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United Forum of Executives Associations Comprising (AIBSNLEA & AIBSNOA) CHQ, New Delhi writes 1. Request to make special recruitment and provision to extend extra remuneration and facilities to avoid hardship of the JTO/JAO posted in tenure stations for 5 to 10 years-Reg. You would appreciate our concern that JTO/JAO recruited through All India Competition but posted in hard tenure stations for more than 5 to 10 years. Government of India has classified some of the station in the country as hard tenure station considering the hardship of leaving in these stations especially for those who are not born and brought up at there. Accordingly all the Government departments and CPSEs have made provision in their transfer policies so that employees working in these stations from outside can be return back to their place of choice in definite time. Employees posted in these places are also rewarded with certain extra remuneration and facilities. BSNL has made recruitment of JTO/JAO through All India Open Competition because of which good number of candidates posted in these hard tenure stations although they are not the native of these places. Unfortunately, BSNL has so far not made any suitable policy to address the hardship of these executives and hence even after passing of more than 10 years they are continue to serve in these stations without any extra remunerations and facilities. You are kindly requested to initiate special recruitment of JTO/JAO so that executives working for more than prescribed limit of time in these stations can be bring back to their choice of place to address the hardship being faced. You are also requested to kindly make suitable policies to extend the extra benefits and facilities to JTO/JAO posted in these areas as of other cadre executives. Copy endorsed to The CMD BSNL No: UF/CMD/DGM Rectt. /15-16 Dated the 11th Sep- 2015 (Addressed to The Director (HR),BSNL, New Delhi-110001) 1. Ambiguous and suspicious recruitment of Direct DGM in Telecom Operation and Finance from among external candidates ignoring more qualified, experienced and deserving internal candidates- Reg. Kindly refer of earlier letter dated 28th July-2015 on the subject cited above and our subsequent discussion in this regard. It is regret to state that against the discussion and assurance of Director (HR) to examine issue in detail, silent interview for the post of DGM from among external candidates are being held ignoring more qualified, talented and experience internal candidates. It is high time to come out from the bureaucratic style to take such crucial policy decision. Unlike Government Department where benefits of the employees are independent of policy decision, CPSE cannot take such arbitrary and unilateral policy decision ignoring the interest of stake holders because every such wrong decision affects the benefits of employees severely. Decision to recruit DGM in Telecom Operation and Finance from among external candidates debarring thousands of more qualified, talented and experience internal candidates to participate in the race of talent hunt is not only arbitrary and discriminatory but also counterproductive for the company due to high unrest among internal candidates. Apart from this, BSNL is not the best paid industry in the world hence thinking that best talent from outside is waiting for more than two years of the examination held to take appointment in BSNL is highly hypothetical. The external candidates working in private company of merely Rs 100 Cr turnover with gross package of 7 lakhs in 12 years of service and who is still waiting for more than 2 years of examination to take appointment in BSNL clearly indicates their level of talent. Internal candidates working in BSNL itself a company having turnover in tune of Rs 30,000 Cr, having more than 12 years of experience in Telecom Operation and Finance TELEWAVE Page-47 SEPTEMBER-2015
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