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GS met PGM (EF) and requested to clear the file of AD(OL) cadre restructuring as pending for the last one and half month in EF Cell. PGM (FP) assured to clear the file at the earliest. CIRCLE / BRANCH NEWS Report on AIBSNLEA AP Circle 2nd CEC held at Guntur on 18th &19th March 2016 : 2nd CEC of AIBSNLEA, AP Circle was held on 18th &19th of March 2016 at K&M International Hotel, Guntur. Sri K.Pedda Rao Circle President of AIBSNLEA, AP Circle hoisted AIBSNLEA Flag at 10 AM of 18th March2016 and all CEC members/CHQ Members attended. After hoisting the Flag, all the CEC/CHQ members assembled in the hall and Sri. Ch. Venkateswara Rao DS AIBSNLEA, Guntur District Branch welcomed the CEC/CHQ members with his welcome address and invited circle executives on to the Dias. Sri K. Pedda Rao Circle President presided over the meeting and it was conducted as per the agenda. The CEC approved the report of Circle Secretary and Finance secretary. The District Secretaries presented their reports in detail including membership and quota paid. Comrade Prahlada Rai General Secretary of AIBSNLEA addressed CEC and gave the details of DPCs of various cadres at Central head quarters. He explained the present financial situation of the BSNL in detail and the role to be played by the executives in improving the overall Revenue. After his valuable speech, the JAOs 2010 (Deptl) batch felicitated our GS in a grand manner to show their happiness for getting approval for exercising option in pay fixation. In the evening of 18th March 2016 at 18.00 Hrs , Open House session was conducted. In the the Open House session, CGMT AP Circle Sri P.V. Muralidhar garu, AIBSNLEA General Secretary Com. Prahlad Rai garu, GMTD Guntur Sri.K.V.Choudary garu, AGS Com J.Sai Baba garu, Circle secretary AIGETOA AP Circle , Com Veerabhadra Rao garu attended and addressed the gathering. The district Secretaries of BSNLEU, NFTE and AIGETOA also attended and greeted the CEC. Com B.S.Reddy CS presented his key note address while thanking the CGMT for his positive approach stressed the necessity of paying attention to the issues of Transmission maintenance, improvement in FTTH, giving more importance to CM wing as it is generating more revenue and we can further gain from it, consideration of some of the rural areas for break in circle tenure, Sanction of imprest to the executives as after implementation of ERP imprest is not available to executives, withdrawal of soft tenure revised policy etc, Com. Veera Bhadra Rao CS AIGETOA narrated the difficulties in getting the issues resolved as some people have been creating hurdles in resolution of issues. The District secretaries of BSNLEU and NFTE greeted the CEC and wished the meeting a success. AGS (Engg) CHQ informed the CEC about the latest development w.r.t. the provision of broad band services by AP state Govt, formation of a separate telecom Circle for Andhra Pradesh, the positive attitude of CGMT, assured CS AIGETOA that the issues of DRs will be taken care of by AIBSNLEA and asked him not to be panicky. GMTD GTR Sr. Chowdary thanked all the staff for the best co-operation that he had been getting and assured that the SSA will further generate revenues. Com Prahlad Rai GS AIBSNLEA, in his inspiring speech, while appreciating the AP Circle as it is the second large circle for AIBSNLEA and thanked for the support that he is getting from the AP organisation. He narrated the CEC about the issues concerned to the executives of BSNL such as pending DPCs due to court cases, the persuasion by the association for getting the DE to DGM promotions released the efforts that association had been making for standard pay scales, career progression and pension to the BSNL recruited staff etc. He gave a detailed account of Khan Committee’s report and the misgivings of few executives and assured the executives that no executive will be in the same grade for more than 5 years and the miscalculation of few executives about the same. GS also narrated the issues concerned to Civil/Electrical/Arch executives, pay scales of AD (OL),promotion of PA/PS to the cadre of PPS etc. GS explained the financial status of BSNL in detail and how turnaround of BSNL is happening. The efforts of forum in turning around the BSNL were also explained.GS appreciated the revenue earnings of AP and TELEWAVE 31 MARCH-2016
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