucity
of time.
24.09.2014: GS
writes to
GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding requests
for posting/transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DGM (T) -<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE -
<<<<Click here for
GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests
for posting/transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE – <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM (Pers)
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests for transfer in the
Cadre of AGM (TF) - <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests for
transfer/modification in transfer orders
in the Cadre of SDE- <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate
Office, regarding requested Promotion
and posting of JTOs to the grade of SDE
(Telecom) under competitive quota (33%)
held on 04.03.2012- Case of Shri A.
Kothandapani, JTO, HR No. 198300578-
here for letter>>>>
PGM (Electrical)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
requested for
posting in Karnataka Electrical Zone on
promotion to the post of SDE(Electrical).-<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requested
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
Accounts Personnel - <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requested
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
Accounts Personnel - <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
ED (Finance),
BSNL Corporate Office,
transfer/retention in the Cadre of
Accounts Personnel - <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
GM( Estt.)
BSNL Corporate
Office, regarding requested
for Shri B. Gurumoorthy, JAO HR No.
200000253 requested for considering
himself as DOT employee absorbed in BSNL
instead of BSNL recruited. <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
BSNL Corporate
Office, regarding requested
for Smt. C.N. Kamala, JAO HR No:
198506281 regarding her harassment. -
<<<<Click here for letter>>>>
ED (Finance)
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding request for review of results
of JAO Part-II exam LICE 40% Quota
during held on 17, 18 and 19th
December’ 2012-
<<<<Click here for letter>>>>
Scripting space
history, India on Wednesday successfully
placed its low-cost Mars spacecraft in
orbit around the red planet in its very
first attempt, breaking into an elite
club of three nations.
The Mars Orbiter
Mission (MOM) spacecraft kept its tryst
with the red planet after the
hibernating main 440 Newton Liquid
Apogee Motor (LAM) and eight thrusters
on board were ignited for 24-minutes
from 7.17am that slowed its benumbing
speed to be smoothly captured into the
Martian orbit. .....AIBSNLEA
<<<<Click her for detail story>>>
Status of 147 SDE (T) Seniority Case and
Rule 206 TES Gr.”B” Seniority case in
Hon’ble Supreme Court.:
The CAs/SLPs did not come up for hearing
today due to paucity of time The hearing
on Item No.1 meant for today continued.
The case now listed for tomorrow i.e.
on 25.09.2014 as
Item No. 103 in Court No. 10. The following Civil Appeals / Special
Leave Petitions are to be heard
simultaneously: CA No. 4389/2010 (Sohan
Lal Sayal & Ors) along with CA No.
8929/2012 (Nand Lal Jaswal & Ors), TP
(C) No. 1681/2012 (ram Singh & Ors), SLP
(C) 7659/2013 (Dhani Ram & Ors), CA No.
6769/2013 (Manohar Lal & Ors), CA No.
9348/2013 (Naresh Bharti & Ors), SLP (C)
(CC) No. 10360/2010 (Mariamma John &
Ors), SLP (C) No. 3319/2012 (Mohar Singh
& Ors), SLP (C) No.22462/2012 (Ved
Prakash & Ors), SLP (C) No. 4235/2013 (Dalwara
Singh & Ors), SLP (C) No. 33468/2013
Nishit K. Upadhyay & Ors), SLP (C) No.
27072/2013 (Rupendra Pathak & Ors), SLP
(C) No. 24303/2013 (K.S. Hegde), CA No.
5008/2012 (Promotee Telecom Engineers
Forum), SLP (C) No. 18004/2014 (V.Govindan
& Ors), SLP (C) No.32284/2013 (Mamnoj
Kumar Tripathy & Ors) and SLP (C) No.
5145/2012 (Om Prakash & Ors).
Com H Y Andeli CS, Karnataka Circle Com
Rama Rao CWC member AP, VP AIGETOA and
CS, AIGETOA CO Circle met GM (Estt) and
discussed regarding-
a) Immediate relieving of JTOs /TTAOs
working on deputation basis:
expressed our serious concern against
such arbitrary order in the mid academic
session of relieving of JTOs/TTAs
working on deputation basis and
directing circles not to
recommend/forward the applications for
further extension/deputation. GM (Estt)
mentioned that in some Circles, some
JTOs/TTAs are working on deputation
without any further extension from BSNL
CO and parent Circles are pressing hard
for their relieving. Hence, the order
was issued for relieving. However, he
assured that applications for extension
of deputation or fresh deputation will
be considered.
We have strongly protested for not
considering request transfer of JTOs of
Karnataka, Assam, NE-I. NE-II, WB
Circles under Rule-8. GM(Estt) assured
to speak to concerned CGMs immediately
to consider request transfers of JTOs.
GM(Estt) mentioned that Policy has been
reiterated, no new decision taken.
Issuing clarification on continuing JTO
(Officiating) arrangement:- GM(Estt) mentioned
that TTAs who passed screening exam were
allowed to officiate in the JTO cadre as
per the BSNL Board decision and it is
not withdrawn till date. GM(Estt)
clarified that stopping of Officiating
arrangement is issued only for the SDEs
and above. However a clarification will
be issued on request from the Circles.
c) E2 and E3 IDA pay scales for JTOs
and SDEs: We requested for
implementation of E2 and E3 IDA pay
scale for JTOs and SDEs after DPE
clarification. GM(Estt) mentioned that
shortly the matter will be discussed in
committee meeting for further necessary
(d) EPF deduction and 30% superannuation
benefit to BSNL recruited employees:We requested for
implementation of DPE order. He
mentioned that the case is with ED
(Finance). ED (Finance) will discuss the
matter with CMD, BSNL for an early
decision in this regard.
23.09.2014:GS, FS and Com H Y Andeli CS, KTK Circle
met GM(FP) and discussed regarding-
i. CPC
from JAO to AO:
informed that
Promotion from JAOs to AOs for 1134
posts has been cleared. Orders are
expected shortly.
ii. Retention of CAOs/AOs under transfer
on immunity ground:-
assured to look
into the matter.
GS, Com H Y Andeli CS, Karnataka Circle
and Com Rama Rao CWC member AP met CMD,
BSNL and discussed regarding-
Modification/retention of DEs on regular
We requested to-
Fill up to 90% of the vacancies instead
of 70%
in the
KTK,TN, CHTD, MH and UP(East) to avoid
sudden vacuum and maintenance problems
in the Circles.
ii) Retain SDEs on
their promotion as DET (Regular) who is
having less than 3 years of service as
on 20/08/2014 in the same Circle instead
of 31/03/2014.
We requested for modification/retention
in respect of genuine Medical cases on
humanitarian ground.
CMD mentioned that all the officers on
promotion distributed on pro rata basis
in the entire deficit Circles. It is not
possible to modify all the posting order
on the pretext of two and half years of
service. But some genuine case will be
considered after 29/09/2014.
CMD assured to hold review meeting to
discuss HR issues after 25/09/2014.
We express our serious concern about
remarks of Secretary, Telecom towards
services of BSNL in J& K circle. We
pleaded that BSNL staff without getting
Food for 2-3 days restored the services
and still trying to provide service in
difficult situation. Govt. should
appreciate the efforts made by BSNL
staff restoring Telecom services in J&K
22.09.2014:GS, Com H Y Andeli CS, Karnataka Circle
and Com Rama Rao CWC member AP, met GM
(SR) and discussed regarding-
meeting on pending HR issues already
discussed in the formal meeting with
We expressed our serious concern against
non-settlement of the pending HR issues
already discussed in the formal and
informal meetings with AIBSNLEA and
AIGETOA. Record of discussion was also
issued after the formal meetings. GM
(SR) appreciated our concern and assured
that he will discuss the matter with CMD
BSNL and fix-up a review meeting in this
regard shortly.
of mandatory training for Civil wing :-
We have request to issue a proper letter
in consultation with PGM(BW) for civil
executives who have completed mandatory
training beyond stipulated period of two
years due to administrative reasons and
granting of further increments there-on.
verification of Executive Association-
GM(SR) mentioned that membership
verification has to take place as per
the schedule already notified. Regarding
court case at Bangalore, the efforts are
being made for an early hearing. The
modalities of voting process in
referendum will be shortly notified.
GS, and Com H Y Andeli CS, Karnataka
Circle met GM (Pers.) and discussed
a) Modification/retention of DEs on
regular Promotion:In the DET (Regular)
promotion order issued on 20/08/2014,
All the SDEs promoted as DETs on regular
basis of all Circles except KTK, TN,
CHTD, MH and UP(East) have been retained
in the same Circle. About 300 SDEs of
KTK, TN, CHTD, MH and UP(East) after
serving 32 to 34 years of service and
left with just 3 to 4 years of service
have been posted to farthest Circles of
India even though 30% vacancies are
still available in these Circles. It is
noticed that more than 100 SDEs have
declined their promotion due to health,
age and family problem etc in the last 3
DPCs. Purpose of issuing promotion order
is thus defeated. It is requested to
fill up all the vacant posts of DETs and
modify the remaining SDEs promotion and
posting order to adjacent Circles on
humanitarian and sympathetic ground. 140
DEs of KTK have been posted to the
farthest Circles of 2500 Km and above.
At present 50 vacancies are available.
Around 70 DEs vacancies are going to
arise if the DGM promotion order being
issued in this month. Totally 120 DETs
posts are falling vacant. In addition to
above, Sanctioning of 67 posts of DETs
is awaited from BSNL CO. Circle is going
to face difficulty in maintaining
systems. Some SSAs are not having DETs.
We have requested to retain at least 50
DETs out of 140 out of the Circle. Fill
up posts of DETs up to 90 % instead of
70%. So that Circles can sustain revenue
& work pressure. GM(Pers) tried to
justify the posting order as per the
requirement of the circle and mention
that SDE to DET promotion order has been
issued against vacant posts in all the
circles and on pro rata basis in all the
circles. However he mentioned that some
genuine cases may be considered after
29/09/2014. We further requested to
consider genuine cases before 29/09/2014
to get the benefit of Time bound
promotion under EPP.
b) SDEs after
serving 32 to 34 years of service and
having less than 2 years & 7 months of
service to retire are posted to other
Circles on DE Regular promotion. After
completion of 7 months of his service as
DET Regular in other Circle, his left
out service will remain less than 2
years. Then, in that case as per the
transfer policy, the DET will apply for
transfer to his parent Circle. BSNL has
to spend heavy transfer grant for
serving only 7 - 8 months. We have
requested to retain SDEs on their
promotion as DET (Regular) who is having
less than 3 years of service as on
20/08/2014 in the same Circle instead of
31/03/2014. GM(Pers) mentioned that all
the request transfers irrespective of
service left over will be consider after
serving two years of service.
23.09.2014: GS, CS Karnataka Circle
(Com. H.Y. Andeli) and CWC member from
AP (Com. N.S. Rama Rao) met ED (Finance)
and discussed regarding the ongoing CPC
for promotion from JAO to AO.:
She confirmed that the approval from
competent authority has been received
for conduction of the CPC from JAO to AO
and accordingly the CPC work is going
on. The promotion orders are expected in
the next week probably on Monday.
23.09.2014: Status on the issue of degree
acquired by distant education:
GS discussed with PGM (EW) in this
regard also who informed that due to the
business of PGM (BW) the committee
meeting has not been conducted so far.
He advised to discuss the matter with GM
(Pers) and PGM (BW) in this regard.
23.09.2014: Status of CPC for promotion
from JTO (E) to SDE (E): GS discussed with PGM (EW) regarding early conducting the CPC for
promotion from JTO (E) to SDE (E). PGM (EW)
informed that CPC for filling the 8
number vacant post of SDE (E) is under
process and likely to be completed soon.
