P. 49
We requested for filling up of the vacant posts of PCE/CE/SE/EE (Electrical). PGM (EW) informed that to iniate the CPCs proposalsfromCEtoPCE,SEtoCEhavebeensenttothecompetentauthorityforapproval.Assoonastheapprovalisreceived theCPCswillbeexpedited. The CPC from EE to SE is in progress and most of the ACRs / VCRs of the eligible EEs have been received. CPC will be expedited andpromoonorderswillbeissuedshortlytofillup27vacantSE(Electrical)posts.Wealsorequestedforhiskindintervenon forfillingup ofthevacantDGM(E) posts.Weexplained thatBSNLCO Pers.CellisnotexpedingCPCfromDEtoDGMonthe pretext of pending court case whereas there is no stay order against promoon from DE to DGM. We further requested that promoonorderscanbeissuedsubjecttooutcomeofthecourtcase. CMDassuredtolookintothema er. KIND ATTENTIONS All Circle Secretaries / District Secretaries are requested to pursue outstanding Diary - 2015 payment against their Circle / SSA as a huge amount of Diary is outstanding. Further, the details of Diary payment already made may be furnished to CHQ by giving date and amount of payment made through RTGS/NEFT. MOST URGENT All the Circle / District Secretaries of AIBSNLEA are requested to remit pending CHQ Quota immediately. Further, if any Circle /District has already paid CHQ quota directly to CHQ account through RTGS/NEFT, then Circle / District Secretaries are requested to e-mail the details of the same by giving date and amount of payment made through RTGS/NEFT Update on dispatch of Executive Diary – 2016 All the orders received up to 22.01.2016 have been dispatched through the vender and renowned private surface transporters. In case of any clarification, if required in this regard, please leave an SMS toAGS (HQ) on his mobile number 9868115301. Now only a few Diaries are left. Pl. hurry-up to place your diary purchase order to CHQ at the earliest. COURT STATUS Status of 147 SDEs of LDCE quota seniority case is Hon'ble Supreme Court: The case was came for hearing on 16.11.201 in Court No-7. After some arguments the case is posted for final hearing on 16.02.2016. The Status of 206 Seniority case in Hon'ble Supreme Court: The 206 seniority case along with the experts committee report came up before Hon'ble Supreme Court on 11.12.2015. The case is now posted for hearing to 16.02.2016 along with 147 case. TELEWAVE Page-49 DECEMBER-2015
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