Page 47 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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also informed that there shall be huge financial implication on implementing this proposal. Establishment cell also pointed that with replacement of scales for all executives, there won’t be any anomalies. CMD BSNL told them that when executive are getting some benefit out of refusal by government, to snatch that benefit from executives is not good and BSNL should bear the expenses occurring as an outcome of refusal by government to implement E1A and E2A. We asked from CMD BSNL that whether the proposal which is resulting in huge financial implications can be implemented. He assured that he will get the proposal through as the financial burden is out of pension liability and the Amount will any how go to the government only. We also highlighted that as per current practice, the amount of pension contribution on highest basic is being paid only when the person retires and hence the burden is not immediate. However, we will go by management decisions but only thing that should be kept in mind is that replacement of E1A and E2A with E2 and E3 scales are immediate necessity as the executives joining after 1.1.2007 are facing losses in their salary and that an executive should not be made to remain in E3 scale for 10 years just because he has achieved E2 scale five years before his/her seniors. CMD BSNL again reassured that an Executive will not be kept in any scale for 10 years and he is willing to upgrade all the scales to avoid anomalies. On the issue of implementation of KHAN COMMITTEE REPORT ON CPSU Hierarchy, CMD BSNL said that since the committee has proposed that executives may be given time bound functional promotion up to the scale of AGMs and in the DGM scale as Jt. DGM, management does not have any issue over it and the same shall be implemented as per KHAN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. On extending superannuation benefit, it was agreed that the quantum will be reconsidered after approval from DoT and the date of implementation shall also be reviewed with increasing financial performance by BSNL. On DGM RRs and the ongoing DGM recruitment, it was agreed that the same will be scrapped. On MT RR, Though the United Forum once again emphasized that they are against any lateral recruitment of fresher’s above JTO/JAO Equivalent, Director (HR) advised that keeping in view, the demand of other stake holders, the issue of scrapping of MT RRs may be dealt after the membership verification/referendum process of the Executive Associations and the view of the majority association shall be taken into consideration. Till that time MT recruitment shall be kept on hold. We agreed to the proposal as the action was to be taken by considering the view of the majority and if majority wants MT to be scrapped, it will be scrapped, if majority wants MT to be held, it will be held. CMD BSNL also directed HR team to take all necessary actions to expedite the CPCs and LDCE by engaging senior lawyers. On Rule-8 cases and special recruitment drive for hard tenure/short fall circles and other issues enumerated in agenda, a meeting was fixed with Director (HR) on 23rd May 2016. On 23rd May, the meeting was held with Director (HR) which continued on 24th May also where in all the demands of united forum were discussed in detail and the decisions were taken with a firm time line for implementation of the same with due commitment from all the HR Unit officers to adhere to the timelines. On 24th May 2016 evening, the meeting continued till 9:30 pm and after the decisions, the letter containing minutes of the meetings with decisions & firm timelines were prepared which was to be taken to CMD BSNL for approval. Hence, director (HR) advised us to wait in her office, while the minutes were discussed with CMD. About 10 pm GM (SR) returned after discussing with CMD BSNL and informed us that some corrections are required in the minutes of E-2 and E-3 pay scale. After corrections, we saw that there was ambiguity on the issue of number of years for the executives in E3 scale and requested to correct the letter accordingly. GM (SR) tried to contact Director (HR) but could not get her on telephone. Finally GM (SR) told that next morning of 25th May 2016, he shall discuss the matter with director (HR) and will inform us to release the decisions communicated in the meeting. ( All this while, the friendly association was on toes, running here and there to derail all these developments). However, on the inaction of the SR section to address the issue of keeping executives in E3 scale for 10 years next morning as there was no communication, we were forced to start Hunger Fast. In the evening, however, under pressure from some overzealous corners that didn’t bothered about the resolution of the issues just for the sake of credit, SR cell notified referendum and enforced code of conduct which acted as a tool for the friendly association in their quest for sabotaging the agitation and settlement of issues. On 26-5-2016 afternoon at 2.30PM, GM SR informed to attend meeting with Dir HR at 3.30pm. Dir HR in the meeting told that the minutes prepared till now can’t be issued as the notification of Executive Association has been issued and management has to maintain a level playing field. We told Director (HR) that notifying referendum was not called for at this time when the settlement of burning TELEWAVE 47 JUNE-2016
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