The promotions orders will be issued
23.09.2014:Status of 147 SDE (T) Seniority Case and
Rule 206 TES Gr.”B” Seniority case in
Hon’ble Supreme Court.:
The SLPs not heard today. These are
likely to be heard on Wednesday i.e. on
24.09.2014 as Item No. 103 in the Court
No. 10.
22.09.2014: Fifth Circle Conference of Tamilnadu
Circle held at Maditssia A/c Hall.
Madurai from 17-09-2014 and 18-09-2014:The
fifth Circle Conference was held at
Madurai on 17-09-2014 and on 18-09-2014
in a very grand manner. The Reception
Committee convener of Com.Karuppaih, BS,
Madurai under the guidance of Com.VKP
arranged every event so impressive and
could not be easily forgotten.
17-09-2014, as a first event, our
Comrades of Madurai and the Delegates
assembled in front of Level-4 Exchange, Madurai to attend the Inscription Stone
opening and the Flag Hoisting function.
The Inscription stone was unveiled by
our Com.N.Veerapandian, CS and the flag
was hoisted by our beloved GS,
Com.Prahlad Rai. Com.Surian, DS of
BSNLEU greeted. Com.Sivakumar, CP
addressed. Com.GS and Com.Venu, CHQ
President felicitated and addressed the
Then the
National flag was hoisted in front of
the Conference Hall by Sri.E.Bullah Rao,
the Union Bank of India, Regional Head
and the Reception Committee Chairman.
The Association flag was hoisted by our
GS, Com.Prahlad Rai. All the Delegates
and the leaders and cadres paid floral
tribute to the Martyrs before the
Martyrs’ Column erected near the
Entrance of the Hall. Com.Sivakumar, CP,
presided the conference and delivered
the presidential Address. He explained
the situation in which this conference
was held. The GOI’s announcement on
selling off the BSNL along with other
nine PSUs and the M/s Deloittee
Consultant’s Recommendations are posing
new threat to the very survival of the
BSNL. He appreciated the efforts taken
by the Reception Committee in conducting
the Conference in a very nice manner.
The Reception Committee GS,
Com.Karuppaiah, BS, Madurai SSA welcomed
the gathering. Com.Venkatesan, BS, CDL
SSA remembered the Martyrs and one
minute silence was observed in token of
respect and homage to the departed
leaders and cadres in the past.
Com.N.Veerapandian, CS submitted the
Report on the activities of the Circle
Association for the past period from the
last Conference held at Dharmapuri in
the month of March, 2012. The
organizational review started after tea
break. Before that the Conference was
inaugurated by our GS. He spoke on the
Referendum to be faced in the month of
December and the present status of
pending problems of all Executive
Cadres. Before coming to this
Conference, he said that he will try to
settle all the individual cases of
Tamilnadu.He declared most of the cases
are already settled.
Branch Secretaries submitted their
Report. At about 1200 Hrs. the
felicitation session started. The Circle
Secretaries of our sister Associations
and Unions participated and addressed
the conference.
Com.R.Pattabiraman, CS, NFTE-BSNL, TN
Circle, Com.Sathyaraj, Circle Office
Bearer of BSNLEU, Com.Wahab, Circle
Office Bearer of FNTO-BSNL,
Com.Chellapandi, CS of TEPU,
Com.Saravanakumar, CS, AIGETOA and
Com.Muthialu, All India Vice President
of AIBSNLRWA attended the conference and
addressed. They expressed uniformly
about the functioning of our AIBSNLEA in
Tamilnadu. We strongly stood for unity
and participated in the forefront of all
the struggles conducted by our United
Forum. The future challenges the BSNL
has to face were explained and the
expectations of the employees and the
Corporate management are not matching.
Many HR Issues pertaining to
Non-Executives and that of the
Executives remain unsettled for a long
time. This is to be jointly fought in
future. After Lunch Break, again the
Branch Secretaries started giving their
Reports. The FS, Com.Ravi submitted the
audited Accounts for the approval of the
At about
0430 Hrs. we adjourned the House for
arranging the Open Session. Sharply at
five PM, started the Open Session. Our
Comrades decorated the dais in a
colorful way that attracted every body.
Open Session and
the Seminar on “New Challenges and Hopes
for Revival of BSNL as a Profit making
PSU” on the occasion of the 5th
Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA Tamilnadu
Circle was held on 17.9.2014 at 17.00
hours in the Maditssia A/c Hall,
The function
commenced by lighting the lamp by the
Chief Guest , Guest of Honours, Com
G.S,CHQ and Com.President,CHQ and Prayer
by Smt.Rajeswari, JAO.
Com.E.Pualla Rao,
Chairman, Reception Committee &
Regional Head, Union Bank of India
welcomed all the dignitaries on the dias
and the gathering. He also elaborated
the services rendered by Union Bank of
India and insisted that need of the hour
is best Customer Service to the
Customers of BSNL
The dignitaries on
the dias Hon'ble Chief Guest Shri
G.V.Reddy, ITS CGM, TN Circle, Guests of
Honour Shri G.Ravi, PGM(Finance),TN
Circle Shri S.P.Singh Nimrana, PCE(E) TN
Circle, Smt.S.E.Rajam, GM ,Madurai Com.
Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA,
Com.P. Venugopal, President CHQ AIBSNLEA,
Com.Lakshman,VicePresident, CHQ, AIGETOA,
Com.S.R.Patil, OS(South), Com.V.K.Paramasivam,Advisor,
(CHQ), Com.N. Veerapandian, CS
AIBSNLEA,TN Circle, Com.S.Sivakumar, CP
AIBSNLEA,TN Circle, were felicitated by
presenting with Bouquets Shawls and
The Hall is complete packed with more
than 400 Executives all over Tamilnadu. Representatives
of Non-Executive Associations/Unions
also participated in large numbers.
Com S.Sivakumar
President, AIBSNLEA TN Circle welcomed
all the dignitaries on the dias. He
mentioned that large number of
disconnections of landline phones in the
last few years is a matter of great
concern to us. There is an urgent need
to overcome this problem seriously and
we should take sincere corrective
action. Broadband business can help us
to bring back our landline customers and
also retain our existing customers.
In his Key note
address, N.Veerapandian, the CS,
Tamilnadu mentioned in detail about the
problems pertaining to Tamilnadu Circle
and requested the CGM, Tamilnadu and
other Guests of Honour to address the
problems for earlier settlement.CS key
note address upload on TN Circle
Shri G.Ravi,
PGM (Finance), TN Circle mentioned
that Cash Flow management is very
critical in BSNL. But we have to face
the stiff competitions and challenges
from the Private Operators. We have to
be united and work together and compete
like Kerala Circle to earn the Profit.
Revenue increase in TN Circle up to
Aug’2014 comparing to the previous year
is 2% only. We have to strive hard to
improve our Revenue. Each one of us is a
Leader. With mutual Co-operation we can
do better. We should be pragmatic,
realistic, prudent and balanced and we
have to follow the rules strictly. He
also requested the Executives of TN
Circle to work hard to increase the Cash
flow and immediate action has to be
taken to collect the outstanding revenue
due to the BSNL.
Shri Shri
S.P.Singh Nimrana, PCE(E) TN Circle
mentioned that Looking on arrangement
orders has been issued as per the
request of the AIBSNLEA and he
appreciated that AIBSNLEA leaders are
always coming with solutions to the
problems. He also pointed out that it
is a matter of great concern that the
Deloittee Committee recommended the
scrapping of
Electrical/Civil/Architectural wings. He
also mentioned that it is painful to
make such report without consulting any
of the CGMs .He also mentioned that
Energy bill is reduced by 13.5 Cr
comparing to last year. He requested
that we have to reduce our Expenditure
and raise our revenue. Marketing actions
to be increased and we have to raise the
GM, Madurai mentioned that Hope
should come in the darkness. Hope with
efforts will bring BSNL a profit making
PSU. She recollected the mind setting of
Employees at the time Corporatization
during 2000 whether BSNL will survive
and earn profit. Yes, it will survive
for another 10 years i.e up to the date
of my Retirement. Because of the hopes
and efforts taken by our Executives and
Non Executives BSNL earned Profit up to
31.3.2009. BSNL is continuously making
losses for the last five consecutive
years.Hence we are deliberating now
about the “New Challenges and Hopes for
Revival of BSNL as profit making PSU”.
Definitely we will strive hard with hope
and make the BSNL as Profit making PSU.
Com.V.K.Paramasivam, CHQ Advisor
mentioned that the “Customer Delight
Month” has been organized by AIBSNLEA.
Then only we came to know the delay in
procurement OF Cables, Joint Kits,
Modems, Clip instruments and sim cards
which drastically affected the Growth of
BSNL. We are working for the social
commitment of India and 28000 BSNL Rural
Telephone Exchanges are working in
India. During “Thane Puyal” our Towers
were only working in Cuddalore and
Puducherry. Recent J&K Flood also our
BSNL network is only working for the
affected people. . To attain our goal
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA forged an alliance
and the victory of this alliance can not
only save BSNL but also pave the way for
settlement of our vital HR issues such
as settlement of E2 and E3 pay scales
for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO cadres and their
equivalents respectively for which each
one of us should work hard in mobilizing
the Executives in support of our
Alliance in the referendum for electing
the majority Executive Associations.
Com.S.R.Patil,OS(South) CHQ
mentioned that we are humble to our
Customers. 24x7 services has to be given
to the IT people by the BSNL. But we are
not giving services to them and lost the
revenue from BB Segment. Due to good
will only customers are with BSNL. We
have to provide best customer service to
Com Lakshmanan,
Vice President, AIGETOA, CHQ
mentioned that the requirement of the
customers is changing day by day. Now
4G,3G,WIFI, Free chat, Push message are
familiarized with the common people and
young generation and no one is waiting
for basic telephone.They want Data
only. They will automatically come to
Global.We have to see the other Private
Operator and we have to think about the
Data Services. In Hyderabad, if you want
WIFi, you have to call a Private
Operator Mobile No. immediately WIFI is
connected. In BSNL also Technocrats,
Engineering Graduates and ITPC
professionals are available but no
innovative thinking/ideas are
implemented in the field. Without any
notice to the Customers, Free Night BB
usage has been withdrawn by the BSNL.
This wrong decision of BSNL gave a
negative impact and customers are
switched over to the Private Operator.
Govt Want to sell the BSNL shares and
OFC. We should come together. It is the
message to the Govt. Of India.
He appreciated the working of Com.
Prahlad Rai & thanked him in the way the
historical MOU is signed. He appealed
all the members of both the association
to work hard & not only get the mandate
for number one position but to create no
scope for second association.
Com. P
Venugopal, President CHQ AIBSNLEA
welcomed all the dignitaries on dias. In
his speech he thanked the TN Circle
team for the wonderful arrangements. He
briefed about the Madurai city and the
history of the city and expected that
all will be returning to their city with
memorable moments. He mentioned about
the achievements made by the AIBSNLEA.
He also mentioned about certain measures
to be adopted by the BSNL for its
viability such as encouraging payments
through RTGS/NEFT instead of sending
cheques by post, reduction in the no. of
security guards, maximizing the no. of
exchanges having free cooling facility,
reduction in sanctioned EB load,
capacity reduction and redeployment of
Engine Alternators to reduce fuel
expenses, increasing the no. of
exchanges / BTS sites powered by Solar
Energy and Mass calling programme, merge
of RGMTTC, RTTC and CTTC, formation of
dedicated teams at SSA level to offer
priority treatment to redress the
grievances of High calling / Corporate /
Commercially important / Broadband
customers, etc. reforming / streamlining
the cable fault clearing mechanism at
the field level so as to ensure seamless
services, high calling landline
connections can be converted as ISDN /
PRI cover plan of Rs.5000 or Rs.10000,
organizing BSNL festivals in Govt.
offices, schools, colleges, factories,
etc to market / promote BSNL products /
services. He also mentioned that
AIBSNLEA is always in the forefront to
shoulder with BSNL unions / associations
in the joint struggle against wrong
policies of the BSNL/Govt. and the step
motherly treatment of DoT. He mentioned
about various methods which can be
adopted to save lot of money for the
viable of the BSNL.
