Page 50 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
P. 50
This is a report having reported the important developments & activities of the Association after 4th All India Conference held at Nashik from 10th, 11th and 12th November, 2013 mainly to have quick catch-up of the major developments that took place during the period. So that the deliberation on the various items on agenda of the 5th All India Conference became easier. Most of the issues related to the members of AIBSNLEA and the important developments of the Association as above are available in the report. Before concluding, I shall fail in my duties if I do not express my gratitude and sincere thanks to all the esteemed members of the Association for their unqualified support which enabled the CHQ and the CWCs to discharge their functions as effectively as was possible. I express my sincere thanks to all the branches and Circles who co-operated their best in allowing us to discharge our duties and commitment towards the members. My sincere thank goes to the Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents and the CWC Members for their sincere participations in the CWC meetings which made meetings meaningful. I thank my CHQ colleagues for their valuable support and assistance. I also thank to our veteran leader Comrade Amit Kumar Gupta, Ex OS (East) for his valuable guidance. I express my sincere gratitude to Comrade P. Venugopal, CHQ President for his valuable and mature guidance during this period. We successfully overcame from all the hurdles created by vested interest to destabilize this Association. We could function as cohesive team despite the fact that our Association is having executives of various disciplines with divergent views, different problems and dissimilar approach. That is why during this period most of the important issues could be successfully resolved. I am confident that our collective strength and maturity in decision making will make it possible for us to reach our goal. Let us, therefore march forward to re-write our own future with confidence and firm determination. We are extremely thankful to the comrades of Karnataka Circle and in particular to Mysuru SSA for holding this 5thAll India Conference at Mysuru. Thanking you, AIBSNLEA – UNITY – ZINDABAD ! AIBSNLEA ZINDABAD ! BSNL ZINDABAD ! Comradely yours, -Sd- (Prahlad Rai) General Secretary TELEWAVE 50 JUNE-2016
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