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Director (HR) mentioned that the anomalies in the EPF for direct recruit executives are being resolved and the EPF contribution during the training period is being paid. 6. Promotions through LDCE in SDE cadre: We requested for early declaration of result for last LDCE and conduction of LDCE for promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) for the vacancy available till date. GM (Pers) mentioned that an expert committee has been constituted to examine the grievances of the candidates and now the Answer key is being finalized and will be published in the next week. Thereafter the answer sheet will be evaluated and results will be prepared. The whole exercise would be completed by 30.09.2015 but the results will be declared only after clearance from Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh on SC/ST roaster implementation on promotions. 7. LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) on regular basis: GM (Pers) informed that the syllabus of LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) has been circulated. However, the notification of LDCE will be issued by 30.09.2015 after clearance of e-tendering process. 8. Provide additional increment to all the executives promoted through 2012 SDE (T) LDCE, to compensate loss of notional increment due to delayed Exam/Result on the part of BSNL: GM (Pers) requested not to take up the issue as it will open the Pandora Box for other similar cases also as per the direction from Honorable Court, notional increment is extended to 124 petitioners against LDCE held in 2002. AIBSNLEA further pleaded that same benefits must be given to similarly affected executives for LDCE-2012 instead of forcing them to go to the various courts. Director (HR) appreciated our concern and directed GM (Pers) to discuss the court judgment with her and then decision will be taken. 9. Settlement of pay anomaly cases wherein senior Executives are drawing less pay than their juniors and antedating of pay: AIBSNLEA pleaded to implement the Honorable Supreme Court judgment allowing stepping up of pay to all affected executives. AIBSNLEA further pleaded that stepping up of pay as per the Apex court judgment is already implemented under NEPP. Director (HR) directed GM (Pers) for taking early decision in this regard in time bound manner. Regarding antedating of pay, Director (HR) categorically told that in no case senior is not to draw less salary than his junior and directed GM (Estt) to discuss the reasons of withdrawal of 2009 order in the year 2010. Director (HR) further mentioned that if any policy decision is required to be taken to remove this anomaly that has to be taken by BSNL but in no case the fundamental right of the seniors will be violated. On the issue of an increment @ 3% at the time of executive time bound upgradation on their basic pay on time bound promotion and subsequently 3% increment benefit on vertical promotion, we expressed our resentment against dragging the issue on the pretext of reference made to the DPE. BSNL Executives are losing Rs 50 to 70 in their basic pay on account of 6% increment benefit in the promoted scale. Dir(HR) appreciated our concern and directed GM(Estt) to discuss the matter with DPE authorities for early reply and in case it is further delayed she will hold the meeting with Addl Secretary DPE for the settlement of the issue but the case cannot be dragged on the pretext of reference made to DPE. 10. Special recruitment of JTO/JAO for hard tenure Circles / Implementation of Transfer Policy in its true spirit in all disciplines and consideration of Rule-8 cases by circles, spouse cases as per the prevalent guidelines: Director (HR) acknowledged the hardship of the executives posted in hard tenure/deficits stations/circles and mentioned that BSNL management is seized with the problem and considering the special recruitment in such circles as soon as the new JTO-RRs are approved by the BSNL Board. She directed GM (Estt) to process the case to the competent authority for de-linking the issue from the HR Plan and to put up in the next BSNL Board meeting. Apart from this, she also directed GM (Estt) to prepare a waiting list in BSNL Corporate Office the candidates seeking temporary transfer under Para-9. 11. E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs: The BSNL Management Committee has cleared the proposal of E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs which is pending for BSNL Board approval. Also settlement of Pay Anomaly cases of Departmental JTOs outsider quota: Director (HR) further directed GM (Estt) to put up the case in the next board meeting de-linking from HR plan approval. TELEWAVE Page-44 SEPTEMBER-2015
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