Com Prahlad Rai,
GS AIBSNLEA CHQ thanked the TN
Circle for inviting him to attend the 5th
Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA TN Circle.
He mentioned that during the visit to
Chennai, PGM(F) TN Circle informed that
Revenue increase in TN Circle up to
Aug’2014 comparing to the previous year
is 2% . It is achieved due to the
Commitment, hard work and Discipline of
the Executives of TN Circle . TN Circle
will also earn profit like Kerala,
Orissa and J&K very soon.
Regarding status
of 78.2% IDA pay fixation to BSNL
pensioners he stated that DOT has taken
a decision to seek cabinet approval for
extending the benefit to those retired
between 01-01-2007 and 09-06-2013 also
because of the 60-40 issue. The DOT had
already decided to seek cabinet approval
for the pre 2007 retirees. Now, the
Department of Expenditure will send
the file back to the DOT to prepare the
cabinet note in this regard.
He mentioned that
GOI is having 100% stake in PSU. But
Govt is directing BSNL to pay in the
name so many Taxes and BSNL has paid the
same. CMD, Director(F) and Director(HR)
posts are vacant. The NDA Government
even after 100 days has not posted CMD.
mentioned that In Tamilnadu, STR &
Chennai Telephones so many lady comrades
were transferred during DE Regular
promotion. He assured that he has
already taken up the cases with CMD and
the requests are being examined for
retention and will be processed to the
Competent Authority for decision at the
earliest. Regarding CPC from JAO to AO,
he informed that he has requested the
Competent Authority to clear the JAO to
AO CPC proposal and the same will be
cleared today and the promotion order
will be issued shortly.
Regarding VCRs to CAO (Regular),
DE(Regular) and DGM (Engg.) Adhoc
Promotions, our association is making
all efforts & requested CVO for sending
the VCRs for the CPCs of 400 CAO
(Regular), 200 DE(Regular) left out
cases, and 480 DGM (Engg) Adhoc
Promotions. All efforts are being made
to collect the VCRs from circles.
GS informed the
house for his efforts for getting
released 131 DGM (Finance) Adhoc to DGM
(Finance) Regular promotion. He is
making all efforts for getting issued
early promotion orders of DGM(Finance/Adhoc)
to DGM(Finance/Regular) since all the
VCRs from CVO office has been received
in SEA cell . Regarding CPC from AO to
CAO(Regular) hementioned
that CPC process to fill up 230 CAOs
posts has been initiated. ACRs/VCRs are
being collected shortly to expedite CPC..
Regarding 30%
Superannuation benefit to the BSNL
recruited employees as per DPE
guidelines, he informed that the matter
is pending with ED(Finance). We will be
discussing with the competent authority
shortly for further necessary action.
Regarding E2 and E3 standard IDA pay
scales to the JTOs and SDE equivalent
executives he said that the
clarification from DPE on E1A and E2A
pay scales has been received and shortly
it will be put up to the competent
authority for further necessary
action. Regarding
merger of Civil/Electrical/Arch. wings
with SSAs he said that we are strongly
protesting against the merger of
Civil/Electrical/Arch. wings executives
at SSA level beacuse one Executive
Engineer will be reporting to one SSA
Head and will work for 4-5 SSAs, which
will adversely affect day to day work of
all the SSAs and CE/SE will not have any
control on these executives directly. On
this issue, we had met ED(NB) who told
that he has already submitted a proposal
to CMD, BSNL to stop this merger in view
of practical difficulties.
Regarding consideration of Para 8
transfers of JTOs from hard tenure
circles he informed that about 60-70
JTOs, circles have already considered
para-8 transfers but the hard tenure
circles are yet to consider in view of
shortage. AIBSNLEA consistent efforts
yielded result in getting released
order regarding Modification in the
guidelines in transfer to Soft Tenure
areas in BSNL
He also mentioned
that we are aware of the hidden Agenda
of the Govt. Govt. want to sell the
BSNL OFC and Shares. They are
threatening us. Through Forum of Unions
& Associations we will issue Indefinite
Strike Notice. It is a tool for us. We
have to Unite. In spite of all these
shortcomings w e have to work hard with
the available sources. 30% Disinvestment
and VRS is the old story. Let us
contribute Maximum. Make BSNL Profit
Making. We are continuously fighting
against the wrong policies of the GOI
and we were able to stop it in the past
through struggles.
Finally Sri.
G.V.Reddy, the CGM, Tamilnadu Circle
spoke in detail about the condition of
our BSNL. The main hurdles for the BSNL
are External Challenges and Internal
Challenges. The financial constraints,
lack of innovative ideas, inadequate
efforts on our side are some of the
internal problems and the insufficient
care towards the end-users while taking
our products to them, competition from
private operators are of external
challenges the BSNL has to meet. But our
network is still powerful. The legacy of
our system and network throughout the
Nation could never be challenged by
anyone. The skill of our work force also
cannot be underestimated. But we have to
take sustained efforts in increasing the
revenue and making the end-user
delighted. That is the main task. If so,
BSNL will survive ever, he told. He
greeted the Conference for the success
and thanked us for having given such
The Open Session
commenced at 17.00 hours and ended at
22.15 hours with the vote of thanks
given by Com.R.Sarat Babu JAO on behalf
of the Reception Committee.
Then the Election
of New Office Bearers was announced.
Com.Sankarakumar, Retired AO/ TVL and
Com.Ramakrishnan, Retired DGM (F) of KKD
conducted the Election. The New Office
Bearers were elected unanimously and the
list was published separately in our web
site. With the vote of thanks by the
Newly elected CS, Com.S.Sivakumar, the
conference was declared closed with
thundering slogans.
22.09.2014: Stone
unveiling ceremony and Flag Hoisting
function held in front of CGMT,TN
Circle, premises, Greams Road, Chennai
on 16-09-2014 morning:
The flag hoisting and the unveiling of
the inscription stone for the flag mast
function was celebrated in a very
spectacular way on 16-09-2014 morning in
the new premises of the CGM, Tamilnadu
Circle. The function was attended by
more than 100 comrades. The enthusiasm
and the involvement shown by the Circle
Office, STR, STP, Civil and Electrical
Branches of Chennai reflects our growing
strength in the Head Quarters.
Comrade Prahlad
Rai, our GS and Com.Venu, our President,
CHQ unveiled the Inscription Stone and
the CS hoisted the Association Flag
amidst thundering slogans raised by our
Comrades. The fire crackers blasted in
succession, attracted the attention of
all employees working in the Circle
After the meeting,
Com.Prahlad Rai, Com.Venu,
Com.Veerapandian and Com.Sivakumar
addressed the Branch Meeting.
Com.Chellappa, CS, BSNLEU,
Com.P.N.Perumal and Com.Chandrasekaran ,
Leaders of SEWA felicitated the
meeting. Com.Chellappa thanked our
Association for the co-operation we
extend and our GS for his participation
and support.
Com. Prahlad Rai,
GS greeted and appreciated our Branch
Comrades for their tireless working
which bears very good results in
Chennai. The increase in membership
further strengthens our Branch. We rise
in Chennai as a force to be reckoned
with Com. Prahlad Rai in his speech
elaborately presented all the issues we
settled in the past and the current
status of the HR issues which are yet to
be settled.
Our CS expressed
heartfelt thanks to our GS for the
settlement of all the individual cases
of Retention, Reallottment and
Cancellation of transfer orders issued
to Accounts, Engineering, Electrical and
Civil wing Comrades.
With the vote of
thanks by Com. Renganathan, the meeting
came to an end. This meeting and the
arrangements will remain in our Memory
for a long time until another function
is organized in a similar or more
attractive manner.
here for glimpses>>>
GS writes to Shri
A. N. Rai,
CMD, BSNL regarding request
for cancellation / modification of
Posting orders on Promotion of DEs
[Ref.: BSNL
Corporate Office letter no.4l2
16/2014-Pers.I Dated August 20, 20l4]
<<<Click here for
22.09.2014: Congratulations!
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
regarding Regular Promotion to the
Executives in AGM/DE of Telecom
Operation Stream in the IDA Scale of
here for letter1>>>
<<<Click here for
22.09.2014: BSNL
Corporate Office issued order regarding
grant of benefit of financial up
gradation under Time Bound executive
promotional policy for Group-' B' level
officers of BW Unit
<<<Click here for
22.09.2014: BSNL
Corporate Office issued
Modification/Correction w.r.t. regular
Promotion to the Executives in AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation -
<<<Click here for
22.09.2014: BSNL
Corporate Office issued order
provision of in-service training on
"Marketing and Sales" to BSNL
officers/officials -
<<<Click here for
visited to Chennai on 16.09.2014 on the
way to Madurai Circle Conference of
Tamilnadu Circle from Chennai <<<Click
here for glimpses>>>
for Glimpses of Joint declaration of
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA Chennai TD Circle
handed over to GS AIBSNLEA at Chennai on
19.09.2014==>>>>> <<<Photo1>>><<<Photo2>>>
GS discussed Organisational matters with
Com. P. Udisuryan, CS Chennai TD Circle
AIBSNLOA, Com. S.Sivakumar, Circle
Secretary, TN Circle on 19.09.2014 at
Chennai way back to Delhi from 5th
Circle Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA TN
for Glimpses ===>>>><<<Photo1>>>
of Com. General Secretary by AIGETOA
Chennai TD Circle Comrades on 19.09.2014
at Chennai Click
for Glimpses ===>>>><<<Photo1>>>
developments in Kerala Circle:CGMT
called a meeting of all the three
executive's associations on 12-9-2014,
to arrive at a consensus in the issue
of allowing all pending request
transfers in the cadre of JTOs/ SDEs
in Kerala circle. A total of 79 cases
were pending- 38 JTOS and 39 SDEs.
SNEA's demand was to release all these
cases without substitutes as
sufficient number of newly recruited
JTOs have been posted recently. CGM
insisted for a one-to-one transfer
back ( out-going transfer) for
allowing request-transfers. CGM's
version was that all the newly
recruited JTOs were posted in
deficiency SSAs to maintain an
equilibrium by way of equalising the
percentage of deficiency and now it is
almost equal every where,. If any
further transfer out-ward to a choice
station/SSA is allowed now without
making an equal number of transfer
(one-to-one) back from the
corresponding stations , then this
equilibrium will be disturbed.
according to CGM.
CS, AIBSNLEA, presented the
following suggestion to resolve the
issue in an amicable way. We requested
to the CGM that, all pending request
transfers to choice stations
registered so far may be allowed
without insisting for posting of
substitutes for the time being. as it
is unfair to issue compulsory
transfers during the middle of
academic year. It can be done only
March 2015. Till then
such compensating transfers may be
deferred. Most probably, JTO to SDE
regular promotion will take place in
the immediate future, as the stay
order can be vacated on9th
October 2014itself
due to the appearance of Senior
Counsel Mr. Ramkumar for BSNL in the
CAT Ernakulam in OA 185/2013. In that
case newly promoted SDEs can be
distributed to the deficiency SSAs
without ordering any further inter-SSA
transfers for maintaining equilibrium.
In case this is not happening before31-3-2015,
then a fresh review based on the HR
statistics at that time may be done
and the minimum required shifting can
be done based on long-stay.
CGMT accepted this proposal of
AIBSNLEA and agreed to release all
pending request transfers without
insisting for one-to-one transfer
back. Accordingly he issued all
pending request transfer cases on the
very next day, which finally resolved
the issue.
