Page 76 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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BENW, Civil, Electrical, Architecture etc, etc. and posted under their respective Circle in addition to the names of executives of their own Circles. g) Chennai TD and Kolkata TD will have electoral rolls of executives belonging to CHTD and CTD only. h) NTR will be a separate Circle and its electoral rolls will include all units of BSNL located in Delhi only, viz. NTP, NCNGN, BENW, QA Circle, RE Circle Delhi etc., except Corporate Office. However, the names of NTR employees working in its sub regions outside Delhi will be Included in the respective territorial Circles/SSAs wherever they are working. i) CRE. Circle electoral rolls will also include the names of executives working in ETR, ETP, TFs, TS, ITPC, Civil/Elect, etc. and working under its territorial Circle. Similarly, TN Circle electoral rolls will include staff of STR, STP etc. j) Corporate Office, ALTTC and ERBRAITT will he independent Circles for the purpose of electoral rolls- GM (Pers.) as the nodal officer in the Corporate Office shall be responsible for preparation of electoral rolls incorporating names of executives of all streams working in the Corporate office. k) The Names of Executives on temporary transfer to other Circles will be included in the electoral rolls of the Circle in which they are presently posted, 3. It may he ensured that the electoral rolls are prepared by Lst August, 2016. With a view to finalising the voters' lists, the following time-frame may be followed a) The electoral rolls may he displayed by 84' August, 2016 and also a copy provided to the representatives of the participating Associations at SSA level to submit their objections, if any, latest by 11c'll August, 2016. The list of eligible Associations participating in the membership verification will be circulated in due course of time, b) In case objections are not received from any of the Association by the stipulated date, it will be presumed that the Associations are not having any objection on the electoral rolls provided to them. However, objections, if any, received from the Associations will be addressed by 16th August, 2016 and the revised final list will be displayed and copy provided to the Associations by 17th August, 2016. c) In pursuance of this office letter no. BSNL/ 5-1/SR/2016 dated 1st July, 2016, it is mandated that "Transfer orders of executives serving hard-tenure/soft-tenure stations may be issued till 31st August, 2016 and their relieving on or before 30th September, 2016." To enable such executives to cast their votes, supplementary lists may be prepared and finalized. 4. In addition to above, the position with regard to number of polling booths in a SSA may be assessed by the Head of SSA in consultation with Circle office keeping in mind that least inconvenience is caused to the employees and also to minimize the expenditure. It may be ensured that in a polling booth, provision may be made for not more than 400 voters to cast their votes. The information of polling booths may be prepared in the proforma as per Annexure-II. Consequent upon finalization of voters' lists, the requisite information relating to number of voters only, SSA-wise, and also the number of polling booths will be communicated to the Corporate Office positively by 17th August, 2016. No. BSNL/5-1/SR/2016 Dated, the 1 July, 2016 (Letter addressed to All CGMs, BSNL; GM (Pars), BSNL C.0,) 5. Sub: Non-transfer of Executive staff till completion of 1st membership verification process of Executives' Associations in BSNL-revised guidelines regarding st This is further to this office letters of even number dated 31 May and 6th June, 2016 on the subject mentioned above. With the advancement of last date for submission of applications for participation in the membership verification to 22nd July, 2016, the revised guidelines relating to transfers are as follows – Normal/rotational transfer orders issued till date are permitted to be implemented latest by 31st July, 2016. TELEWAVE 76 JUNE-2016