Page 35 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
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of the BSNL's growth. He requested all the GSs that the coming year is most crucial. 3rd PRC is expected in the year and solid foundation is required to do this year to take the benefit of the 3rd PRC. He stated that ?it is like the efforts done by the individuals to pass an IAS exam, which will ensure the secured one's entire life. Likewise, make the coming year profitable and the rest of the service is rest assured with all the benefits?. He mentioned that good and quick decisions are taken by the BSNL Board. 658 DGMs were promoted recently and requested everyone to pass on that decision making is to be done by the DGMs who are occupying the important posts. He stated that when he started is carrier in the department he was working under the departmental DEs and whatever he is today, is due to support and learning from those officers under whom he has served in the beginning. He wished best wishes to the co-ordination. Com. Amit Roy, Assistant General Secretary, AIGETOA expressed vote of thanks to each one and all for attending the function and making it a grand success. He assured to join hands with the BSNL management to take the BSNL at a Height. Com. C.M. Saste, O.S. (W), AIBSNLEA convened in the programme. The function conclude with lunch. FORUM WRITES 1. Subject: Revised Notice for resuming the deferred organizational actions to protest against inordinate delay in implementation of the decisions taken in the meeting held on 14.12.2015 issued vide minutes of the meeting through letter no. BSNL/7-3/SR/2015 dated 14.12.2015. References: 1. CHQ/UF/Exe.Ass./AIBSNLEA-AIGETOA/1 dated 03.09.2014 2. CHQ/UF/Exe.Ass./AIBSNLEA-AIGETOA/ dated 30.04.2015 3. CHQ/UF/Exe.Asso./AIBSNLEA-AIGETOA/ 3 dated 12.05.2015 4. CHQ/UF/Exe.Asso./AIBSNLEA-AIGETOA/ dated 07.07.2015 5. BSNL/7-3ISR/2015 (1 &2) dated 07.07.2015 6. CHQ/UF/Exe.Asso./AIBSNLEA-AIGETOA/5 dated 02.12.2015 7. BSNL/7-3/SR/2015 dated 14.12.2015. 8. CHOJUF/Exe.Asso./AIBSNLEA-AIGETOA/7 dated 15.12.2015 We regret to mention that in spite of BSNL Management's firm assurance vide SR letter under reference 7 above, BSNL has yet not taken any firm action for implementation of decisions taken in the meeting held on 14.12.2015 issued vide minutes of the meeting through letter no. BSNL/7-3/SR/2015 dated 14.12.2015. Despite our repeated requests and marathon meetings with HR team of BSNL and discussions at the level of Director HR and the assurances given for the settlement of the long pending genuine HR issues of executives from the highest level of BSNL, none of the issues have been resolved due to the total indifferent and biased attitude of the HR units of BSNL C.O., specially Establishment and Personnel Units. Despite of a firm and positive assurance which included a dead line of 26th January 2016 for implementation of Khan Committee recommendations, the implementation has been delayed beyond time due to deliberate and biased attitude of HR Managers of BSNL towards the settlement of genuine long pending HR issues of BSNL Executives. The United Forum of BSNL Executive Associations (AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA) strongly protests against the continuous negligence towards settlement of the long pending HR issues. We hereby serve the notice for resuming the deferred organization action programs on following demands: Immediate implementation of the decisions taken in the meeting held on 14.12.2015 issued vide minutes of the meeting through letter no. BSNL/7-3/SR/2015 dated 14.12.2015 i.e. i. Immediate implementation of the recommendation of the committee headed by Sh. M. A. Khan, ED (NB) on standard E2 & E3 scales for JTO & SDE Equivalent executives and CPSU Cadre Hierarchy in BSNL, scrapping of the MT, DGM RRs altogether. TELEWAVE 35 APRIL-2016
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