Page 27 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
P. 27
Shri Mohan.D, GM (HR) , Guest of Honor in his speech extended gratitude to the Association for inviting him for the function. He mentioned issues related to HR will be always there and if one issue settled, another one will arise. He mentioned that there will be no difficulty in settling the issues we the association and management work together. He assured to settle all the pending issues at the earliest. Com. Manoj Viswanathan, Vice President of AIBSNLEA Kerala Circle delivered vote of thanks. He extended thanks to all for conducting CEC as well as Open Session with the full co-operation and co-ordination of all members of AIBSNLEA and to Com. Sobha VK for her mesmerizing style of compeering for the session. 2. Brief on the Joint meeting of the CHQ Office Bearers of United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA held on 13th April'2016 (Wednesday) at New Delhi: A Joint meeting of the CHQ office bearers of United Forum consists of AIBSLEA & AIGETOA was held on 13th April 2016 at 12.00 hours in the Kidwai Bhavan, 7th floor, Janpath New Delhi. Com. P Venugopal, President, AIBSNLEA welcomed one and all. He has recalled the MOU signed between both the associations. The development of HR issues after joining hands together and actions taken thereafter. He briefed about the reason for calling for the joint CHQ bearers meetings and the future course of actions to be taken to achieve the settlement of the grievances. Com. Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA welcome one and all. In his speech he mentioned that the meeting is convened to review the developments taken place after the joint CWC meeting at Kolkata and also to work out the future course of actions to settle the issues. He also mentioned about the membership verification and the court case related to it. He also mentioned any other issue the house desires to discuss can also be discussed and decided. He stated that a committee headed by Shri M A Khan was constituted along with the members of the associations. The committee has discussed about the E2-E3 scale and CPSU cadre hierarchy. The committee has already submitted its report and is under the active consideration of the BSNL management. The case of 30% fitment benefit is not only related to an executive that is related to TTAs also. There is already 18% contribution, remaining 12% contribution was taken up and the committee has recommended 3%. There was some review on the issue by the section and remuneration committee has considered it as 3% for the time being which will be increased subsequently. The remuneration committee members consists of the outside nominees also insists for a certificate from the Director (F) to the effect that the BSNL is financially enable to meet the expenditure. The non-executive association has given consent for 3% contribution with formation of a trust for the superannuation benefit. The issue is not with the BSNL board for its consideration. However, the demand will continue for 6% and above. The case of special drive recruitment and it is proposed to recruit 2000 JTO and 2500 TTAs and is at the final stage. This will meet the requirement of the request transfer cases under Rule-8. As regards the CPSU cadre hierarchy, the 1995 batch JTOs are still waiting for their first promotion and is waiting for more than 21 years. There are various court cases and CPCs are pending in all the cadres / grades. The issue of notional pay fixation to JTO (E) / (C), PA/PSs is pending and the 5 increment case to JTOs / PAs, the orders are like to issue shortly. As regards the creation of the PPS posts, it has already been decided to create PPS post in the field units with all the HAG and Sr. PPS post with Board of Directors, AD (OL) case is also under active consideration of the management. He briefed about the merits and demerits of the E-2 and E-3 standard IDA Pay scales to JTO and SDE equivalent executives and CPSU cadre hierarchy and the stand of the three executive associations. He mentioned about all other pending HR issues, present status and actions taken. Com. Ravi Shil, President, AIGETOA in his speech stated that GS AIBSNLEA has already elaborated the pending issues and the action taken and the present status. Though the issues are in active consideration, no result is yielded at all. He mentioned that efforts made by Com. Prahlad Rai are commendable and nobody else other than Com Rai can pursue the matters. He also appreciated the efforts of Com. Rai in getting the issuing the Dy.G.Ms order and he deserves a great appreciation. Nobody else would have done it inspite of varius odds and opposition from others. He mentioned that the management while hesitating to grant benefit to us, they are making medical benefits to BSNL management. Many time, the BSNL management is going back from their words again and again and we have to decide whether to sit silently and go ahead with some strong action. He informed that the CHQ has resolved that anything less than 6% of the superannuation benefit should not be accepted. Director (HR) has given the target of 30.4.2016 to TELEWAVE 27 APRIL-2016
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