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promotion to about 600 DEs to the cadre of DGM is likely to be expected shortly. Com GS clearly explained the issues pertaining to the implementation of standard pay scales E2 and E3 and categorically stated that every executive should get up gradation after 5 years to the next scale and will not allow to remain in the same scale for 10 years as agreed by certain quarters. Sri P.V. Ramana, District Treasurer, AIBSNLEA, Vijayawada has proposed vote of thanks. After completion of the meeting, the officiating JTOs of Vijayawada felicitated our General Secretary for the untiring efforts made by our GS for settling the issue of regularization of officiating JTOs. The entire General Body meeting was held in a grand gala and the presence of our GS, Com. Prahlad Rai has brought colors for the venue as well as the meeting. The meeting ended with slogans of Long live BSNL, AIBSNLEA Zindabad, Com. Prahlad Rai Zindabad. General Body Meeting of BSNL Corporate Office Circle on 16.03.2016: GS, FS, AGS (HQ), OS (North), Advisor (South) and CS Tamil Nadu Circle attended and addressed the GB meeting of BSNL Corporate Office Circle. GS replied all the queries made by the members. THE CIRCLE EXECUTIVE MEETING OF MAHARASHTRA CIRCLE ON 11.3.2016 AT CONFERENCE HALL, 2ND FLOOR, ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING, BSNL, JUHU DANDA, SANTACRUZ WEST, MUMBAI: An Open Session was held at 14.30 hours on 11.3.2016 during the Circle Executive Meeting of Maharashtra Circle at Mumbai. The OPEN SESSION was attended and addressed by Com. P. Venugopal, President AIBSNLEA CHQ, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, Com. K.P. Nair, AGS, Com. C.M. Saste, OS(West), CHQ, Com. K.A. Mohire, President MH Circle, Com. A.G. Joshi, CS, MH Circle, Com. Kokate, FS, MH Circle from Associating side. Shri G.K. Upadhayay, CGMT, MH Circle, Mumbai was the Chief Guest and Shri Sandeep Agrawal, Sr. G.M. (HR&A), BSNL, Mumbai, Shri Mukesh Bhargava, Principal Chief Engineer (Civil), Mumbai and Shri V N Dhage, General Manager (Finance), MH Circle, Mumbai were the guests of Honour. The Open Session was inaugurated by Shri G.K. Upadhayay, CGMT, Chief Guest of the Function followed by Prayer. All the dignitaries on dias was welcomed by the Host Circle and presented Bouquets. Com. K.A. Mohire, President AIBSNLEA MH Circle in his welcome speech welcomed all the dignitaries on the dias. He mentioned the AIBSNLEA has been formed by merging 10 DoT Recognised Associations and is flourishing under the leadership of Com. Prahlad Rai. Com. A.G. Joshi, C.S., AIBSNLEA MH Circle in his opening remark mentioned that the AIBSNLEA is holding its CEC First Time in Mumbai. He mentioned that all the HR issuing are being taken up with the Sr. GM (HR & A) who is newly joined in the Circle and is being settled amicably. He stated that the justice delayed is justice denied and requested the Circle Administration to settle the grievance without any delay. He appreciated the efforts of the G.S., CHQ in settling the grievances and supporting the Circle Body during the time of crisis. He also mentioned that with the co-ordination of all the Associations and Unions, SWAS (Service with a Smile) has been started and is very effective. Com. K.P. Nair, AGS, CHQ in his speech mentioned that as and when Seniors Officers are joined, the Secretarial Assistance should be immediately provided and in case of shortage, the Personal Assistant / Personal Secretary of the subordinate officer should be directed to work under the Senior office till a permanent arrangement is made instead of asking someone other than the PA/PS to carry out the works of the PA/PS. He also mentioned that in case of any acute shortage of PA/PS, recruitment from the open market as per the R.R. may be taken up with the Corporate Office. He also mentioned that in the ERP as and when the PA is applying for leave and the controlling officer is sanctioning it, sanction of leave is not possible without entering the HRMS number of the PA/PS looking after the charge of the PA/PS proceeding on leave. Since most of the officers are having only one PA/PS, it is difficult to make looking after arrangements an requested the ERP / IT team to take some alternative solution. Com. C.M. Saste, O.S (W), AIBSNLEA, CHQ congratulated Com. Prahlad Rai for getting the transfer order of Com. A G Joshi cancelled that too before the CEC and requested CGMT, MH Circle to post Com. A G Joshi at Circle Office, Mumbai. He demanded that the pension contribution should be made on actual basis. He also pointed out that the electricity bills should be levied based on industrial tariff, property tax should not be paid like Kerala Circle, as the property has not been transferred to BSNL so far and requested the CGMT to take appropriate action so as to save BSNL money. He has pointed out that some executives allotted the Jabalpur TELEWAVE 33 MARCH-2016
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