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some stringent bench mark of APAR. Detail recommendations will be circulated to take final view of committee members by the chairman of the joint committee. 3. Joint Committee Meeting on CPSU cadre hierarchy with ED (NB) on 05.08.2015: Today GS attended the Joint committee meeting with ED (NB) and discussed regarding implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy. In today's meeting the GSs of AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA and SNEA (I) pleaded for non post based time bound promotions up to SG-JAG level and post based promotion after SAG and above. BSNL Management side continued to plead in case the designation and functional promotions are given to the grade on time bound manner, then the number of DEs and DGMs will increase which will imbalance the pyramid. Staff side pleaded that the even today the pyramid is not maintained in view of the pending court cases on TES Gr B Seniority causing stagnation on JTO to SDE promotions (20 Years), SDE to DE promotions (17 Years) despite of the vacancies in SDE (T) around 11,000, DE about 1200 and DGM about 700. To overcome the problem and to remove stagnation implementation of assured promotion policy i.e. CPSU cadre hierarchy is the only solution. Chairman, Committee proposed to stringent the bench marks i.e. minimum good entry and increasing the time bound promotion span from 5 years to 6-7-8 years, qualification and interview. Staff side representatives strongly opposed it and categorically mentioned that any dilution in the existing EPP will not be accepted and the committee should keep in mind that in BSNL absorbed and BSNL Recruited both type of executives are available hence there should be a promotion policy which satisfy both the groups and meet the requirement of BSNL. Chairman, Committee suggested to give some more feedback based on other CPSU's promotion policy etc. for further discussions in the next committee meeting which is scheduled on 13th August 2015 at 15.00 Hrs. CIRCLE/BRANCH CONFERENCES 1. GS, President CHQ of AIBSNLEA attended the General Body meeting of AIRBSNLEWA, West Bengal at CTO Hall, Kolkata on 24.08.2015. About 600 pensioners attended the meeting which lasted for more than 3 hours. The hall was jam packed and many stood outside. The vital issues like 78.2% IDA fixation, Pension Revision of IDA pensioners, Medical facilities, etc. was discussed. Com. Prahlad Rai who is also Chief Patron of AIRBSNLEWA has explained the recent development. Com. P. Venugopal also addressed the gathering and stressed on the need of unity of pensioners to achieve the various issues. Com. Tapas Ghosh, CS SNEA, Prasun Mukhopadhay, CS AIBSNLEA also addressed the gathering. Resolution was taken appreciating the role of AIBSNLEA and its GS Com Prahlad Rai for the cause of pensioners and on future guidelines. 2. CEC OF WEST BENGAL TELECOM CIRCLE on 24.08.2015: GS AIBSNLEA attended the CEC of AIBSNLEA West Bengal Telecom Circle held on 23.8.2015 and 24.8.2015 in the conference hall of circle Telecom. Training Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata. The meeting started with a very good attendance of most of the branch secretaries followed by CEC members. Long deliberations in most of the burning issues were made by the delegates. The deliberations were appreciated by the C. S. Com. B.K. Bhattacharjee and point to point summing up of the issues and reply to the queries were done up to the maximum satisfaction of the members. On the second day of CEC meeting on 24th August 2015 Com. Prahlad Rai, made the house most colourful by addressing the house. The hall was jam packed by the members and the executives from some other associations and the D.R. JAOs trainees attended and listened the speech by our beloved G.S. Apartment his speech respected G.S. replied to the queries of the house. At the evening our veteran retired leader Com. Amit Gupta addressed the house with latest information regarding forthcoming burning problems for pensioners' benefits of the retired persons of BSNL employees / executives. Numerous resolution have been accepted by the house and passed for necessary proceedings. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by the president Com. Swapan Basu and special thanks to the Branch Secretary, City I branch Com. Sanat Sen. 3. REPORT OF FIFTH CIRCLE CONFERENCE OF AIBSNLEA/KOLATA CIRCLE ON 27.08.2015: After completion of CWC 2015, Kolkata, the Fifth Circle Conference of Calcutta Telephone Circle was held on 27th TELEWAVE Page-61 AUGUST-2015
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