Page 53 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
P. 53
MEETINGS WITH DOT/BSNL OFFICERS GS, AGS (HQ), AGS (Finance) and GS AIRBSNLEWA met GM (Estt.) on 19.08.2015 and discussed regarding:- (a) CGHS medical facility to BSNL Employees/Pensioners:- We requested for sending a reply to DoT on mapping of IDA pay scale with CDA pay scales of BSNL employees so that they can avail CGHS medical facility. GM (Estt.) assured for sending an early reply to DoT in this regard. (b) Fixation of pay under FR 22 (1) a (i) to JTOs offg members of AIBSNLEA as per the Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi judgment: - We requested for implementation of Hon'ble CAT PB New Delhi judgment for fixation of pay under FR- 22 (1) a (i) to the members of AIBSNLEA. GM (Estt.) assured an early action in this regard. (c) Antedating of pay fixation of Seniors Executives pay w.r.t their Junior Executives:- We pleaded for restoration of the old DNI of Seniors after antedating of their pay w.r.t. their juniors to avoid pay anomaly permanently . GM (Estt.) assured an early decision in this regard. (d) 3% pay fixation in old pay and further 3% pay fixation in the new pay scale on promotion:- We requested for an early decision in the regard. GM (Estt.) mentioned that matter has been referred to DPE for clarification and further reminder will be sent to DPE for an early reply. 19.08.2015: GS and CS AIGETOA BSNL C.O. met GM (Admn.) BSNL C.O. New Delhi and discussed regarding Data facility on mobiles connection to Executives. GM (Admn) assured for issuing early order in this regard GS, FS, AGS (Finance) and GS ,President ,FS, AIRBSNLEWA met Director (HR) BSNL Board on 19.08.2015 and discussed the following items of BSNL Pensioners: (1) FOR OUTDOOR MEDICAL BILLS REIMBURSEMENT: We pleaded that after stoppage of payment without voucher the pensioners under BSNLMRS are the worst sufferer. As you are aware that after some years of retirement, the mobility of the pensioners become restricted particularly during working hours. They really cannot avail the public transport system for submitting the claims, pursuing the claims and finally for collecting the payments. Due to this hustle most of the pensioners have preferred not to submit claims for the outdoor medical treatments. Sometimes while pursuing the pending bills, they face humiliation also. In most of the circles the average delay for payment of bills is more than 6 months. We therefore suggest the following:  Old system of payment without voucher may be restored immediately for the pensioners under BSNLMRS:  For those pensioners who prefer to claim the outdoor medical bills with voucher due to higher medical expenses (in without voucher system only 50% of the admissible amount is paid), we request to introduce a smooth payment method through ERP. We propose the following system.  System may be introduced where pensioners can send the claims by speed post or reputed couriers. On receipt of the claims the same will be entered in the ERP system and immediately a SMS will be sent to the pensioners acknowledging the receipt.  Suitable System may be introduced so that the pensioners can monitor the progress through internet (not intranet which is not accessible to them). Any lapse in submitting the claims which leads into non payment of the bill may be mentioned in the system, so that the pensioners can take remedial steps.  Payment has to be made through ECS only.  Bills are to be processed as per date of submission along with the serving employees. There is system in some circles where pensioner's claims are stacked separately and are processed only after clearing the claims of serving employees.  In some circles some local systems are added to what is mentioned in BSNLMRS, like attesting the photocopies by BSNL executives etc. These are to be avoided. A standard claim form may be introduced for the pensioners with clear mention of required annexure.  Monitoring the system for long pending cases by higher officers. (2) FOR INDOOR MEDICAL TREATMENT TELEWAVE Page-53 AUGUST-2015
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