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(f) LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDE (TF): Jt. GM (Pers) informed that a draft proposal to hold the LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDE (TF) has been processed to the competent authority for approval wherein two Chemists (TF) are also allowed to appear in the LDCE. Meeting with Director (HR) on 10.03.2016: As decided earlier, a meeting was held with Director (HR) in presence of GM (Estt) and her team with the representatives of United Forum. GS AIBSNLEA, President AIGETOA, FS AIBSNLEA, AGS AIGETOA, OS AIGETOA and CS Delhi AIGETOA attended the meeting. Detailed discussion on the implementation of khan committee report was held wherein we explained to Director (HR) that to implement the recommendation of the Khan Committee, there is no need to touch the EPP. Khan committee recommendation says that E1A should be replaced with E2 and E2A should be replaced with E3. The rest of the things has already been taken care of by the EPP which states that first upgradation should be given in 4-6 years and subsequent upgradations should be given every 5 years. Accordingly, the E1A scale should be replaced with E2 and E2A should be replaced with E3. There is no need to change any policy for that and executives should be given upgradation as and when due i.e. after a span of five years. We reaffirmed our stand that Khan Committee recommendations should be implemented in true and letter spirit. It was pointed out by Establishment section that doing this may result into heart burn as our friendly association has conveyed them like that. It was also pointed out that one of the association has agreed for keeping executives in E3 scales for 10 years to avoid heart burn of Junior Reaching E4 Scale faster than the seniors already placed in E3 scale and hence we should also agree. We categorically told Director (HR) that this will result in huge financial loss to all the executives including the direct recruits after 1.1.2007 as no increment shall be given as per the formula proposed by the Establishment section in agreement with the friendly association. Anybody shedding crocodile tears that AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA stand is resulting into roadblocks, while the fact is that the stand of friendly association is to finish the careers of thousands and thousands of executives by putting forward the sinister design of Establishment section of keeping the Group B executives within E6 scales and not to allow group B executives entering into Pay scales of E7 which is considered to be as 'Elite Forte' of Select Few. Establishment section was in loss of words in explain their rationale in keeping the executives in E3 scale for 10 years except the factor of heart burn which was negated by the affirmative stand taken by the seniors present in the meeting. We emphasized that the Establishment should implement Khan Committee recommendations in true and letter spirit and rest should be left for EPP to implement. We were surprised that Establishment cell was echoing the feeling of friendly association. We categorically stated that there is no heart burn amongst seniors as in this meeting also seniors are present and the seniors are in fact proud that their juniors will be getting the Career Path Five years faster than us which will motivate the younger executives to perform better and give their heart, soul and minds in raising the flags of BSNL further and further. We also apprised to Director (HR) that during absorption process, executives were assured of promotions to next scale in a span of 4-6 years and stand of establishment cell duly endorsed by our friendly association is also violating those terms by proposing to keep executives in one scale for 10 years. Director (HR) appreciated our submission and said that heart burn should not be considered while deciding the fate of executives and that junior getting some benefit while settling this anomaly should not be a point of concern for anybody. Director (HR) directed Establishment cell that they should immediately process the implementation of Khan Committee report for extension of E2 and E3 scales in place of E1A and E2A scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007. Anomalies if any should be taken care later on. We requested Director (HR) for a speedy implementation to avoid unrest and de-motivation amongst the executives in BSNL as already lot of delay has taken place. Director (HR) assured for the same. Hereby, we would like to highlight the dual stand of the so called well-wishers who have been raising great hue and cry for performance and revival of BSNL while in effect their actions are putting BSNL further down by trying to demotivate the younger lot of BSNL. Their recent utterances on their website on MT, DGM recruitment and on the Pay scales have proved it beyond doubt and we leave that for executives to decide for themselves. BSNL Board meeting held on 4-3-2016: GS, FS met some senior officers in BSNL C.O. and discussed regarding the decisions of BSNL Board meeting held on 4-3-2016. It is understood that some HR issues viz. 3% contribution from BSNL to superannuation benefit to BSNL recruited employees, Creation of Sr. PPS/PPS posts in BSNL, E-1 + 5 increments benefit to JAO- TELEWAVE 29 MARCH-2016
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