Page 6 - TELEWAVE JULY-2016
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E-3 24900 - 50500 99600 - 202000 E-4 29100 - 54500 116400 - 218000 E-5 32900 - 58000 131600 - 232000 E-6 36600 - 62000 146400 - 248000 E-7 43200 - 66000 172800 - 264000 E-8 51300 - 73000 205200 - 292000 E-9 62000 - 80000 248000 - 320000 E-10 - - E-11 - - E-12 - - Director (A) 75000 - 100000 300000 - 400000 CMD (A) 80000 - 125000 320000 - 500000 2.3 What in your opinion is the desirable ratio of pay scale between top level and entry level? AIBSNLEA A ratio of 1:4 appears to be reasonable. 2.4 What is the expected ratio of manpower cost to cost of production/sales turnover in your industry? AIBSNLEA BSNL being a PSU fully owned by the central govt is carrying out the social obligations of the govt without considering the cost factor particularly in Left Wing Extremist areas, J&K state, NE regions and remote & far flung locations on pan India basis. Furthermore the decisions are also influenced by the stringent policies and frequent govt. Interferences, fear of CVC and all statutory bodies. So it is difficult to fix any such ratio of man power cots to sales turn over in the present set up. However as proposed elsewhere the performance of the employees shall be linked to the pay & promotion to enhance the performance and thereby reducing man power cost to revenue earned. 2.5 What should be the method of fixing pay in the revised pay scales? Should there be a point-to-point fixation? If not, please suggest an alternate method with illustration by which it can be ensured that persons with longer service are suitably protected. AIBSNLEA There should be point to point fixation in the revised pay scales. That will ensure that seniors are not at a disadvantage vis-à-vis their juniors and due weightage is given for the longer service rendered by the former. Alternatively, the pay should be fixed as per standard method of fixation on implementation of new pay scales consequent to recommendation of pay revision committee i.e. it may be fixed after adding 40 % of total emoluments as on 01-01-2017 ensuring that each should get minimum of one increment in revised pay scale for every three increments earned in pre-revised pay scale as on 01-01-2017. 2.6 What should be the pattern of pay scales of Board level executives? AIBSNLEA Yes, the pay scale of board level executives should be redesigned to attract the candidate from Corporate World. The pay scale of CMD and board of Directors are proposed in Para 2.2 above. 3. Increments 3.1 Should the rate of increment be fixed as absolute value or based on percentage basis? AIBSNLEA The rate of increment should be based on percentage basis. The increment should be uniformly drawn either on 1st January or 1st July as in the case of Central government Employees to minimise anomaly cases and to bring uniformity by categorising the entire Executives into two categories in the case of Drawal of normal increment. 3.2 What should be the rates of increments in respect of different scales of pay? AIBSNLEA The rate of increment should be 5% in respect of all scales of pay. TELEWAVE 6 JULY-2016