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Training Centre, are getting it changed by some vested interest people with malafide intention and requested CGMT to take appropriate action to stop the same. Shri Sandeep Agrawal, Sr. G.M. (HR&A), BSNL, Mumbai – Guest of Honour is his speech extended gratitude to the Association for inviting him for the function. He mentioned issues related to HR will be always there and if one issue settled, another one will arise. He mentioned that there will be no difficulty in settling the issues we the association and management work together. He assured to settle all the pending issues at the earliest. Com. Prahlad Rai, G.S., AIBSBLEA, CHQ extended thanks for inviting him for the historical CEC at Mumbai. He mentioned that the Maharashtra Circle is the biggest organization of the AIBSNLEA and is the important circle in the association providing suppport in policy making issues and HR issues. He mentioned that Maharashtra Circle is also important circle in BSNL. He opined that if Kerala and Orissa Circles can make profit, he find no reason why Maharashtra Telecom not able to make profit. Maharashtra Circle management is very responsible and the public is also very supportive. BSNL corporate office is closely monitoring the activities of the Maharashtra Circle being the important circle. He stated that when the Maharashtra Circle starts making profit, BSNL as a whole will become a profitable Organisation. He mentioned that BSNL is not Govt. and not getting any support for CAPEX from the ex-chequer Com GS expressed his serious concerns regarding continuous trend of the losses in BSNL and emphasized that there is a great need to think over it. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges Rs. 1250 crores, BWA refund etc should be cleared immediately by the Government. In his detailed address Com. GS also highlighted the issues showing the indifferent attitude of Government, Encroachment of Rule 37 A pension by introducing 60:40 issue, 78.2% pay fixation in case of BSNL pensioners, exhausting BSNL reserve funds of 30,000 Crores has adversely affected the viability of BSNL. He mentioned that non-reimbursement of USO funds, Licence fee, payment of interest on the paper loan of Rs.7500 crores, pension contribution on the highest pay are the other aspects which leads the BSNL into Loss. In case the pension contribution is paid on actual basis on that account alone BSNL can save 400 crores. Everything is the calculated strategy of the Govt. to make the BSNL into Loss. He mentioned that there 29000 telephones exchange in the country out of which 28000 exchanges are in Rural areas. The revenue earned from 1000 exchanges in the Urban area is spending on rural exchanges in rural areas telecom services. He mentioned that as on 1.10.2000, when the BSNL was formed the staff strength was more and we made profit. Now the staff strength is reduced to 1.5 lakh, but it is making loss. It proves that the staff strength is not the reason for the loss. He mentioned that the rural deficit charges of 1250 crores should have paid before 31.3.2016, the same should have been reflected in the accounts and balance sheet, though it is approved by the Ministry, DoT has not arranged for it. The commitment made by the Govt. while forming the BSNL was not fulfilled by the Govt. Com GS. further explained the status of HR issues related to mainly CPCs from DE to DGM, CPC of SDE to DE(Regular ), JTO to SDE, JTO to SDE by LDCE, JAO to AO, AO to CAO, CAO (Adhoc) to CAO (regular), DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) & CAO to DGM(F), DPC in Civil/Electrical wing, AD(OL) case of pay equivalent to SDE/AO, DPCs of Telecom Factory and the issues of PA/PS, JTO (Officiating) regularization, PPS posts creation, E2-E3 pay scale , CPSU cadre hierarchy, 30% superannuation benefits issue etc. He informed that due to various court cases at Hon. Kerala high Court & CAT, Chandigarh, there is huge delay in issuance of promotion orders in various cadres. He added that promotion orders may be issued for more than 6600 JTOs, 750 SDEs, 600 AOs, 480 DEs will get promotion within 15 days upon the clearance of stay. He informed that BSNL CMD has given assurance that all vacant DGM posts will be filled up by 31.03.2016 upon clearance on seniority issue from the Hon. Supreme Court. He discussed regarding various issues i.e. notional pay fixation of all upgraded pay scales from1-10-2000, 5 advance increments benefit to JTO SRD, JAO 2013 batch and PA cadre, withdrawal of clarification on reversion of officiating JTOs while sending them to JTO phase II training and Pay fixation case of TTA to JTO outside quota etc. He mentioned that the creation of the post of PPS in the field units and Sr. PPS in the BSNL Corporate office is in the final stage and the same will be approved in the next Board meeting. He has explained the status of all other HR issues like CPSU cadre hierarchy, change of designation, 30% TELEWAVE 34 MARCH-2016
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