GS discussed with GM(FP) regarding
(a) CPC from JAO to AO:
We requested to expedite CPC from JAO to
AO since the approval of the Competent
Authority has been given to expedite the
CPC. GM(FP) confirmed that the CPC
approval has been received from
Competent Authority to fill up about
1135 AO posts. The approval to fill up
1135 posts of AO has been given in view
of the Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh judgment.
In this CPC the JAOs of 2004 batch will
be covered since the court case was
related to 2004 JAOs batch. Competent
Authority has advised SEA Cell to
initiate another CPC from JAO to AO
immediately to fill up the remaining
vacant JAOs posts. GM(FP) further
mentioned that some VCRs of JAOs
are being collected within one or two
days and efforts are being made to issue
promotion order from JAO to AO by next
week and he assured to initiate another
CPC to fill up vacant JAO posts
(b) CPC from AO to CAO:
We requested to expedite CPC from AO to
CAO to fill up 230 CAOs posts as
approval by the Competent Authority.
GM(FP) assured immediately to call the
ACRs/VCRs of the eligible AOs to process
the CPC.
(c) CPC from CAO(A) to CAO(R):
We requested to expedite CPC from CAO(A)
to CAO(R) to fill up about 400 CAOs
posts. GM(FP) informed that about 328
VCRs have been received from CVO office
and efforts are being made to collect
the remaining VCRs. The Chairman CPC,
GM(SR) has suggested to expedite CPC
after receiving all the VCRs.
(d) CPC from DGM(A) to DGM(R):
We requested to expedite CPC from DGM(A)
to DGM(R). GM(FP) informed that the CPC
work is in progress & shortly promotion
orders will be issued to fill up about
130 DGM posts on regular basis.
18.09.2014: Status
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded
result in getting the approval from
competent authority to expedite CPC from
JAO to AO. Promotion orders are expected
18.09.2014: Status
PPS post creation in field units:AIBSNLEA's persistent efforts yielded
results in constitution of a committee
to examine and report on the creation of
PPS posts in the field units under the
chairmanship of Shri M.C. Choube, ED (CN).
Smt. Madhu Arora, GM (Rest) and Smt.
Smita Choudhary, GM (EF) are the members
of the committee with Shri Deepak
Agrawal, Addl. GM (Pers) as the
convener. AIBSNLEA has already provided
the feedback to the convener of the
committee for necessary action in this
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office
regarding requests
for posting/transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers.),BSNL
Corporate Office,
regarding requests for
transfer/modification in transfer orders
in the Cadre of DE-<<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
names in DET Regular promotion order
issued on 20/08/2014.- <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The Director (HR),BSNL
for retention in the Cadre of JTO- <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The CMD,
BSNL regarding
nightmare in Kashmir valley
- Steps to restore confidence of the
employees -
here for letter>>>>
Corporate Office, regarding
requests for transfer/posting in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -
<<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
requests for transfer in SDE cadre -
here for letter>>>>
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
rectification of anomaly in pension of
BSNL employees retired within ten months
of their absorption in BSNL w.e.f.
<<<Click here for
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
regarding Promotion in the grade of EE
electrical on Regular basis
<<<Click here for
17.09.2014: GS
discussed with Addl. GM(Pers.) regarding
consideration of request for retention /
Modification of transfer orders of DEs
on promotion mainly lady executives /Sr.
DEs and genuine medical grounds etc.
Addl. GM(Pers.) mentioned that on the
representations in this regard are being
examined and will be processed to the
Competent Authority for decision at the
earliest. He further mentioned that only
few genuine cases may be considered on
merit basis. Hence, majority executives
have been advised to join immediately.
(b) CPC from JAO
to AO: We
requested to give clearance to the JAO
to AO CPC proposal moved by SEA Cell.
Addl. GM(Pers.) mentioned that SEA Cell
proposal has been examined and will be
sent to the Competent Authority today
itself for approval to expedite JAO to
17.09.2014: GS
discussed with GM(FP), BSNL C.O.
(a) CPC from JAO
to AO:
GM(FP) assured that as soon as the
approval is received from the Competent
Authority, CPC from JAO to AO will be
expedited and the promotion orders from
JAO to AO will be issued immediately.
(b) CPC from CAO
(Adhoc) to CAO(Regular):
GM(FP) informed
that about 330 VCRs have been received
from CVO Office and remaining will
be issued shortly however the CPC work
from CAO(Adhoc) to CAO(Regular) have
been initiated, shortly, promotion order
will be issued to fill up about 400
posts on regular basis.
(c) CPC from AO to
mentioned that CPC process to fill up
230 CAOs posts has been initiated. ACRs/VCRs
are being collected shortly to expedite
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DGM (Adhoc) <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
modification of the transfer orders on
Company Cost - Case of Shri M.Y.
Siddiqui, AGM (TF) <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/modification in
transfer orders in the Cadre of SDE-
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding requests
for transfer/retention/posting in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
The ED (Finance),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
16.09.2014: GS
writes to
The GM (Pers).
BSNL Corporate Office
regarding requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE -
<<<Click here for
16.09.2014: GS
writes to The CMD, BSNL regarding
unjustified and illogical posting
orders of DEs on promotion in NTR
BSNL CO letter No.4l2
16/2014-Pers.I Dated August 20, 20l4]
<<<Click here for
15.09.2014: BSNL
Corporate office issued order
regarding settlement of pensionary
benefits cases of DOT/BSNL pensioners - <<<<Click
here for letter>>>>
15.09.2014: GS
writes to
Shri A.N. RAI,
Chairman-cum-Managing Director, BSNL
regarding request for implementation of
notional pay fixation w.e.f. 1.10.2000
for the executives’ of
Civil/Electrical/Architecture/PA/PS and
equivalent cadres in the field units of
<<<<Click here for letter>>>>
All BSNL officers and officials have
been safely evacuated from flooded CTO
building , CSC building and W/B building
in Lalchowk area to safer places.
12.09.2014: GS,
AGS(HQ), Advisor (HQ) and GS, VP AIGETOA
met GM (SR) and discussed regarding
(a) Review meeting
on pending HR issues already discussed
in the formal meeting with AIBSNLEA &
expressed our serious concern against
non-settlement of the pending HR issues
already discussed in the formal and
informal meetings with AIBSNLEA and
AIGETOA. Record of discussion were also
issued after the formal meetings. GM
(SR) appreciated our concern and assured
that he will discuss the matter with CMD
BSNL and fix-up a review meeting in this
regard shortly.
(b) Membership
verification of Executive Associations:
GM (SR) mentioned that court case on
this issue is being dealt by KTK Circle
at Bangalore High court for vacation of
stay order. However, he assured for
declaration of voter list and process of
secret voting. He also advised that all
the Executive Associations should abide
with the provisions of their
Associations Constitution and BSNL
Recognition Rules to participate in the
membership verification to avoid
12.09.2014: GS,
FS, AGS (HA) and Advisor (HQ) attended
the meeting convened by Addl. GM (Pers.)
on the issues of inter-se-seniority of
employees on merger of BSNL and MTNL.
Forum seriously requested against such
meetings even without the discussion at
top level on merger of BSNL and MTNL and
addressing the concern of BSNL employees
on financial , disinvestment and HR
issues. GM (Pers), GM (Estt) GM
(Restructuring), Addl. GM (Pers) and Sr.
GM(HR) MTNL, Addl. GM(Admn) MTNL were
present from Management side along with
the representatives of all BSNL Unions/
12.09.2014: GS,
Advisor(HQ) attended the meeting of
forum of BSNL Unions and Associations
wherein it is decided that all BSNL
Executives and Non Executives will
donate day salary in PM relief fund to
held the J&K state flood affected
people. Also decided that forum will
oppose the merger of BSNL & MTNL unless
the issues raised by forum on financial,
technical and HR matters are not
resolved. M/s Deloitee's recommendations
will also be will also be opposed.
In the next
forum meeting shortly the decision for
indefinite strike will be taken to
oppose the above issues
. All the members
are requested to implement the decision
of forum in true spirit.
The meeting of the Forum of BSNL Unions
Associations held today, 12 September,
2014 and decided to call upon BSNL
employees to donate one day basic salary
to the relief of J&K people who are
facing worst disaster and calamity.
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
(i) Calling for
volunteers ( DE / SDE / AO / JTO ) at
new locations of Fixed line IN Platforms
at Pune / Chandigarh -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
(ii) Posting of
additional number of SDEs to ITPC for
ERP roll out project and IN Services
<<<Click here for letter>>>
GS, FS, Advisor (North), Circle
President & Circle Secretary Rajasthan
Circle met GM (FP) and requested to
expedite CPCs from JAO to AO and AO to
CAO. GM (FP) informed that the proposal
for JAO to AO CPC has been sent to Pers.
Cell for clearance as advised by them
and thereafter it will be sent to the
CMD BSNL for the approval. The
approval of 230 AO to CAO CPC has been
received from the competent
authority and shortly the CPC will be
initiated. We also requested to take the
approval of filling-up of 335 CAOs posts
of MT quota as already cleared by BSNL
MC on Adhoc basis.
GS, Advisor (HQ), Circle President &
Circle Secretary Rajasthan Circle met ED
(Finance) and invited her as guest of
honor in the Circle Conference of
AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle being held in
GS, Circle President & Circle Secretary
Rajasthan Circle met Director (CM) and
discussed regarding the performance of
Rajasthan Circle wherein Director (CM)
expressed his concern against the
Negative growth in Rajasthan Circle in
mobiles segment. Also discussed
regarding the flood condition of Jammu &
Kashmir Circle. Director (CM) mentioned
with the best efforts of our staff 49
BTSs have become operative and the
services have started. Our Staff even
without taking food for the last two
days have worked day & night. Now food
is made available to all the employees
in difficult areas. We also invited him
as Chief Guest in the Circle Conference
of Rajasthan Circle being held in
11.09.2014: GS,
Advisor (North), Circle President &
Circle Secretary Rajasthan Circle met
CMD BSNL and discussed:-
CPC from JAO to AO:
We requested for his kind approval to
fill-up the vacant Posts of AOs by
expediting the CPC from JAO to AO. CMD
BSNL after some discussions assured to
look into the matter.
from AO to CAO:
CMD mentioned that he has already given
approval today to initiate CPC from AO
to CAO. We extended thanks for the
of HR issues in BSNL Board as cleared by
mentioned that the presentation on HR
plan and BSNL revival plan has been
given to the BSNL Board and now the
concern sections may process the
proposal as per new HR Plan for approval
to the Board. However, he assured to
look into the matter. He also
mentioned that BSNL Board is much
concern about the growth of revenue of
BSNL and now all HR issues settlement
depends upon the viability of BSNL.
meeting on the pending HR issues already
discussed in the formal meeting on
We expressed our concern against
non-settlement of the long pending HR
issues already discussed in the formal
meeting. CMD assured to direct GM (SR)
to convene a review meeting with
AIBSNLEA at the earliest.
BSNL Corporate Office issued letter
regarding incomplete ACRs w.r.t. preparatory
work for ensuing CPC for promotion to
DGM (Adhoc) -
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE –<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate Office
names in DET Regular promotion order
issued on 20/08/2014
<<<Click here for
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office
names in JAO Regular promotion order
issued on 30.12.2009
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
regular promotion to the Executives in
AGM/DE - regarding correction in the
promotion orders - case of Shri
Debashish Das of West Bengal.
<<<Click here for
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regardingrequests
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
Accounts Personnel -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The ED (Finance),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
representation from Shri Despande
Vijendra Raghuwir, DE, J & K Circle HR
No. 198405159 regarding Correction in DE
Promotion list issued on 20.8.2014-
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.) ,
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
representation from Shri Hanumanthapp
Bajari, DE, Punjab Circle HR No.
