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Chief Guest of the Circle Conference, Shri M. K. Seth, CGM ALTTC in his address praised the role of AIBSNLEA towards the growth of BSNL. He appealed that due to our efforts, BSNL should become number one telecom operator in the whole world. He mentioned that only due to full determination, we can achieve the success in 3 months only. He mentioned about the initiative taken by him to introduce the training programs as per the changing demand of the company. He informed that on 31.10.2015, a grand BSNL Mela is going to be organize in the ALTTC Campus in which approximately more than 10000 people are expected to come. He further informed that the labs in the ALTTC are of world class standard and the benefit should be grab for the BSNL by using this infrastructure for BSNL benefits. CGM ALTTC further mentioned that the brand image is necessary and without the brand image, it is very difficult to make the business and to sell our services. He further mentioned that our role at ALTTC should not only to impart the training but it should also be to make the BSNL viable. He informed that ALTTC is going to start a discussion portal in collaboration with ITPC. MoU is in Pipeline with UP Technical University and NITGTR. This is only possible with the help of the faculty members. For achieving these goals, we should remain in contact with the society and industries. He advised that minimum one week training in every six month's span is very necessary for every Executive in BSNL and for achieving this, we all should work with positive attitude with team work. At last he conveyed his assurance to make BSNL viable and enhance the glory of ALTTC. He also mentioned that he is also trying to provide the training in Naturopathy and Yoga in due course of time. At last he thanked to all for making the conference a grand success. General Secretary, AIBSNLEA, Shri Prahlad Rai, in his address thanked all for inviting him in the historic 5th Circle Conference of prestigious ALTTC. He mentioned that the ALTTC Ghaziabad is an important Circle, not only for BSNL but also for the AIBSNLEA because trainees from all over India are coming to the ALTTC for training purpose. He mentioned that the contribution of the ALTTC is very good towards betterment of BSNL. Com. GS remembered the DoT set up scenario of 1980 of his own 10 months training which he has completed in the ALTTC. Com. GS provided the example of the training center of MTNL Mumbai, RTTC Nagpur and RTTC Pune about the proper utilization of their infrastructure for earning the revenue by giving the PSUs/Govt. departments for departing trainings. He also advised that we should use our infrastructure also in same pattern and steps for ensure the revenue earning for BSNL. GS AIBSNLEA also informed that the AIBSNLEA is also perusing for the progress of National Telecom University. Com. GS provided the example of RTTC Hyderabad and NATFM Hyderabad's collaboration with Hyderabad University and how much quality training and Diploma courses they are providing to our valued customers. He informed that AIBSNLEA CHQ is fully concern about the progress of the issues of ALTTC. He also advised that the marketing efforts of the ALTTC wings by organizing BSNL Mela etc. should be reflected to higher authorities. GS AIBSNLEA also informed that a letter has been issued to training centers to start the NGN based courses for the future requirement of the skilled manpower to BSNL. Com GS further mentioned that the present trend of the declining profit is a serious concern for all of us and there is a great need to think over it. Com GS mentioned that all the dues of BSNL i.e. pending rural deficit charges, BSNL refund etc should be cleared immediately by the Government. Com. GS also highlighted the issues showing the indifferent attitude of Government, Encroachment of Rule 37- A pension by introducing 60:40 issue, 78.2% pay fixation case of BSNL pensioners, pending rural deficit charges, exhausting BSNL reserve funds of 30000 Crores. Com. GS appealed to earn more and more revenue for BSNL to overcome our present loss. Our present loss is due to the depreciation. Com. GS praises the efforts of KRL, ORISSA, AP, Raj and KTK Circles that how they are making positive efforts for enhancing the revenue. Com GS. further explained the status of HR issues related to mainly CPCs from DE to DGM, CPC of SDE to DE(Regular ), JTO to SDE, JTO to SDE by LDCE, JAO to AO, AO to CAO, CAO (Adhoc) to CAO (regular), DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) & CAO to DGM(F), DPC in Civil/Electrical wing, AD(OL) case of pay equivalent to SDE/AO, DPCs of Telecom Factory and the issues of PA/PS, JTO (Officiating) regularization, PPS posts creation in field units, E2-E3 pay scale, CPSU cad re hierarchy, 30% superannuation benefits issue etc. At last he thanked all for inviting him in the conference. At the last stage of the Circle Conference, the elections for the new regular body were taken place. CGM ALTTC Shri M.K. Seth were unanimously nominated as Chief patron and Com Janardhan, Com. Anil Kumar and Com. K. P. Singh were elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Finance Secretary respectively. The Auditorium was Jam packed. Com. Janardhan, Circle President delivered the vote of thanks. 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