Page 30 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
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CS Karnataka will form a whatsapp group of all the Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers for the updates and information on the AIC. Com. C M Saste, OS (West) in his report mentioned that he has attended the CEC of Gujarat at Rajkot. Attended CEC of Maharashtra Circle at Mumbai. M P circle is performing well. CEC not held in Chatisgarh. Com. Deveshkumar OS (N) stated that there are 11 circles under his jurisdiction. Circle wise performance details along with the membership status, meetings held and other details were briefed. Com. J Saibaba, AGS (Engg), Com. K. P. Nair, AGS (GD), Com. Basudev Chakraborty AGS (F), Com. N L Sharma, AGS (HQ) & Com. S.K. Jena, AGS (C/E/A/TF) Com. Prasun Kumar Mukherhji, Advisor (East), Com. V K Paramasivam, Advisor (South), & Com. Kanani, Advisors Com. Satishkumar Advisor presented their reports. Com. Baby Rani Vice President and Com. A G Joshi Vice President were also spoke about the activities of the Associations. Com. T C Jain, F.S. has briefed about the financial position of the CHQ and the details of the Payment CHQ quota, legal funds and diaries. All the Organising Secretaries were requested to pursue the payment of CHQ quota, legal fund and payment of diaries. Many circles are not paying legal fund whereas CHQ is paying legal charges regularly towards multiple court cases. In case the assured one time legal fund is not paid by the circles, the amount paid towards CHQ quota will be adjusted towards the assured legal fund and amount if remaining only will be accounted towards the CHQ Quota. The issue of co-ordination with AIGETOA had been discussed in detail. The co-ordination with the AIGETOA is to be made stronger in all the circles and AIBSNLEA being the experienced association should take initiate action to keep the co-ordination and to resolve the issues of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA jointly. While taking efforts to enhance the membership, concentrate to enroll the non-members of any of the association. Other organizational activities were also discussed in detail The meeting concluded at 20 hours with vote of thanks to the chair. FORUM NEWS 1. Postponement of the one day Dharana program from 12.05.2016 to 13.05.2016: Considering the ongoing process of referendum of Non-Executives Unions of BSNL wherein the counting of votes is proposed to be done on 12th May 2016 and involvement of our executive members in the process, United Forum COMPRISING of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA postpones its proposed one day Dharna program on 12th May 2016 at BSNL CO / Circle / SSA Headquarters to 13th May 2016. Rest other organizational proms are as it is. All the CHQ office bearers, Circle/Branch Secretaries are requested to ensure successful implementation of the above agitation programs accordingly. 2. Massive Demonstration on 03.05.2016: United Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations comprising of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA gave a call of agitation program in support of its long pending demands and in its first phase of agitation, successfully organized Massive Demonstration on 03.05.2016 through out the country. A large number of executives actively participated in the demonstration. In BSNL Corporate Office, a large number of executives assembled and protested against the indifferent attitude of BSNL Management for not settling the long pending issues and disowning the assurances given at the highest level. All the CHQ Office Bearers of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA stationed at New Delhi along with the Circle Office Bearers of both the Associations of BSNL Corporate Office Circle and Delhi Circle actively mobilized the executives and made the demonstration a grand success. We extend our sincere thanks to all the executives who made demonstration a success. TELEWAVE 30 APRIL-2016
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