Page 6 - TELEWAVE MAY-2016
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4. Subject: Necessary provisions which are absolutely essential for conducting the Membership verification of Executive Associations in BSNL electronically with secrecy-Reg. Reference: BSNL Corporate Office Letter No. BSNL/5-1/SR/2016 Dated 25.05.2016 In the above cited reference and subject matter it is submitted that to maintain secrecy in election even country like USA President Election is being conducted through secret ballots and polling in India through EVMs but not through Internet/Intranet systems to avoid false voting. We are strong in our opinion that the election of majority Executive Association in BSNL should be through secret ballot only as in the case of Non-Executives’ Unions elections in BSNL. Further, in this connection, the following are submitted for your kind consideration and necessary action to ensure secret and democratic elections in BSNL of majority Executives Association in September 2016. We are confident that you will consider the views/suggestions given by this Association to have non-controversial election. 1. There should be a central server (A) at ITPC Pune where the master program should be loaded and other polling stations should be connected through authorized passwords only. Representatives of Associations should be there in the server room or at any suitable places as polling/counting agents. There should be display on the information like number/detail of polling stations logged in, number of votes polled station wise etc. This display may be in form of a webpage which should be refreshed periodically and can be viewed by all concern with passwords 2. In polling stations there should be two computers. One with polling officer (B) and other (C) where voters should cast their vote. B & C both should be logged in with A but program should be such that B should control operation of (C). 3. The server A should recognize each pair of B & C with separate identity. There should be several hundred B & C terminals through the country. One pair for each polling station. Standby PCs has to be there in each polling station for emergency replacement. 4. The Polling Stations should be so located that the executives need not travel more than 5 KMs in districts and more than 3 KMs in cities. 5. The Polling Stations are not to be manned by officers below the rank of GM and equivalent. 6. The Suitable security arrangements of Police/Guard etc. should be there at each the polling station. 7. The suitable monitoring should be there to avoid the false polling in the elections. 8. Polling agents are to be allowed in all polling stations. They should identify the voters and observe the polling procedure. 9. Polling Station wise voter list has to be prepared and circulated at least 3 months before the polling day for verification, information and campaign activity and the Executives’ hereafter should not be transferred till the completion of the election process. 10. In each Polling Station executives working in near vicinity under different CGMs should cast their vote. There should be separate login for each CGM in every polling station. Before casting the vote the terminals B & C have to be logged in suitably. The login IDs should be operative till all the votes allotted for that particular polling centre are casted. Once all votes are casted the login ID should be locked. This is for precaution to prevent any untoward happenings. 11. Executives should present themselves before the polling officers with their identity cards, their names are to be scored off from voter list, indelible ink to be applied on his figure and then polling officer with B should made C active for casting one single vote with proper login id as at 8 above. Once the vote is casted some prominent color display should appear at the screen of B and should remain till next time poling officer energizes C for next vote. (This is something like polling by EVMs in general elections) The screen of B should be visible to all polling agents 12. The polled votes should be recorded polling station wise and has to be tallied with the attendance of that polling station. For small circles like Inspection Circle, ITPC, Regions, Projects etc the recording TELEWAVE 6 MAY-2016