Page 56 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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(b) Request/Tenure transfers of AOs/CAOs- We requested for consideration of request/Tenure transfers of AOs/CAOs. GM (FP) assured for an early consideration and issuing transfer orders. (c) Gradation list of JAOs- GM (FP) mentioned that he has received several representations in this regard and shortly the reply will be given to all concern including Association. (d) Consideration of some AOs/CAOs transfer cases modification/retention/cancellation on genuine grounds- GM (FP) assured to examine the case submitted by the Association. GS along with OS (North) and Advisor (North) met with GM (Pers.) on 10.08.2015 and discussed- (a) DE to DGM Promotions- We expressed our serious concern for implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement on TES Gr ?B' seniority and submitting the BSNL's view to the expert Committee for its implementation. GM (Pers.) assured to discuss the matter with Dir (HR) and CMD and the Association. Thereafter only BSNL's final view will be submitted to expert committee. (b) Filling up of the vacant DGM posts in BSNL Corporate Office by looking after- We requested to fill up Telecom Operation DGM posts by look after arrangement till the time DE to DGM (Adhoc/Regular) CPC is conducted. GM (Pers.) assured to look into the matter. GS along with FS, OS (North) and Advisor (North) met with Director (HR), BSNL Board on 10.08.2015 and discussed- (a) Filling up the vacant DGM posts- We expressed our serious concern for non-filling up of the vacant DGM posts. Dir (HR) appreciated our concern and assured to discuss the matter with GM (Pers.) for an early action in this regard. (b) CWC Meeting at Kolkata: We further extended invitation as Guest of Honor to Dir (HR) for attending the CWC meet at Kolkata on 25.08.2015. She confirmed the program to attend the OPEN SESSION on 25.08.2015, along with CMD BSNL. (c) HR integration in BSNL: We requested for HR integration in true sense in BSNL by bringing all discipline HR functions under the control of Dir (HR) to avoid discrimination & anomalies and smooth cadre promotions. Dir (HR) appreciated our concern and assured to discuss the matter with competent authority. (d) Filling up the posts of EE (C/E/Arch):- We expressed our concern against non-filling up of the vacant EE (C/E/Arch) posts as per the recent Executive order allowing diploma holder SDEs having 10 years technical experience. She mentioned that it is in her notice and she will take care of it. GS, FS and AGS (HQ) met with CMD BSNL on 06.08.2015 and discussed regarding: (a) CWC meeting of AIBSNLA: We requested CMD BSNL to attend the CWC meeting of AIBSNLEA scheduled to be held at Kolkata on 25th and 26th August 2015 and the Circle Conference of UP (East) Telecom Circle going to be held on 11th August 2015. CMD confirmed that he will be attending the CWC meeting of AIBSNLEA at Kolkata however, he expressed his unavailability for the Circle Conference of UP (East) Telecom Circle due to Hon'ble MPs meeting at headquarters. He however assured that in his absence some senior level officer from BSNL Corporate Office; most probably ED (NB) will represent him. (b) Merger of QA Circle with T&D Circle: We expressed the anxiety of the staff stationed the headquarters of QA at Bangalore. CMD categorically mentioned that only CGM, QA Circle Office is being merged with CGM T&D Circle and the GM (QA) office will remain as it is at Bangalore. Hence, only a few of the officers/official will have to move to Jabalpur that too on the willingness of the concerned affected officer/official. He further said that this arrangement is being made to curtail the un-necessary expenditure on the CGM level officers in the interest of BSNL. He advised the staff not to come under panic. Also, similar decision has been taken to merge NTR & NTP, STR & STP, ETR & ETP and WTR & WTP Circles also to reduce the establishment costs. (c) Creation of Tower Subsidiary: In this regard CMD mentioned that the Union Cabinet has recently taken a decision to hive off BSNL's tower infra to a 100% owned subsidiary of BSNL. He categorically mentioned that this will benefit BSNL in it revival as it would help it monetise it. BSNL has around 64,000 towers across the country valued at around R20,000 crore according to industry estimates. He said all the private telcos have already hived off their towers around 10 years ago. So far BSNL has leased around 5,471 towers to various private telecom companies earning revenue of Rs 432.6 crore at the end of May this year. TELEWAVE Page-56 AUGUST-2015
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