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CS spoke on Circle level problems in details. He appealed to CHQ that In every DPCs of DETs around 100 to 120 SDEs are declining promotion of DETs due to posting in northern part of India even though more than 50 vacancies of DETs are available in KTK. Why ill treatment to Karnataka Circle ?. Avoid transfer and posting of SDEs/DETs on long standing basis or on their promotion to Northern India due to their health and age factor as it was forcing them to take VRS or declining the promotion. He told that GS is working day and night at CHQ to resolve long pending issues. Transfer cases and pending issues will be pursued at CHQ level. He spoke on strengthening of organisation, holding of frequent meetings with members and Admn, sparing some time for union activities etc. viability of BSNL etc. Com M R Nagaraj CP told to DSs should hold Biannual meetings regularly without fail. He clarifies the issues of Accounts personnel raised by Dist Secretaries/ Members. He appealed to all members to increase membership so that we can be in No. 1 position. Com Krishne Gowda ACS-II spoke on organisational matter, membership drive, holding of 5th AIC & 6th KCC at Mysuru etc. Com S K Hiremath ACS-I spoke on irregularity in promotion and posting of DETs . BSNL CO was issuing inter Circle transfer order of SDEs without forwarding letter from the Circle (Proper Channel). Members discussed on Field problems i,e Replacement of life expired batteries of BTSs, Xges etc, AMC for Engine Generators, A/Cs,EPBTs etc. shortage of BB Modems, EPBTS, Drop wire, MLLN QMH, CTUs V-35 Modems ,maintenance of WIMAX SVC, Fund for maintenance etc. CEC endorsed the MOU between AIGETOA & AIBSNLEA. CEC directed all the members to work together with AIGETOA. CEC decided to hold 6th Karnataka Circle Conference along with 5th AIC at Mysuru. Com S K Hiremath ACS-I placed the resolution and passed thanking Bijapur TD Branch comrades for making excellent arrangement for conducting CEC meeting in very grand manner in the short notice. Com R H Kai EM BJP TD gave a vote of thanks. Meeting ended with concluding remarks by President. Circle Executive Committee meeting of Rajasthan Circle on 31.10.2015 at Sriganganagar: Circle Executive Committee meeting of Rajasthan Circle was organised on 31.10.2015 at Conference Hall, Maheshwari Bhawan, Sriganganagar. The Open Session of the CEC was attended by Shri Prahlad Rai GS, Shri Devesh Sharma Org. Secy.(North), Shri Karan Singh Advisor (N) & Shri Bhagwan Singh, Auditor CHQ from AIBSNLEA CHQ side and Shri R.K. Misra, CGMT, Rajasthan was the Chief Guest & Shri Dinesh Garg, GMTD, Sriganganagar attended the Open Session as Guest of Honour. Shri Rajeev Khanna, CHQ president SNATTA and Shri R.K.Verma, District Secretary BSNLEU Sriganganagar attended the open session as special guests. Chief Guest of the Open Session Shri R.K. Misra, CGMT Rajasthan Circle Inaugurated the function by lightning of lamp. All the distinguished guests were welcomed by the garlanding and welcomed by presenting Rajasthani Turbans & mementos. Com. Achal Bayana, Branch Secretary, AIBSNLEA Sriganganagar branch delivered the welcome address and welcomed all the guests. He raised the matter of need of immediate hospital empanelment for Sriganganagar SSA. Com. H.L. Awasthi, Circle President AIBSNLEA Rajasthan, in his address welcomed all the dignitaries and participants for spare time to attend the Circle Executive Committee meeting of AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle. Com. M.K. Morodia, Circle Secretary AIBSNLEA Rajasthan, in his key note address welcomed all in CEC Sriganganagar. He specially thanked to CGMT Rajasthan Shri R.K. Misra to spare time to attend the CEC in the remote Sriganganagar SSA. He emphasized that executives are not at all responsible for the losses of the BSNL but the policies are responsible. He appealed the executives that they should make their extreme efforts to delight the customers who approaches to them because the customers have still faith on BSNL. Com. CS informed that Rajasthan Circle has achieved the no. 1 position in ERP in the dynamic leadership of CGMT Rajasthan Circle. Com CS also raised the need of resolvement of HR issues like look after promotions on same stations, filling the soft tenure station as per policy and need to enhance the mobile data limits for the Executives of Rajasthan Circle. Com. Bhagwan Singh, Auditor CHQ, in his address thanked AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle for inviting him in the session. He appealed all the members strengthening the association by adding more and more members and TELEWAVE Page-44 DECEMBER-2015
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