Page 45 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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Accordingly, the Committee members met GS, TESA (I) and GS, AFSOA during their visit to CHQ on dated 31.01.2013 but they did not shown any inclination to transfer the movable/immovable assets to AIBSNLEA on one pretext or the other. In view of this, CHQ consulted advocate for legal actions and a legal notice was sent by our advocate to GS TESA (I) in the month of June’2013 and now the writ petition is pending the Hon’ble Civil Court, NOIDA.  Permanent Employee at CHQ Office: Shri Ramesh Chand, is at present working in CHQ Office and helping day to day work on nominal salary. Similarly one Car driver Shri Rohit Kanozia is also working. Shri Ramesh Chand’s presence at CHQ is helpful in day to day work as he is very much aware of the working procedure of BSNL Corporate office as well as of Associations. Hence his regular appointment as an employee to AIBSNLEA CHQ may be approved by 5th AIC. For deciding terms and conditions of the appointment, a three member committee may be constituted which may give its recommendations to CHQ for approval.  Organizational tours: The details of the Organizational tours of CHQ Office bearers are being placed regularly on the website for information.  Venue for next CWC: This AIC may deicide venue for next CWC Meeting. 6.0 Organisational Action Programmes: The details of the Organizational Action programmes / meeting under the banner of United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations comprising AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA and Forum of BSNL Unions/Associations at CHQ Office are being placed regularly on the website for information. A. Functioning of United Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations comprising AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA: AIBSNLEA, SNEA(I) and AIGETOA under the banner of United Forum of BSNL Executives Associations were taking up the common issues mainly holding of CPCs to fill up vacant JAG / STS grade posts on regular and adhoc basis, CPSU Cadre hierarchy, Implementation of E-2, E-3 standard IDA Pay scales, transfer policy, amendment in EPP, MTRR, BSNL MSRRs, DGM RR etc. similarly on the issues related to viability of BSNL but after the notification of membership verification of Executives’ Association in 2014, the coordination between AIBSNLEA and SNEA (I) is practically missing. However, after the coordination with AIGETOA and MoU signed between AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA in July 2014, we are moving together for the settlement of the common HR issues and making efforts to strengthen the unity to make the Association as Number One Association. During the period AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA has conducted joint CWC meetings at Hyderabad, in August 2014 and at Kolkata in August 2015 and Joint Central Office Bearers meetings also. Now, the joint AIC of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA is being held here at Mysuru. The organizational action programs launched by United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA in the month of November, 2015 and May 2016 have been successfully implemented throughout the country which has strengthened the unity of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA and has given an identity to executives as well as in Management of BSNL. United Forum is taking up the common issues mainly holding of CPCs to fill up vacant JAG / STS grade posts on regular and adhoc basis, CPSU Cadre hierarchy, Implementation of E-2, E-3 standard IDA Pay scales, transfer policy, amendment in EPP, MTRR, BSNL MSRRs, DGM RR etc. Recently United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA launched agitation program as under: United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations (AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA) served a notice on 24th June 2015 for resuming the deferred organizational actions to protest against the arbitrary recruitment of Management Trainee and non-settlement of long pending HR issues in BSNL. The Protest actions and the Schedule of the agitations was as follows-  Lunch Hour Demonstration on 1st July, 2015 at all SSA/Circle/Corporate Office level.  Hunger Fast for three days from 10.00 Hrs. to 18.00 Hrs. on 7th, 8th and 9th July, 2015 at all SSA/Circle/Corporate Office level.  "Work According to Rule" program with effect from 00.00 Hrs. of 7th July, 2015 till withdrawal of the MT Recruitment and settlement of the pending HR issues. TELEWAVE 45 JUNE-2016
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