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Rajbhasha Adhikari at PAR with SDE/AO Scale. Shortly the case will be put up to the competent authority for approval. We have demanded to restructure the cadre by change of designation as AD(OL) and to ensure promotion up to DD(OL) STS Grade. GM (Pers) informed that the committee recommendation on restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre has been sent to EF Cell for comments. Director (HR) directed GM (Pers) to have meeting with PGM (EF) for early clearance of the file. 6. Immediate implementation of digital signature by all circles with respect to EPF cases settlement of BSNL recruited employees, resolution of all EPF Anomalies, and EPF contribution during training period. It was informed to Director (HR) that despite the court orders, field units including BSNL CO has not implemented it so far which may result into the contempt of the court which association may soon file if BSNL continues to show its apathy to the judgement. Director (HR) directed Establishment cell to seek the status from all the circles and field units. 7. Promotions through LDCE in SDE cadre: Forum Side strongly protested the slow movement of Personnel cell and non-appearance of BSNL side in the court cases specially those which have kept the promotional avenues of BSNL executives at bay. Director (HR) instructed the Personnel cell to strictly monitor all the court cases related to LDCE and other Promotions and to give a fortnightly progress to Director (HR) as well as Forum. She further cautioned personnel cell that non- appearance and casual handling of the court cases shall be viewed very seriously and responsibility shall be fixed. Personnel unit assured for an early action in this regard so that the promotion orders may be issued without any further delay. 8. Settlement of pay anomaly cases wherein senior Executives are drawing less pay than their juniors and antedating of pay: Forum pleaded to implement the Honorable Supreme Court judgment allowing stepping up of pay to all affected executives as the AIBSNLEA was party in the Apex court. Case of 124 executives decided based on court judgement. However, as discussed in the meeting with Director (HR) and union the case is to be seen in generality and gentility. GM (Pers) informed that the information of the eligible executives has been called from Circle to calculate the financial implications. We requested to an early action in this regard. Director (HR), directed GM (Pers) to look into the matter. Regarding antedating of pay, Director (HR) directed GM (Estt.) to hold further discussions with the association separately to resolve the issue at the earliest. On the issue of an increment @ 3% at the time of executive time bound upgradation on their basic pay on time bound promotion and subsequently 3% increment benefit on vertical promotion, GM (Estt) informed that the case has been sent to DoT again in view of the comments received from DPE/DOT in this regard for issuing the directions. 9. E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs: The BSNL Management Committee has cleared the proposal of E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs which is pending for BSNL Board approval. It was informed by the forum that despite clearance by Management Committee, the same has not been presented to board. It was also informed that the same needs to be presented as fresh agenda item to the board for its consideration. Management side assured for the same. 10. Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 & JTO RRs-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations: Director (HR) informed that the SDE RR-2014 has been resubmitted before BSNL Board de linking from HR plan. Earlier Board had returned the case with remarks - to be decided after approval of HR plan 11. Request for fixation of pay in respect of departmental outsiders (TTAs) appointed as JTOs through JTO Direct recruitment 2007- Issuance of clarification regarding. Forum side strongly represented the case of Shri Dheeraj Kumar, one of the departmental outsider TTAs who was also present in the meeting. Forum side highlighted that BSNL has been repeatedly ignoring the issue and TELEWAVE Page-31 DECEMBER-2015
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