Page 44 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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that the payment is now deposited to their bank accounts but they are not informed the payments vis a vis the pending bills. They are also not informed about the receipt of the bill or the progress of the bill. We therefore proposed the following for consideration of the management.  Pensioners will prefer their claims in usual way and deposit it personally or by speed post/couriers as per their convenience.  On receipt of the claim the accounts office shall immediately enter the claim into the ERP system on the same day. After entry, the system will generate a ‘claim number’ and intimate the same to the pensioner by SMS.  The pensioner can view the progress of the claim in the portal with the help of the ‘claim no’  Additionally system will generate SMS when the claim crosses each stage of settlement.  Finally the payment details against the ‘claim nos’ to be intimated so that the pensioner understand which claim is paid. This information to be provided in portal also.  Claims are to be settled within a specified Time limit like serving employees.  The ERP package and BSNL intranet to be suitably modified to cater the above provisions. (ii) INDOOR MEDICAL TREATMENT Other than Delhi, almost in all circles no of empanelled hospitals for treatment on cashless basis is minimum. In some circles for month together no empanelled hospitals are there. This has to be looked into. TPA system as is available in other corporate or linking with LIC as done by CGHS may be introduced. The committee constituted for reviewing the BSNLMRS may kindly be asked to take the views of Pensioner Associations also. The committee constituted by the BSNL should hear the voice of pensioners also as their need is different than the serving employees to some extent. (iii) FREE CALLS AS PER BSNL ORDER IN CONCESSIONAL TELEPHONES Free calls allowed in the concessional telephones are 500+50 calls which should be 500+220calls to BSNL as per order of BSNL dated 12-07-2007. Order to this effect may kindly be issued. Further the free calls allowed should be the call made in local and national networks. (iv) ALLOWING NIGHT CALLING FACILITY IN CONCESSIONAL TELEPHONES: The free Night Calling Facility as introduced in land phones has not been extended to concessional land phones for pensioners which are not coming under service telephone category. This may kindly be introduced. (v) TRANSFER OF SERVICE BOOKS OF BSNL PENSIONERS TO DOT CELLS AFTER RETIREMENT: After retirement all BSNL pensioners draw their pension from DOT. All further pension revision etc are to be carried out by DOT cells of respective CCAs. Hence it will be appropriate to transfer the custody of the service books to DOT for proper maintenance. It may be noted that DOT cells are maintaining the service books electronically for safety and security. 5.0 Other Organizational Activities:  Establishment of Association office and permanent assets: At present the Association Office is being run from BSNL’s accommodation. However, decision on some accommodation on permanent basis / rented basis for stay purpose of our members at CHQ New Delhi may be taken in the 5th AIC at Mysuru.  Winding-up of all constituent Associations: All the General Secretaries of constituent Associations have been requested again and again to take necessary steps to wind-up the constituent Associations and transferring their movable/ immovable properties/ assets to AIBSNLEA. But no constituent Association has taken necessary steps in this regard. As per the decision of 3rd AIC Kolkata a Committee has been constituted headed by Sh. P. Venugopal, President, Sh. Amit Gupta, OS(East), Sh. Jogi Ram, CWC Member Haryana, Sh. C.M. Saste, OS(W) and Sh. Sai Baba, CS AP Circle to suggest the mean and manner to resolve the issue. TELEWAVE 44 JUNE-2016
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