Page 31 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
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In second phase of agitation the one day massive "Dharna" will be arranged on 12th May 2016 at BSNL Corporate Office and all Circle/SSA headquarters. All are requested to make it a grand success by 100% participation. 3. United Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations comprising AIBSNLEA AND AIGETOA served agitation notice against breach of commitment and assurances given by Management on 27.04.2016: In spite of BSNL Management’s firm commitment and assurance given vide letter No. BSNL/7-3/SR/2015 dated 14.12.2015, BSNL Management has not taken any concrete action for settlement of the long pending genuine demands, United Forum of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA had several informal and formal meetings with the GM (Pers.), GM (Estt), Director (HR) and CMD BSNL but the issues could not be resolved due to the total negative attitude of the Establishment and Pers. Cell of BSNL CO. In all the meetings CMD BSNL and Director (HR) have appreciated our concern and assured positive action but due to the negative approach of Estt and Pers. Cell, majority of the issues could not be resolved. Recently on 26.4.2016 in the meeting held with Director (HR) it was pleaded by all the Executive Associations to implement Khan Committee report first by replacing E1 A by E2 and E2 A by E3 IDA Pay sales which was appreciated by Director (HR) but the GM (Estt) continued to plead that before implementation of Khan Committee report on E2 and E3 IDA Pay scales, it should be ensured that one SDE equivalent executive having E3 Pay scales will get his next financial upgradation as Sr. SDE in the same pay sale of E3 only. Which AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA strongly protested and categorically demanded the next subsequent time bound promotion in the higher grade E4 should be there only as per the provisions of EPP wherein it is clearly envisaged that “first time bound financial upgradation during 4-6 years and subsequent time bound financial upgradations after every 5 years only”. Hence, after E3 pay scale the next time bound upgradation after 5 years should be there in the higher pay scale of E4 only. We can’t accept E3 scale for 10 years for SDE and Sr. SDE without any pay fixation benefit. Whereas, our sister Association told that they will be happy in case (SDE) E3 to (Sr. SDE) E4 upgradation is given after 5 years otherwise they will also be happy to have E3 IDA Pay scale for SDE and Sr. SDE. This approach is strengthening the pleading of GM (Estt) which will finally put executives in loss. Similarly, CPSU cadre hierarchy implementation is being dragged by Pers. Cell on the pretext of MT recruitment and on that basis they are framing a Promotion Policy which is against the recommendations of Khan Committee. The MT recruitment is being supported by our sister Association which is also strengthening the views of Pers. Cell and will finally block the carrier progression of BSNL’s young executives in the same manner which we seniors have suffered in DOT due to JTS recruitment rules wherein a JTO use to retire as Adhoc DE only. Hence, accepting E3 scale for SDE and Sr. SDE will put one executive in one scale E3 for 10 years contrary to the provisions of EPP and it will effect 3rd PRC implementation also. Our sister Association should understand that instead of strengthening the pleadings of Estt Cell and Pers. Cell, they should safeguard the interest of executives in true sense. Their efforts in the past also were always to derail the process by giving agitation call on vital issues and withdrawing without any concrete results. In real sense they are playing with the future of young JTOs/JAOs by putting them in E3 scale for 10 years and introducing MT in DE grade. Majority of young executives of all disciplines belongs to AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA and they have full trust and confidence in these associations. In true sense these Associations are only safeguarding the interest of all executives of BSNL. United Forum has demanded each financial upgradation on completion of 5 years of service in each grade as recommended by Khan Committee i.e. E2->E3->E4->E5->E6->E7 etc. The Sr. SDE grade is a non- functional grade which comes in between SDE and DE promotions. In case the Sr. SDE non-functional grade is abolished it will give faster functional promotion to (JTO) E2 à (SDE) E3à (DE) E4 within 10 years of service which otherwise one executives is getting after 15 years. Earlier days at the time of formation of BSNL in DOT set up Sr. SDE/Sr. AO were the functional grades and in BSNL also before implementation of EPP the Sr. SDE designation was given but after the EPP implementation the Sr. SDE designation on time bound promotion in E3 grade is not given. Hence, in case the non-functional grade of Sr. SDE is abolished it will pave the fast track promotion to young executives. In case, if it continues to exist, in that situation all time bound promotions should be available after each 5 years in the scales E2 to E3, E3 to E4, E4 to E5, E5 to E6 and E6 to E7. TELEWAVE 31 APRIL-2016
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