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(e) Settlement of other pending HR issues: We also requested for early settlement of the pending HR issues as already discussed with himself in the presence of Director (HR) by the United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA in response to the agitation call. CMD mentioned that now he is holding weekly review meeting of HR vertical also like other verticals to discuss and know the status of pending HR issues. He assured for an early settlement of all pending HR issues. GS, Advisor (South) and CS Tamil Nadu Circle met GM (FP) on 14.03.2016 and discussed: (a) Diversion of 50% MT quota CAO posts to the seniority quota: On this issue GM (FP) informed that the issue of diversion of 50% MT quota CAO posts to the seniority quota was in the agenda of BSN Board meeting held on 04.03.2016 but could not be discussed due to paucity of time. However, Company Secretary & Sr. GM (Legal) assured to take up the matter in next BSNL Board meeting for approval. (b) Consideration of promotion for the JAO qualified but not selected candidates of Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu Circles and Kolkata TD 2013 Batch due to non-availability of vacancies: We requested to consider the request of 6 candidates of Rajasthan Circles, 13 candidates of Tamil Nadu and 1 candidate of CTD who got more than the minimum qualifying and aggregate marks in the JAO Part-II LICE held in 2012 (40% quota) but could not be promoted due to non-availability of requisite number of vacancies. GM (FP) assured to re-examine the case. (c) CPC from AO to CAO: We requested for filling – up of the vacant CAO posts. GM (FP) mentioned that more than 650 vacancies are available in CAO cadre. CPC was also in process but could not be expedited due to stay order granted by Hon’ble CAT Bench Chandigarh on the promotions. The case is posted for hearing on 31st March 2016. After vacation of stay orders CPCs from AO to CAO and JAO to AO will further resume immediately. (d) Consideration of request / tenure transfers in the cadre of CAO and AO: GM (FP) assured to look into the matter. GS, AGS (HQ), Advisor (South) and CS Tamil Nadu Circle met GM (Estt) on 14.03.2016 and discussed: (a) E2 and E3 standard IDA pay scales to JTO and SDE equivalent cadres: We requested to process the Khan Committee report on E2 and E3 standard IDA pay scales to JTO and SDE equivalent cadres to the competent authority for its approval as discussed with Director (HR) in the last meeting held on 10.03.2016 with AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA. GM (Estt) informed that today only she has sent the case file to Director (HR) for consideration. (b) Extension of Pay benefits to the JTO (Internal) Candidates of 2007 and 2008 Batch as per FR 22 (I) (a) (i):. We provided all supporting documents to GM (Estt) for settling the case. After detailed discussions GM (Estt) assured to re-examine the case on the basis of the documents provided by the Association. (c) Extension of ACP benefits to the Grade-III Stenographers: We requested to issue necessary clarifications to all the circles in this regard. GM (Estt) assured to consider the case. (d) Stopping of the pay recovery and reduction of pay in respect of officiating JTOs: We handed over a copy of the Stay order passed by Hon’ble Principal Bench CAT New Delhi on 04.03.2016 to stop the recovery of any amount from the applicants pursuant to the order dated 22.12.2015 as AIBSNLEA is an applicant on behalf of its members. <<>>> (e) 3% increment benefit on the existing basic pay on the date of promotion instead of the last increment drawn: We requested to issue revised orders by giving financial benefits retrospectively instead of 19.01.2016. GM (Estt) assured for issuing an early revised order in this regard as the case has been cleared by EF Cell favorably. GS, FS, Advisor (South) and CS Tamil Nadu Circle met Director (HR) on 14.03.2016 and discussed: (a) Extension of Pay benefits to the JTO (Internal) Candidates of 2007 and 2008 Batch as per FR 22 (I) (a) (i):. We requested to consider the case on merits so that the extension of benefits of past service and extension of option benefits to the JTO (Internal) Candidates of 2007 and 2008 Batch as per FR 22 (I) (a) (i) who have applied through proper channel may be allowed. After detail discussions Director (HR) assured to discuss the matter in presence of GM (Estt) shortly for its resolution. TELEWAVE 27 MARCH-2016
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