Page 9 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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6.5 Does your CPSE have a ‘Succession Planning’ in place? If so, please mention important points. AIBSNLEA The Data relating to point 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 are to be furnished by the BSNL Management. Regarding 6.4 it is intimated that at present there is an Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) i.e. Time Bound Promotions on non-functional basis (upgradation of scales) First time bound promotion after 4 to 6 years and subsequent time bound promotions after every 5 years in the higher grades. The functional promotions are being governed as per the BSNL MS RRs on availability of posts i.e. post based promotions. BSNL is offing changes in the promotion policy by implementing CPSU cadre hierarchy wherein from JTO equivalent executives to DE equivalent executives functional promotions will be there on every 5 years irrespective of the availability of the posts with change of designation. The post based promotions shall be available from DGM and above. Further, the promotion policies for several wings of BSNL differ widely. For an example for promotion to the grade of Executive Engineer (Civil/Electrical) a SDE(C/E) in service with Diploma qualification is not eligible whereas in other disciplines like telecom, finance, CSS qualification of existing employees is not an issue. Though management has issued some clarifications treating Diploma with 10 years of experience as degree in engineering as per DOPT & DOT letters, the issue remained unresolved. This kind of anomalies should be removed. 7. Relativity with Government/Private sector/Multinational Corporations 7.1 Should the new compensation packages in CPSEs w.e.f. 01.01.2017 onwards be based on the packages as they now exist, with some percentage increase, or would you suggest any other method? AIBSNLEA Suggestions given at P.4.1 & 4.2 7.2 Should CPSE pay scales and allowances have any linkage to the pay scales and allowances in the Government? If so, what are your suggestions? AIBSNLEA Yes, to some extent. While the CPSE having pay scales and allowances on IDA pattern should have some definite linkage to the pay scales and allowances in the government (as the pension is the liability of government in BSNL), the growing Private Sector and the competition of CPSEs with this sector has also to be kept in view to keep the attrition from CPSEs at the lowest. 7.3 How do the current compensation package in CPSEs compare with their competitors in private sector or multinationals? AIBSNLEA For the service industry like BSNL, where the obligation of Govt. of India is undertaken at the cost of BSNL profit. Hence the performance of the BSNL cannot be compared with their Competitors in Private Sectors or multinationals. 7.4 Taking into account the advantages other than pay, derived by employees in CPSEs vis-à-vis the private sector like security of tenure, promotional avenues, retirement packages, housing and other invisibles, can there be any fair comparison between the salaries of public and private Sector? AIBSNLEA Yes. All the facilities given in CPSEs can be quantified and it can be seen that even these benefits do not make up for the higher emoluments given by the Private Sector enterprises in the same field. Further, the private sector does enjoy higher pay scales besides huge autonomy in fast decision making, working from office/residence or anywhere, powers to spend in any activity, luxurious travel & stay, gratifying others to get their work done, no fear of CVC etc by which they stand atop in their business. This should also be taken into consideration. 7.5 If parity of emoluments for CPSEs with that of private sector is recommended, what changes in CPSEs in terms of performance targets, evaluation, accountability and other conditions of service etc., shall be insisted? AIBSNLEA In case of substantial increase in the packages of emoluments for executives of CPSEs differential scale may be devised to reward the executives giving better performance and having accountability on TELEWAVE 9 JULY-2016