P. 36
1. Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Gr. "B" Executives: GM (Pers.) informed that issue was there in agenda of BSNL Board Meeting today but none of the HR issues were discussed due to shortage of time. The issue will be discussed in next BSNL Board meeting. 2. Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis: GM(Pers.) informed that the matter is still pending in Estt. Cell for comments. However, he assured to personally discuss the matter with GM(Estt.) for early comments. 3. CPC from JTO to SDE (T) CPC against seniority cum fitness quota: Conduction of DPC for Seniority and fitness quota as per DoPT guidelines for the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 to fill up about 6600 SDEs posts: GM (Pers.) informed that the rejoinder has been filed in the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala through the Kerala Telecom Circle and hearing date is still awaited. GM(Pers.) informed that in the case of Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh on SC/ST roaster implementation, the legal opinion from ASG has been received and on that basis immediate action is being taken. 4. CPC from SDE (T)/DE(Adhoc) to DE Regular: Immediate CPC to fill up the left out about 11 DEs Posts and about 750 DEs posts on regular basis up to the vacancies of year 2013-14: GM (Pers) informed that CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to expedite the CPC in this month itself and to issue the promotion orders. 5. CPC from DE to DGM (Engg.) on Adhoc/Regular basis to fill up about 800 DGM vacant posts: We requested to expedite the CPC to fill up all vacant DGM posts approximate 800. GM (Pers.) mentioned that the CPC work is in progress and efforts are being made to issue promotion orders to fill up about 300 DGM posts in this month only and remaining DGM posts being vacant by March-2016 will be filled up simultaneously for which the ACRs / VCRs are being called shortly. 6. CPCs from JTO (TF) to SDE (TF), SDE (TF) to DE/AGM (TF) and LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF): GM (Pers.) mentioned that LDCE from JTO (TF) to SDEs (TF) will be notified shortly and LDCE will be conducted before March'2016.. 7. Post based promotions for PA/PS, common recruitment rules and nomenclature and introduction of promotion policy for stenos (dying cadre): GM (Pers) informed that the committee headed by ED (CN) will submit its report shortly wherein all 35 CGMs may have PPS posts. Hence, PS will get promotion to PPS posts. 8. Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre: GM (Pers) informed that the comments of Estt Cell has been received and he assured for early order in this regard. 9. Promotions through LDCE in SDE cadre: GM (Pers) informed that the committee has submitted the master answer key and on that basis the LDCE result is being revaluated and by the end of this month result will be ready which may be declared in Dec,2015. 10. Settlement of pay anomaly cases wherein senior Executives are drawing less pay than their juniors and antedating of pay:GM (Pers) informed that information on financial implication have been received from some circles and on that basis the draft proposal is sent to the Estt./EF Cell for further comments. 11. Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations: GM (Pers.) informed that issue was there in agenda of BSNL Board Meeting today but none of the HR issues were discussed due to shortage of time. The issue will be discussed in next BSNL Board meeting. 12. Withdrawal of the system/practice of Local Officiating Arrangement or Local Officiating Promotion in BSNL and Introduction of Look After arrangement by Executives: GM (Pers.) mentioned that the looking after arrangement was made due to some court cases and financial implications with the approval of the BSNL Board and now as per the Association request the designation on retirement, financial powers and stand- alone charge has been considered. 13. One time placement of SDE to Sr. SDE: GM (Pers) advised to have separate detailed discussions on this issue with supporting documents. 14. Introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying cadre): GM (Pers) assured to look into the matter. TELEWAVE Page-36 DECEMBER-2015
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