Page 46 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
P. 46
" W" [Delhi Chalo] and "Indefinite Dharna" at BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi with effect from 22nd July, 2015 till withdrawal of the MT Recruitment and settlement of the pending HR issues. Responding to our Organizational Action call, a committee was constituted by the competent authority. Committee meeting on MT issue held on 30th June 2015 at 10:00 am. General Secretary of AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, SNEA and AIBSNLOA have participated from association's side. AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA and AIBSNLOA were on the same opinion that MT recruitment must not be done with present notification and need to be withheld. First management should finalize the time bound promotion policy in line with CPSE cadre hierarchy and then must discuss about the any other recruitment if required only at SAG/HAG level Posts. We have also pleaded that all CPSEs make single recruitment of fresh candidates at executive's level and then promote them up to top level by measuring their performance and experience. Same set of promotion policy must be implemented in BSNL. Unfortunately our sister association SNEA (I) conveyed that they are not concerned with external MT recruitment but pleaded that internal MT recruitment must take place on notified date as their members are crossing the age of 50 years. It is well known that present MT RR is having the provision of external and internal both and their seniority is interlinked, there is no possibility of only internal recruitment without scrapping the present MT RR. From Management side GM (Pers/Rect) advocated the external MT as need for the company to acquire fresh talent in BSNL in other words BSNL is having no talent. He was also in the view that only MT can turn around the company. GM (Pers) has offered that let the exam to be conducted and result may be withheld till the finalization of CPSE cadre hierarchy which was rejected by three association i.e. AIGETOA, AIBSNLEA and AIBSNLOA. It is surprising that GS SNEA against his previous claim of implementation of CPSE cadre hierarchy before 15-08-2015, was of the opinion that MT recruitment in current hierarchy must continue till the implementation of CPSE cadre hierarchy in BSNL because, after the implementation of the CPSE cadre hierarchy all the RRs of SDEs/DEs/DGM level executives will be scrapped hence, our people will not be able to become MT. Here, I would like to appraise you the development took place during the second Magnificent struggle of United Forum in May 2016. The magnificent struggle of united forum of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA and its achievements has paved the way for the settlement of the long pending HR issues of BSNL executives and has proved the strength and importance of executives before management. All the organisational actions i.e. demonstration, one day Dharna on 13.5.2016, day long hunger fast for three days on 25, 26, 27 may 2016 have been successfully implemented throughout the country. During the agitation, several meetings were held with BSNL management. On 13th May, CMD called the General Secretaries of all the three Associations wherein date for the meeting was fixed as 19th May 2016 with all the three General Secretaries together. However, the GS of the friendly association held the meeting on 17th only for the reasons known to all as he was not willing to wait till 19th May 2016. In the meeting on 19th May, Detailed discussion with CMD BSNL took place on the main issues of Standard Pay Scales, Implementation of CPSU Hierarchy, Abolishing of MT and DGM RRs, Implementation of 30% Superannuation to all DRs, conduction of CPCs, Declaration of LDCE results, consideration of Rule -8 cases and holding of recruitment drive in tenure and shortfall circles etc. Director (HR) & other HR Officers were also present in the meeting. On the Pay scale issue, we demanded replacement of scales with promotions as per existing EPP. We explained to CMD BSNL that keeping one executive in E3 scales for 10 years just to offshoot his gain in lower scale is not at all justified. Earlier CMD was having some doubts about the demand because of wrong feeding from some corners but after listening to our arguments and submissions, CMD BSNL was convinced that whatever we are pleading is correct and keeping an executive in a scale for 10 years should not be done. He immediately directed for implementing our proposal. Establishment cell pointed out that if the proposal of United Forum is implemented, there may be lot of anomalies which can be difficult to settle afterwards. CMD BSNL told that whatever we are pleading is logical and asked what will happen if the scales are upgraded for all executives. Establishment cell pointed out that group B executive will reach E7 scales while as per EPP they can be promoted up to E6 only. Establishment cell TELEWAVE 46 JUNE-2016
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