199307157 regarding Correction in DE
Promotion list issued on 20.8.2014-
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.), BSNL
Corporate Office regarding
representation from Shri T.
RadhaKrishnan, Staff No. 35785, AGM
Kerala Circle & Shri R. Prakesh, Staff
No. 30919 regarding correction of HR Nos
in the DE Regular Promotion order issued
on 20.08.2014 -
<<<Click here for
GS writes to
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE -
Click here for letter>>>
GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests
for transfer/modification in transfer
orders in the Cadre of SDE-
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers),BSNL
Corporate Office, regarding
requests for
missing names in
DET Regular promotion order issued on
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
Accounts Personnel -
Click here for letter>>>
The PGM (BW.),
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
SDE (Civil) -
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Estt.),
BSNL Corporate Office
regarding requests for
transfer/retention in the Cadre of JTO -<<
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
requested for transfer / modification
in promotion orders in the cadre of AGM/DET
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.)BSNL
Corporate Office,
regarding requests from Shri
Shamsundar B. Joshi, SDE (QA), HR No.
198701933 Goa regarding Correction in DE
Promotion list issued on 20.8.2014-
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office,
regarding requests
from Smt. Usha S. Pillai HR No.
198002206 for grant of ACP w.e.f.
05.05.2004 and subsequent up-gradation
w.e.f. 05.05.2009 under EPP -
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.)BSNL
Corporate Office, regarding requests
from Smt. S. Savitri Iyer PS to Sr. GM (NOP-III)
CM o/o the CGMT MP Circle for grant of
ACP w.e.f. 01.01.2004 and subsequent
up-gradation under EPP -<<
Click here for letter>>>
GM (Pers.)BSNL
Corporate Office regarding requested
from Shri Ravindra Kumar JTO, HR No.
200701480 regarding conduction of LDCE
from JTO ( T) to SDE (T) year wise as
per CAT Chandigarh direction dated
19.05.2011 as early as possible –
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office,regarding
requested representation from Shri
Bhagwan Singh, SDE, Rajasthan Telecom
Circle regarding the issue of seniority
of LDCE 2002 cleared candidates i.e.
List No. 6 and 7 in view of the Hon'ble
Supreme Court judgment dated 12.08.2014
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding
requested retention
of DEs who are transferred out of
Maharashtra on Regular promotion –<<
Click here for letter>>>
ED (Finance)
BSNL Corporate Office, regarding request
for retention in MP Telecom Circle in
the cadre of DGM (Finance) – regarding
the case of Shri T.R. Deharia of MP
Telecom Circle.-<<
Click here for letter>>>
The ED (Finance)BSNL
Corporate Office, regarding
request for promotion from AO to the
grade of Sr. AO & Time Bound / Post
based promotions fro Gr."B" level
officers - case of Shri Badal Chandra
Mandal, Staff No. 89535 of Jharkhand
Telecom Circle.-<<
Click here for letter>>>
met ED(Fin) Smt. Sujata Ray and
discussed regarding :
(a) CPC from JAO to AO:
We requested to expedite CPC from JAO to
AO to fill-up about 1800 vacant AO Posts
to cover JAO-2010 batch candidates also.
ED(Fin.) assured that she will take up
the proposal with CMD BSNL for approval
to expedite CPC from JAO to AO shortly .
(b) CPC from AO
to CAO:- We
requested to fill up about 250 CAO
Posts of seniority quota on regular
basis and about 335 CAOs(MT quota) posts
on Adhoc basis on the basis of BSNL
MSRRs. ED(Fin.) assured to take up the
matter with CMD BSNL to initiate CPC
from AO To CAO.
(c) CPC from CAO
Adhoc to CAO Regular:-
ED(Fin.) informed
that the competent authority has allowed
to conduct CPC from CAO Adhoc to CAO
regular. About 223 VCRs from CVO office
have been received and remaining about
177 VCRs will also be received shortly.
FS met GM(Pers) and discussed the
following issues :
(a) Consideration of request for
modification / cancellation of transfer
cases of DEs on promotion (Lady
Executives), SDEs who have service left
2 and half years :-
We requested to consideration for
modification /retention of the D.Es
transfers orders on promotion i.e. lady
executives in the parent Circle and the
SDEs who have services left for 2
and half years and have been
transferred out of the Circles without
considering their seniority . GM(Pers)
mentioned that some lady executives
transfer cases are being examined and
the SDEs who are completing 58 years age
on 31st March 2015 have been posted out
circles as policy . we further pleaded
that how these DEs will be posted back
to their parent Circles on completion of
two years period? GM (Pers) mentioned
that all DEs requests will be considered
after 2 years positively and he has
personally spoken to all the CGMs for
giving posting to DEs in the main cities
instead of remote area .
(b) CPC
from JTO (T)to SDE (T):-
We requested for early conduction of
the CPC form JTO to SDE. GM(Pers)
mentioned that the court case in the hon'ble CAT Ernakulam
bench has been posted for hearing on 9th
October 2014 in case the stay is vacated
CPC will be expedited.
(c) LDCE from JTO
(T) to SDE(T):-
we requested for early notification of
LDCE from JTO(T) to SDE(T) covering JTO
2007 complete batch . GM(Pers.)
mentioned that the suggestion given by
our association to consider JTO 2007
compete batch in LDCE has been
considered and shortly LDCE will be
notified .
(d) CPC
from DE to DGM(Adhoc ):-
We requested to expedite CPC from DE to
DGM(Adhoc).GM(Pers) mentioned that some
ACRs and VCRs are still awaited from
Circles and CVO respectively . He
assured an early action in this regard.
(e) CPC
from DGM (Adhoc) to DGM (Regular):-
We requested to conduct early CPC for
promotion from DGM(Adhoc) to
DGM(Regular) : GM(Pers) mentioned that
the CPC is under final stage and orders
will be issued shortly.
(f) HR
issues cleared by BSNL MC pending for
approval of BSNL Board: -
GM (Pers
)mentioned that some HR issues cleared
by BSNL MC are yet to be approved by
BSNL board . govt directors has asked
presentation on HR policy and revival of
BSNL thereafter only they will allow
discusion on pending HR issues. The main
HR issues cleared by BSNL MC are i.e.
Modification of BSNL MSRR of EE (C/E/Arch.),SDE
RR 2014, Time bound promotion from E-5
to E-6 to DGMs and JTO RR 2014 etc. GM (Pers.)
assured to take up these issues in the
next BSNL Board meeting.
(g) Consideration of Request Transfers
on Immunity ground of DEs on
We requested to
consider immunity from transfer on DEs
promotion to the eligible office bearers
as per BSNL recognition rule 2014. GM(Pers
) advised to take up the matter with
GM(SR) and CMD, BSNL for ratification.
Creation of PPS posts in field units :-
we requested for creation of PPS posts
in the field units of BSNL . GM(pers )
informed that a committee under the
chairmanship of Shri M.C. Chaubey, ED(CN)
and the members Smt. Madhu Arora
GM(Restg.), Smt.Smita Choudhary GM(EF)
and Shri Deepak Agarwal Addl. GM(pers.)
is the Convenor of the Committee. He
assured an early action in this regard.
Restructuring of AD(OL) cadre :-
GM(Pers.) confirmed that the comments of
GM(Estt.) has been received and shortly
it will be examined and send to
Competent Authority for consideration.
(j) LDCE
from JTO(TF) to SDE(TF):-
We requested to conduct LDCE from JTO(TF)
to SDE(TF) since the syllabus has not
yet been finalised. GM(Pers. ) assured
an early action in this regard.
, FS, met Director (CM) BSNL Sh. Anupam
Shrivastava and discussed regarding:-
The current floods in the J&K State and
in particular in Kashmir valley. is the
worst in last 109 years. The situation
is very grim in Kashmir valley due to
devastating floods. Almost all low
laying areas are submerged in flood &
water about 10-20 feet.
Exchange staff is confined in their
equipment and in their quarters for last
5 days without any food and other
essential commodities.
The recent operation though already
started by army authorities in
co-ordination with other Central
agencies. BSNL Management should concern
about the welfare and safety of the
staff held up due to flood in Kashmir
valley. The whole situation has been
apprised to CMD regarding in date
evacuation of all the staff to secured
zones in addition to providing the
relief operation by providing food ,
shelter, tents and beddings to all
affected people in Barzulla exchange
area. However the staff of J&K put their
utmost and restored mobile, Broadband
and Landline services in part of
Srinagar area in Barzulla exchange vide
OCB exchange and one Barzulla BSC has
been activated and put to service.
Director (CM) immediately spoke to Sh.
Mufti, DGM Srinagar & Sh. D.K. Agarwal ,GMTD
Srinagar and discussed the prevailing staff condition and
Telecom Services restoration. They
apprised him in detail the situation and
informed that even they could not get
food for the last two days. However, NDRF helicopter have provided some food
packets but not sufficient . They also
asked to depute some technical staff to
restore the services. Director(CM)
immediately spoke to Shri Sudharkar,
CGMT J & K Circle and directed to
arrange food packets, fruit, bakery
items to the BSNL staff from Jammu and
depute some technical staff to Srinagar
immediately through Army helicopter ,
NDRF helicopter or boat.
Director CM assured that management is
taking care of the staff and restoration of
services we assured him our fullest
FS met GM (FP) and discussed regarding:-
CPC from JAO to
AO: -
We further requested to expedite CPC
from JAO to AO to fill-up about
1800 vacant AO Posts to cover JAO-2010
batch candidates also. GM (FP) mentioned
that proposal in this line has also been
prepared and will be submitted to CMD
BSNL by tomorrow for approval. After
getting the approval of CMD BSNL the CPC
from JAO to AO will be expedited. It is
learnt that some people are spreading
news that AIBSNLEA is opposing promotion
of JAO-2010 batch which is totally
incorrect and base less AIBSNLEA efforts
are always for timely promotion against
vacant posts in all the cadres.
CPC from AO to CAO:-
We requested for the approval of the
competent Authority to fill up about 250
CAO Posts of seniority quota on regular
basis and about 335 CAOs(MT quota) posts
on Adhoc basis on the basis of BSNL
MSRRs. GM(FP) assured that these
proposals will also be discussed with
CMD BSNL by tomorrow itself for approval
to initiate CPC.
CPC from CAO Adhoc to CAO Regular:-
mentioned that 223 VCRs from CVO office
have been received and remaining about
177 VCRs will also be received shortly.
He assured that he will discuss the
matter with GM (SR) Chairman CPC
tomorrow to expedite CPC.
AGS (Finance) met GM (SR) and discussed
Announcement of the procedure of secret
voting on Membership Verification of
Executive Association: -
mentioned that matter is under
consideration of Committee to finalize
the process of secret voting at the
earliest. Also the Court Case at
Bangalore is being handled by Karnataka
Telecom Circle and will be sorted out
Affairs of Kerala Telecom Circle:-
expressed our concern regarding
non-consideration of request transfer
cases of the Executives who have
completed more than 2-3 Years services
at one station of Kerala Telecom Circle
and has applied for request transfer to
their choice stations. GM (SR) mentioned
that matter is being examined and CGMT
Kerala Circle will certainly
discuss the Circle transfer policy with
AIBSNLEA to consider the request
transfer Cases.
(c) CPC from
SDE to DE:-
GM (SR) chairman CPC informed that the
left out cases presented by Pers. Cell
for CPC of regular DEs have been
considered and CPC has been completed.
Hence, shortly again some left out DEs
promotion orders will be issued.
AGS (Finance) met DDG (Estt) DoT and
discussed regarding SCOVA meeting held
on 5.9.2014 and the status of 78.2% IDA
pay fixation case of BSNL pensioners.
