Page 29 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
P. 29
18. Com. Bhagwan Singh, Auditor 19. Com. H Y Andeli, CS KTK ? Special invitee 20. Com. Amit Kumar Gupta ? Special Invitee Com. P Venugopal, President ? presided over the meeting. He on behalf of the Delhi Circle, welcomed all the members. President in his speech mentioned that the facilitation function of CMD on 11.4.2016 was a grand success wherein all the Board of Directors of BSNL along with the senior officers were present. President wished all the best to the newly promoted Dy. General Managers. President mentioned that no association can guarantee 100% satisfaction to its members and AIBSNLEA is taking care of all the executives and members are getting promotions upto Dy. G.M. level. President congratulated the General Secretary for getting promoted as Dy. General Manager and assuming the charge. Two minutes silence were observed in the memory of the departed comrades. Com. Prahald Rai, General Secretary briefed about the purpose for which the meeting is convened taking the ensuing 5th AIC into account. Organizational activities, priority HR issues, membership verification, etc. and also for the smooth conduct of the CWC / AIC. GS also mentioned that the strategy to be adopted for the proposed membership verification, joint meeting of the CHQ office bearers of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA, continuance of the MOU, stand of the other executive association on various important HR issues. He also mentioned that it is proposed to hold the AIC of the AIGETOA at Mysore at the same time when AIBSNLEA is holding it's AIC. A Joint Open Session with the United Forum and joint session is also proposed to be held. He also mentioned that we should ensure that our office bearers our members in settling the day to day problems. He also stated that a committed team in the organisation at all the levels is required in the days to come. Mass retirement of the seniors are one of the another concerned we have to take into account. GS mentioned that the CHQ office bearers from the Karnataka Circle has taken VRS and is not available for any work of the association, due to which Com. H Y Andeli was invited to represent the Karnataka Circle especially when the AIC is decided at Mysore. He also mentioned that Com. Amit Gupta, Veteran leader has been invited to guide the committee which is very much need with his experience and expertise is of very much helpful to the CHQ GS also mentioned that the AIC of the AIRBSNLEWA is also proposed at Mysore during the June while AINBSNLEA is holding its AIC House requested the CS Katnataka to brief about the arrangement of the 5th AIC Com. H Y Andeli, CS, Karnataka has stated that the meeting is holding in the Mysore University Senate Bhavan and the payment has already been made in advance which was the prime requirement As regards the accommodation, about 800 delegates are expected from AIBSNLEA and 50 delegates from AIRBSNLEWA. Accommodation is being arranged in the RTTC hostel. The distance between RTTC and Senate Hall is approx. 2 kilometers. Nearby hostels / hotels are also being arranged for accommodating the delegates. Open session is proposed on Friday, 17th or 18th June 2016 Necessary support is being extended to AIGETOA for their AIC to accommodate their 300 delegates at Mysore along with our AIC All the Organising Secretaries were requested take the number of delegates from Circle Secretaries and inform the same to the CS Karnataka. Rs. 1500/- delegation fees has been fixed and for the delegates attending the conference with family has to pay Rs.1500/- per member for food and accommodation charges on actual has to be paid. It was decided that GS will individually write to the Circle Secretaries regarding collection of souvenir advertisements for the AIC It was requested to the concerned CHQ office bearers to ensure that the amount of donation proposed to be paid for the AIC in the CWC at Kolkata. TELEWAVE 29 APRIL-2016
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