Page 5 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
P. 5
1.4 (a) Is the present system of classifying the CPSEs on the basis of Schedule i.e. ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ is satisfactory? If not, please suggest alternative ways of classification of CPSEs with adequate justifications. AIBSNLEA The present system of classifying the CPSEs is satisfactory hence there is no need to revise the present classification of Schedule of CPSE (A, B, C, D). However, there should be periodical review of the classification. 1.4 (b) Once a system of classification is agreed, should uniformity of pay scales within each of the category be maintained? If not reasons therefor and also suggest suitable alternatives. AIBSNLEA Present system of uniformity appears to be in order. The present system of uniformity of pay scales within each of the four schedules (ABCD) should continue. 1.5 In the absence of some degree of uniformity, isn’t there a risk of migration of talent from financially weak CPSEs to financially better off CPSEs thereby further jeopardising future of the weak CPSEs. Will it also not lead to unhealthy competition amongst CPSEs to attract/retain the talent, which in the long run may act to the detriment of the public sector? AIBSNLEA It is suggested that there should be a parity between all the CPSEs and private sectors to ensure dedicated and efficient service. The pay scales of executives decided by the Government - and to give performance linked incentives to individual executives will not only minimize the migration of talent but also attract/ retain the best talent and productive personnel in the CPSE. 1.6 Would you suggest any changes in the existing relationship between pay packages of workmen and executives/supervisors immediately above level of workmen? AIBSNLEA The existing relationship between pay packages of workmen and executives/supervisors immediately above level of workmen may continue. IN BSNL the pay scales of workmen starts from NE1 to NE11 with no specific mention of supervisor posts though there are many supervisor posts like office superintendent, TTAs, senior accountants etc. The pay scale of executives starts from E1 to E9 which is the scale of SAG, HAG and HAG+. It should be extended up to E 12 at least to avoid the equal pay for three levels and to have equal structure as per NE. 2. Emoluments structure including pay, allowances and other facilities/benefits th 2.1 Over the years, the Central Pay Commissions especially the 6 CPC advocated reduction in the number of pay scales. In the 7th CPC recommendations, however, there were no further reductions. Do you feel whether the existing number of pay scales in the CPSEs should be retained or modified? Please give your suggestions. AIBSNLEA In the 7th CPC recommendations, however, there were no further reductions in the existing number of pay scales. But, in the CPSEs the existing number of pay scales needs to be modified up to the level of E12 to provide pay scales on promotion to the senior level executive’s equivalent at the rank of SAG / HAG and above to keep them motivated and contended. 2.2 What should be the minimum and the maximum pay in CPSEs ? What should be the reasonable ratio between them? AIBSNLEA Minimum Pay should be Rs. 50,400 and the Maximum Pay should be Rs. 5,00,000 in CPSEs. A ratio of 1:4 would be a reasonable one. While Coining New Pay Scales it should be so ensured the minimum of the scale so fixed should not be less than the amount arrived at by adding Fitment amount on Pay+DA to avoid pay loss to the new entrants. Further those who are on Rolls as on 01-01-2017 should not draw less than the amount to avoid drop in Emoluments arrived at as per Fitment Formulae(Basic Pay plus IDA and Fitment % there off). The proposed scales are tabulated as below: Grade Existing Scale Proposed Scale E-0 12600 - 32500 50400 - 130000 E-1 16400 - 40500 65600 - 162000 E-2 20600 - 46500 82400 - 186000 TELEWAVE 5 JULY-2016