DDG (Estt.) informed that DoT informed
to SCOVA meeting that the clarifications
on 78.2% pay fixation have been
submitted to DoE and the reply
/clearance from DoE is still awaited.
DoE didn't submit any reply on this
issue to SCOVA meeting. However, he
assured to issue reminder to DoE on this
Clarification of DoP & T on Hon'ble CAT
bench Chandigarh on JAO to AO promotion
for implementation of SC/ST roaster. DDG
(Estt.) assured that he will find out
the status and will inform us
met concern officers of CVO BSNL C.O.
and discussed regarding issuing VCRs to
SEA cell on CAO Adhoc to CAO regular
promotion. it is informed that 223 CAOs
VCRs have been given to the SEA cell and
about 177 CAOs VCRs will also be
issued shortly after getting some
clarifications and revised VCRs from
Circles since some VCRS expired recently
They assured an early action in this
Advisor (HQ) & CS Delhi Circle met CGM "NTR"
and CGM "NTP" New Delhi and discussed
regarding Kashmir flood and restoration
of Telecom services. We also requested
to provide all possible help to the BSNL
employees residing / serving in the
worst flood affected areas. CGM "NTP"
mentioned that he has already directed
his staff to extend all possible help to
“NTR” Circle and J & K Circle in
restoring the services at the earliest.
CGM "NTR" mentioned that today morning
our staff has been taken to Srinagar (J
& K) from Jammu by the army helicopters
and the efforts are being made to
restore the services today itself. They
assured all possible help to the
employees working in J & K Circle.
We also requested for early posting
order on promotion as DEs in NTR & NTP.
They assured an early action in this
on the special Joint General Body
Meeting of AIBSNLEA &
AIGETOA of Bhopal SSA held on 2nd
September 2014:A
special Joint General Body Meeting of
organised on 2nd September
2014 at the Umang Hall, Hotel Rajhans
Regent near ISBT Chetak Bridge Bhopal.
The meeting was attended by Com. Ravi
Shil Verma, the President, CHQ, AIGETOA.
Com. Prahlad Rai, General Secretray,
AIBSNLEA and Com. R.P. Shahu, General
Secretary, AIGETOA alongwith other
CHQ/Circle/District Office Bearers of
both the Associations. in the
meeting.inspite of working day & reumour
spread by miscreants of opposition that
meeting is cancelled due to rains, the
hall was packed to capacity. Organising
Secretary, District Secretary, AIBSNLEA
Ujjain, District Secreatry, AIBSNLEA
Vidisha & active members from
Hoshangabad & Raisen were also present
in the meeting.
The meeting
started with the welcome address by
Circle President AIBSNLEA MP Com.
H.M.Bajpai. He welcome the participants
& outline the activities of MP Circle.
In his address
Circle Com. Gautam informed the house
about the activities of association &
Joint Cordination Committee formed at
Circle Level. He stressed & appealed all
the district bodies to form Coordination
Committees at SSA level. He also assured
for joint tours by circle office bearers
in the days to come. He strees for the
unity of both the associations & work
hard for the coming mendiate. He thanked
both the GS & All India President
AIGETOA for attending the Joint Special
Circle Com. Parwez Khan in his address
thanked All India President AIGETOA Com.
.Ravi Sheel Verma & both the General
Secretaries for resolving the long
pending issues of MP Circle Executives
in a meeting held with CGMT MP Circle.
He thanked the CHQ of both the
Associations for signing the historical
The way in which 2300 DEs (Regular)
promotions list released during our CWC
meet shows the commitment & strength &
hold of our GS in corporate office. On
behalf of all the officers got
promotion, he sincerely thanked the GS.
He Thanked GS for his efforts for
getting released 131 DGM (Finance) Adhoc
to DGM (Finance) regular promotion.
He also outlined
the efforts of GS for getting issued
early promotion orders
of DGM(Finance/Adhoc) to DGM(Finance/Regular)
since all the VCRs from CVO office has
been received in SEA cell.
He also informed
about our CHQ who is making all efforts
for getting approval of BSNL Board
regarding diversion of 336 CAOs MT quota
posts to the Seniority Quota so that CPC
from AO to CAO can be initiated.
He thanked GS for
creating a history by getting released
the 2300 DE promotion list. He also
outlined the efforts of GS in his
efforts for CPC from JAO to AO to fill
up about 1800 vacant posts of AOs. He
requested GS to consider the demand of
2010 JAO's for considering their name in
DPC. He stressed upon the unity of both
the association & said that we are not
1+1=2 but are 1&1 that is 11. .He
assureed the house for joint tours along
with the Circle office bearers of both
the association to mobilise the members
& get Number One position.
In an energetic
speech, AIGETOA General Secretary Com.
R.P. Shahu outlined the activities of
CHQ & stressed upon the unity of both
the associations. He appreciated the
working of Com. Prahlad Rai & thanked
him in the way the historical MOU is
signed. He appealed all the nembers of
both the association to work hard & not
only get the mandate for number one
position but to create no scope for
second association.
In his speech
Shri.Ravi Shil Verma, All India
President AIGETOA also stressed to work
hard to get number one position in the
coming elections .He welcomed the MOU
signed by both the association &
appreciated the organisers for arranging
the Joint Spl.General Body Meeting of
both the association in Bhopal in a very
short notice.
In his address General Secretary
AIBSNLEA Com. Prahlad Rai thanked all
the participants & organisers for
arranging Joint Spl.General Body Meeting
of both the association in Bhopal in a
very Short notice. He outlined all the
issues & their progress in corporate
office. Regarding CPC from JAO to AO, he
informed that he has requested ED (F) to
expedite CPC from JAO to AO to fill up
about 1800 vacant posts of AOs. & got
assurance from ED (F) for taking
clearance from the Competent Authority
for issuing the promotion order from JAO
to AO shortly.
Regarding VCRs to CAO (Regular),
DE(Regular) and DGM (Engg.) Adhoc
Promotions, our association is making
all efforts & requested CVO for sending
the VCRs for the CPCs of 400 CAO
(Regular), 200 DE(Regular) left out
cases, and 480 DGM (Engg) Adhoc
Promotions. All efforts are being made
to collect the VCRs from circles.
GS informed the
house for his efforts for getting
released 131 DGM (Finance) Adhoc to DGM
(Finance) regular promotion.
He is making all
efforts for getting issued early
promotion orders of DGM(Finance/Adhoc)
to DGM(Finance/Regular) since all the
VCRs from CVO office has been received
in SEA cell . Regarding CPC from AO to
CAO he informed that we are making all
efforts for getting approval of BSNL
Board regarding diversion of 336 CAOs MT
quota posts to the Seniority Quota so
that CPC from AO to CAO can be
Regarding 30%
Superannuation benefit to the BSNL
recruited employees as per DPE
guidelines he informed that the matter
is pending with ED(Finance). We will be
discussing with the competent authority
shortly for further necessary action.
Regarding E2 and E3 standard IDA pay
scales to the JTOs and SDE equivalent
executives he said that the
clarification from DPE on E1A and E2A
pay scales has been received and shortly
it will be put up to the competent
authority for further necessary action.
Regarding merger
of Civil/Electrical/Arch. wings with
SSAs he said that we are strongly
protesting against the merger of
Civil/Electrical/Arch. wings executives
at SSA level beacuse one Executive
Engineer will be reporting to one SSA
Head and will work for 4-5 SSAs, which
will adversely affect day to day work of
all the SSAs and CE/SE will not have any
control on these executives directly. On
this issue, we had met ED(NB) who told
that he has already submitted a proposal
to CMD, BSNL to stop this merger in view
of practical difficulties.
Regarding consideration of Para 8 transfers of
JTOs from hard tenure circles he
informed that about 60-70 JTOs, circles
have already considered para-8 transfers
but the hard tenure circles are yet to
consider in view of shortage. AIBSNLEA
consistent efforts yielded result in
getting released order regarding
Modification in the guidelines in
transfer to Soft Tenure areas in BSNL
He also informed the house & his
tiredless efforts for:
1. Implementation of CPSU cadre
hierarchy - Change of designations
oneach Time Bound upgradation on
functional basis
2. First time bond promotion after
4 years' service in all the cases
3. Date of effect of Implementation
of revised IDA Pay Scales for the
Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000
4. One time placement of SDE to Sr.
5. Settlement of Pay anomaly cases
wherein senior Executives are drawing
less pay than their juniors
6. Amendment in BSNL MSRRs allowing
Diploma holders to the promotion
of EE
7. Time Bound Promotion to DGMs
from E-5 to E-6 grade promoted from
Group-‘B' cadres.
8. Implementation of E-2 and E-3
IDA pay scales of JTO and SDE equivalent
9. Serious anomalies in the TES Gr.
B officers' seniority lists
11. 30% Superannuation benefits to
directly recruited employees as per DPE
guidelines and EPF statements.
12. Restoration of pay cut of JTOs
and their victimization
13. CPCs to fill up the vacant JAG,
STS Group ‘A' & Group ‘B' Grade posts in
BSNL on adhoc/ Regular basis
14. Allowing option to departmental
JAOs who joined after 07.05.2010
15. Withdrawal of the system/practice
of Local Officiating Arrangement or
Local Officiating Promotion in BSNL and
Introduction of Look After arrangement
by Executives
16. Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre
17. Regularization of offg. JTOs
18. Pay anomaly case of DR-JTO 2007 &
2009 batches.
19. E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD),
JAOs 2013 batch and Pas
20. Two weeks of training to
executives whose pay is upgraded and on
every promotion under EPP
21. Grievances of PA/ Stenographers'
cadre - Post based promotions for P.A/P.S,
Common Recruitment Rules & Nomenclature,
Introduction of Promotion Policy for
Stenos (Dying cadre)
22. Proper implementation of transfer
policy in all disciplines of BSNL.
23. Inordinate delay in settlement of
disciplinary cases
24. Improvement in the revised policy
for service GSM, RSTC & Broadband
25. Special drive for recruitment of
JTO's/ JAO's for tenure circles
26. Arbitrary recommendations of M/s
27. Proper Pay Fixation of LICE JTOs
Deptt.-Cum-Outsiders and One advance
increment benefit
28. Membership verification of
Executives Association in BSNL.
29. Implementation of DPE order for
payment of 78.2% IDA fitment benefit
w.e.f. 01.01.2007 for BSNL Pensioners
Vote of thanks was given by Circle
President AIGETOA Comd.Pawan Akhand.The
metting was well anchored by Shri.Anil
Khosle an active member of AIGETOA.
on the special Joint General Body
Meeting of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA of Vidisha
SSA held on 2nd September
In the afternoon All India President
Com Prahlad Rai, GS AIGETOA Com R.P
Shahu along with CP & CS of AIBSNLEA &
AIGETOA attended the Joint GB of Vidisha
SSA. It was very well organized by
District Secretary AIBSNLEA Shri Narayan
Pd. Sharma. Almost all the executives of
Vidisha SSA were present in the Circuit
House at Sanchi.
<<<Click here for
Glimpses of Joint Meeting>>>>
J&K Suffering with worst
spoke to J&K circle secretary Com R.J.
Kaw and discussed regarding suffering of
J&K with worst floods. Com R.J. Kaw
confirmed that situation due to worst
floods is extremely bad in the J&K
state; communication; Road and Power are
badly affected. Thousands of people are
stringent in worst affected flood areas.
Health and food is affecting adversely.
For immediate restoration of
communication in the J&K valley our
executives and non executives will go
tomorrow morning to Srinagar and other
towns by army helicopters for the
restoration of Telecom services. They
will provide food, milk, etc to our
employees who are held up in flood
areas. We assured that everybody is with
them to face this national calamity. Com
GS also discussed with Com VAN
Namboodari, convener, Forum of BSNL
Unions and Associations to extend all
possible help to J&K circle comrades in
restoring the telecom services. Com
Namboodari informed that he has already
spoken to CMD BSNL to provide all
possible help to J&K circle.
