Page 19 - TELEWAVE APRIL-2016
P. 19
management side and GS AIBSNLEA, FS AIBSNLEA, AGS AIBSNLEA, President AIGETOA, AGS AIGETOA, OS AIGETOA, GS SNEA, President SNEA, OS (South) SNEA from association side. The KHAN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONs pertaining to implementation of standard E2 and E3 pay scales were discussed in detail. AIBSNELA and AIGETOA emphasized that Khan committee recommendations pertains to the replacement of non-standard E1A and E2A scales with E2 and E3 respectively and management should consider implementing this recommendation in true and letter spirit i.e implementing the standard pay scales E2 and E3 as replacement of E1A and E2A w.e.f. 01.01.2007. The subsequent repercussions can be taken care of and resolved in consultation with all the stake holders as and when they arise which is normally the procedure while implementing PRC recommendations. The scales needs to be replaced immediately as the 3rd PRC is shortly going to be constituted. The view was endorsed unanimously by all present in the meeting including the chairperson of the meeting. While the consensus view was welcomed by Director (HR), the same was perhaps not digestible to GM (Estt) and her team. In the whole meeting, they were raising the issues which were not in existence and continuously insisting to take care of the anomalies now only. On asked which type of anomalies, their answer was that they are still not sure about them but emphasized that the anomalies are bound to occur if the recommendations are implemented. We again reminded them that anomalies are always the by- product of implementation of any policy but that should not be the reason of not implementing the policies/decisions/recommendation. Raising the non-existing fear of anomalies is nothing but deliberate ploy of Establishment section to drag the issue further and to dilute the flow of the resolution of the issue. Any such dilly-dallying of the matter further will be opposed tooth and nail by us. We in clear cut terms emphasized that now when consensus has reached between all the three associations, there should not be any further delay on the resolution but the approach of establishment cell with their continued insistence on analyzing the anomalies makes us believe that the issue is not going to see the light of the day till another struggle is launched. Earlier they were taking the excuse of not having a consensus view and now that all the three associations have unanimously given their mandate to go ahead with the implementation as stated in Khan Committee Report (In fact what we understand that same was conveyed by all of us individually also), establishment cell is taking the excuse of analyzing the anomalies and subsequent fall outs which is not at all required as of now. It was quite clear in the meeting that the focus of establishment cell is to drag the issue on one pretext or another. Similarly, no concrete action has been taken yet be personnel cell for implementation of the second part of Khan Committee Recommendation i.e. CPSU Cadre Hierarchy. The issue has been pending for more than eight months and even the presentation on the same has yet not been arranged by Personnel cell to the competent authority. This makes us believe that the final resolution requires another decisive struggle. The recommendation on Superannuation Benefit and Commitment of CMD BSNL to extend at least 6% Superannuation Fund has similarly been diluted by the unending/non-conclusive/unjustified comments by Finance Wing. We are very much sure that the Personnel and Establishment cell is taking these two issues also to similar directions. Fearing that continuous delay on the resolution of the issues by the section dealing with them is nothing but a deliberate attempt by HR managers of BSNL to dilute the issues till they die a natural death, the United Forum has decided to serve notice for organizational action for immediate resolution of the issues as another deadline of 30th April is also going to pass without any result. We will try to take our sister associations also in the picture if they agree to come with us else we are prepared to go alone. The program for organizational action shall be as below: Organizational actions and schedule:  "Lunch/Closing Hour Demonstrations" at BSNL CO/Circle/SSA headquarters on 3rd May 2016.  One Day Dharna at BSNL CO/Circle/SSA headquarters on 12th May 2016.  Three days "Hunger Fast" at BSNL CO/Circle/SSA headquarters on 25th , 26th and 27th May 2016 (10:00 Hours to 18:00 Hours).  "Work According to Rules" with effect from 25th May 2016 (10:00 Hours) till the settlement of demands. TELEWAVE 19 APRIL-2016
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