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a)78.2%IDAPay fixation of BSNL Pensioners: We expressed our serious concern against delay in settling the 78.2% IDA Pay fixation case of BSNL Pensioners since JUN-2013. Director (staff) informed that the reply to DOE queries is being prepared after receiving the comments of internal finance wing of DOT and PSU Cell of DOT. By next week the reply will be sent to the DOE. It is understood that after the acceptance of DOT reply by DOE the cabinet note will be processed. Hence, now efforts are required in DOE for early clearance. Meanwhile, all unions/Associations are required to impress up on the DOT for early settlement of the issue because 60:40 provision was never the part of Rule 37 A Pension Rule and on this pretext the 78.2% Pay fixation is being dragged in unjustified manner. b) CGHS Medical facility to BSNL Pensioners: We requested Director (Staff) for early issuance of CGHS Medical facility to BSNL Pensioners. Director(Staff) informed that matter has been sent to MHRD for consideration but they have made some queries on IDA to CDA pay scale mapping issue which has also been now replied. However, he assured an early action in this regard. GS, FS met Addl. GM (Pers) on 02.12.2015 and discussed regarding:- a) Filling up of the vacant DGM Posts:- We expressed our concern against non-filling up of about 800 DGM vacant Posts . Addl GM (Pers) mentioned that the CPC work is in advance stage but the legal opinion of Sr. GM (Legal) BSNL CO is awaited on TES Group 'B' seniority lists. He further mentioned that TES Group 'B' seniority case of Rule 206 and year of recruitment basis (1966 Rule) is listed for hearing on 11th Dec 2015. Hence on the basis of Expert committee report the case will be argued by the respective parties and Hon'ble Supreme Court may finally decide the TES Group's seniority issue. Hereafter the clarity will be there and the promotion from DE to DGM may be easier. b) CPCs from JTO to SDE (T) and SDE to DE :- We requested to expedite CPCs from JTO to SDE and SDE to DE. Addl .GM (Pers) informed that the necessary data on SC/ST Roster implementation on the basis of DOP&T guidelines have been prepared and will be submitted shortly to the Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh and praying for stay vacation. Here after the decision for Appeal in the High court against stay order will be taken. He further informed that similar is the problem in SDE to DE and AO to CAO CPCs also. He assured an early decision in this regard. c) Creation of PPS Posts in BSNL's field units:- We expressed our concern against the delay in finalizing the committee report on creation of PPS Posts and common RR of BSNL CO & field units. Addl. GM (Pers )informed that committee meetings are over and the committee report will be ready by this weekend and thereafter it will be put up to the competent authority for approval. He assured early decision in this regard. d) Restructuring of AD (O/L) cadre:- Addl. GM (Pers) informed that the comments of Estt Cell has been received and shortly the proposal of Restructuring of AD(O/L) cadre will be submitted to the competent authority. GS, FS met Sr. GM (SR) on 23.11.2015 and discussed regarding the status of court case on membership verification of executive association. Sr. GM(SR) mentioned that still case is pending in the Hon'ble High Court Karnataka and next date of hearing is not announced. GS, FS met GM (Admn) BSNL on 23.11.2015 and discussed regarding DATA service GPRS to BSNL executives. GM (Admn) informed that BSNL board has approved the proposal and shortly the necessary order will be issued. GS, FS, AGS(F) along with some of the JTOs from NE-I, NE-II, Assam Circles met Director(HR), BSNL Board on 17.11.2015 & discussed regarding (a) Consideration of request transfer of JTOs under Para-8 & Para-9: We expressed our serious concern against non- consideration of Para-8 & Para-9 transfer cases of JTOs working in NE-I, NE-II, Assam and Hard tenure Circles for more than 6-7 years. Director(HR) appreciated our concern & discussed the measures to be taken for providing substitutes to hard tenure circles as status drive of recruitment of JTOs/TTAs in these circles and assured an early relief in this regard. (b) Filling up of DGM vacant posts : We requested to expedite CPC to fill up all vacant DGM posts. Director(HR) assured an early action in this regard. GS, FS, AGS(F) met GM (Pers) on 17.11.2015 and discussed regarding: TELEWAVE Page-35 DECEMBER-2015
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