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12. Inordinate delay in settlement of disciplinary cases: We have been requesting BSNL Management for the settlement of long pending disciplinary cases. Many cases are pending more than 7-8 years and no decision is given, causing undue harassment to the executives on promotions and retirement. As per CVC guidelines all the disciplinary cases needs early settlement:Director (HR) advised GM (Pers), GM (Estt) and GM (FP) to write a letter to CVO for submitting a list of pending disciplinary cases and request for early settlement of these cases. 13. Post based promotions for PA/PS up to PPS and Sr. PPS Cadre. Common Recruitment Rules & Nomenclature and introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying Cadre): Director (HR) directed GM (Pers) to arrange an early committee meeting headed by ED (CN) and assured to talk personally with ED (CN) to submit committee report at the earliest. 14. Allowing option to departmental JAOs who joined after 07-05-2010: AIBSNLEA extended thanks to Director (HR) for settling this long pending issue and also extended thanks for considering AAO and Sr. AO posts as post based promotions for the purpose of granting 1st TBP under EPP. 15. Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 & JTO RRs-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations: Director (HR) informed that the SDE RR-2014 has been approved in the last BSNBL Board meeting for which we extended our thanks. Director (HR) further, directed GM (Estt) to put up the new JTO RR in next board meeting delinking it from HR Plan after the approval of the competent authority. 16. Implementation of DPE order for payment of 78.2% IDA fitment benefit w.e.f. 01.01.2007 for BSNL Pensioners: Director (HR) further directed GM (Estt) to write letter to DOT showing concern of BSNL for early settlement of the issue. 17. No MT and DGM Recruitment from outside: AIBSNLEA strongly reiterated its stand against the MT Recruitment and categorically told the in case MR Recruitment process is restored, strong agitation will be there: AIBSNLEA further mentioned that the qualified and experienced Executives in BSNL having 10 to 20 years of service should also get an opportunity to compete with others for the DGM posts by making appropriate, justified and rational changes in the eligibility conditions. This would mark the beginning of allowing BSNL to have a management structure of its own at DGM level which by virtue of age profile will be groomed into senior management in due course of time. This strategic move will not only meet the career growth of aspiring talented executives in BSNL but will immensely contribute towards growth and viability of BSNL. Director (HR) appreciated our concern and directed GM (Pers) to review the RR. The meeting ended with thanks to the chair. The discussions were very cordial, effective and fruitful. Meeting with Director (HR) on 03.09.2015: GS, FS, AGS (HQ) and CS MH Circle met Director (HR) and discussed regarding non-settlement of the pending HR issues already discussed in the informal meetings in the presence of concerned GMs even after a lapse of more than two months. Director (HR) appreciated our concern and fixed up a meeting on 04.09.2015 at 11.30 Hrs. to discuss these issues exclusively. Meeting with GM (Pers) on 03.09.2015: GS, FS, AGS (HQ) and CS MH Circle met GM (Pers) and discussed: a. CPCs to fill up the vacant SDE/DE/DGM posts: We expressed our serious concern against non -filling up of the vacant SDE/DE/DGM posts. GM (Pers) appreciated our concern and mentioned that he will personally speak to CGM, Kerala Circle to pursue the court case in the Hon’ble High Court Kerala through BSNL’s Advocate for an early hearing. He assured that as soon as the stay on promotion is vacated, the promotions orders from JTO to SDE will be issued. On the issue of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh’s stay order he assured to hold a meeting with AIBSNLEA on Tuesday at 15.00 Hrs along with other issues to overcome the statement. That will help for the resolution of AO to CAO promotions also. On the issue of SDE to DE promotions GM (Pers) assured to issue promotion orders to fill up about 1200 DE posts before 31st October 2015. The CPC work is in progress, ACRs/VCRs are being collected. On the issue of DE to DGM promotions he further assured that first list of promotions will be issued by 30th September 2015 to fill up about 156 vacant DGM posts and simultaneously about 275 vacant DGM posts will be filled up by 31st October 2015. We also pleaded for true implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement on TES Gr. B seniority by giving consequential benefits. GM (Pers) mentioned that they have left with the expert committee to opine and with the Hon’ble Supreme Court for final judgment. TELEWAVE Page-45 SEPTEMBER-2015
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