Page 24 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
P. 24
Shri P. Venugopal, President AIBSNLEA CHQ, in his address appreciated the Keraka Circle organization of AIBSNLEA for conducting the CEC in a wonderful manner. He mentioned maximum member ship increase should be ensured. He mentioned that many cases are pending due to court cases and association has limited role in the case of court matters. Some of the issues may get settled immediately and some may take some time. Regarding dragging of Court cases by the Hon'ble Court as well as the administration side of Kerala Circle, he given a direction to the Circle Secretary that this may be brought to the notice of Circle administration. Many floods like situations are handled only by BSNL and the public is very well aware of it. Keep the BSNL viability as first and foremost issue, rest will be assured by the AIBSNLEA Comrade Prahlad Rai, General Secretary of AIBSNLEA addressed CEC and gave the elaborated details of union activities as a whole, details of DPCs of various cadres at Central head quarters etc.. He narrated the CEC about the issues concerned to the executives of BSNL such as pending DPCs due to court cases in the different courts i.e. Hon'ble High Court of Kerala, Chandigarh etc., the persuasion by the association for getting the DE to DGM promotions released the efforts that association had been making for standard pay scales i.e. E-2 & E-3, career progression and pension to the BSNL recruited staff etc. He gave a detailed speech regarding certain Committee's report and the misgivings of few executives and assured the executives that no executive will be in the same grade for more than 5 years and the miscalculation of few executives about the same. GS also narrated the issues concerned to Civil/Electrical/Arch executives, pay scales of AD (OL), promotion of PA/PS, order issued for PPS cadre etc. GS explained the financial status of BSNL in detail and how turnaround of BSNL is happening. The efforts of forum in turning around the BSNL were also explained. GS appreciated the revenue earnings of Kerala Telecom Circle and expressed hope that other Circles will follow like Kerala in revenue generation. GS also assured & full cooperation to Circle in settling the case of lady Comrade Shobha V.K. The CEC greeted GS for his detailed address. Sri. Mangalanadan, Advisor of AIBSNLEA Kerala addressed the CEC and mentioned the importance of more and more committed trade union activities . He further elaborated the atrocities against lady comrades especially againt Com.Sobha V.K . Open session started at 15.00 hrs Com. B. Vijayakumar, Finance Secretary of AIBSNLEA Kerala Circle welcomed the session and invited AIBSNLEA leaders and Chief Guest of honors on to the Dias. Com. Shyamkumar, President Kerala Circle presided over the Open Session. In the Open House session was attended and addressed by Com. P. Venugopal, President AIBSNLEA CHQ, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS , Advisor of AIBSNLEA Kerala Sri. Mangalanandan, Com. Shiva Kumar, Circle Secretary of Tamil Nadu Circle, , Com. Shyamkumar, President Kerala Circle, from Associating side.From administration side Shri Anantharam, CGMT, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum, PGM(F).Shri.K. Kolanthavel Kerala Circle, GM (EB) ,GM(S&M)-EB and GM(S&M)-CM Shri. Jyothisankar . S and Sri. D. Mohan, GM (A/HR ) were blessed the occasion with their presence and addressing. In the very proud presidential address Circle president elaborated the BSNL strengths and weaknesses . He also emphasized the need of committed trade unionism for AIBSNLEA , the gentle executive association. Circle secretary presented his key note address by touching all areas of BSNL service and issues of executives. While thanking the CGMT for his very positive approach toward the development of Kerala circle and for the comfort of executive he stressed the necessity of paying attention to the issues to be sorted out yet. He expressed the total resentment in the devil care attitude and provocation style of GM , TVM SSA towards AIBSNLEA Executive and to the development of TVM SSA. Two memorandums are handed over to the GS for immediate settlement of grievances of the concerned members. One by O-JTO Comrades (handed over to GS by Com.Balakrishnan-KNR and Com.Pushparaj ?TVM) for taking all out efforts by GS to count their officiating period for service weightage and second by O-JAO comrades (handed over to GS by Com.Shaji-TVM SSA and team ) for the humble involvement of GS into the matter at corporate office level to obtain a very positive response to the letter written by Kerala circle so that they may be posted as regular JAOs without any further delay. Later while replaying GS assured to take all the possible efforts for the materialization of the memorandum at corporate office level at the earliest. Com. ShivaKumar, Circle Secretary of Tamil Nadu Circle gave a speech in the Open session and extended thanks for inviting him for the CEC of Kerala Circle and in detail elaborated the issues of executives . TELEWAVE 24 APRIL-2016
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