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paying the subscription and legal fee. He also appealed to post trained manpower in MSCs to enhance the mobile revenue. He appealed for an aggressive marketing and work on the single window concept. Com. Karan Singh, Advisor(North) AIBSNLEA CHQ, in his address thanked CGMT for his tremendous effort for making active the top and middle level management and the ensuring the better availability of the store materials for Rajasthan Circle. He appealed all to work hard for taking all the benefits of 3rd PRC. At last he thanked to Sriganganagar branch for inviting him in the grand CEC. Com. Devesh Sharma, Organizing Secretary (North) CHQ in his address explained the efforts of CHQ in continuously resolving the issues of BSNL Executives. He submitted that it was only AIBSNLEA, which introduced the concept of ''Customer Delight'' He appealed the Circle Management to provide the dedicated vehicles in EB cells of SSA, enhanced data limits to Executives. He thanked CGMT Rajasthan for his tremendous initiative for making centralised DPCs and faster disposals of TA/Medical bills to Employees. Shri Rajeev Khanna, President CHQ SNATTA, in his address conveyed thanks to GS AIBSNLEA Shri Prahlad Rai for his tremendous efforts for the notification of the LICE for TTA to JTO. He told that the BSNL is the only PSU which involves the name of the nation in itself. He conveyed his thanks to CGMT Rajasthan Circle for his positive efforts towards the growth of the Circle and demanded more such efforts for enhancing the EB revenue in the Circle. At last he thanked to AIBSNLEA for inviting him in the grand CEC and appreciated the AIBSNLEA CHQ in settling the issues of all the cadres. Shri R.K. Verma, District Secretary BSNLEU Sriganganagar in his address thanked CGMT for resolving all the pending problems of the Non Executives and he thanked AIBSNLEA for inviting him in the grand CEC. Guest of Honour, Shri Dinesh Garg, GMTD, Sriganganagar welcomed all the participants. He elaborately informed that the mobile revenue has been increased by 5% as compare to the last year. He appreciated the role of AIBSNLEA in the growth and viability of BSNL. He expressed his full faith that under the dynamic leadership of CGMT Rajasthan and the Circle will soon become the No. 1 Circle in the whole country. At last he thanked the association for choosing the Sriganganagar for such an important meeting. GS AIBSNLEA, Shri Prahlad Rai, congratulated the comrades of Rajasthan Circle for the organizing successful CEC and thanked the comrades for their great affection. Com GS informed the dedicated efforts of AIBSNLEA for the BSNL Executives' viz. Implementation of EPP, Grant of Perks to Executives, Transparent Transfer Policy, 2nd PRC implementation with 30% IDA fixation benefit, Mobile Connections to BSNL Executives', BSNL MSRRs formation after 23 marathon meetings. Com. GS praised the CGMT Rajasthan Shri R.K. Misra for his tremendous marketing efforts inline as he done in KTK Circle. He appreciated that the agitation is neither the culture of Executives' of Rajasthan, nor the customers. Com GS further mentioned that the continues trend of the losses in BSNL is a serious concern for all of us and there is a great need to think over it. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges Rs. 1250 crores, BWA refund etc should be cleared immediately by the Government. Com. GS assured that the support of CHQ is always available. In his detailed address Com. GS also highlighted the issues showing the indifferent attitude of Government, Encroachment of Rule 37 A pension by introducing 60:40 issue, 78.2% pay fixation case of BSNL pensioners, exhausting BSNL reserve funds of 30,000 Crores has adversely affected the viability of BSNL. He informed that BSNL is spending huge amount on rural exchanges in rural areas telecom services. GS also informed that the letter has been issued to training centres to start the NGN based courses for the future requirement of the skilled manpower to BSNL. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges, BSNL refund etc should be cleared immediately by the government. He explained that how the AIBSNLEA is continuously pursuing these viability related issues with the BSNL Management and DoT. Com. GS mentioned about forthcoming "G-Fast" BB services in which VDSLs will be installed at customer premises. Com. GS gave the example of the training centre of MTNL Mumbai, RTTC Nagpur and RTTC Pune about the proper utilization of their infrastructure for earning the revenue by giving the PSUs/Govt. Departments for departing trainings. He also advised that we should use our infrastructure also in same pattern and steps for ensure the revenue earning for BSNL. Com GS. Further explained the burning issues of the Headquarters level. He explained the situation on the issues like VRS, 30% disinvestment and unbundling of last mile copper. Com. GS mentioned that the Broadband is the lifeline of BSNL and this is the only role of Trade Unions by which the disinvestment and TELEWAVE Page-45 DECEMBER-2015
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