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GM (FP) informed that on 9th January 2016, the case will be heard in the Hon'ble CAT wherein GM (Pers) will personally be attending the Hon'ble CAT. GS, AGS (HQ) and Advisor (HQ) met with GM (Estt) on 30.12.2015 and discussed regarding the issue of Fixation of pay of officiating JTO's under FR 22 1(a)(i) and reversion before sending them for Phase-I training. We strongly opposed the arbitrarily issued guidelines in this regard vide Estb Cell letter dated 22.12.2015 and requested to withdraw these guidelines as thousands of officiating JTOs will get reductions in their Basic Pay. GM (Estb) was very much reluctant on this issue and categorically told that these orders are correct and in the interest of organization. We will take up the issue with higher authorities in BSNL and if situation prevails will go for agitation to safe guard the interests of our members. Report on the meeting held with Director (HR) on 22.12.2015 A meeting was held with the representatives AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA under the chairmanship of Director (HR). From management side Sr. GM (SR), GM (Pers), GM (Estt), Addl GM (SR), Jt. GM (Pers), DGM (Estt.) were present along with Director (HR) and from AIBSNLEA side, GS, FS, AGS (HQ) along with President, AGS, OS of AIGETOA were present in the meeting. We requested Director (HR) to review the progress on the agenda items of the earlier meetings. Records of discussion on the issues is as under: 1. Superannuation benefits to Direct Recruited executives as per the provision of sub-rule (23) of rule 37A of CCS pension rule and as per DPE guidelines. BSNL should contribute 12% of Basic + DA as Superannuation Benefits in respect of Direct Recruits and the effective date of implementation of Superannuation benefits of BSNL Recruited Employees must be 01.10.2000. Director (HR) highlighted about the progress made so far on the issue. It was informed that the note for the Remuneration Committee is ready to be presented and the same may be done in January month. After the clearance of the remuneration committee, the matter will go to the board and expectedly the same can be presented in the next board meeting. On the quantum, it was informed that the call will be taken by the Remuneration Committee, however Director (HR), though non-committal but assured that she will try to make it as high as possible. United Forum Side once again reiterated that the amount should not be less than 12%. On the date of implementation issue, Forum side once again reiterated its demand for date of implementation should be from the beginning. It was informed by Establishment cell that the date of effect shall be the date of presidential orders. Forum side strongly resented the same. Director (HR) assured the Forum to get the issue reexamined within first week of January. 2. Some issues related to Executive promotion policy (EPP) needs immediate settlement in addition to CPSU cadre hierarchy and first time bound promotion after 4 years of service in all these cases. The same is under progress. There are some observations from Personnel unit which is being relooked into, however the time line of 26th January, 2016 shall be adhered to. On the E2 and E3 standard IDA Pay Scales to JTO and SDE equivalent executives, committee report has been submitted by GM (Estt) Cell to Director (HR) office and it is under consideration. The time line of 26th January, 2016 shall be adhered to. a. Time bound promotion from E-5 to E-6 to the DGMs promoted from Gr. "B" Executives: The proposal has already been approved by the Management Committee of the BSNL Board. It has been delinked from the HR Plan and now it will be submitted to BSNL Board for its consideration in the next meeting. b. Date of effect of Implementation of revised upgraded IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000 on notional basis: Establishment cell will submit the case to Director (HR) on the basis of earlier Board decision. The final decision shall be taken by Director (HR) to review the case. The timeline of 26th January shall be adhered to. c. Amendment in BSNL MSRRs of EE (Civil/Electrical/Arch): The matter is still pending in the court of law. After clearance from the Hon’ble court further action in this regard would be taken. 3. Conduction of various CPCs on a regular basis: TELEWAVE Page-29 DECEMBER-2015
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