Page 58 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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(5) Special recruitment of JTO/JAO for hard tenure Circles / Implementation of Transfer Policy in its true spirit in all disciplines and consideration of Rule-8 cases by circles, spouse cases as per the prevalent guidelines. Director (HR) acknowledged the hardship of the executives posted in hard tenure/deficits stations/circles and mentioned that BSNL management is seized with problem and considering the special recruitment in such circles. Apart from this, some immediate possible measures will be taken to mitigate the hardship of executives. (6) E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs: The BSNL Management Committee has cleared the proposal of E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs which is pending for BSNL Board approval. Also settlement of Pay Anomaly cases of Departmental JTOs outsider quota. Director (HR) directed GM (Estt) to put up the case in the next board meeting to be held in Aug-15 delinking from HR plan approval. (7) Inordinate delay in settlement of disciplinary cases: We have been requesting BSNL Management for the settlement of long pending disciplinary cases. Many cases are pending more than 7-8 years and no decision is given, causing undue harassment to the executives on promotions and retirement. As per CVC guidelines all the disciplinary cases needs early settlement. Director (HR) advised to submit the list of long pending disciplinary cases for early decisions. (8) Post based promotions for PA/PS up to PPS and Sr. PPS Cadre. Common Recruitment Rules & Nomenclature and introduction of Promotion Policy for Stenos (Dying Cadre) Director (HR) directed Add. GM (Pers), convener of the committee headed by ED (CN) to submit committee report within two months time for decision. (9) Allowing option to departmental JAOs who joined after 07-05-2010. Issue is already resolved. Forum extends sincere thanks for resolving the issues. (10) Early finalization of New SDE RR-2014 & JTO RRs-2014 (without degradation of Scale & Qualification) and in line with the suggestions submitted by associations. Director (HR) directed GM (Estt) and GM (Pers) to put up the issues in next board meeting delinking from HR Plan finalization for resolution. (11) Implementation of DPE order for payment of 78.2% IDA fitment benefit w.e.f. 01.01.2007 for BSNL Pensioners. Director (HR) directed GM (Estt) to write letter to DOT showing concern of BSNL for early settlement of the issue. (12) No MT and DGM Recruitment from outside. Forum has raised serious objection on MT/DGM recruitment from outside ignoring more qualified, experienced and deserving internal executives. Forum has appraised that BSNL Board has taken decision to recruits about 200 DGM in some specialized field like HR, Marketing, Sales etc. but later on decision is deliberately manipulated and recruitment is made in Operation and Finance wherein thousands of executives having all the requisite qualification and experience are already available in BSNL. Internal executives possessing all the qualification and experience as prescribed for external candidates have been debarred and result is also not declared who appeared in the same exam. This is clear cut act of giving undue benefits to external candidates and making recruitment from some targeted candidates. Forum is likely to approach to CVC for vigilance inquiry if DGM recruitment is not immediately withdrawn. Although GM (Pers) tried to convince Director (HR) in the name of requirement of some outside fresh blood but Director (HR) was fully convince that she is not against any lateral recruitment but there should not be any discrimination with internal candidates, in fact preferential treatment should be given to internal executives over external candidates. Director (HR) assured that she will go through the detail of the issues and ensure that no discrimination is happen with internal executives. TELEWAVE Page-58 AUGUST-2015
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