08.09.2014: GS
met Addl GM(Pers) and discussed
from DGM(Adhoc) to DGM(Regular ) :
We requested to expedite CPC from
DGM(Adhoc) to DGM(Regular). Addl
GM(Pers) mentioned that about 25
DGM(Adhoc) to DGM(Regular) cases are
cleared for promotion by CPC, the
posting's on promotion are being
finalized. Some Executives having more
than 3 years of service may be
transferred as DGM Regular to other
Circles. We requested not to transfer
DGMs on Adhoc to Regular Promotion.
from DE to DGM :
Addl GM (Pers) mentioned that CPC work
is in progress but could not be
expedited due to non-receipt of ACRs/VCRs
from Circles.
from SDE to DE ( Regular) left out
cases :
Addl GM (Pers) informed that CPC from
SDE to DE(Regular) is on for the left
out cases and shortly promotion order
will be issued.
of PPS Posts and ACP benefit to PA/PS
cadre in Kerala Circle :
we requested to take an early action for
creation of PPS Posts and ACP benefit to
PA/PS Cadre in Kerala Circle. Addl
GM(Pers) mentioned that a committee to
examine creation of PPS posts in field
units will be constituted at the
earliest and the decision on ACP benefit
to PA/PS Cadre as per Hon'ble Court
Judgment, decision will be taken
of AD(OL) Cadre :
Addl GM(Pers) informed that the comments
of Estt Cell, BSNL CO has been
received and the case will be further
processed for necessary action.
08.09.2014: GS
met GM(FP) and discussed regarding
from JAO to AO :
We requested to expedite CPC from JAO to
AO. GM(FP) mentioned that as suggested
by Pers Cell, BSNL CO the proposal is
being prepared today itself which will
be sent to the competent authority for
approval . After the approval of the
competent authority the promotion orders
from JAO to AO will be issued within one
week time, since scrutiny work of ACRs
/ VCRs has already been completed. He
assured an early action in this regard.
from AO to CAO :
We requested to initiate CPC from AO
to CAO on the basis of existing BSNL MS
RR 2009. The BSNL Management Committee
has already cleared the proposal of SEA
Cell for diversion of 335 MT Quota CAO
Posts to the Seniority Quota which
needs approval of BSNL Board but on one
pretext or the other, the Board is not
clearing the HR issues. In view of
this 335 MT Quota CAO Posts may be
filled up on Adhoc basis and 250 CAO
Posts of Seniority Quota on Regular
basis as per BSNL MS RR 2009 provisions
immediately, hence the executives are
not put in loss in their pay fixation
since their time bound promotion is due
in October, 2014 under EPP. GM(FP)
assured to discuss the matter with the
competent authority to initiate CPC.
of request transfer cases for
retention/modification/cancellation of
AOs / CAOs / DGM(Finance) on immunity
ground: We
requested for consideration of request
transfer cases of AOs / CAOs /
DGM(Finance) on immunity ground . GM(FP)
assured to examine all pending cases.
08.09.2014: GS writes to Shri
Ravi Shankar Prasad,Hon'ble MOC&IT
regarding Filling up the vacant posts of
CMD, BSNL, Director (HR), and Director
(Finance) of BSNL.<<
Click here for letter>>>
08.09.2014: GS
writes to Shri A.N.Rai CMD,
BSNL regarding Undue delay in
Finalization of JTO RR - 2014 and
Regularization of Officiating JTOs -
Reluctance of the BSNL Board to endorse
formal approval.
Click here for letter>>>
from JAO to AO:
We requested to expedite CPC from
JAO to AO and apprised her about our
discussion held with GM(Pers) and CMD
BSNL for clearance to expedite the CPC.
ED (Finance) assured that she will first
discuss the matter with GM(Pers.) and if
required with CMD BSNL for issuing the
promotion order at the earliest.
from AO to CAO:
We requested to
discuss the matter for diversion of MT
quota CAO posts to the seniority quota
as per BSNL MSRR existing provision
instead of waiting the BSNL Board
approval. ED (Finance) assured to
discuss the proposal with CMD BSNL for
early promotion orders.
of some CAOs transfer orders on medical
and family problems:
ED (Finance) assured to look into the
05.09.2014: GS,
Circle President TN Circle met ED(NB)
and discussed regarding consideration of
some request transfer orders of SDEs/EEs(Civil/Electrical/Arch./TF).
ED(NB) assured to examine the cases and
early transfer orders.
05.09.2014: Matter
of seniors drawing less pay than their
AIBSNLEA filed an IA for impleadment
as party respondent in the Hon'ble
Supreme Court of India in SLP (C) No.
7716 of 2013 in the matter of BSNL & Anr.
Vs M. Sethu Madhaban as the Applicant is
the Association of Executives of all
over India in BSNL and its members also
even though seniors drawing less salary
than juniors and are victim of anomaly
arose in their case. BSNL and Anrs have
filed an SLP in the Hon'ble Supreme
Court of India against the final
judgment and order dated 10.07.2012
passed by the Hon'ble High Court of
Kerala at Ernakulam in O.P. (C.A.T.) No.
1576 of 2012 filed by the BSNL against
the judgment and order dated 07.12.2012
passed by Hon'ble CAT, Ernakulam in O.A.
109 of 2011.
05.09.2014: Grant
of benefit of fixation of pay under FR
22(1)(a)(i) to all Officiating JTOs:Today,
AIBSNLEA filed an OA before the
Central Administrative Tribunal,
Principal Bench, New Delhi against the
BSNL and others in not extending the
benefits of the order passed by Hon'ble
CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi dated
26.08.2010 in O.A. No. 1282 of 2010
further confirmed by the order of the
Hon'ble High Court of Delhi dated
13.01.2012 passed in Writ Petition (C)
No. 243 of 2012 which was further
confirmed by the order of the Hon'ble
Supreme Court dated 20.02.2013 passed in
the S.L.P. (C) No. 4583 of 2012 by which
all the courts have held that the
Applicants are entitled to get the
benefits of fixation of pay and
allowance under FR 22(1)(a)(i) as
admissible to JTOs since all the
applicants have been officiating on the
post of JTOs for the last more than 8 to
10 years. It is prayed that the
Respondents i.e. BSNL be directed to
extend the benefits of all the
association passed in OA No. 1282/2010
including the order passed in CP No.
515/2013 as the Applicants are similarly
situated officiating JTOs in different
Circles. Thus the benefits of the said
orders be extended to all the
Officiating JTOs in all circles of
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
regarding regular Promotion to the
Executives in AGM/DE of Telecom
Operation Stream in the IDA Scale of pay
of Rs. 29100-54500/=
<<<Click here for
<<<Click here for
Circle President Tamilnadu Circle and
President AIGETOA met CMD BSNL and
(a) 2303 DEs
regular Promotion: We
extended thanks for issuing 2303 DEs
regular promotion orders. We requested
that about 1700 DEs were already working
on Adhoc basis and about 600 SDEs have
been promoted as DE regular. Out of the
600 DEs about 250 DEs including the lady
executives have been transferred to
distant Circles. Due to the distant
station postings, these DEs will be
facing difficulties in maintaining their
family and health condition in the age
of 56-57 years. CMD mentioned that the
postings have been made as per the
available vacancy positions. However, he
assured to examine the lady executive's
cases sympathetically.
CPC from JAO to AO:
CMD mentioned that GM(FP) brought the
case for approval to expedite the CPC
but in view of Court judgment Pers. Cell
has been asked to examine the case. He
assured that shortly approval for
promotions will be given.
(c) CPC
from AO to CAO:
We requested for allowing diversion of
335 MT quota CAO Posts to the seniority
quota as cleared by BSNL MC without
waiting for BSNL Board approval which is
being delayed. We further requested that
CPC should be allowed as per the
existing promotion policy of BSNL MSRRs
for MT Posts utilization. CMD assured to
look into the matter.
relieving of JTOs /TTAOs working on
deputation basis:
We expressed our serious concern against
such arbitrary order in the mid academic
session of relieving of JTOs/TTAs
working on deputation basis and
directing circle not to
recommend/forward the applications for
further extension/deputation. CMD
mentioned that in some Circles, some
JTOs/TTAs are working on deputation
without any further extension from BSNL
CO and parent Circles are pressing hard
for their relieving. Hence, the order
was issued for relieving. However, he
assured that applications for extension
of deputation or fresh deputation will
be considered.
Clearance of HR issues already cleared
by BSNL MC and pending for BSNL Board
approval i.e JTO RR -2014,
Diversion of 25 % MT quota CAO Posts to
seniority quota, Modifications in EE(C/E/Arch)
BSNL MSRRs, E-5 to E-6 grade time bound
promotions to DGMs, 5 increments to the
JTO (SRD), JAO-2013 batch and PAs etc.
CMD assured to look into the matter.
deduction and 30% superannuation benefit
to BSNL recruited employees:
CMD assured to discuss both the issues
with ED(Finance) shortly for an early
solution etc.
Circle President Tamilnadu circle and
President AIGETOA met GM(SR) and
of pay cut of executives during the
period of agitation:
We requested to give clarification to
some circles on Pay cut of executives
during agitation period for releasing
the pay. GM (SR.) assured to look into
the matter.
of the HR issues:
We requested for early settlement of the
long pending HR issues which have
already been discussed in the
formal/informal meetings. GM(SR) assured
that he will take the report on all
pending HR Issues from the concern units
of BSNL C.O. for early settlement.
verification of Executive Association-
GM(SR) mentioned that membership
verification has to take place as per
the schedule already notified. Regarding
court case at Bangalore, the efforts are
being made for an early hearing. The
modalities of voting process in
referendum will be shortly notified.
FS, AGS (HQ) and Circle President
Tamilnadu Circle met GM(FP) and
from JAO to AO:
GM(FP) informed that matter has been
discussed with GM(Pers.) for clearance
on SC/ST roster implementation and
information required by him has been
given. He assured an early action in
this regard.
from AO to CAO: GM(FP) mentioned that the matter will be
discussed with CMD BSNL for diversion of
335 MT quota CAO Posts to the seniority
quota as per BSNL MC approval. He
assured an early action in this regard.
of request of AOs transfer &
cancellation who are serving and have
already served in the hard/Soft tenure
GM(FP) assured to examine the cases
submitted by the association.
GS, AGS(HQ), Circle President (Tamilnadu)
Circle met GM(Pers.) and discussed:-
in posting order of DEs on Promotion:
We apprised GM(Pers.) regarding
modification of transfer orders on DE
promotion wherein DEs working on Adhoc
basis have been transferred to distant
circles against the policy decided. Also
requested for cancellation of transfer
orders of senior most lady executives
transferred to distant circles. GM (Pers.)
mentioned that in case if some error is
occurred in posting orders this will be
examined and suitable modification will
be issued. He also mentioned that some
lady executives transfer cases are being
from SDE (T) to DE of left out cases: GM(Pers.) mentioned that 29 DEs
promotion orders have already been
issued on Monday, about 48 DEs promotion
orders are being issued today and about
70 DEs promotion orders will be issued
within 2-3 days. He further mentioned
that VCRs of about 100 SDEs are still
awaited. However, he assured to issue
all left out DEs promotion orders
from DE to DGM Adhoc:
GM(Pers.) mentioned that ACRs/VCRs of
the eligible DEs are still awaited. He
expressed his concern that some DEs ACRs
are being delayed to see that CPC takes
place in the month of October-2014 only
after earning one increment benefit of
EPP in time bound promotion which is not
from JAO to AO:-
We requested for an early clearance to
SEA Cell for expediting the CPC from JAO
to AO on SC/ST roaster implementation.
