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unbundling of Copper conductor has not taken place in BSNL. Com GS. further explained the status of HR issues related to mainly CPCs from DE to DGM, CPC of SDE to DE(Regular ), JTO to SDE, JTO to SDE by LDCE, JAO to AO, AO to CAO, CAO (Adhoc) to CAO (regular), DGM(Adhoc) to DGM (Regular) & CAO to DGM(F), DPC in Civil/Electrical wing, AD(OL) case of pay equivalent to SDE/AO, DPCs of Telecom Factory and the issues of PA/PS, JTO (Officiating) regularization, PPS posts creation in field units, E2-E3 pay scale , CPSU cadre hierarchy , 30% superannuation benefits issue etc. Com GS explained the role of AIBSNLEA in the viability of BSNL. GS mentioned the firm Commitment of AIBSNLEA towards the Viability of BSNL. He appealed all to follow the footsteps of Kerla and Orissa Circle for ensuring the viability of BSNL. At last he appealed the all Executives' for make every effort with a team spirit and customer care for making BSNL a vibrant organization. At last he congratulated AIBSNLEA Rajasthan Circle for the success of the open session. Chief Guest of the Open Session Shri R.K. Misra, CGMT Rajasthan Circle thanked GS AIBSNLEA to touch all the points in his speech. He provided the example of elephant to prove that the tiny thoughts may effect at big level. He informed that the Trade Unions are the friends and well wishers of Management and he has full regard to these. He advised that the role of the Association should be uniform and in the interest of the whole society, not for an individual. He told that the AIBSNLEA BIG SPECTRUM MEANS WIDER RESPONSIBILITIES. The CGMT assured to settle all the demands of the Association at priority. He assured that he does not want that any Executive diverse his mind while working, due to his non-settled grievance. He suggested that the DSA bills should be decided in 20 days time frame. He appealed that all Employees should develop the universal acceptability in their working like Shri Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA. He stressed that one out of policy transfer/modification harms another genuine Executives. He informed that due to our professional competence, the mobile revenue of the Circle has been increased from -18% to +3% in last three months and Rajasthan Circle is in top 3 in all over country. He also informed that the allotment of the drop wire has been increased 5 times. He announced with pride that due to the hard work by all of us, nobody can stop the Rajasthan becoming the no. 1 Circle. He expressed by giving the example of mother and child and house maker that we should introduce the professional competence in ourselves. He appealed that at least >80% telephone faults should be cleared on the same day. He told about the pioneer works initiated by him e.g. justification of GMs, specifications of battery/PP/Invertors/SIM etc and drafting the norms of NOFN project. The CGMT Rajasthan Circle advised that the power should be transferred to Circle Heads for the purchasing the materials for grabbing the EB Business quickly. He informed that Rajasthan has achieved 21 Crores IDC targets which is highest in the country. He also informed that Rajasthan has achieved 15 Crores from external works and it will surely go up-to 60-70 Crores. He proudly informed that there is no scarcity of materials for field units. He appreciated the promising leadership of AIBSNLEA. He appealed to do efforts from today itself for making BSNL a vibrant organization. At last he thanked to all for inviting him in the open session and congratulated for the grand success of the session. Com. J.K. Chabbra, President AIBSNLEA, Sriganganagar Branch extended the vote of thanks. In the interactive session, Com.GS replied all the queries raised by the members. The entire Conference Hall was Jam Packed. After the National Anthem the OPEN Session ended. 5th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA ALTTC Circle, Ghaziabad on 30.10.2015: The Circle Conference of ALTTC, Ghaziabad Circle was organized on 30.10.2015 in a grand manner in the auditorium of ALTTC Ghaziabad. CGM ALTTC Shri M.K. Seth was the Chief Guest in the Conference with Shri R.K. Gupta GM (Admn.) as Guest of Honour. Shri Prahlad Rai, General Secretary and Shri Devesh Sharma, OS (North) attended the Conference. At the starting of the Conference, the Circle President Shri Janardan and Circle Secretary Shri Rajkumar Bharti delivered the welcome speech and all the dignitaries on the dais were welcomed by presenting the bouquets. Com. Devesh Sharma, OS (North) in his speech elaborated the importance of ALTTC, not only in AIBSNLEA but also in BSNL. He mentioned that the faculty of ALTTC plays an important role in the mind making of BSNL Executives in their day to day issues. He congratulated Executives' of ALTTC for arranging the historic Circle Conference. He appealed all the members of AIBSNLEA ALTTC Circle for making successful all the calls of AIBSNLEA CHQ. TELEWAVE Page-46 DECEMBER-2015
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