Page 43 - TELEWAVE JUNE-2016
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Secretariat. The 3rd PRC implementation is due w.e.f 01.01.2017. The 7th CPC has already submitted its recommendations to the Govt. Now the committee of secretaries is examining the issue. The 7th CPC report is expected to be notified in July 2016. It is understood that as soon as the 7th CPC report is notified, just thereafter the 3rd PRC notification will also take place and immediately all the PSUs and the Executive Associations will give their presentation to the Chairman and members of the 3rd PRC. AIBSNLEA CHQ is closely monitoring the developments. On the issue of IDA Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners Just after the notification of 3rd PRC report by Govt. and delinking this from the revision of Pay scales of BSNL/MTNL serving employees. AIBSNLEA representatives along with the representatives of MTNL Executives’ Association (TEAM) and RTOWA MTNL met the Jt. Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat to consider the case of IDA Pension revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners in 7th CPC recommendations itself. Since the oral evidence was already given by the BSNL Unions/Associations to the Chairman and Members of 7th CPC but the 7th CPC do not consider it in its report since it was not the terms and reference of 7th CPC. Jt. Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat advised to take up the issue now with 3rd PRC through DPE. Accordingly, we met Jt. Secretary DPE and requested in writing to make the terms and reference of 3rd PRC for IDA Pension revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners. Jt. Secy. DPE assured to consider and put the matter to 3rd PRC Chairman after its constitution. We again met Jt. Secretary DOP&W and requested to consider IDA Pension revision of BSNL Pensioners also in the same manner of Central Govt. Pensioners revision of Pension through DOP&W. The Jt. Secretary, DOP&W informed that the Cabinet Note for revision of IDA Pension of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners will be prepared and moved by DOT only as happened after 2nd PRC. Hence, matter has to be taken up with DOT for revision of IDA Pension after 3rd PRC report is notified by Govt. This AIC should discuss and give opinion/suggestions to be submitted to 3rd PRC after its constitution immediately. 4.20 Deloitte Consultant Recommendations: A meeting of the Forum of BSNL Unions/ Associations was held on 4th August 2014 at New Delhi to discuss about the report of the M/s Deloitte, a consultants appointed by BSNL to furnish recommendations on revival and restructuring of BSNL. The report is completely anti-employees as well as anti-BSNL. M/s Deloittee didn't made any consultation with the employees or its representatives who are the actual stake holders of the company before making such recommendations. So far Management has also not shared the details of the recommendations with the Associations / Unions. Forum opined that the report is being studied and discussed in detail before taking any decision. After detailed discussion by all the participants the decision taken: Massive Protest Demonstrations organized on 12th August 2014 at all Circle / SSA levels and Corporate Office on 21st Aug 2014 the date on which the meeting of the Circle Heads is taking place in Corporate Office to take decisions on the said recommendations of the M/s Deloitte. 4.21 Improvement in the revised policy for service GSM, RSTC & Broadband to Executives: A. Enhancement of 200 free calls limit per month on RSTC, & enhancement of free call limit on GSM Telephone connection to STS level officer from 500 calls to 700 calls. B. Rent free Broadband service connection to all Executives with BSNL 750 plan. Sr. GM (Admn.) has processed the case to the competent authority for rent free Broadband connection. C. All the BSNL executives should be provided GSM Handsets of the cost of Rs.3000/- Rs. 4000/- &Rs 5000/- to the JTO/SDE/DE level executives instead of Rs, 1500/- , Rs 2500/- Rs 3500/- respectively. D. All Executives’ should be allowed CUG facility on RSTC at circle level. E. 3G Mobile service to all Executives has been allowed with free data service. All the issues have been taken up with Dir (HR) for necessary action. 4.22 Other issues of BSNL Pensioners taken up by AIBSNLEA: (i) OUTDOOR MEDICAL BILLS REIMBURSEMENT: After introduction of ERP, the settlement of medical claims for the serving employees have been streamlined. Serving employees now enter their claims in the system themselves and can also monitor the progress till payment which is also almost time bound. But the pensioners, who are almost equal in number of serving employees are practically kept out of the ERP. Their claims are still manually processed and entered in the system only at the last stage before payment. It is true TELEWAVE 43 JUNE-2016
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