GM (Pers.) mentioned that the matter is
being examined and shortly clearance
will be given to SEA Cell in this
Creation of PPS Posts in field units and
restructuring of AD(O/L) Cadre:
GM (Pers.) mentioned that the issue of
PPS Posts creation is under
consideration but it can't happen
immediately. Similarly the Committee
report on AD(O/L) Cadre restructuring is
still pending with GM (Estt.) therefore,
the matter may be taken up with GM(Estt.)
full JTO-2007 batch in LDCE:-
We requested for allowing complete
JTO-2007 batch in the ensuing LDCE to
avoid litigations. GM(Pers.) mentioned
that the matter is being examined in the
section and shortly decision will be
taken in this regard.
of Lokpal Lokyuktas ACT-2013: We pleaded that as per DOP&T order, it
is applicable to the Central Govt.
employees only but not to the PSU
employees. GM(Pers.) mentioned that
later on some orders have been received
for BSNL employees also hence, it is
implemented for BSNL employees also.
However, we will find out the order of
DOP&T further in this regard.
Joint Special General Body Meeting of
on 2nd Sept 2014 :Joint
Special General Body Meeting of AIBSNLEA
& AIGETOA held on 2nd Sept 2014 at Hotel
Rajhans Regent ISBT Bhopal, MP. Members
of both the Executive Associations of
Bhopal and nearby SSA like Vidisha,
Hoshangabad, Raisen, Shajapur, Ujjain,
Rajgarh etc attended the meeting. The
meeting was presided over by All India
President AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma.
Shri Prahlad Rai (GS AIBSNLEA), Shri R P
Shahu (GS AIGETOA) & Shri Pavan Akhand
present in the joint meeting from CHQ
side of both the Executive Associations.
Shri Prawez Khan, Advisor CHQ & CS
AIBSNLEA MP Circle, Shri H M
Bajpai, CP AIBSNLEA, MP Circle, Shri P N
Gautam and CS AIGETOA MP Circle were
also present from Circle side of both
the Executive Associations
<<<Click here for
Glimpses of Joint Meeting>>>>
The gathering was
addressed by CHQ & Circle leaders of
both associations. Apart from sharing
detail and status of various pending HR
issues all the CHQ Leaders on dias
pressed upon the unity and hard work in
view of the forthcoming referendum in
their address. They appealed that the
office bearers of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA at
Circle/District Level should immediately
form the coordination committees and
they should start touring for
mobilization, they assured for their
best to ensure that jointly AIBSNLEA &
AIGETOA should be the APEX association
in BSNL after referendum. It was
emphasized by the CHQ leaders that this
joint alliance of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA
should not only be the Apex Association
in referendum but also winning margin
should be such that there is no any
scope of second number association. The
motto of referendum and being number
association will be served in totality
only if there is
association in executive's cadre. We
must not only approach to the paid
members of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA but we
must also approach to all other
executives and appraise about vision and
mission of this alliance of AIBSNLEA &
AIGETOA so that winning margin can be
Shri Sachin Rawalkar, DP Circle Office
AIGETOA Bhopal extended the vote of
thanks. The function was organized by
Advisor CHQ & CS AIBSNLEA MP Shri Prawez
Khan and his team.
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
transfer/retention in the Cadre of DE -
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
transfer/retention in the Cadre of DE -
< Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
transfer/retention in the Cadre of DE -
< Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
considering in the DE Regular Promotion
- <<<
Click here for letter>>>
GS writes to
(i) The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE -<<<
Click here for letter>>>
(ii) The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(iii) The GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate Office
missing names in DET Regular promotion
order issued on 20/08/2014 <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(iv) The GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate Office
missing names in DET Regular promotion
order issued on 20/08/2014 <<<
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(vi) The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of SDE <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(vii) The ED (Finance),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(viii) The ED (Finance),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(ix) The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(x) The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of Accounts Personnel <<<
Click here for letter>>>
(xi) The ED (NB),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
representation from Shri D Murugaian,
SDE (P&D), Chennai TD to allocate
Tamilnadu on promotion due to medical
and humanitarian grounds <<<
Click here for letter>>>
GS writes to
The GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
missing names in DET Regular promotion
order issued on 20/08/2014 - Cases of
Karnataka Circle Executives
<<<Click here for
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for
posting/transfer/retention in the Cadre
of DE<<<
Click here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE
<<< Click here for
(iii) The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for posting/transfer/retention
in the Cadre of DE
<<< Click here for
(iv) The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding requests
for posting/transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE
<<< Click here for
(v) The GM (Pers),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
request for arranging reliever in the
Cadre of SDE
<<< Click here for
The ED (Finance),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
representation from Shri S. Bhaskara Rao,
AO, Andhra Pradesh for upgradation of
his APAR grading, Condonation of
Dies-non and Condonation of delay in
passing the screening test for Financial
<<< Click here for
(vii) The Director (HR),
BSNL Board regarding representation
from Shri M.G. Ladde, SDE, Maharashtra
Circle for incorrect assessment of my
CRs by DPC held on 2000 for promotion
from JTO to SDE(T) Cadre
<<< Click here for
(viiii) The GM (Admn.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding reimbursement
of medical bill for indoor Treatment –
Case of S. Swami Nathan, SDE, HR No.
198801748, Andhra Pradesh-<<<
Click here for letter>>>
(ix) The GM (FP),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
representation requesting for promotion
in the cadre of Accounts officer Regular
basic- case of Jagdish Chander Machhal,
JAO, Gujarat Telecom Circle-<<<
Click here for letter>>>
03.09.2014: GS,
AGS(HQ), Circle President TN Circle met
GM(SR) , DGM(SR) and discussed
CPC from SDE(T) to DE(T) Regular of left
out cases:
We requested to expedite the CPC from
SDE(T) to DE(T) Regular of the left out
cases at the earliest. GM(SR) the
chairman CPC mentioned that he is ceased
with the CPC work and shortly CPC will
be expedited of the left out cases.
Relieving of JTOs/TTAs working on
We expressed our serious concern against
the relieving of JTOs/TTAs working on
deputations cases from one circle to
other circles on request and in the
interest of service. GM(SR) mentioned
that he has discussed the matter with
GM(Estt.) after our discussion and
GM(Estt.) has appraised that the order
has been issued with reference to those
who have not been extended deputation by
the competent authority and withhold by
circles against the policy i.e. 5 years
from normal circles and 3 years from the
hard tenure circles. We pleaded that
these conditions are available for the
deputation from one PSU to other PSU or
Department. In BSNL, JTOs/TTAs have
been deputed from one circle to other
circle on need basis and on their
request, and the pleading of GM(Estt) is
not reflecting in the said order.
Hence, such hasty action of relieving is
not justified. GM(SR) assured to
further look into the matter.
Consideration for cancellation /
modification of posting orders on DE
Promotion on medical ground / immunity
ground / Lady Executives / Spouse Cases:
We expressed our resentment against
non-consideration of cancellation /
modification of posting orders on DE
Promotion on medical ground / immunity
ground / Lady Executives / Spouse Cases
etc. In many of the cases, the Pers.
Cell has given posting on promotion on
pick and choose method in violation of
the BSNL Transfer Policy and immunity
provisions available to the recognized
Association Office Bearers. Hence, no
good-will prevails between the
Management and the Association. GM(SR)
assured to discuss the matter with the
competent authority and the concern
03.09.2014: GS,
FS , AGS(HQ), President TN Circle and
CS UP(East) Circle met GM(FP) and
discussed regarding :-
CPC from JAO to AO:
We requested to issue promotion orders
from JAO to AO since the scrutiny work
of ACRs / VCRs of the eligible JAOs has
been completed by SEA Cell, BSNL
Corporate Office. GM(FP) mentioned that
after completing the scrutiny work, the
proposal to expedite CPC from JAO to AO
has been sent to Dir(HR) for approval
but he has marked the file to GM(Pers)
for clearance and he has already
discussed the matter with GM(Pers.). GM
(Pers) has asked some more information
which will be given to him by tomorrow.
He assured that as soon as the approval
of the competent authority is received
the promotion order to fill up about
1450 AO posts will be issued
CPC from AO to CAO:
We requested to take up the matter with
CMD BSNL for diversion of the 25% MT
Quota Posts to the Seniority Quota which
has already been cleared by BSNL
Management Committee. GM(FP) assured
that he will plead with the competent
authority to allow diversion as per BSNL
MC decision without waiting for BSNL
Board approval as the BSNL Board has
already allowed diversion of 25% MT
Quota Posts to the Seniority Quota Posts
in Telecom Operation Wing. However, the
proposal to fill up about 250 CAO Posts
of Seniority Quota has been sent to the
competent authority for approval to
initiate CPC considering the vacant CAO
posts consequent upon promotion to DGM(F).
CPC from CAO(Adhoc) to CAO(Regular):
assured to further talk in CVO Office
for providing VCRs to expedite CPC. We
appraised him about our discussion with
CVO in this regard.
CPC from DGM(Adhoc) to DGM(Regular):
GM(FP) mentioned that VCRs of all the
eligible executives have been received
but some ACRs are still pending and
efforts are being made to collect the
ACRs. He assured to expedite CPC.
Consideration of Request Transfers:
We requested for consideration of the
request for transfer cases on the
immunity available to the Office
Bearers. He assured to look in to the
Allowing option of JAO joined after
we requested to convene committee
meeting at the earliest and to discuss
the feedback given by this Association.
GM(FP) assured an early action in this
Corporate office issued order regarding
modification / correction w.r.t. regular
Promotion to the Executives in AGM/DE of
Telecom Operation
here for letter>>>
United Forum of BSNL Executives'
CHQ New Delhi writes to
Sh. A. N. Rai,
CMD BSNL regarding arbitrarily action of Estt. Cell of BSNL Corporate Office in
the regard to the repatriation of JTOs/TTAs
who of posted in different Circles
on temporary transfer /deputation
<<<Click here for
GS writes to
Sh. A.N. Rai,
CMD BSNL regarding
burning problems
of DR JTOs of BSNL - LDCE -
here for letter>>>
United Forum of BSNL Executives'
CHQ New Delhi
writes to
Sh. A. N. Rai,
CMD BSNL regarding settlement of the
grievances of the members of
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA - Resolution of
Joint Meeting of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA
held at Hyderabad on 22nd August
<<<Click here for
GS writes to
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding requests
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
DE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of DE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding
requests for transfer/retention in the
Cadre of SDE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
The GM (Pers.),
BSNL Corporate Office regarding requests
for transfer/retention in the Cadre of
DE -<<<Click
here for letter>>>
Corporate Office issued
letter regarding The Lokpal / Lokayuktas
Act 2013 w.r.t. submission of
declaration of assets and liabilities by
the Public servants for the each year
and placing the same in public domain on
the websites of the Ministries /
here for letter>>>
Corporate Office notified for holding of
LICE for promotion of PA to the grade of
PS against 33% quota in the filed units
of BSNL<<<Click
here for notification>>>>
BSNL Corporate Office issued order
regarding 29 executives regular Promotion to the Executives in
AGM/DE of Telecom Operation Stream in
the IDA Scale of Rs.29100-54500/=
<<<Click here for
BSNL CO issued letter regarding the
relieving of JTO / TTA on temporary
<<<<Click here for
the order>>>>
Members need not to worry, United Forum
of BSNL Executive Associations (AIGETOA
& AIBSNLEA) has already taken this issue
with BSNL Management and is perusing the
same strongly. We will not hesitate in
going to the extreme if Management
doesn't withdraw this arbitrary order.
The displacements will not be allowed at
any cost.