Page 55 - TELEWAVE AUGUST-2015
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(vi) Clearance to the CPC from SDE(E) to EE(E): We requested for early clearance to the proposal of PGM(EW) to fill up the vacant EE(E) posts. GM(Pers.) assured to look into the matter. GS, FS,OS (West) , CS (MH) Circle and GS, AIGETOA met GM(FP) on 13.08.2015 and discussed regarding (a) CPC from AO to CAO: We expressed our concern against delay in expediting CPC from AO to CAO. GM (FP) appreciated our concern and mentioned that BSNL advocate has already filed the reply to Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh Court and the case has been posted for hearing on 21st Sept -2015. However, he informed that as per the legal opinion of Sr. GM(legal) BSNL C.O. Now the case will be discussed with ASG (Adll Solicitor General) for further necessary action in this regard. We have advised our Haryana Circle President to get impleaded in the case and to make effort for early hearing. (b) Tenure Transfer of AOs/CAOs: We extended our thanks to GM(FP) for issuing the tenure transfer orders of AOs and requested for issuing CAOs transfer orders and pending request transfer cases also. GM(FP) assured for early issuance of CAOs tenure and pending request transfer cases GS and GS AIRBSNLEWA Shri. Kishan Singhji met concerned officers in DOT on 13.08.2015 and discussed regarding (a) 78.2% IDA Pay fixation to BSNL Pensioners: It is understood that DOE has further made queries in the Cabinet note and the reply is being prepared to DOE. It seems that this process will further delay. (b) CGHS (Medical) facility to BSNL Employees/Pensioners: It is informed that BSNL's reply on IDA Pay scales similar CDA Pay scale structure has not been received by DOT. As soon as the reply to DOT is given by BSNL the CGHS facility to BSNL employees/Pensioners will be extended GS, OS (West) AGS (HQ) and CS MH Circle met with CMD BSNL on 12.08.2015 and discussed regarding: (a) Affairs of MH Telecom Circle wherein AIBSNLEA members are frustrated due to the partisan and indifferent attitude of the GM(HR) Circle Office MH Circle and inert role of CGMT MH Circle. Genuine cases of AIBSNLEA members are not being considered. CMD assured to look in to the matter. (b) Regarding "dies-non" (No work-No pay) by BSNL for AIBSNLEA& AIGETOA members and repatriation (transfer back) of all AIBSNLEA members(JTO/SDEs) of Kerala Circle who were sent to different distant stations(SSAs) in May 2013 on long stay base transfers and completed more than two years in the distant SSA.CMD assured to look into the matter. GS, OS (West) AGS (HQ) and CS MH Circle met Director (HR), BSNL Board on 12.08.2015 and discussed regarding the indifferent and biased attitude of the GM(HR) MH Circle and inert action of CGMT MH Circle wherein the genuine issues of AIBSNLEA members are not being settled. Director(HR) being West Zone Director assured to look into the matter. GS, OS (West) AGS (HQ) and CS MH Circle met GM (Pers) on 12.08.2015 and discussed regarding implementation of Hon'ble APEX Court judgment on TES Group 'B' seniority list finalization. GM (Pers) mentioned that Expert Committee is still examining the seniority issue and will submit its report to the Hon'ble Supreme Court up to 30th Sept 2015 and then the case will be heard in Oct 2015 by the Hon'ble APEX Court and after the final decision of Hon'ble Supreme Court ,further action will be taken to finalize the TES Group ?B' seniority list . GS, OS (West) AGS (HQ) and CS MH Circle met GM(Estt) on 12.08.2015 and discussed regarding the issue of Antedating of Pay of senior his junior as per BSNL C.O Order 2009. We pleaded that BSNL C.O Order 2009 in this regard should be restored or the senior's original DNI after antedating of pay of senior his junior executive should be restored so that further the senior does not draw less pay than his junior. GM (Estt) assured to examine the matter and to put up to the competent authority for decision in this regard. GS along with OS (North) and Advisor (North) met with GM (FP) on 10.08.2015 and discussed- (a) CPC from AO to CAO- We requested to expedite CPC for promotions from AO to CAO. GM (FP) mentioned that the Court case has been posted for hearing on 21.09.2015 in the Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh, but meanwhile after taking further legal opinion and discussion with our Association, some solution will be taken to expedite the CPC. TELEWAVE Page-55 AUGUST-2015
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