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the same has been pending despite repeated representations from the Forum side. Establishment cell has been completely silent on the issue and is not issuing the clarification which will give these departmental outsiders their rightful due. Director (HR) asked Establishment cell to examine the submissions by forum in detail and give the feedback to her expeditiously. 12. Improvement in the revised policy for service GSM, RSRTC & Broadband to Executive a. Enhancement of 200 free calls limit per month on RSTC & enhancement of free call limit on GSM Telephone connection to STS level officers from 500 to 800 calls. b. Rent free broadband service connection to all executive with BSNL 750 Plan. Sr. GM (Admn) has processed the case to the competent authority for rent free Broadband connection c. All the BSNL Executive should be provided GSM handsets of the cost Rs. 3000/-Rs. 4000/- & Rs. 5000/- to the JTO/SDE/DE level executive instead of Rs.1500/-, Rs. 2500, Rs.3500/- respectively. d. All executives should be allowed CUG facility on RSTC at Circle level. e. 3G mobile service with Data facility to all Executives. All above issue were discussed in details with justifications and it was assured by Director (HR) that all above issues are under consideration and shortly decision in regard will be taken. Regarding data facility on service mobile connections, Management Committee has already approved it and the orders will be issued after approval from BSNL Board. Remaining items of the Agenda will be discussed in the next meeting. GS met with GM (Pers) on 23.12.2015 and discussed regarding the orders of the executives who are working in soft tenure station and relieved through ERP which is against the Tenure Transfer Policy and their orders are to be cancelled. He assured to look into and to issue cancellation of the orders by today itself. Further, regarding the executives who have been relieved through ERP without prior intimation to individuals and not getting TA/TP advance or salary payments etc we requested GM (Pers) to issue necessary instructions to the circles in this regard. GM (Pers) assured to issue some instructions in this regard. Scheduled Agenda Meeting with Director (HR), BSNL Board on 22.12.2015: The representatives of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA jointly met Director (HR) i.e. GS, FS, AGS (HQ), Advisor (HQ) and President, AGS, OS AIGETOA. The agenda submitted by AIBSNLEA incorporating the issues of AIGETOA was discussed in details in the presence of PGM (SR), GM (Estt), GM (Pers), Addl GM (SR), Jt. GM (Pers) and DGM (Estt). The meeting lasted for more than two hours at 19.30 Hrs. The record of discussion will be uploaded shortly Meeting with CMD BSNL on 22.12.2015: GS, FS met CMD BSNL and discussed regarding: a. Non-filling up of the vacant DGM posts: We expressed our serious concern against the non-filling up of the vacant posts of the DGMs in Engineering wing. We explained that that already the approval to fill up 480 DGM posts is available since long with the Pers Cell. The assessment of ACRs have been completed and the VCRs of the eligible DEs are also available but the promotion orders are not being issued on the pretext of court cases whereas there is no stay order on promotion. CMD appreciated our concern and assured to discuss the matter with Director (HR) for an early decision. b. Non-settlement of the long pending HR issues: We expressed our concern against non-settlement of the long pending genuine HR issues despite the several formal/informal meetings are conducted by Director (HR). We also explained that none of the HR issue is being resolved due to the complete negative and biased approach of the HR units of BSNL towards our issues. CMD assured to look into the matter. Meeting with GM (Pers) on the Soft Tenure Transfer Policy on 22.12.2015: GM (Pers) conducted a meeting with the representatives of Executives' Associations in which GS, AGS (HQ) attended and discussed in detail regarding the recently issued clarification on the Soft Tenure Transfer Policy. We strongly opposed the issued clarification which has diluted the very purpose of Soft Tenure Transfer Policy and requested to withdraw it immediately as after this the executives, for break of their circle tenure would TELEWAVE Page-32 DECEMBER-2015
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